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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by divcon
    Hey nell, if I've learnt anything from these guys is that we can NEVER talk to much about Jack and Sam. If we talk about something that has already been talked about or post a pic that has alredy been posted WHO CARES!
    Try this on for size.
    divcon, thanks! You share my pain! Um, your image did not appear to me. Maybe my super duper virus blockers got mixed up and blocked the image?


      Originally posted by Shipperahoy
      I am going to the San Diego Comic Con the weekend after next and AT will be there. The Comic Cons are MASSIVE so I don't know how the Q&A works but I'll do my best to try and ask her what's the what with Sam and Jack and see if she can give a straight answer. I just want to know if they are going to keep toying with the ship or if they're going to try to pretend it never was. A definitive answer would be nice but my hopes are not high.
      yay, shipperahoy!

      if i were going to say something, i'd say 'i just want you to know how much i LOVE the sam/jack relationship! and i really, really, REALLY hope it continues!'
      and i'd say it just like that. it's positive, non-confrontational, and reinforcing to me.




        Originally posted by divcon
        Hey nell, if I've learnt anything from these guys is that we can NEVER talk to much about Jack and Sam.

        Never mind! The pics came through and I have no confusion about Sam's and Jack's attraction in this early episode!!! But, I forgot the name. Something about Sam rescuing Jack from Hathor's clutches!!


          ATTENTION!!! Joe is on his Thread right now!!!


            Originally posted by nell

            Had a blast tonight!! Fireworks, that is! Grilled steaks!! Wine!! Beer!! Baked sweet potatoes and salad!! Now ready to open up some Ben and Jerry's!!

            And back to The Thread!! Sweet!!

            I was thinking today about Threads and Moebius 2 (yeah, between marinating the steaks and baking sweet potatoes)
            Remember when Sam and Jack were 'fishing' at the end of Threads? They looked comfortable. Just like we knew they were meant to be. Now why did they show that scene again in Moebius 2? And didn't they look cozier? In fact, on episode guide the summary described them as being cozy compared to the same scene in Threads. Was that because Alternate Time Sam and Jack were attracted to each other and making out that those feelings kind of moved forward through time after the ZPM was recovered,the uprising was successful and our Real Time Sam and Jack returned home to this time line? **headache** But are they really our Real Time Sam and Jack because they were killed during their failed attempt to return the ZPM the first time? **throbbing pain between eyes** OK, these time travel episodes can be very confusing! But, I was wondering??? If I missed a previous discussion I apologize for bringing it up again.

            I hope the rest of my American Shippers enjoyed today's holiday. And thanks to all our Shippers from around the world for your wishes for us on our big holiday!!
            I hope everyone else had a great 4th too! We usually go downtown to the big fireworks display, but since we didn't take tomorrow off from work, we decided to stay home this year and not fight the crowds. Instead, we cooked out; then watched the big show on the local NBC affiliate. They make a three-hour broadcast out of the entertainment and fireworks. This year's entertainment was Diamond Rio, Jamie O'Neal, Charlie Daniels and, of course, the Nashville Symphony. It's set on the banks of the Cumberland River in downtown Nashville, just across from the coliseum where the Titans play. The fireworks are set off from the Titans' parking lot, and once again, it was spectacular! Nashville's show is now ranked as the 3rd best in the country, and there were tons of tourists from out-of-state here this year just to see it.

            Back to the gate, yes, we got our
            Sam and Jack back. Did you notice that alternate time line Jack had darker hair? Go back and look. He did. And in the final scene before the fishing trip (in one of the labs at the SGC), Sam talks about how they would have gone on the mission in about two weeks, but didn't have to because the ZPM was found.
            ***headache*** Yes, it does get confusing in time travel eps, so the best thing to do is to suspend disbelief and go where the script takes you. But if you'll go back and check
            Jack's hair,
            you'll get further proof that everything was set right at the end......except that we still didn't get our
            BIG HONKIN' KISS!!!!!


              I wonder if Sam was truely infected at this time or was she just taking advantage of the situation. Notice that Jack didn't put up to much of a struggle at first. Can anyone say "HAPPY,HAPPY,JOY,JOY"

              TOGETHER FOREVER,
              NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                I hope everyone else had a great 4th too! We usually go downtown to the big fireworks display, but since we didn't take tomorrow off from work, we decided to stay home this year and not fight the crowds.
                Ditto for us in Washington, D.C. suburbs!!

