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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I agree MG...things could turn on a dime. But I'm going to rest in the "he ain't comin' back" motel because it'll cause much less stress.

    Now if he did come back full time...well, duh, I'd love it. But rather than freak about what I wish I had or wanna have, I'm just going to enjoy what I got and will continue to get and know they easily EASILY could have gone the Mrs. Pete Shanihan route.

    And they didn't.

    Oh, and...just because I like to say it and it's canon...Sam and Jack are together.

    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
      I agree MG...things could turn on a dime. But I'm going to rest in the "he ain't comin' back" motel because it'll cause much less stress.

      Now if he did come back full time...well, duh, I'd love it. But rather than freak about what I wish I had or wanna have, I'm just going to enjoy what I got and will continue to get and know they easily EASILY could have gone the Mrs. Pete Shanihan route.

      And they didn't.

      Oh, and...just because I like to say it and it's canon...Sam and Jack are together.
      Who's freaking? Who?!


      Sorry, I just read the funniest little Sam/Jack story on - the "brains" reference only works if you're an old zombie movie buff. Like - I am (did I just say that out loud?).

      Hilariously enough, the darn fic is called: "If Wishes Were Horses"! It's by Karen T.

      & Brrrraaaaaaaiiinnnnsssss!!

      mini(nothing, i swear)geek

      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        So I'm happy in my knowledge that they are together...sad that we won't see any of it onscreen (but my imagination is quite vivid thank you very much)...and at peace with the fact we'll see something onscreen between them in the future.

        Silver lining my friends...silver lining. Just keep in mind...they might never have given us Threads...and Sam would have been married to...wassisname???

        P.S...Do you all GET that they are in fact together? JM might have been dancing in his blog but he said quite clearly that Sam/Jack shippers should watch EDM. Ergo, that one line applies to Sam and Jack. Just because we aren't seeing it onscreen doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Let me repeat it because it bears repeating: FOLKS! THEY ARE TOGETHER!

        You're absolutely right, Über! You all know that I'm no big fan of JM.....but this is as close an admission to canon as I think we can hope for, until (and notice I say "until") RDA returns. Relax. It will happen.


          Originally posted by nell
          I'm not happy but with this news I can readjust my expectations to, how did Joe say it, ah, yes, "Unlikely." After I read Joe's blog, I decided to read all the GW Season 9 spoilers. If Jack isn't coming back this season, I decided I wouldn't be "spoiling" any possible shippy surprises. Damn, he was right!
          I just wish people wouldn't take Joe so literally. Show business is all about positioning and posturing. You rarely get a straight answer out of any of these people. And sometimes, you get inconsistent answers. To me, it's all meaningless. Besides, when they do get RDA to come back, they'll really hype it closer to time for the appearances, in order to increase interest and viewership.

          And I've never read anything about THE SHIP in any spoilers. That's just stuff they aren't going to release that way.

          Originally posted by minigeek
          The thing is, I've seen actors "retire" for a year, or two years and then sign back on. All Joe knows is that as of the present time, RDA has no contractual agreement to appear in Stargate further to what has already aired. They're so squiggy about lawsuits in this darn industry, they can't even say someone sneezed without adding the caveat "allegedly" - just in case it doesn't pan out. RDA's future on Stargate, even as a regular, could still change on a dime.
          What she said! I'm not worried. I just wish they had resolved it definitively while they still had RDA there on a regular basis. The fact that they didn't tells me that they plan to eventually, when they can gain more advantage from it. Call me crazy, but show business people are like politicians.....they're just not well-acquainted with the truth.


            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
            You're absolutely right, Über! You all know that I'm no big fan of JM.....but this is as close an admission to canon as I think we can hope for, until (and notice I say "until") RDA returns. Relax. It will happen.
            You and Uber (sorry Uber, I forget how to do the umlaut) are unwavering in your hope/assertion that RDA will return. Right now, after Joe's disclosures, I'm much less certain than I was before reading his blog. I don't think Joe's playing around. I am curious about the precipitant(s) to these admissions. Obviously, to me, TPTB, or at least Joe, are taking heat about backstory omissions and Jack's mysterious circumstances of transfer to Homeworld Security. And right he/they are. FCOL, it's mid-season and we know very little about many things. I will reserve final judgement till after we talk some more and ponder about the implications.



