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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Buc252
    I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I just get tired of so many Sam fans bashing Jack all the time. From my perspective, he's been 100% honorable through the entire thing, whereas some see him as evil incarnate. <sigh>

    I'm getting more and more sorry I come in here every night. Aren't there ANY Jack supporters left in this shipper family? (Rhetorical question - I don't expect answers.)
    Absolutely! I miss him so much that I can't stand it! It's the strangest thing: I learned that RDA was leaving SG-1 and Noah Wyle was leaving ER around the same time. I was worried that it would ruin my enjoyment of both shows. You know I've been disappointed with S9 of SG-1. It's also scary not knowing if RDA will ever be back, although I think he will.

    But when ER premiered, it moved and felt just like it should. SG-1 was so RDA-focused, where ER has always been an ensemble. You hate to see people go, but I find it easier to live with there.

    But back to what we were talking about. I think Sam and Jack have both made mistakes where the other was concerned.....but they were all made because he or she thought it was the "right thing to do" at the time. Angst! I adore them both, but I don't think either person is perfect.

    Just IMHO.

    Off to dinner! Back soon!


      Has anyone heard anything about S8 DVD's having the shortened version of Threads? I just saw a complaint about it on another thread. Anybody have theirs yet who can confirm or deny?

      s u g a r s h a k e r


        In Canada it's the shortened version so I expect it's the same in the US. It cuts out the scene where Sam is talking on the phone in the briefing room plus shortens other Sam and Jack conversations. Interesting that ALL Teal'c scenes were cut out but NONE of Daniel's. Sorry for being snarky but after the disaster that is called Season 9 I was really looking forward to commentaries for season 8. Are they trying to ruin Stargate???


          Originally posted by sueKay
          If I lived in the US, I'd wait for region 2 and get the unlock code for my DVD player. The German DVDs are the best, but I'd say the UK edition's pretty nice too!

          It looks like region 4 has the same as region 2. Not half of that stuff is on region 1.
          sig by PM


            Don't you have to have a multi-region DVD player to play region 2 in region 1? What are we going to do - get the UK shippers to send us all the 90 min. Threads and go out and buy multi-region DVD players? No way. There must be a simpler explanation and solution. Dang!!!!!

            I thought it was odd that the S8 boxed set was cheaper than the previous ones.

            s u g a r s h a k e r


              Originally posted by sugarshaker
              Don't you have to have a multi-region DVD player to play region 2 in region 1? What are we going to do - get the UK shippers to send us all the 90 min. Threads and go out and buy multi-region DVD players? No way. There must be a simpler explanation and solution. Dang!!!!!

              I thought it was odd that the S8 boxed set was cheaper than the previous ones.
              I don't have them yet, but I'm almost certain that JM said that the full version of Threads would be on the DVD.....that it was only shortened for the Skiffy rerun. If it's not the full version, a lot of people are going to be angry.....and I probably won't buy them. Could someone please confirm?


                A couple of days ago I listed a site with amazing Stargate videos, all leaning towards Sam and Jack. They are so well done they look professional. If you need cheering up over the present lack of anything remotely Sam and Jack I will post the site again. It's Sam and Jack fans "Go to your happy place"


                  ((((((Greetings Shippers)))))
                  RL at work has been hectic and my routine has been topsy turvy. But, I'm happily back!! I'll be going on a week's vacation beginning this Thursday, October 6. I'm taking Sally Malcolm's A Matter of Honor and about a half ream of printed Sam and Jack fanfiction!!!! Yeah, some of these stories are over 100 pages!!! Oy, and heavy!!!! But, worth every pound to have some good reading material!!!


                    I don't know about which version of Threads is on Region 1 boxset, but there is supposed to be a audio commentary for each episode. Here is the website MGM sent me when they spammed me to buy Season 8.


                    I had already pre-ordered thru GW, and it is in the mail. I will be extremely angry if the full version of Threads is not in the boxset along with the commentary!! MGM WILL receive the fruits of my wrath!! But I'm trying to be positive! I would hate to think that fans get screwed over such a definitive episode!!

                    Token ~


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      With the Sam/Jack and Sam and/or Jack supporter issue...I have to agree with Buc252.

