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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Trupi, it's not a desicion of TPTB, at least not the ones we know.. it comes from the network, this is Joe's answer to this:

    Originally posted by JMallozzi
    If you all don't mind, I thought I'd jump ahead and respond to this question. As Joel reported, the opening sequences for both shows will be trimmed down to 10 second versions. Now, I'm watching the fan reaction on the news and I'm not surprised - but you have to ask yourself: "Will it really make that much of a difference?" "Is the opening sequence really that important?" In my opinion - you bet your a** it is. The opening sequences are as much a part of the shows as our main cast, great stirring scores by Joel Goldsmith for both SG-1 and Atlantis that really ramp up the excitement heading into a given episode.

    Ultimately, the SciFi Channel felt that a 10 second opening was the way to go, following the lead of shows like Lost. Other than the abbreviated opening sequence, the timing of the episode will remain unchanged.

    How do I feel? I'll miss both opening themes, but especially the SG-1 opening that has been with the show for the past 8 years.

    Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
    Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


      We had been wondering how they were going to handle the opening credits this year...I guess now we know. Times they are a changin'


        Originally posted by LOL4JACK
        Trupi, it's not a desicion of TPTB, at least not the ones we know.. it comes from the network, this is Joe's answer to this:
        Thanks for responding! I just got back from London and haven't cauught up with all the posts. But it still stinks!


          SHIPPY OPENER Part 3!! (This is too much fun!) P.S. I don't usually remember from whom I got these super pics but thank you!!!

          Daniel: Fishing, Jack? I feel...left out. I'd like to think we are friends, too. But, fishing? And you didn't tell me?

          Jack: Daniel, stop pouting! Sam and I , well, we've been wanting to fish for a long time.

          Daniel: I am not pouting.

          Jack: Are too.

          Daniel: Are not.

          Teal'c: O'Neill. DanielJackson. You appear to be in conflict. May I be of assistance?

          Daniel: Sam told me that they were fishing. I was worried and now I learn they were fishing.

          Teal'c: Indeed.

          Daniel: Um, you don't sound surprised!!!

          Jack: Daniel, I'm...I'm kind of...sorry that you heard this way. But, we fished and we're going to fish more and alot more as a matter of fact.


            Originally posted by nell
            SHIPPY OPENER Part 3!! (This is too much fun!) P.S. I don't usually remember from whom I got these super pics but thank you!!!


            Daniel: Fishing, Jack? I feel...left out. I'd like to think we are friends, too. But, fishing? And you didn't tell me?


            Jack: Daniel, stop pouting! Sam and I , well, we've been wanting to fish for a long time.

            Daniel: I am not pouting.

            Jack: Are too.

            Daniel: Are not.


            Teal'c: O'Neill. DanielJackson. You appear to be in conflict. May I be of assistance?

            Daniel: Sam told me that they were fishing. I was worried and now I learn they were fishing.

            Teal'c: Indeed.

            Daniel: Um, you don't sound surprised!!!

            Jack: Daniel, I'm...I'm kind of...sorry that you heard this way. But, we fished and we're going to fish more and alot more as a matter of fact.
            Nell - you are on a roll!! Bring on part 4!! LOL


              Originally posted by trupi
              What is this new and improved garbage? Were the rating off last year? I knew they had to change the credits but they replaced the theme song? I still increase the volume on the TV when present theme comes on! I liked it in the movie and one of the main reasons I started to watch the show. If the original show was so off sided, why didn't they just end the series and make a lot of the fans happy? They could have started a new version of SG-1 (maybe SG-2), stuck Michael, Chris, Amanda and whoever wanted to continue! How long do you think Amanda is going to continue on the show with the baby in tow and wanting more bambini ( She is not getting younger). They could have had Jack and Sam go into the sunset and allow Amanda to come on the new series when she wanted (open ended contract). We would be happy, RDA could make a guest appearance if he wanted and the new crew would have gotten a fresh start and not stepped on anyone toes! What are you guys thinking in Vancourver land? We now have X-Files, Farscape, Star Trek and SG-1 crammed into one. Why don't we just invited the Fantastic 4 and Spiderman into the mix? We don't want to forget the Stan Lee crowd! Sorry for venting.

              It's good to vent. As far as shortening the opening sequence, but the length of the show remains the same as J.M. said, well more time for commercials!! Yeah!!! Just what we all want. I, for one, will be watching time-delayed on TiVo, so I can fast forward through them and foil their (commercials, not show's) evil plan to brain-wash me into buying crap I don't need. I'm too busy buying crap I do need.
              sig by PM


                Originally posted by Billie
                Nell - you are on a roll!! Bring on part 4!! LOL

                OKAY, I do have plans for more!!! Hee, hee!! **Tells self to maintain the PG rating** I'm glad my shipper friends are enjoying my splash of humor!!!


                  Originally posted by Billie
                  Morning shippers!! and what a beautiful morning it is too....sun is shining, sky is blue and its a warming 78 degrees...all I need now is a shipper miracle and life would be perfect!!

                  Just remembered that I am still at a loss as to what the above scene was trying to convey so thought I'd throw it out again to see if any of you could enlighten me. Here's a pic of the scene to help jog the memory.


                  How weird is it to quote your own post!!
                  The feeling I got from that scene was that Carter was checking Jack's progress, and maybe going to offered some advice or whatever, and Jack knowing her as well as he does, gave her a look to let her know he's fine, go away, and Carter, knowing Jack as well as she does, knew that look and backed off.
                  'Silent Communication, don'tchaknow.
                  sig by PM


                    Shippy Opener for Season 9 - Part 4

                    I'll keep going until I run out of steam or you all beg me to stop!!! Hee, hee!!

