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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110
    It does sound to good to be true Token.I will try to be positive but After waiting 9 Years for the Ship I'am also going to have to see it to believe it.I really hope stargate barbie is right.I do think if
    Jack is in the episode there has to be some sort of Sam and Jack Ship.TPTB will be under Big Time pressure to give the Shippers something nice especially if the ratings are suffering.I wonder if maybe Jack is in the Season finale and another character has the Big revelation.I would Love to see Thor in the episode.I will be very unhappy if Vala is in the episode and no Jack.
    "Crusade" S9
    Even if RDA is in this episode, I don't think we will get any ship resolution. TPTB were under pressure to give Shippers resolution when they knew RDA wasn't coming back, and we got more "open to interpretation" ship. I would rather be pleasantly surprised than broken-hearted. JMO

    Should we let loose the Shipper penguins carrying Shipper requests to RCC??

    Token ~


      Originally posted by BrenRen
      Remember folks, I live, eat, breath, study, and work in in theatre. It’s my job as much as my way of life to analyze these kinds of things. Again, this wasn’t a subtle shift; it wasn’t a big jarring unnatural shift, either. It was a very natural, very human, very poignant moment that was all about Sam & Jack, and nothing else.


      I’m gonna sign off with another peak at that incredible moment… And Thanks again, Token, for creating and sharing this!! ((((((Token))))))))

      And remember, folks: Sam & Jack ARE Together. And That’s That.
      You convinced me!!! I am in the business of reading people's moods, feelings, body language, too, but not theatre. I have to add specifically that when Jack dips his head from being pressed against her face to the crook of her neck, well, that is intimate!! My guess is that once Jack and Sam embraced, they deepened their hold spontaneously. It was short-lived and, unfortunately didn't develop any further. That's my two cents!!!


        Originally posted by stargate barbie
        ah but you forget, the season one AU Jack said it to sam in "there but for the grace of god". ya need to turn up the volume and really pay attention, but he does say it. and it makes me happy. I'm officially a believer of Upgrades/D&C's extra confession.

        YES, YES, YES!!!!! I'm not the only one to hear it!!! Gotta love our AU Jack!! When he said c'mere. Ahhhhhhh, she melted into his arms!! He held her tight and swayed with her back and forth. And as they broke from their parting embrace, our AU Sam caressed his face. Very sad!!!


          Originally posted by Lya
          oh yeah, i hope to view RDA in season 9, too.
          I am a big sam / jack shipper

          and here is my first pic for you ...^^
          WELCOME LYA!!!!!!


            Originally posted by Sir Ruff
            Hello everybody Haven't been here for awhile because I've been working on a little project as you can see under my screenname i'm here to invite you all to check out Horizon, you won't be dissapointed
            Yep....been reading it...pretty good so far. Any chance of introducing Jack and Sam as married in a "guest appearance," aka introducing them as Jack and Sam O'Neill?


              Originally posted by ses110
              Token I'am basing my Hope on the
              RCC and BW interview on Gatewold.It is still unclear but it sounds like BW asked RDA to appear in the Finale and it sounded like RDA agreed.This is the answer BW gave to RDA appearing in the Finale.I really hope someon ecan explain this Answer because I have no Clue: GW:And [what] about Rick? For the season finale, perhaps?

              BW: We asked him, and I think as a favor to us, we asked him to, for the lack of a better word, endorse the series without him by appearing in it so it seems as though his leaving is just that.
              One of the interpretations of this BW quote could be: by RDA's
              appearance in another episode( finale?) he helps authenticate a "Jack- less" Stargate by showing Jack's reason for leaving and his farewell.
              This interpretation doesn't sound all that great for
              any S10 Jack.


                Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                One of the interpretations of this BW quote could be: by RDA's
                appearance in another episode( finale?) he helps authenticate a "Jack- less" Stargate by showing Jack's reason for leaving and his farewell.
                This interpretation doesn't sound all that great for
                any S10 Jack.
                LIke I've said before, RDA enjoys it all too much to stay away for good. I wouldn't be surprised to see him continue to make the odd guest appearance for however long they drag this dead horse through the bog of eternal stench.

                Ooops... did I say that?

                And, depending on the spoilers, that could be worth tuning back in for. (But alas, I missed his second appearance this season... and Sam's return... too many other commitments, not enough interest... <sigh>)

                Sam & Jack ARE TOGETHER!!!
                Love and hot fudge,
                Bren Ren
                My stories!



                  Originally posted by BrenRen
                  LIke I've said before, RDA enjoys it all too much to stay away for good. I wouldn't be surprised to see him continue to make the odd guest appearance for however long they drag this dead horse through the bog of eternal stench.