                      IMO there's a lot of support for Sam now and less and less for Jack.
                      Maybe part of the reason for that is because(1) Sam has this thread all her own , combining Sam fans of all persuasions (some shippers, some def. not) (2) also Jack is no longer on the show except for those tiny bits(3) Sam is still on the show and fans are worried that she will not get her rightful due with Mitchell around (and Vala coming back). This shipper thread lost a lot of participants after S8 and I don't think it was any controversy, they just lost heart and moved on.

                      What happened to the days when we all agreed that they should have that convo? I don't see anything wrong with a measured discussion of why they didn't have it and hopefully could have avoided the whole engagement mess, etc. One thing that bugs me is those threads(not here) that go on about Sam mooning after Jack and losing her smarts because of him. If she lost anything it was due to Pete (repeat, it was written that way, it was written that way) Also threads that yap about soap operas.


                        Cross-posting from the RDA Thunk thread: Testing my new siggie. You like? (It's shippy, if you imagine Jack signing it to Pete!)


                          Originally posted by Token
                          I don't know about which version of Threads is on Region 1 boxset, but there is supposed to be a audio commentary for each episode. Here is the website MGM sent me when they spammed me to buy Season 8.


                          I had already pre-ordered thru GW, and it is in the mail. I will be extremely angry if the full version of Threads is not in the boxset along with the commentary!! MGM WILL receive the fruits of my wrath!! But I'm trying to be positive! I would hate to think that fans get screwed over such a definitive episode!!
                          I don't have a DVD player yet, hopelessly out of it, I guess, but why do they have different versions of the commentary, like Region l, etc?


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                            Maybe part of the reason for that is because(1) Sam has this thread all her own , combining Sam fans of all persuasions (some shippers, some def. not) (2) also Jack is no longer on the show except for those tiny bits(3) Sam is still on the show and fans are worried that she will not get her rightful due with Mitchell around (and Vala coming back). This shipper thread lost a lot of participants after S8 and I don't think it was any controversy, they just lost heart and moved on.

                            What happened to the days when we all agreed that they should have that convo? I don't see anything wrong with a measured discussion of why they didn't have it and hopefully could have avoided the whole engagement mess, etc. One thing that bugs me is those threads(not here) that go on about Sam mooning after Jack and losing her smarts because of him. If she lost anything it was due to Pete (repeat, it was written that way, it was written that way) Also threads that yap about soap operas.
                            I'd like to steer the direction of the conversation in another direction related to the issue of TPTB's handling of ship over the years. My question ot you all is which writer you think has done the best job of writing ship, not just in moments, but also in terms of storylines. I'll give a listing of some of our "favourite" writers and the episodes with ship they have written.

                            1. Brad Wright - Solitudes, Into the Fire, Point of View, A Hundred Days
                            2. Robert C. Cooper - Point of View, Nemesis, Crace, Chimera, Threads
                            3. Joe Mallozzi and Paul Mullie - Window of Opportunity
                            4. Damian Kindler
                            5. Peter DeLuise - Entity, Death Knell, Affinity
                            6. Heather E. Ash - Beneath the Surface
                            7. Jonathan Glassner - The Broca Divide, Point of View

                            Just list them in order of best to worst. I didn't list There But For the Grace of God because it was written by David Kemper, the producer of Farscape, who wrote only that one episode to my knowledge.

                            Anyone else find it interesting that the first episode Jonathan Glassner wrote for the series (outside the series premiere) had Sam in a tank top jumping Jack in the locker room?


                              Excellent question. I'm struggling for an answer though cos most of the writers have written shippy eps I love, but then also written eps I can't bear to watch! Just look at the eps from Brad that you've listed - Solitudes, Into the Fire and POV - all wonderfully shippy, but 100 Days makes me want to scratch Laira's eyeballs out!

                              I do think it's a real shame we didn't get to see more from Heather E Ash - going from memory here but I think she only did one other S4 ep aside from BTS. There was definitely a more sympathetic view on the ship in her eps, as well as great stories. Maybe that's why *sigh*

                              PDL will always be one of my faves. I love him to bits cos he's so funny and also excells at angst. So much so I can *almost* forgive the fubars in Affinity. I thought the premise of Teal'c living off base was great - until the running away with Krista thing. I thought that was really out of character for T. The less said by me about the ring thing the better cos it won't be anything new :sad:


                                Originally posted by trupi
                                Has everyone read MeiMei's "The Day before the Morning After" . Great fanfic!
                                thanks for the rec, trupi.

                                can you tell me, though, what the plot of this story is? (i'd prefer to know before reading)



