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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Billie
    Morning gang!!

    Thanks for the running commentary guys, big hugs to you from us stargate deprived shippers!! (((((All the S9 spoiler posting shippers)))))

    Well...having read all your comments I can't say I'm too surprised at the general feeling. Obviously the most important discussion for us is
    Jacks motorcycle comment. Interesting although a tad confusing either Jack has always had a motorcycle, but if so where has he been hiding it all these years OR like you have all been saying it's Sams bike (obviously we are all gonna go for that one! ). However why would he be selling Sams bike?.

    Or, another thought...RDA ad-libbed as he is often known to do and there's nothing in it at all.

    Well being the die hard optimistic shipper that I am, I'm going with option number 2 ,that it's a comment thrown in there for us shippers to cling onto and cling on we will with all our might!!

    Can I also just say - Jack on a motorcycle...mmmm.... *Waves and rushes off to the thunk thread!*

    Keep the Shipper faith!

    Hi UK, France, Germany and other parts of our Tauri World!!!

    About what he said
    I just replayed Jack's scene with Landry. Jack said in response to Landry's question, "you come all the way to Colorado Springs to check up on me?" "Nah, I had to sign the papers to my house and my car, the motorcycle..." MY CAR????? I did not process that the first time. My brain said, "MY TRUCK." Because Jack has a truck. Not a car. Just like he has NO MOTORCYCLE. Now before my Shippy imagination goes over board, is this just inaccurate script writing or, as you suggest, RDA is adlibbing? Cause if it's either of those, we got ZERO ship!! But, as I have stated earlier I prefer to see the MOTORCYCLE as a Shippy clue until I am proven otherwise. That's my position and I'm not budging from it!!! Now is there any other little bit that I overlooked?


      Originally posted by nell
      Hi UK, France, Germany and other parts of our Tauri World!!!

      About what he said
      I just replayed Jack's scene with Landry. Jack said in response to Landry's question, "you come all the way to Colorado Springs to check up on me?" "Nah, I had to sign the papers to my house and my car, the motorcycle..." MY CAR????? I did not process that the first time. My brain said, "MY TRUCK." Because Jack has a truck. Not a car. Just like he has NO MOTORCYCLE. Now before my Shippy imagination goes over board, is this just inaccurate script writing or, as you suggest, RDA is adlibbing? Cause if it's either of those, we got ZERO ship!! But, as I have stated earlier I prefer to see the MOTORCYCLE as a Shippy clue until I am proven otherwise. That's my position and I'm not budging from it!!! Now is there any other little bit that I overlooked?
      Doesnt't Jack have a SUV? Is that considered a truck?
      Did you see his expression when he said motorcycle? It was speeded up a bit and out of the side of his mouth-like he might be asked when he got a motorcycle!


        Originally posted by trupi
        Doesnt't Jack have a SUV? Is that considered a truck?
        Did you see his expression when he said motorcycle? It was speeded up a bit and out of the side of his mouth-like he might be asked when he got a motorcycle!
        I may be wrong but I don't think so.
        He has a truck. Not an SUV.
        Quick look for pics!!!


          I share similar comments sg-1 fanintn.I though the episode was ok.IMO
          Vala was horrible.Vala just does not fit on the Show IMO.I though Mitchell was good but he needs to stop trying to be Funny.I think Jack was still the best character and he was only in for 2 minutes.I though landry was also good.I think the Show is really going to miss Jack and when Sam is not around either it really affects the Show.I'am going to continue to give the Show a try and I hope things pick up when Sam gets back.


            Originally posted by nell
            About what he said
            I just replayed Jack's scene with Landry. Jack said in response to Landry's question, "you come all the way to Colorado Springs to check up on me?" "Nah, I had to sign the papers to my house and my car, the motorcycle..."......

            Did he say exactly these words: " house and my car, the motorcycle..."??? Because if so, then it could be Sam's...otherwise he would have said: " house and my car and my motorcycle..."

            Originally posted by trupi
            Doesnt't Jack have a SUV? Is that considered a truck?
            Did you see his expression when he said motorcycle? It was speeded up a bit and out of the side of his mouth-like he might be asked when he got a motorcycle!
            It's so funny
            how hard we try to interpret ship into a short comment, that is for most of the viewers completely unimportant....
            shippers are definitely nuts.


