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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I agree Rogue.Most Shippers are using our common sense.Sadly
    TPTB have used very little sense when it comes to the Sam character.I think TPTB and AT would Love to return Sam to the way she was in earlier Seasons.I think they had enough of Sam's personal life the last 2 Years.I just think if we do not see Jack and Sam together in Season 9 there may be pressure to bring in someone else for Sam.We've gone from Sam having no personal Life to Sam being the most popular Woman in the galaxy.


      Originally posted by Rogue
      I agree. I think it would make Sam look really bad. Not that TPTB have a problem with dinging Sams character here lately. But the whole Jack and Sam story line we suffered thru in season 8 was to finally get them together. Jack
      could have stopped Kerry from walking out the door but he didn't. Sam broke up with Pete because of Jack. So to put Sam with Barrett or Baal would be crazy.
      I totally agree and hope you're right !!
      and anyway they could explore other sam's feelings like brotherhood and frendship for Danny boy and T...but wrong thread here...I know certain doesn't really appreciate Danny boy for his wrong timing

      something completely different, I love threads
      don't have the heart to write loved!!!
      Jacob and Cassie as guests and shippers of course do you guys have some good fic with those two ?


        I just noticed the news about the
        SG-1 Season premiere and how RDA says goodbye within the first 3 episodes.That does not sound good for Sam and Jack Ship.If we have Sam and Jack appear together for a few episodes we have no worries.The chance for a real Ship resolution would be great.The only hope is if RDA appears in latter episodes or RDA and AT filmed scenes last Year for Season 9.Even if it's true it's not smart for TPTB to annouce RDA leaving after the 3rd episode.You would think they would want the Fans to have some hope he would return for some late Season episodes.


          wow!! Grace on TV right Now !!!!
          see ya guys after the best kiss ever ;-)


            Originally posted by Oma-1
            I found the Smoke & Mirrors ref. Sam says she's going to Washington to look up an old acquaintance, so there's definitely some history there.

            S7 Resurrection

            Hee hee - found it It's definintely a brush off

            BARRETT: Right, of course. (A pause while Sam types.) So how've you been?
            CARTER: Busy. You?
            BARRETT: Busy.
            CARTER: You know, I never properly thanked you for that memo on Woolsey.
            BARRETT: Well maybe we could go out for dinner some time.
            (Another pause while Sam flinches and Barrett looks embarrassed but hopeful.)
            CARTER: It's just that I'm seeing someone right now.
            BARRETT: Really?! You?!
            CARTER (indignantly): *You* asked me out!
            BARRETT: Yeah, right. Sorry. I'm gonna go check in with Doctor Jackson and Teal'c. (He leaves the room hastily. Sam smiles.)

            She's seeing someone else now Matey! Ya missed the boat

            On reflection, maybe he really does like being rejected - she's already given him the brush off twice that we've seen, and possibly even before then in their "history"

            (just kidding)

            Yeah...he has lousy timing...first when she was with Pete and now, well she's FINALLY figured out what she wants...

            ...and if you're not sure what I mean by that, check my sig pic...

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Originally posted by lonely_star
              Hi Shippy Family !!! I've been reading you for a long time now !! and I enjoyed it a lot!! I've finally decided to join you !! I have the feeling to know you all now ! so I'm gonna present myself so you can know me better :-)

              My name is Marion, I'm french,I am studying in Minnesota (yay for jack's cabin !!!) and I'm a SHIPPER of course !!!

              Sam and Jack FOREVER ;-) even for season 9 !!

              I agree it doesn't look so good for the next season but i'll give it a chance and anyway in my heart and yours (and the fanfic ;-) ) they'll ALWAYS be together !!

              so hope I'll have fun with my new family and that we'll hear soon from the Con !!!
              sorry if I don't use the forum as I'm supposed to...don't ding me yet, I'm a poor new little french new shippy...hehe)

              Welcome Marion ! That's great, another frenchie in this family

              I'm sure you'll have fun here cause it's a really great place for all shippers
              Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                Welcome lonely_star! We're happy to have you here!

                We take all types in the shipper forum...French, British, Australian, Tennessean... (that's where I'm from...Tennessee)
                Yes, if you're a shipper, you're welcome

                Be sure to read the fanfic (especially mine...just look at my signature for the links and remember to post a review!!!) and watch all the videos and...most importantly...

                HAVE FUN!

                That's an order.

                Ahem, MB, speaking of fanfics, we're still waiting for the next part...
                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                  Grace is over...what an episode! like the way it's filmed, to give the spectator this feeling of desorientation than Sam lives...that's cool...sorry guys i'm an audiovisual stud so i'm pretty into realisation...anyway this episode shows once again AT's talent
                  one little regret, jack looks old in this conversation with sam, don't ya think? but still love him ;-)


                    Yeah, I noticed that, too...Maybe from TPTB keeping him from the woman he loves...?

                    Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                    still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                      Originally posted by florence
                      Yes, if you're a shipper, you're welcome

                      Ahem, MB, speaking of fanfics, we're still waiting for the next part...
                      I know...*growl*...but real life has me in its EVIL clutches right now. At this very moment I'm rendering two...count them TWO...videos for my clients.

                      The good news is that while I'm waiting, I've had a chance to come up with a couple of really neat twists and some other great Sam/Jack moments...

                      But I have to put off writing until I'm done with work!!!

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        ooOOoo...well, if it means more plot twists & turns..!! They do say good things come to those who wait. (How good is something you have to wait 9 years for, I wonder...*think think* )

                        Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                        still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                          bouh!!! i'm sad i can't spread my love rep points don't work...but i'll grow up and give points to you as soon as i can cause you're all so nice and helpfull ! thanks again in particular MB for your nice sig !! ;-)...and like alaskhah (you could have chosen an easier spelling !! LOL ) i'm waiting for the part 3 !! ;-)


                            Originally posted by lonely_star
                            bouh!!! i'm sad i can't spread my love rep points don't work...but i'll grow up and give points to you as soon as i can cause you're all so nice and helpfull ! thanks again in particular MB for your nice sig !! ;-)...and like alaskhah (you could have chosen an easier spelling !! LOL ) i'm waiting for the part 3 !! ;-)
                            Here you go if you prefer it without the NOW:


                            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                              No problem, Lonely Star, we'll help ya out! (and you can call me "hah" if you want...even my friends IRL do...)

                              Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                              still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                I know...*growl*...but real life has me in its EVIL clutches right now. At this very moment I'm rendering two...count them TWO...videos for my clients.

                                The good news is that while I'm waiting, I've had a chance to come up with a couple of really neat twists and some other great Sam/Jack moments...

                                But I have to put off writing until I'm done with work!!!

                                Ah, work is a bad word
                                But us shippers are very patient cause we know we'll be rewarded in the end
                                So we'll just have to wait a bit longer for your fic. And if it means more great Sam/Jack moments, it gets better and better
                                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !

