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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Thanks Caty for your videos

    I like them a lot!


      I've just thought of something I don't think's ever been done on this thread! least I don't think so...

      We've not actually all told each other how we became S/J shippers!


      I caught 'Scorched Earth' on TV and immediately, stongly disliked the tensio off of Sam and Jack...I immediately though 'oh not *another* angsty couple...groan' and subsequently never tuned back in...

      until a friend forced me to watch Divide and Conquer (which I actually yawned through) but saw potential in...I borrowed a few DVDs off of her...then I saw Window of Opportunity and the rest is history!!!

      Who's next?
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        I didn't get to watch SG-1 because I didn't have Showtime but I did make my dad tape "Meridian" (I had a crush on MS at the time) and watched from the beginning of season 6 and I just saw S/J looks! I got into fan fiction and became a major fan and bought the DVDs...I guess you can say all of you began it for me! Then I began writing myself.


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
          2. That Amanda has never steered fans wrong.[/COLOR]
          What do you think?
          Ummm . . . It was Amanda who pushed for the Pete storyline, and in my book, that's about as wrong as you can get for the fans of the ship. So I disagree with this statement: she knew what we shippers wanted and intentionally pushed for the exact opposite.

          I know, I know - some liked or didn't mind the storyline, but I did. So this is just MO. Not bashing the woman - just the act.
          - Mary
          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


            Originally posted by UhSir
            I never watched Voyager. I was a big fan of the original Star Trek and saw a few shows of TNG, but never Voyager or Enterprise. So they ended Voyager like they did with the original? Just left it "out there?"

            I guess when the money walks, the fans don't matter.
            No, Voyager ended very nicely. Janeway finally got her team home, (surprisingly enough) Chakotay ended up with 7 of 9, and Tom and B'Elanna became parents of a beautiful baby. They received a hero's welcome upon arriving at Earth, then the series ended.

            I'm not sure how Enterprise ended because I never cared for that one.
            - Mary
            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


              Well I watched it cause RDA's name was in the marquee. But once I saw them together, I was a shipper instantly. First one I ever watched was season 7 -January 2004, Evolution Part 1. Then the week later saw Grace and the rest is history.

              avatar and sig by flidget


                Round 54 of the Fave Episodes Tournament has begun. Past and Present was eliminated in Round 53.

                Thanks to you, Divide & Conquer, the holy grail of Sam/Jack shippiness, has dropped from #2 to #12.

                But please keep voting! Catch up on the tourney (and which eps have been eliminated so far) here:

                Be careful! If you accidentally vote for an ep that has already been eliminated, none of your votes will count in that round.



                  Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                  Good morning everyone!

                  I am in a happy, shippy mood today. Just finished watching Beneath the Surface. When you watch the shippy episodes you just think 'How could they not get together?' Sam and Jack forever!

                  It was a spur of the moment thing. My aunt had come down to Brum to see my Nan and she asked me if I wanted to come up for a day or 2 (I was already going to Cardiff and she said she would take me there too so I thought why not, I haven't been up there since I was a little girl )! She lives in a town called Duffus.

                  Aaaww I know. I would have said if I had known in advance but like I said, spur of the moment thing. It would have been cool to meet up with you though!

                  And congrats about uni! See, I knew you would do it! So what are you going to do????

                  hey....I ain't no Duffus!! I may not be the most advanced ship around....but no need to get insulting....


                    Originally posted by Billie
                    SueKay – Great news on uni, congrats!! Criminology sounds very interesting, might just be asking you for some tips if you go with that!

                    Am suffering from eye strain syndrome at the moment as am spending so much time glued to my computer screen lapping up Hail Dorothy’s Chosen Hearts ship fic series. If you read this Dorothy – Hail to you, I love it!! Don’t suppose you have any insurance that covers eyesight deteriation do you, only your fics are so addictive that I just can’t tear myself away!! Hee hee!

                    Token – Thanks so much for posting your gifs again, they are great especially the one from Grace which is positively mesmorising!! Tried to green you but had my wrist slapped and told to spread it around! How bout a hug instead (((Token)))

                    One last thing, for those of you who remember me mentioning that I'm getting a cat, well I went to see the kittens today and fell in love with a little ginger fella who fell asleep on my lap, so I’m having a boy!! Have decided to call him JJ, I don’t doubt that you can all guess who his name sake is!

                    Oh, one other last thing...just watched the ring scene in Affinity
                    and I have to say I do love that scene even though Sam is discussing her and It's just such a great example of the incredible bond that jack and sam share, you can really see the emotional turmoil that's bubbling away beneath the surface (mmm...good name for an episode me thinks!!).
                    One day shippers one day hopefully we'll have jack, sam and a ring in a scene again and the result will be the shipper family doing the shipper boogie!!
                    What'll happen with me is I'll be so smashed I'll probably try to dance then trip over my own two drunken left feet....


                      Originally posted by mad_gater
                      What'll happen with me is I'll be so smashed I'll probably try to dance then trip over my own two drunken left feet....
                      Don't do that! It was almost a year ago I tripped over my boombox (in the dark)and did a peter pan. I needed rotator cuff surgery on my left shoulder! My right needs it too, I just keep putting it off.

                      Freaky accident



                        Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                        BTW, I feel I should clarify that I actually agree with her to an extent, because I didn't like some of the ways that Sam was portrayed in certain episodes, but reading this article makes me realize that people are completely distancing themselves from that storyline and the odds are that it's never going to be addressed again.
                        *pounces, knocks over, and huggles ship mum*

                        been awhile!!!!


                          Originally posted by irishchick
                          hey there this is my first post so wanna say hi to everyone . im a hugh hugh shipper sam & jack obviously !!! wish we could just see them get together and live happily ever after but i dont think tptb will give us that
                          WELCOME IRISHCHICK!!!!!!

                          Pull up a barstool...


                            Originally posted by Buc252
                            No, Voyager ended very nicely. Janeway finally got her team home, (surprisingly enough) Chakotay ended up with 7 of 9, and Tom and B'Elanna became parents of a beautiful baby. They received a hero's welcome upon arriving at Earth, then the series ended.

                            I'm not sure how Enterprise ended because I never cared for that one.
                            I'm glad Janeway got ship and crew back to the Alpha Quadrant, but I think they bungled a ship....I believe that Janeway and CHAKOTAY were meant to be together...mainly cuz I saw a pretty good number of eps to that effect.


                              I posted this pic at SI

                              What ever reality they are in Sam and Jack together

                              avatar and sig by flidget


                                here we see Jack acting on his deepest desires and Sam not pushing back at all. In fact Sam seems to welcome it. And honsetly they were both in real time but just in a time loop

                                avatar and sig by flidget

