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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    Holy Hannah! Thanks Billie, Sam and Jack for the congratulations!! And cheers to my shippy milestone friends!!
    Hey nell *waves*, heres to your 400!!
    BTW did you manage to track down a pic of Jacks cabin that you were after? I had a look on some of the pic sites that I use but will keep digging if you still need one


      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
      Okay...thanks to my friend and yours ForeverSG1, I was able to get these clips of Sam in Avalon. I edited them a smidge just to clip off the extra non-Sam stuff and to make them significantly smaller file sizes...

      Sam talking to Cam over video phone:

      Flashback of Sam awarding Cam Congressional Medal of Honor:

      Let's all give a big "WHO LOVES YA BABY" to KAT!!!!! Woohoo!!!

      thanks uber (with an umlaut) and friend. Sorry but I forgot your instructions on how to make the umlaut.

      BTW do you or anyone else (like maybe our moderator?!) know the rules for posting pics? For example, can I use a Season 8 or 9 pic for my signature? Or are those seasons for spoiler tags just like discussion of said current seasons?? DO NOT LOOK BELOW at my current sig pic!! Now that I"m ready to create a new sig pic, I thought to ask about it first where I did not think/know for the one you do not see below. No red jello, please.


        Well, it's been a busy busy day and so I'm off for a long night of this....

        Wayhay!! *throws glass of cold water in face* well, um, obviously *cough* I mean *cough* I'm off to SLEEP!!
        Oh what shippy dreams I'm gonna have tonight, yasureyabetcha!!


          *whew* I finally finished catching up!

          My comments about Avalon I
          I enjoyed it. It was nice to watch SG1 without wondering if there was going to be any S/J ship. I think I need a season to focus on the other aspects I enjoy about the show. The fact we might get tibits of confirmation is OK with me. I remember JM saying they didn't want to commit to any Jack storyline without knowing what RDA's availablity would be.

          Cameron -> Liked him! I liked the use of the LC flashbacks. It reminded me of the wonderfully shippy "Lost City". Cameron is such a fan of SG-1 kinda like a non-geeky Feldger. I wonder if he is the president of the SG-1 fan club. He was completely devasted that Sam, Daniel and Teal'c weren't on SG-1. His conversation with Sam was revealing. He is unsure of his abilities to be the LEADER of SG-1. I think when Sam returns he will be releaved to give her back command. Like he said, he wanted to LEARN from the best which was SG-1. I don't think 6 episodes will give him the confidence to take command from Sam unless it is not his decision. We shall see. I also liked his enthusiasm for SG-1 that again reminded me of Feldger. It was refreshing to see SG-1 through new eyes.

          Landry -> I liked him! I'm a Beau Bridges fan so I will enjoy his presence. I like the chess game between him and Jack. Of course, Jack won!

          Vala -> Don't care for her. I hope there is more to her than sex. She all about sexual jokes and put-downs. I'm sure Jack would have shot her by now.

          Daniel -> What happened to him?? He was talking so fast I couldn't understand him. However, I really didn't care about what he was talking.

          Teal'c -> Same old same old. Strong but silent. Is this the first time he was carrying a P90 on a mission? LOL at shooting the door!! Loved Mitchell's reaction!

          Walter -> What can I say??? He is the BEST!!

          S/J Ship -> Tidbits! Sam's "reasons". Jack and the motorcycle!! The motorcycle was a definite nod to the shippers! Even if it was a RDA adlib, I think RDA sent the word to shippers kinda like the "Pete is no threat to O'Neill". S/J ship has always been pretty much subtle. As much as I would like some real obvious ship, I like subtle too. At long as TPTB don't drop the ship like it never happened.

          Anyway, one down and looking forward to the next one!

          Token ~


            Originally posted by divcon
            Can't stay long I have to get the girls ready for school but I'll come back later and TRY to catch up.
            Oops meant to say... Good to see ya back from RL divcon! Enjoy your catch up!!


              Originally posted by Billie
              Hey nell *waves*, heres to your 400!!
              BTW did you manage to track down a pic of Jacks cabin that you were after? I had a look on some of the pic sites that I use but will keep digging if you still need one
              Hi!!! **waves back** no, I don't have that pic yet. No rush. But if you find it I'd love it. I'll let you know if I find it, too.


                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                Hi chums. I thought you may be interested in a post from tsaxlady in the "Sam's a Great Character" thread. There's a tiny shippy spoiler. Here is the link.




                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  I agree with you Ses. Perhaps the episode you mention will just give us some background information about how Sam and Cam know each other.
                  i'm thinking this will have more to do with
                  command structure of sg1. like, who's 'really' going to be leading the team.

                  i want sam to lead sg1!


                  ps - i'm real close to hitting 3800 posts... i think i've got four to go.



                    Token it's strange to say this but in a way it was nice to watch a episode
                    without having to wonder or worry about the Ship.It was getting tiring to hear some people blame everything on the Ship.The Sam and Jack Ship cannot be blamed if Season 9 does not work.I liked Mitchell and I think his character will be fine as long as he does not try to Joke too much.I do think he came across a little whiney about Sam Daniel and Teal'c rejoining SG-1.I cannot blame Mitchell for trying but Sam Daniel and Teal'c put in there Time and should be allowed to move on.IMO Vala is one of the worst characters in SG-1 history.I almost changed the channel.I think the Show will suffer until Sam returns.It's going to be hard enough without Jack for this Show to be good without having no Sam either.In regards to the Ship I hope the Ship will live on with some Phone calls and Sam mentioning Jack's name and maybe we will have Jack appear in the Season finale.I know with my luck I would stop watching the Show and that's when Jack will return and I will be lost.If Jack does not appear in the Season finale and if there is a Season 10 and there's no early confirmation of Jack appearing in any Season 10 epsiodes I doubt I will will give Season 10 a chance.