              Originally posted by galaxy
              Did he say exactly these words: " house and my car, the motorcycle..."??? Because if so, then it could be Sam's...otherwise he would have said: " house and my car and my motorcycle..."

              It's so funny how hard we try to interpret ship into a short comment, that is for most of the viewers completely unimportant....shippers are definitely nuts.
              Jack said exactly
              " my house and my car, the motorcycle..." Now if he has an SUV, he may call it a car. I think he has a truck. But, it's the motorcycle that he definitely never had. 99% definitely. Help me out here somebody.


                Ok. I have a question for those who saw Avalon Pt1. Remember how we have been grasping at the rumor that at the end of S8,
                they called AT and RDA back to shoot additional scenes. Don't you think that the scenes they shot were RDA standing at the window apparently talking to Mitchell, and Sam presenting Mitchell with the Medal of Honor at the hospital. She definitely looked pregnant to me which makes me think that those two scenes were the call backs. In those two scenes, Mitchell was even shown.. Perhaps RDA was even called back for the meeting with Landry. Of course, it's not to say that they didn't shoot additional scenes that may come in additional episodes.
                What does everyone think?


                  Thanks Trupi for jogging my memory. Actually you made me think of Season 6's Sight Unseen – there was a continuity error – Jack drives up in the dark green Ford F150 pickup truck we’d seen in a couple eps through the years but then he leaves in a big black SUV! (Now maybe someone else drove his pickup back to base & gave him a government issue SUV, but I don't think so!)

                  Enters in truck

                  Exits in SUV

                  But to the best of my knowledge... he hasn’t driven a car that we’ve seen and never mentioned a bike.

                  S8 Moebius...
                  Because the timeline/realities were tampered with 3 times in M1&2 -- Maybe this different timeline's Jack didn't have a truck, but *did* have a bike and a car?

                  But for right now I'll stick to the shippy spin until TPTB *thwap* me upside the head for thinking that way!
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    I was wondering, did anyone notice the Cameron/Carter flirting??? Was it flirting or just friendly talk?


                      Originally posted by xkawaiix
                      I was wondering, did anyone notice the Cameron/Carter flirting??? Was it flirting or just friendly talk?
                      No, I think they are just friends and she knows him from Antarctica. He wants their experience to help him learn his command. A mess-up at this job could lead to destruction of the Earth! I don't blame him for wanting the best. Welcome to the threads!


                        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                        Thanks Trupi for jogging my memory. Actually you made me think of Season 6's Sight Unseen – there was a continuity error – Jack drives up in the dark green Ford F150 pickup truck we’d seen in a couple eps through the years but then he leaves in a big black SUV! (Now maybe someone else drove his pickup back to base & gave him a government issue SUV, but I don't think so!)

                        But to the best of my knowledge... he hasn’t driven a car that we’ve seen and never mentioned a bike.

                        S8 Moebius...
                        Because the timeline/realities were tampered with 3 times in M1&2 -- Maybe this different timeline's Jack didn't have a truck, but *did* have a bike and a car?

                        But for right now I'll stick to the shippy spin until TPTB *thwap* me upside the head for thinking that way!
                        Whatever he drove it was definitily not a car and he never mentioned riding a motorcycle before.


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                          .... take another look at making change in her life that would allow her to LIVE. We hope that
                          beginning a REAL relationship with Jack was also part of that, since the regs just can't be an issue any more! Several military types have been here and told us this!

                          I'm here so infrequently that I missed what you say about the "..miltary types.."

                          But the "Primer" on the homepage here said, "...likely that her muted relationship with O'Neill will continue, with the Gen's new position in Homeworld Security still being over Sam in the chain of command.." This had me so confused...and sad. Who wrote that primer?

                          If what sg-1fanintn says is true, then we have ship. Since Regs is what kept them apart, its a a BASIC - IF:THEN - situation. Even if they don't get really obvious. It's a done deal. I know TPTB love us. Don't worry.

