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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    For those of you seeking to order books from outside U.S., e.g. Sally Reeve's books, because they are not available here yet, I ordered my books through I don't remember how I found this bookstore. Looks reputable but I don't have my book yet and it' been 60 days. I'll report back when it arrives. The cost was approximated $9.00 for the book and $5.00 for shipping. That's a lot but it's an inexpensive recreation.

    About Abebooks
    Abebooks is the world's largest online marketplace for books. Whether it's new, used, rare, or out-of-print, you can find it here, through our community of over 13,000 independent booksellers selling 70 million books from around the globe.

    I hope it's OK to post info about a bookseller!!

    Hold on a sec, Are Sally Reeve's books being published??? Yeesh, where have I been???

    Oh, she's Sally Malcolm Duh! Should really start reading the posts beforehand :s

    Anyone heard that song "At Last" by Etta James? Reminds me of Sam and Jack :d


      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
      As a matter of coincidence I decided to reread "Future Imperfect" by Sally Reeve tonight. Got through Part I, but Part II wouldn't come up on the screen. Think that happened before, and somehow I did get to it later but can't remember at this moment what I did. I'll figure it out tomorrow. That is one fic I could reread forever. She just nails their characters so well. The only SG pro fic I ever saw was one I saw at Barnes and Noble which didn't look very interesting so I didn't buy it. Now they don't have any.
      Future Imperfect Part II is here
      Excellent fic ! One of my fav !
      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


        Originally posted by sacme
        I thought Reeve came out and said she wasn't Malcom (when visiting the Shipper Thread?). I have a memory of reading that and Reeve saying that she was flattered, because she liked Malcom's work.

        Or am I just making that up?

        I googled the women's names and didn't see anything that confirmed they were the same person. Does she have the two names for legal/copyright reasons (free vs. paid work)?

        ship sistah
        I don't remember reading anything like that...
        But I can tell you this : after I read the book (and after I've seen in some other thread that Sally Malcolm was indeed Sally Reeve), I sent her an email and she confirmed it to me... So either Sally Reeve is a liar, or she's really the one who wrote that book, but I incline rather for the 2nd !
        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


          Originally posted by Token
          Agent_Dark on the "Sam's a Great Character" Thread posted this link for spoiler pics from the "The 4th Horseman Part 2".

          Ok, for those who couldn't resist looking , look at the third picture down from the top. Who does the person look like in the background?

          OK, I had to look twice as well, it looks a lot like him but alas it isn't. I showed my daughter as she said no straight away. It'd be great if it was.



            I am ashamed to admit that I haven't read any of the books but I can buy them from a book store here so they are on my must buy list. I think from everything I've read I'll have to buy 'Matter of Honor" and "The Cost of Honor' first.

            I love reading fanfics and these books sound just like what I like to read. I'm definately going to get them. May have to wait until the sequel comes out and buy them together.



              Hello shippers

              Just a little announcement You do NOT need log on and password anymore to access my website .. but you need to right click on thumbnails and save target as .



                Originally posted by gate_girl12
                Anyone heard that song "At Last" by Etta James? Reminds me of Sam and Jack :d

                I made a S/J video with "At last" Etta James .It's on my website



                  Originally posted by nell
                  For those of you seeking to order books from outside U.S., e.g. Sally Reeve's books, because they are not available here yet, I ordered my books through I don't remember how I found this bookstore. Looks reputable but I don't have my book yet and it' been 60 days. I'll report back when it arrives. The cost was approximated $9.00 for the book and $5.00 for shipping. That's a lot but it's an inexpensive recreation.

                  About Abebooks
                  Abebooks is the world's largest online marketplace for books. Whether it's new, used, rare, or out-of-print, you can find it here, through our community of over 13,000 independent booksellers selling 70 million books from around the globe.

                  I hope it's OK to post info about a bookseller!!
                  i would also recommend a site called can find practically any book you are looking for.
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by Buc252
                    Wow, sure looks like him to me!

                    But then again, it also looks like that figure could have been . . . inserted . . . into the picture. You don't suppose they'd do something *that* underhanded just to get people to watch the ep, thinking they're going to get him, do you?
                    They could get cardboard cuts of Jack and move them around the set. Could have one for every mood.
                    - concern Jack
                    - snarky Jack
                    - shippy Jack
                    - smiling Jack

                    We would finally get our bedroom scene, but it would be cardboard Jack lying next to Sam.
                    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      Scuse me...

                      Where are these 'fourth horseman pics???


                        Originally posted by Rogue
                        They could get cardboard cuts of Jack and move them around the set. Could have one for every mood.
                        - concern Jack
                        - snarky Jack
                        - shippy Jack
                        - smiling Jack

                        We would finally get our bedroom scene, but it would be cardboard Jack lying next to Sam.


                          Originally posted by mad_gater
                          Yes you should....*drowns MM in large vat of high-octane 170 proof shipper hooch*

                          Awww damn! I gotta work today!


                          Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                          Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                            Did you read that
                            Janet is the "sorely missed character" that returns in Ripple effect?
                            But only in Flashbacks.. Well, I'm looking forward to see her though.


                              Originally posted by galaxy
                              Did you read that
                              Janet is the "sorely missed character" that returns in Ripple effect?
                              But only in Flashbacks.. Well, I'm looking forward to see her though.
                              Yep, thats what I thought. But whats with all the
                              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                                Originally posted by Rogue
                                Yep, thats what I thought. But whats with all the
                                Yeah and what is that supposed to mean:
                                "It's a fun episode with plenty of complications, twists, humor, and mini-revelations. All of our main characters have something to do and have their opportunity to shine. It will be an episode that fans, both new and old, will enjoy."

                                Mini-revelations??? Hmm.
                                Sounds a bit WoO-like to me...that's good, I guess.

