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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by mad_gater
    I concur!!!! Good luck with the univ. studies.

    What I thought of the latest SG-1:

    A little bit better, but still needs improvement. Neo (from The Matrix movies) should've put the beat-down on that prior cuz that trick with the bullets was SO a ripoff. And I think that the SGC needs to work on giving people some conviction. Cuz while the Ori have considerable power over the body, they only completely trap you when they have your soul as well, and if you don't have conviction in your own free-will and faith, the Ori always win completely over you. For example, the Ori could do with my body what they wished, but I would never worship them, so even though I'd die by their hand they'd lose because they never got the most important part of me: my soul because I chose to firmly stick to my own beliefs.

    Whew!! long-winded and somewhat philosophical...
    (((((Mad gater)))) to continue on the philosophic thoughts....
    I don't like the Ori, not only because they seem to be invincible but because they play dirty... they are at another level of existence and they come to these lower grounds although as Daniel says.. or ask.. Why? but I agree with you regarding the mind thingy and free will I think they got sick because they let their minds become dominated by the Ori... even CM.... yep... good all boy feel for the Ori and Daniel, Vala and Teal'c are to strong to fall for all that $%^*()_# , but CM is still the newbie from the block.
    and....Sam and Jack forever .....

    Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
    Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


      Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
      Hi everyone

      I just wanted to let everyone know - anyone who's a fan of my May I Have This Dance? series, I'm looking for the song of the series. Since I'm getting closer to the last dance I need the song!

      Any and all ideas are greatly welcomed.
      *Coughs***coughs**** smiles and brings to Cathain's attention a post made 65 posts ago post 600

      Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
      Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


        Originally posted by Emilee108
        Hey mad_gater!

        You aren't alone! I'm the same way! I would LOVE to go to a con some day...but there is just no way I can financially afford it! So until then we'll just have to live with all of the stories and accounts of people who went!
        But I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone!



          Originally posted by m_wendy_r
          Hi Guys!

          I got back from my holiday, not exactly in one piece but I'm still alive. I had a great time and I hope you guys have had shippy fun whilst I've been gone.

          I also wish Tangent had ended like that. I always watch Stargate with Rose Tinted glasses, so I don't remember how it's 'supposed' to end. LOL, joking.

          So do I!!

          Kel'dor: I too wish that that particular episode ended in such a manner.


            Originally posted by Alex_O'neill
            Tu parle très bien anglais josephine je te rassure !

            Thanks for those links Uhsir wahou i love shippers videos
            WELCOME ALEX!!!!!!!

            Pull up a barstool and take a load off!!!!


              Originally posted by Catysg1
              Salut les francais

              Je suis Francaise et mon site video : shippy Sam & Jack sont egalement la


              Y en a beaucoup .

              Otherwise don't hesitate to visit the "Parlez vous Francais?" thread in the Off topic forum .

              Where's a universal translator when ya need one?


                Originally posted by sueKay
                Thank you Somnium!!!!!!!

                It's either...



                Computer Suite (general computer studies)


                I'm on the waiting list for Social Sciences...

                I'm making my final decision in two days!

                WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                *does the shipper salsa*
                And maybe have a supply of high-octane shipper hooch handy for your clear your head...


                  Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                  (((((Mad gater)))) to continue on the philosophic thoughts....
                  I don't like the Ori, not only because they seem to be invincible but because they play dirty... they are at another level of existence and they come to these lower grounds although as Daniel says.. or ask.. Why? but I agree with you regarding the mind thingy and free will I think they got sick because they let their minds become dominated by the Ori... even CM.... yep... good all boy feel for the Ori and Daniel, Vala and Teal'c are to strong to fall for all that $%^*()_# , but CM is still the newbie from the block.
                  and....Sam and Jack forever .....
                  Yup!!!! S/J 4EVA!!!!!!!!


                  Add some priests to these SG teams.....give the people these teams run into a power greater than the Ori to believe in....or better yet....round up some Gregorian monks for these teams....I love their chant music.....


                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    Salut les francais

                    Je suis Francaise et mon site video : shippy Sam & Jack sont egalement la


                    Y en a beaucoup .

                    Otherwise don't hesitate to visit the "Parlez vous Francais?" thread in the Off topic forum .

                    And a mercy bouquet to you and yours...

                    I'm sorry...I don't parlez your vouz...