              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
              I just wish people wouldn't take Joe so literally. Show business is all about position and posturing. You rarely get a straight answer out of any of these people. And sometimes, you get inconsistent answers. To me, it's all meaningless. Besides, when they do get RDA to come back, they'll really hype it closer to time for the appearances, in order to increase interest and viewership.

              And I've never read anything about THE SHIP in any spoilers. That's just stuff they aren't going to release that way.

              What she said! I'm not worried. I just wish they had resolved it definitively while they still had RDA there on a regular basis. The fact that they didn't tells me that they plan to eventually, when they can gain more advantage from it. Call me crazy, but show business people are like politicians.....they're just not well-acquainted with the truth.
              I don't know about the entertainment business from direct experience. So, I appreciate your familiarity with how this works. I do have experience as a TV viewer over, ah, lots of years, and, yeah, show development seems to be in a perpetual state of flux. To me, that RDA did not leave the show with a big farewell was a tangible hope that he was bowing out temporarily. Daughter. Charitable projects. Well-earned R&R. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

              I hope he returns in a significant way to resolve the Ship even for one episode. In the meantime, I am confident that Sam and Jack are together!!!


                Originally posted by nell
                You and Uber (sorry Uber, I forget how to do the umlaut) are unwavering in your hope/assertion that RDA will return. Right now, after Joe's disclosures, I'm much less certain than I was before reading his blog. I don't think Joe's playing around. I am curious about the precipitant(s) to these admissions. Obviously, to me, TPTB, or at least Joe, are taking heat about backstory omissions and Jack's mysterious circumstances of transfer to Homeworld Security. And right he/they are. FCOL, it's mid-season and we know very little about many things. I will reserve final judgement till after we talk some more and ponder about the implications.

                See remember...take your rest in the "he ain't coming back" motel...that way, if he makes a return appearance, you're thrilled.

                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  shippers, i've got a question for you --

                  what s/j ending was better - lost city or threads/moebius?

                  before you answer, think carefully of what we went through to get to threads/moebius? was it worth it?

                  to answer for myself, i pick lost city.

                  your pick?




                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    shippers, i've got a question for you --

                    what s/j ending was better - lost city or threads/moebius?

                    before you answer, think carefully of what we went through to get to threads/moebius? was it worth it?

                    to answer for myself, i pick lost city.

                    your pick?

                    Let's see though. At the end of Threads, we got Sam willing to tell Jack how she feels and fishing.

                    At the end of Lost City, we got Sam almost willing to tell Jack how she feels and a Jackcicle.


                    I think I'll stick with Threads.

                    ...although I understand that, if kept at the appropriate temperature, Jackcicle's last through the summer heat longer than fish...

                    Nope. Still Threads. Yet oddly, I'm compelled to watch Solitudes again...

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      shippers, i've got a question for you --

                      what s/j ending was better - lost city or threads/moebius?

                      before you answer, think carefully of what we went through to get to threads/moebius? was it worth it?

                      to answer for myself, i pick lost city.

                      your pick?

                      Threads/Moebius!!! for these very important reasons
                      Sam broke off her engagement to because she realized that she was in love with Jack!!! Jack did not protest when his new love interest broke up with him because of his feelings for Sam!! And Sam accepted Jack's invitation to fish!!!


                        spoilers for s7's grace, lost city and s8's new order, affinity, threads, and moebius


                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                        Let's see though. At the end of Threads, we got Sam willing to tell Jack how she feels and fishing.

                        At the end of Lost City, we got Sam almost willing to tell Jack how she feels and a Jackcicle.


                        I think I'll stick with Threads.

                        ...although I understand that, if kept at the appropriate temperature, Jackcicle's last through the summer heat longer than fish...

                        Nope. Still Threads. Yet oddly, I'm compelled to watch Solitudes again...

                        you know why i pick lost city? by the time we got to lost city, the worst we went through was chimera (the ep of famine and death). and in between chimera and lost city, we had some great ship.

                        in lost city, sam tried (twice) to tell jack how she felt. grace told us that sam was confused by her real feelings for jack and his for hers. i believe 100 percent that sam knew what hers were by lost city. that scene where she's taken jack's face in her hands, begging him to save himself. and then when he was frozen, reaching out to touch jack's face through the ice, with her longingly staring at him... it told us *everything* we needed to know about jack in her heart.