                Back to the gate, yes, we got our
                Sam and Jack back. Did you notice that alternate time line Jack had darker hair? Go back and look. He did. And in the final scene before the fishing trip (in one of the labs at the SGC), Sam talks about how they would have gone on the mission in about two weeks, but didn't have to because the ZPM was found.
                ***headache*** Yes, it does get confusing in time travel eps, so the best thing to do is to suspend disbelief and go where the script takes you. But if you'll go back and check
                Jack's hair,
                you'll get further proof that everything was set right at the end......except that we still didn't get our
                BIG HONKIN' KISS!!!!!
                Yes, I noticed immediately
                Jack's brown hair
                in Moebius. You are absolutely correct that we must suspend our disbelief in this episode. Heck, the whole show, too. After all, our Sam and Jack have been on hold for nearly 8 years.


                  Originally posted by divcon
                  I wonder if Sam was truely infected at this time or was she just taking advantage of the situation. Notice that Jack didn't put up to much of a struggle at first. Can anyone say "HAPPY,HAPPY,JOY,JOY"

                  #1 Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

                  #2 More!!!!

                  #3 How did you make your posting box bigger???


                    Originally posted by nell
                    #1 Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

                    #2 More!!!!

                    #3 How did you make your posting box bigger???
                    Actually it was a mistake. I didn't reduce the size of they picture in my photobucket account.I'm off to do it now.

                    TOGETHER FOREVER,
                    NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                      A long long time ago in a post far far away, we were discussing the scene in "In The Line of Duty" where Jack can be seen wiping tears from under his eyes at the thought of Sam dying.

                      TOGETHER FOREVER,
                      NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                        Originally posted by nell
                        #1 Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

                        #2 More!!!!

                        #3 How did you make your posting box bigger???
                        i dunno methinks he was kssing her as much as she was kissing him
                        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                          Originally posted by divcon
                          I wonder if Sam was truely infected at this time or was she just taking advantage of the situation. Notice that Jack didn't put up to much of a struggle at first. Can anyone say "HAPPY,HAPPY,JOY,JOY"

                          "Happy Happy, joy, joy!!" I haven't heard that in years! A fellow Ren and Stimpy fan! Yes! (hmmm, too many exclamation points)

                          Good point about Jack. If YOU were Jack, would you really put up a struggle if Sam "attacked" you in that manner? I think he was torn between wanting to just give in and his "other" self telling him "No, you can't do this, it's wrong". As to whether Sam was infected, I think she was. She always could keep those "feelings" under pretty good control, under normal conditions. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if she had ever gotten a bit tipsy? Guess that's a story for another time....



                            Originally posted by Atteria
                            "Happy Happy, joy, joy!!" I haven't heard that in years! A fellow Ren and Stimpy fan! Yes! (hmmm, too many exclamation points)

                            Good point about Jack. If YOU were Jack, would you really put up a struggle if Sam "attacked" you in that manner? I think he was torn between wanting to just give in and his "other" self telling him "No, you can't do this, it's wrong". As to whether Sam was infected, I think she was. She always could keep those "feelings" under pretty good control, under normal conditions. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if she had ever gotten a bit tipsy? Guess that's a story for another time....

                            I say, "Happy, happy, joy, joy" all the time! It's become part of my repretoire, along with "Ya think?".

                            Yes, I agree that there was mutual kissing going on there! No doubt about it!


                              Originally posted by Sum1
                              I was reading a behind the scenes article earlier on RDA's website regarding season 7, and according to Robert Cooper, they were originally thinking of getting Ben Browder to play Pete. I was wondering what you all think of that - do you think people would have taken more kindly to the character had he been played by Ben Browder instead of David DeLuise?
                              I haven't answered before because I was thinking about this so.... I think I would have hated anybody who would have interfered with S/J regardless of how cute he is...

                              I think about the ambassador... in 2010 I hated him, come on he was married to Sam... how could that be possible.

                              In 2001 I loved him, he was nice, sweet, kind of attractive for me, but I knew he was no threat, so it was OK....

                              Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                              Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                                Originally posted by divcon
                                I wonder if Sam was truely infected at this time or was she just taking advantage of the situation. Notice that Jack didn't put up to much of a struggle at first. Can anyone say "HAPPY,HAPPY,JOY,JOY"

                                Sam was infected but Jack wasn't!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least not yet....

                                Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                                Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild

