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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Billie
    Just booked a short trip to New York!! I've got friends who live in Dobbs Ferry and so I'm gonna stay with them which is great!
    Have just checked out which episode will be on the week I'm across the pond and it's 'The Fourth Horseman'. Now the big question is do I watch it or not??? Taking into account that I haven't seen any of S9 yet. Oh the temptation!!
    That's terrific!! Have a great visit! Well, tape the episode, take it home, and then decide!


      gate girl12 - I'm hitting an error using your link is there any other way to access it?


        Quick fly-by posting ...


          Originally posted by nell
          That's terrific!! Have a great visit! Well, tape the episode, take it home, and then decide!
          Like your thinking! That way if there is any ship then I can do as you do play/rewind/play/rewind/play....!!!


            Originally posted by Token

            OMG, this was perfect -- your gif even had the big blue Sam eyes...LOL. I also notice she was definitely showing off the ring...quite unlike the way she hid the other one from everyone... I mean, other than that Assinity scene, when did she EVER wear or show the cheap piece of cr@&* spud boy gave her?? snicker...



              Originally posted by nell
              I know, I know. **sends Cathain a pat on the back** I bet he's a nice guy. He's not evil NID!! BUT, that's all he is because ExDM
              He will never have a date with Sam. Sam has a relationship with her soulmate, Jack!! There is a woman out there for Barrett. He better start looking!!

              was just thinking last night after I signed off ---
              let's hook him up with Vala ..she ought to keep him busy


                Originally posted by Billie
                WOW....I'm sensing that we are one happy shipper family!! I know, you guys don't have to tell me.... I like to think I catch on quick, it's a talent I have!!!

                Let you into a little secret though, the


                might just have had something to do with it!!!! and this total doesn't include all the Yesssssssssssss or happy dances that have been bouncing off the page!!

                So we finally got some ship huh? Ok well, even though I haven't seen it yet and will have to make do with it as a christmas present (Yay Santa!!) I'm always up for a shipper celebration so I'll see you the 25 and raise it to 26!!


                Just slightly off topic - Shipper family I'd like to introduce you all to JJ who hadn't been in the flat for more than a day before he was drawn into the world of sg1!! I'm such a proud mum!!
                Is little JJ trying to lick a picture of RDA??? Good Kitty!!!



                  Not that Ive seen EDM yet but OMG SSQQUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

                  Its gonna probably be another 24 hrs before I get to see it but am jumping up and down with anticipation

                  I also watched Threads last night and it left me with that warm glowy feeling inside.

                  ST_1 can you repost the link for the last fic you posted, am being dense and cant find it.

                  (((((((BIG SHIPPY HUG))))))))))


                    Just a little warning for and any other Sam suitors out there...

                    What part of SAM'S MINE don't you understand, FCOL!!


                      Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                      Is little JJ trying to lick a picture of RDA??? Good Kitty!!!

                      Oh yeah! Very well trainedl! He sat on the edge of the coffee table last night watching Threads with great interest. So wished I'd got a photo of that as it was hilarious!!



                        Thanks everyone who posted the spoilers! Made my week!!!!!



                          try it again, sorry. was updating the page


                            Originally posted by Billie
                            Just a little warning for and any other Sam suitors out there...

                            What part of SAM'S MINE don't you understand, FCOL!!


                            Good One. I always thought Jack should come with a warning

                            No trespassing on Jack O'Neill possessions! (no disrespect to women - they are not possessions)



                              even if I didn't see it !
                              I really want to thank all of you with your spoilers which can help me to wait !


                                gate girl12 - ignore my PM! Just after I'd sent it I came back here and noticed the link in your sig so used that instead and voila!!

                                As for the fic? SWEET!!! Loved your insight into how Sam would be feeling during and post the 'backyard' scene

                                Have saved your link to my favorites so that I can read all your other stuff!