                        then go to new order. it was shippy, but what should *not* have been there was pete. he should have been long dumped and sam just focusing on rescuing jack. and then we have sam accepting @%$&'s marriage proposal...

                        what we got in threads/moebius wasn't worth it to me, because every single thing i wanted to be told/shown to me was in lost city.

                        i wish the show had ended with lost city.




                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          spoilers for s7's grace, lost city and s8's new order, affinity, threads, and moebius


                          you know why i pick lost city? by the time we got to lost city, the worst we went through was chimera (the ep of famine and death). and in between chimera and lost city, we had some great ship.

                          in lost city, sam tried (twice) to tell jack how she felt. grace told us that sam was confused by her real feelings for jack and his for hers. i believe 100 percent that sam knew what hers were by lost city. that scene where she's taken jack's face in her hands, begging him to save himself. and then when he was frozen, reaching out to touch jack's face through the ice, with her longingly staring at him... it told us *everything* we needed to know about jack in her heart.

                          then go to new order. it was shippy, but what should *not* have been there was pete. he should have been long dumped and sam just focusing on rescuing jack. and then we have sam accepting @%$&'s marriage proposal...

                          what we got in threads/moebius wasn't worth it to me, because every single thing i wanted to be told/shown to me was in lost city.

                          i wish the show had ended with lost city.

                          And yet...WE GOT FISHING!!!! LOL

                          Plus, with Threads, Sam categorically was willing to and did break off her engagement with Pete because she knew what she wanted...and she was willing to deal with whatever professional consequences that might entail. Not sure Lost City Sam was there quite yet. It took the actual application of Sam's theory (house and a dog) for her to realize the premise was incorrect.

                          And don't forget....WE GOT FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            I too am confused why leave it hanging? I am even more upset when ep (beachead) came on and Sam says,not really to the question so are you single? That drove me crazy.Does anyone have any thoughts on this episode because I think It would be cool if RDA did a guest spot and they wrapped this up. Did S/J get together and are now dating since they are no longer in the same chain of command. BTW I used to be military and this is not a rule. Officers can date so long as they are within 2 paygrades of each other. Oh well I guess that is not important since RDA left the show but I sure would like to know for my own peace of mind.
                            Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


                              Originally posted by atfan
                              I too am confused why leave it hanging? I am even more upset when ep (beachead) came on and Sam says,not really to the question so are you single? That drove me crazy.Does anyone have any thoughts on this episode because I think It would be cool if RDA did a guest spot and they wrapped this up. Did S/J get together and are now dating since they are no longer in the same chain of command. BTW I used to be military and this is not a rule. Officers can date so long as they are within 2 paygrades of each other. Oh well I guess that is not important since RDA left the show but I sure would like to know for my own peace of mind.
                              they left it hanging because they could-it is an out for them and a way of drawing in fans-without really having to promise or actually do anything. If they think that they can hold onto a certain part of the fandom by promising everything and delivering nothing they will do it. Look at season 8-threads-as cute as it was-still really didn't settle anything (in my mind it didn't-so-they went fishing-but so did daniel and teal'c) and mobieus was a big joke-and an out for them as well-because they could argue that it is an alternate, alternate alternate-ad nauseum
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                                they left it hanging because they could-it is an out for them and a way of drawing in fans-without really having to promise or actually do anything. If they think that they can hold onto a certain part of the fandom by promising everything and delivering nothing they will do it. Look at season 8-threads-as cute as it was-still really didn't settle anything (in my mind it didn't-so-they went fishing-but so did daniel and teal'c) and mobieus was a big joke-and an out for them as well-because they could argue that it is an alternate, alternate alternate-ad nauseum
                                Absoutely right! IMO as long as we keep chanting "ARE we there yet?", TPTB is going to keep yanking our chains by saying look what we gave you and there is a possibly there might be more----if I printed what I'm thinking, right this minute, I would can kicked off the thread! Enough! Let's keep our world alive the way that we know it is alive. We don't need them, we have our videos, pic captions,fanfics etc.- S/J are togther forever. We have a great thread which is getting torn apart by some selfish TPTB. Let them get their francize and ~~~~ We have the family and that is what makes us great!