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Hey Ship Family

                      It's been a while since I was really here. Popped in a few times but haven't had the time to really post. RL has kept me away. I've started a new job after being a stay at home mum for 4 years and it's doing night fill so I don't get to jump on the net all that much anymore.

                      Anyway enough about me, I was reading through some and I mean some of the back posts and I decided to say something. It's in regards to the ship between Jack and Sam (OBVIOUSLY!!!! ). I mentioned to many posts ago to remember about AT and her opinions about the ship. I must admit to being a little hard on AT. I do like her and I also think that tptb are the ones to blame.

                      Also to people who say that ship doesn't belong in sci-fi, HELLO!!!, just cause it's sci-fi doesn't mean it can't reflect real life. Love(ship) is everywhere and it makes the world go round (Sorry for the cliche, but there it is.). A WELL WRITTEN ship not only enhances the story but it brings out aspects of the characters that you don't usually get to see. Throughout a normal show you get to see their bravery and courage on a regular basis but when you have the elements of a ship thrown in you get to see the true heart felt feelings that they have. You get to see that they do care, they do need someone else and that what they see and do on a daily basis hasn't destroyed their capacity for love.

                      OK, enough ranting. Hope I made sense.

                      TOGETHER FOREVER,
                      NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                        Originally posted by Buc252
                        I don't feel that speaking the truth is "bashing". Nothing that's been said on this thread in the last few days regarding AT's quotes has been false, and it's been those quotes and people's reactions to them. That's not bashing in my book. I do, however, resent the persecution of those who are posting. Just because something is in any way anti-AT (or anti RDA, for that matter, should it come up) doesn't give use the right to censor it.

                        Again, JMO. So bash away. . .
                        As much as I love the various pics on this thread I would hate for it to become mainly a thread with mostly pics and captions as some threads are. To me this is a thread for opinions and discussions, with pics and info and other stuff thrown in, too. And why should it all be "good news" if it isn't such? If we can't come here to talk freely about Sam/Jack ship, using good taste, of course, where can we go?

                        Sigh, expect I'll get my usual "threadly" non-reaction (but thanks for the greenie comments I've gotten).


                          Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                          As much as I love the various pics on this thread I would hate for it to become mainly a thread with mostly pics and captions as some threads are. To me this is a thread for opinions and discussions, with pics and info and other stuff thrown in, too. And why should it all be "good news" if it isn't such? If we can't come here to talk freely about Sam/Jack ship, using good taste, of course, where can we go?

                          Sigh, expect I'll get my usual "threadly" non-reaction (but thanks for the greenie comments I've gotten).
                          This is my first attempt to quote someone, so lets see how this works,


                          I agree 100%. As someone who mainly lurks, I really enjoy seeing other people’s opinions, and it is nice to have something of substance to read. None of my friends watch stargate, so this is really my only connection to the stargate universe. I’m shy about posting, but I love living vicariously through everyone’s posts, no matter what their opinion. It is only natural for people to disagree, and we all are entitled to our own opinions. Personally, I enjoy reading everything and would not want people to completely censor everything they say just because they might possibly offend someone who does not agree.

                          *ends first ever rant*

                          on a shippier note: I am sooooooo excited for sam to come back!

                          Sig by Suekay

                          come visit Stargate Intel


                            Good morning everyone!

                            I am in a happy, shippy mood today. Just finished watching Beneath the Surface. When you watch the shippy episodes you just think 'How could they not get together?' Sam and Jack forever!

                            It was a spur of the moment thing. My aunt had come down to Brum to see my Nan and she asked me if I wanted to come up for a day or 2 (I was already going to Cardiff and she said she would take me there too so I thought why not, I haven't been up there since I was a little girl )! She lives in a town called Duffus.

                            Aaaww I know. I would have said if I had known in advance but like I said, spur of the moment thing. It would have been cool to meet up with you though!

                            And congrats about uni! See, I knew you would do it! So what are you going to do????


                            By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

                            My Livejournal

                            My Myspace



                              Congrats on the uni news!!!

                              Yay, finally got my season 8 dvds. I've never seen Zero hour before,
                              and I love the whole Sam and Jack banter before Jack gets ready to meet the prez.
                              Great chemistry!


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                Tracey -whereabouts in Scotland were you??? We could have met up!

                                Ah well...too late!

                                Anywho...I have some news...

                                GUESS WHO'S GOING TO UNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Congrats sueKay!
                                ...and let us know about your final decision!