                          On the way to work yesterday, I had an epiphany. Head of the real HomeLAND Security when it started?...a civilian. governor, no less.

                          TRIVIA: Did anyone notice in Mitchell's
                          hospital scene when Sam visited...her poorly fitting AF dress seemed as though it were covering a little something special?


                            Originally posted by trupi
                            No, I think they are just friends and she knows him from Antarctica. He wants their experience to help him learn his command. A mess-up at this job could lead to destruction of the Earth! I don't blame him for wanting the best. Welcome to the threads!
                            Thanks! I appreciate it. And good, I was starting to worry!

                            I was disappointed with the ship for Avalon I but I love what Claudia and Ben bring into the show, especially Claudia. Really funny stuff

                            I'm originally a Daniel/Janet shipper but Vala/Daniel is kinda fun to toy with!

                            PS: Sorry if I seem off topic.


                              Originally posted by xkawaiix
                              Thanks! I appreciate it. And good, I was starting to worry!

                              I was disappointed with the ship for Avalon I but I love what Claudia and Ben bring into the show, especially Claudia. Really funny stuff

                              I'm originally a Daniel/Janet shipper but Vala/Daniel is kinda fun to toy with!

                              PS: Sorry if I seem off topic.
                              We all go off topic once in awhile here! Ha-HA. I liked Vala character. Many don't but I liked the way she teased Daniel. I think there is more behind her character then greed and sex. We have to wait and see.


                                Holy Moly, I think I've rediscovered my Shipper Groove!!! I'm even writing a 1969-fic on the side! WOO HOO!!!

                                So, after a long nite's restless sleep (for completely unrelated reasons) I've rounded out my shippy world rather well with these tidbits of info they threw us last night.

                                Season Eight
                                Last year, as Sam was out in pursuit of that life he was always telling her to get, Jack was also taking a hard look at his own life. As the season progressed, he was looking more worn and perhaps even a bit burned out. At th end of it, they finally got the upper hand on the gou'ald, and their biggest reason for being on the front line has at long last been acheived. The team was finally free to pursue the dreams they had put on hold for so long. You've just saved the planet! What are you going to do next?

                                Well,obviously Disneyland wasn't on the agenda, but a certain lakeside cabin in Minnesota was! Sam & Jack finally have the opportunity to have an open, honest discussion about what they want for the future of their relationship. These are two mature, hot blooded adults who have held a powerful attraction coupled with intense emotions at bay for eight long years.

                                Season Nine Opening
                                There is no way on God's Green Earth that TPTB will EVER convince that Sam & Jack are still putting their relationship on hold, particularly over this regs-issue. The only way that would ever become a problem is if it is interfering with their job performance. It's another sort of "don't ask, don't tell". And for eight years, in spite of all the brewing emotions beneath the surface, they did anything and everything duty demanded. Sam is not directly beneath him in the chain of command, particullarly with her transfer to Area 51. Her CO is likely whomever is in charge of that facility. They now have along-distance obstacle, but for these two people, I just don't see that being any barrier. A bit of a pain in the ass, unless Sam really does have access to one of the Asgard transporters. "Just needed to run some tests, sir!"

                                Jack's selling "my house, my car, the motorcycle"... One little line and we go berserk! While we've never seen anything onscreen ever about Jack having a motorcycle, it's not really out of character. But Sam has a bike! So it has to mean something! It's one of those lines that means *whatever you want it to mean*. So I say, sure, why not? Jack had a bike we never saw. As someone just pointed out, he never mentioned Citizen Joe's bowling habits in eight years! Yeah, Jack had a bike. And just because it's my shippy little world and I can, he and Sam have enjoyed the occasional road trip or three through the years!

                                I think artistic license is a wonderful thing, and I'm always happy to use it. With shows like this, you have to expect to use it a lot. As for the future of Stargate The Next Generation... it kept me entertained enough that I didn't channel surf. That says a lot considering my level of ADHD! And frankly, they don't have much competetion on the tube these days. So I'll stay on the Wormhole Extreme ride for a while longer. And keep happily filling in the blanks my way in my shippy little world. Oh, you're all more than welcome to join me anytime!
                                Love and hot fudge,
                                Bren Ren
                                My stories!