                      I've been slowly reading the back posts. I love reading the spoilers and your opinions on what it was like. We've yet to finish Atlantis S1 so who knows when we'll get SG1 S9 so I am going to have to live vicariously through all my GW buddies. From everyting people have said it sounds like the first episode was better than many expected. I to lament at the lose of the on-screen ship but am hoping for some phone calls or at least a mention of Jack. We have never seen 'Promethous nbound' so we have yet to meet Vala so I can't comment on her. Back to the ship, I can't believe that we are talking about not seeing anything until the end of the season or possibly NEXT season. At least we still have our fan fics to keep our dreams alive. I love reading every one that I can find and I love writing them.

                      TOGETHER FOREVER,
                      NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                        Good point Sally.I think for
                        Mitchell to have a chance there cannot be any Sam and Mitchell Ship.I will put up with alot in Season 9 but I will be gone so fast if there is any hint of Sam/Mitchell Ship.I understand there cannot be alot of Sam and Jack Ship but I do not want to see Sam Ship with anyone besides Jack.I think BB AT and TBTP are well aware of that fact.


                          Originally posted by divcon
                          I've been slowly reading the back posts. I love reading the spoilers and your opinions on what it was like. We've yet to finish Atlantis S1 so who knows when we'll get SG1 S9 so I am going to have to live vicariously through all my GW buddies. From everyting people have said it sounds like the first episode was better than many expected. I to lament at the lose of the on-screen ship but am hoping for some phone calls or at least a mention of Jack. We have never seen 'Promethous nbound' so we have yet to meet Vala so I can't comment on her. Back to the ship, I can't believe that we are talking about not seeing anything until the end of the season or possibly NEXT season. At least we still have our fan fics to keep our dreams alive. I love reading every one that I can find and I love writing them.
                          divcon and everybody else, Sam and Jack fanfic heaven can be found in the current Stargate Fan Awards 2005 nominations.


                          C'mon and join me for some terrific reading!!!


                            Originally posted by ses110
                            Good point Sally.I think for
                            Mitchell to have a chance there cannot be any Sam and Mitchell Ship.I will put up with alot in Season 9 but I will be gone so fast if there is any hint of Sam/Mitchell Ship.I understand there cannot be alot of Sam and Jack Ship but I do not want to see Sam Ship with anyone besides Jack.I think BB AT and TBTP are well aware of that fact.
                            I'm wanting ship between Cam and Sam. Friendship.

                            I'm hoping that maybe they know each other from before Lost City...maybe they flew together in the Gulf War or something...that would be neat. Or maybe from the training classes for the X-302 he must have attended as a pilot.

                            We know they have a close enough relationship that he feels comfortable enough to share his insecurities with her...did that come just from her visiting him in the hospital? That's possible...although he never met Daniel, maybe Sam being the type of person she is stopped by and visited him more often and they developed a rapport.

                            And I'm sure there's going to be Sam/Cam shippers. It's inevitable when you have a hunkahunka burnin' love like Ben Browder and a beautiful woman like Amanda. And then of course it is our job as Sam/Jack shippers to bludgeon these poor peons into oblivion!!! Muahaahaaahaaa

                            Whoops...where was I? Oh, yeah...Sam and shipping.

                            So I'm hoping for a good friendship between Cam and Sam and like I said it'd be sweet if it was steeped in some really juicy backstory about them serving in the Gulf War together as pilots...but who knows...

                            As for Sam and true romantic shipping...sure, there'll be the occasional guy, albeit hottie or geekmeister, who will develop a crush on Sam...and I'm sure it'll amuse her if she picks up on it. But the only man for Sam romantically IMHO is Jack O'Neill and I honestly don't think that TPTB are so stupid as to try to ship her with anyone else.

                            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              Okay...thanks to my friend and yours ForeverSG1, I was able to get these clips of Sam in Avalon. I edited them a smidge just to clip off the extra non-Sam stuff and to make them significantly smaller file sizes...

                              Sam talking to Cam over video phone:

                              Flashback of Sam awarding Cam Congressional Medal of Honor:

                              Let's all give a big "WHO LOVES YA BABY" to KAT!!!!! Woohoo!!!

                              Oh and here's something else to consider when seeing those clips...

                              How many here had any inkling of an idea that Amanda would be making an appearance in Avalon? Hmmm? Let's see a show of hands....

                              The correct answer is of course...NONE of us knew. There were ZERO spoilers or teasers letting us know this little tidbit....

                              With that in mind, who knows what else might be in store for Sam fans, Jack fans or Sam/Jack shippers this season?

                              I'm just sayin'...

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                Forgive me if I missed something...but tell me again why Jack would be selling "the" motorcycle...since Sam is not moving from Colorado Springs and it was her baby to begin with. Would she give up riding just because he's in DC [ closer to me, hee-hee]? I wouldn't think so.

                                A couple months out of town does not justify selling something so precious.

                                I've still have some faith in the motorcycle "bone." I just am not sure of the full extent of its meaning.