                    Sam: So, Daniel still has hurt feelings? Aw, now I'm feeling guilty.

                    Jack: No, Sam, he'll get over it. I can't believe he didn't notice how much we wanted to fish all these years.

                    Sam: Jack, he's very sensitive. We have to make it up to him. We have to tell him that things don't have to change now that we're fishing. The four of us are first and always friends.

                    Jack: For crying out loud! What do we have to do now?

                    Sam: Let's take Daniel out to dinner. We have to patch things up. You're leaving for the Pentagon soon and I'm still on his team.

                    Jack: OK. Danny-boy deserves that. I just wish he'd stop pouting!


                      Originally posted by nell
                      Shippy Opener for Season 9 - Part 4

                      I'll keep going until I run out of steam or you all beg me to stop!!! Hee, hee!!

                      Sam: So, Daniel still has hurt feelings? Aw, now I'm feeling guilty.

                      Jack: No, Sam, he'll get over it. I can't believe he didn't notice how much we wanted to fish all these years.

                      Sam: Jack, he's very sensitive. We have to make it up to him. We have to tell him that things don't have to change now that we're fishing. The four of us are first and always friends.

                      Jack: For crying out loud! What do we have to do now?

                      Sam: Let's take Daniel out to dinner. We have to patch things up. You're leaving for the Pentagon soon and I'm still on his team.

                      Jack: OK. Danny-boy deserves that. I just wish he'd stop pouting!
                      No keep going Im lovin' it. T'is just what I need after a boring day at work.


                        Orginally Posted by misstweedledee

                        oh i have a season nine related question, spolier 9 ish


                        i saw a screen name on msn that said;

                        " 10th episode of season 9 confirms jack and carter "relations!!!!" "

                        what What WHAT !!!!! anyone know anything about this?

                        I have not heard anything about that spoiler. I can hope though! The 10th epiosde is "The Fourth Horseman". It could be interesting!!!


                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                          I have not heard anything about that spoiler. I can hope though! The 10th epiosde is "The Fourth Horseman". It could be interesting!!!

                          The spoilers for this ep say: "Amanda does a wonderful job in 'The Fourth Horseman' as Sam struggles to help save the world under an incredible emotional strain."
                          I don't know why she is under emotional strain, but maybe that has something to do with it?!?!?
                 be honest I think it has to do with "Orlin's" appereance in this ep but....
                          well, a girl can hope!


                            Originally posted by nell
                            Shippy Opener for Season 9 - Part 4

                            I'll keep going until I run out of steam or you all beg me to stop!!! Hee, hee!!


                            Sam: So, Daniel still has hurt feelings? Aw, now I'm feeling guilty.

                            Jack: No, Sam, he'll get over it. I can't believe he didn't notice how much we wanted to fish all these years.

                            Sam: Jack, he's very sensitive. We have to make it up to him. We have to tell him that things don't have to change now that we're fishing. The four of us are first and always friends.

                            Jack: For crying out loud! What do we have to do now?

                            Sam: Let's take Daniel out to dinner. We have to patch things up. You're leaving for the Pentagon soon and I'm still on his team.

                            Jack: OK. Danny-boy deserves that. I just wish he'd stop pouting!
                            Ohhhh, I love it!!!! Fishing. My husband and I say: 'Folding laundry'. Long story.
                            sig by PM


                              Originally posted by nell
                              Shippy Opener for Season 9 - Part 4

                              I'll keep going until I run out of steam or you all beg me to stop!!! Hee, hee!!


                              Sam: So, Daniel still has hurt feelings? Aw, now I'm feeling guilty.

                              Jack: No, Sam, he'll get over it. I can't believe he didn't notice how much we wanted to fish all these years.

                              Sam: Jack, he's very sensitive. We have to make it up to him. We have to tell him that things don't have to change now that we're fishing. The four of us are first and always friends.

                              Jack: For crying out loud! What do we have to do now?

                              Sam: Let's take Daniel out to dinner. We have to patch things up. You're leaving for the Pentagon soon and I'm still on his team.

                              Jack: OK. Danny-boy deserves that. I just wish he'd stop pouting!

                              (((((((( Nell ))))))))

                              I love it! you are writing S9 for us

                              Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                              Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                                Originally posted by galaxy

                                The spoilers for this ep say: "Amanda does a wonderful job in 'The Fourth Horseman' as Sam struggles to help save the world under an incredible emotional strain."
                                I don't know why she is under emotional strain, but maybe that has something to do with it?!?!?
                       be honest I think it has to do with "Orlin's" appereance in this ep but....
                                well, a girl can hope!
                                I think you may be right.
                                Orlin is supposed to be in the episode. You would think "incredible emotional strain" would be caused by someone other than Orlin (although according to the spoilers I get the feeling the writers mean Orlin). Sam has already watched him die once and ascend. I think if Orlin died again Sam would be upset, but "incredible emotional strain" I don't know?

                                Maybe Jack get's sick and Sam is torn between being at the SGC or in Washington. JM mentioned that a plaque hits Earth... meaning not just the SGC but many people beyond the mountain. Of Course SG-1 finds a cure and Sam delivers the meds to Washington and checks on Jack while she is there. Making their relationship stronger.
                                What? It could happen.

