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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Me to Mary.It was very depressing.I Love AT but reading those comments was hard.It seems like the Ship was fine in AU only.How come
    Pete was not AU or the other Man Friends.Why is one Ship OK and Sam and Jack is not Ok?I rather see two main character with great Chemistry get together instead of bringing in the Guest Star of the week.I could care less it's been done many times before.It does not seem fair to have other Ship on the Show front and center and the Sam and Jack Ship has to Play in AU.I think it's clear from some the interviews it has not been just TPTB or the Air Force advisors or Anti-Shippers that heve been against the Ship.Could it be TPTB may have wanted the Ship from the start and could not get the Actors to go along?I always got the feeling TPTB tried to push the Sam and Jack Ship very early on.Regarding Season 9 It would be nice to see one of the Actors talk out against the Daniel and Vala Show instead of the Ship always being under attack.Like that will ever happen.The Sam and Jack Ship has been a punching Bag and scapegoat for Years and that will not change.I still have hope for the Sam and Jack Ship but those interviews bring back bad memories.Everyone has a right to there opinion but IMO you should take a stand one way or another and not change your answers with each interview.


      Originally posted by Billie
      Thought I'd do another pic story to celebrate my 300th post!

      This story’s about two precious souls

      Who yearned for the love we foretold

      The looks that they shared

      Showed us all how they cared
      And their kisses???… Oh a sight to behold!!
      ((((Billie)))) I love your picture stories. Please keep them coming
      In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

      Life is too short for drama & petty things,
      so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

      Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
      Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
      Hic Comitas Regit
      Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


        Originally posted by galaxy
        Oy...this makes my thunker heart pound like a jackhammer.
        RLOL.... jackhammer shipper's heart.... no wonder we have such a big empty hole right now

        avatar and sig by flidget


          Originally posted by shipper hannah
          hey everyone i'm back from london! i've missed you all so much!
          i can't believe its just been a week it seems so much longer!
          i'm sad to hear that so many of you think that s9 is b******s. i'll have to wait til october to form my own opinion...that's too long!!!!
          ah well.
          has anyone got any new fanfics to recommend? nothin with pete in. i need cheering up, i can't deal with a ton of angst at the mo.
          ((((((((((((((shipper hannah)))))))))))))

          WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!


            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
            Is Dr. Lam supposed to be in the Air Force? If so, why the long hair? Is that allowed? If not, I suppose that's why she can have it. If she is Air Force doesn't her hair have to be tucked up like that female officer who talked to Landry? Also, what's with the plunging neckline?
            To my knowledge - Lam isn't Air Force. I think ever since the Atlantis project worked out the government seems much more willing to have civilians around. Besides I've never seen Lam in uniform, where as Janet still wore uniform AF clothing.

            And the neckline - well that really hasn't been explained but no doubt TPTB have some sort of plan for our new doctor.


              BILLIE, CONGRATS ON 300!!!


                Originally posted by sueKay
                Okay...yesterday was the trawl through the RDA interviews...

                Now...for the AT interviews...

                More coming in a moment!
                thank you so much SueKay

                avatar and sig by flidget


                  Originally posted by alyssa
                  Hey people!
                  This is my first visit here and I'm impressed with what I see! I'd forgotten how much I love Sam and Jack (I've been caught up in the whole Sheppard/Weir thing, since we have Atlantis on in Australia right now!)
                  Can't wait for season nine, but l'll seriously miss both of them, Amanda for the first few eps and Richard for .. well ... pretty much the whole series! We can only hope he does a Michael Shanks and decides he wants to come back...... maybe.....

                  I'm a fan of shep/weir as well....but it's all I can do to just get through the sam/jack family thread before heading off to bed, so I haven't visited the shep/weir thread yet.


                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    Already have done!!!

                    She lost her internet connection at the same time Moebius she get pretty peeved with TPTB and subsequently wasn't sure about coming back...


                    she may make an appearance next weekend!!!!!!!
                    I miss michelle as well!! hope she decides to pay us a visit!!


                      Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
                      To my knowledge - Lam isn't Air Force. I think ever since the Atlantis project worked out the government seems much more willing to have civilians around. Besides I've never seen Lam in uniform, where as Janet still wore uniform AF clothing.

                      And the neckline - well that really hasn't been explained but no doubt TPTB have some sort of plan for our new doctor.

                      Yup....I wonder as well what their plans are for the new doc.....maybe a ship w/ Daniel?

                      I think I read some of your sam/jack fics awhile back....been so long since I read fanfic now that I can't remember which ones of yours I read...

                      Now....time for me to head off to a long trip ahead of me tomorrow.


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        More...more anti ship...(she's a shipper now, so the good comments will be at the end...if I ever get there...AT's had a lot to say(in a good way!)!!)

                        More to come...tell me to stop If I'm boring you...didn't realise there'd be as much stuff as this
                        boring no way .... keep it going and going and going

                        avatar and sig by flidget


                          Originally posted by alyssa
                          Hey people!
                          This is my first visit here and I'm impressed with what I see! I'd forgotten how much I love Sam and Jack (I've been caught up in the whole Sheppard/Weir thing, since we have Atlantis on in Australia right now!)
                          Can't wait for season nine, but l'll seriously miss both of them, Amanda for the first few eps and Richard for .. well ... pretty much the whole series! We can only hope he does a Michael Shanks and decides he wants to come back...... maybe.....
                          Welcome ALYSSA to the S/J ship family

                          avatar and sig by flidget


                            Morning all!

                            Off to work soon so just popping in to say hi *waves*

                            Originally posted by mad_gater

                            Yup....I wonder as well what their plans are for the new doc.....maybe a ship w/ Daniel?
                            I've heard somewhere that there may be a ship between Lam/Mitchell.

                            If so there seems to be an awful lot of shipping going on considering how our ship was said by some to be taking over the show.

                            Anyhoo, on that note I'm off. Have a good day shippers everywhere!!

                            ps - Welcome Alyssa!! Have lots of fun and post lots, we need to pull together as a family in these barren j/s ship times!


                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              They've already had links to the sites where most of these quotes have come from, although not for the shippy stuff. Remember that not all the people that go there are shippers.
                              Then they should be happy with the comments since they are on both sides of the ship.

                              I agree with you, ses, it was sad to read how much Amanda didn't want to play out Sam and Jack's relationship in our reality. I can understand it while they were still in the same chain of command, but a simple adult conversation would have gone a LONG way with satisfying me. I find it funny (not in a ha-ha way) that we are supposed to believe that Sam and Jack have declared their love for each other. Did I miss an episode somewhere? I thought that why I was disappointed in the ending of Season 8 was there hasn't been a declaration/adult conversation. /snark

                              Token ~


                                Originally posted by gatebee
                                wow your sig is so nice
                                Hey thanks! I love your's too. That is sooo Jack with the tongue hanging out!

                                I know this is a really stupid question but: What does TPTB stand for???