                  Ooops... did I say that?

                  And, depending on the spoilers, that could be worth tuning back in for. (But alas, I missed his second appearance this season... and Sam's return... too many other commitments, not enough interest... <sigh>)

                  Sam & Jack ARE TOGETHER!!!
                  Here here Bren! I'm in complete agreement with you! And on that note I'm retiring for the night - but shippers beware! I think I'm going to post at least one S/J fluffy / sappy / romantic / grin story tomorrow.

                  Night fellow Shippers.


                    I bet this has already been established, but I am too lazy to go through all of the pages.
                    Can anyone name all the times Jack has called Sam, Sam and Sam has called Jack, Jack? You should put if it was an alternate reality too!
                    13!!RED thinggies and counting . . . FUN!

                    okay now I do not actually want red thinggies but for some reason people like to give them to me . . .
                    some people multiple times!;-)


                      Should we let loose the Shipper penguins carrying Shipper requests to RCC??
                      Ok, I gotta ask. What are 'Shipper penguins'? I'm new and have no idea. Sound interesting though. And what do the Yellow Shipper Cookies stand for? I couldn't figure out what the letters meant.

                      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                        LOL I'm not the one to answer the great Shipper Penguins question, but once you get filled in, you'll come to appreciate their awesome power... and the fact that they are everywhere!

                        I is crashing toos now.... Me grammer is flailing, and i think my dangling particlple myght be showing again!

                        Here's one more pretty pic, made to cheer up a deer friend of mine, but I can't resist sharing it, coss it came out so verry verry purrty!

                        Or is this the wrong thread for this?

                        Oh...not a manip, by the way... I don't play with those much, too lazy! Just carefully cropped caps one again!
                        Love and hot fudge,
                        Bren Ren
                        My stories!



                          Originally posted by Onlybluesocks
                          I bet this has already been established, but I am too lazy to go through all of the pages.
                          Can anyone name all the times Jack has called Sam, Sam and Sam has called Jack, Jack? You should put if it was an alternate reality too!
                          "stis down with tablet" Ok, Sam calls Jack 'Jack' a total of 12 times. Thirteen if you count her calling him that in Solitudes. She was speaking as Sara then.

                          Jack calls Sam 'Sam' a total of 18 times. 20 if you count him speaking in third person. He calls her 'Samantha' twice.

                          These totals include AUs.

                          If you want info on spacific episodes I'd go to There they have a breakdown of all episodes.

                          Hope I helped.

                          Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                            YEAH! Thank you very much!
                            13!!RED thinggies and counting . . . FUN!

                            okay now I do not actually want red thinggies but for some reason people like to give them to me . . .
                            some people multiple times!;-)


                              Originally posted by trupi
                              Good morning and good afternoon everyone! Sorry been busy at work and missed all the fun last night. When I went to the convention, I spoke to Don Davis and told him to let RDA that the most of the fans understood his reason for leaving and we will miss him. Don said "He would relay the message to Rick but RDA will be back at the end of the season". Now anyone who has met Don knows he loves to talk and he does not make up stories. He just tells it the way it is! That is how we knew he would also be back in two episodes before GW reveiled it. He said that Jack would be his boss now!
                              Woo hoo, trupi! Too freakin' cool!

                              Can I just say that I did a great big honkin' happy-dance around my bedroom, when I read your post! I scared the heck out of my poor dog. He thinks I've gone insane (he may be right).

                              That bit of news that Don imparted to you is wonderful! It keeps my hopes up!

                              I totaly appreciate why Rick left the show. I lost my dad when I was 10 years old. Family is precious. He only did what was best for him & his little girl. Bless them both!..... But I still miss the goof-ball & the Sam/Jack stuff & the general interaction between the whole team... blahblahblahblahblah

                              Your post gives me something to look forward too...

                              BTW... Here's me & my little man, Skeeter (he's a Minni-Pin/Chihuahua mix, I adopted from an animal shelter). He's still looking at me funny. I guess I went a tad overboard w/ the whole happy-dance thing!
                              Take care & God bless...
                              ~Roxanne T (Vallejo, CA-USA)


                              "I've always found that sticking your fingers in your ears and humming loudly solves a whole slew of problems."
                              -Brigadier General Jack O'Neill, US Air Force
                              (Richard Dean Anderson, Stargate SG-1)

                              ***Stargate fan for life! But I'll still miss Jack/RDA!***


                                WooHoo! Though it is the wee hours of the morning here on the East Coast, I have finished yet another shippy fanfic: All The Way. I had Jack whumpage in the last one; this one's Sam whumpage!

                                It's another short one, so please read, enjoy, and review (I am a feedback junkie, in case anybody hasn't noticed)

