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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    yep I confirm too !!

    Lys , did we convert you into a shipper ???? GREAT!!!

    Well Oma, it makes me think that Jack,
    like an animal, smells the odor of around Sam you know the male fighting for the female stuff so maybe he feels there's something different in her before she starts humming...but once again got to say!! YAY for RDA!! this guy is awesome!! sniffing her in the elevator!! think it's a first on Tv shows!


      Hey everyone! This is my first time here so go easy on me. I finally finished watching all of season 8.

      I guess I've been a shipper since season 4 (Upgrades did it for me, it also happens to be one of my all-time favourite episodes). For a long time I thought it was just Sam who had feelings for Jack and that they weren't necessarily reciprocated (ala A Hundred Days). Once I found out the feelings were mutual, well I was sold! I've been a slow and steady shipper since. And, although my husband hates to admit it, he ships for Sam and Jack too. (I think I even heard his squee once! )

      Below is one of my favourite shippy moments, from Divide and Conquer...I just *love* Daniel's reaction and response:

      She made a pass at me.


      Anise, Freya, one of 'em.


      The host half.

      Uh…that's odd.

      You're telling me. Odd timing too, don't ya think?


      Apparently, the snake likes you.

      [O'Neill is playing with his yo-yo.]

      Really? You know, I think these are the Jack O'Neill moments I'll probably miss the most.




        Originally posted by lonely_star
        yep I confirm too !!
        Thanks french fellows for confirming that shippers are not going senile
        (TPTB may get us going crazy but that's another story )

        Lys , did we convert you into a shipper ???? GREAT!!!
        No she's not a shipper, it's totally hopeless I fear
        You can believe me cause I've been trying to convert her for a long time and there's nothing I can do, she still stays non-shipper
        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


          Welcome in the family fair_nymph !
          You're right, season 4 is the shippiest season. Divide & Conquer, Window of Opportunity, Beneath the Surface, 2010, Entity... *sigh* I love this season

          PS : I love your sig too
          Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


            Originally posted by lonely_star
            Lys , did we convert you into a shipper ???? GREAT!!!
            Nope !!!!

            I just like to have some crazyness in my life, that's why I come to this thread when I need it.
            Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


              WELCOME fair_nymph !!!

              Originally posted by Lys
              Nope !!!!

              I just like to have some crazyness in my life, that's why I come to this thread when I need it.
              you want crazyness??? well I guess you opened the right door!! here you can find very special jello, drinks, pinguins, gold medals, a lot of crazy and funny readings, speculations...a lot of speculations!!, a lot of and and "WE HATE JM !" or "if only there were women writing the stargate scripts"!! and sometimes, we even translate Ancient

              .........I love my family !!! ((((((((((all of you)))))))))))


                Originally posted by lonely_star
                new spoilers: we can read in the latest spoiler
                Also of note to those interested in how the new SG-1's dynamic will shape up: Colonel Mitchell addresses Colonel Carter as "Sam," implying a certain level of familiarity.

                well I'm not afraid about their relationship because for me J&S ARE together but I'm kind of sad cause Jack didn't call her Sam or at least hasn't ina long time... I will definitely not like Mitchell !! bring JACK back !!!!!

                just adding that it might as well not show the respect Mitchell should have for Sam, I mean come on they don't really know each other, they just met, why is he allowed to call her Sam !!! Maybe I should relax a little guys approaching Sam would better be careful with me!!
                oh big fat hairy deal-
                so cameron baby calls her Sam. There is such a juvenille mentality going on with those guys that they are trying to have people make a mountain out of a grain of sand-forget the molehill. there are a number of reasons he could call her Sam-they are exes, their daddies knew each other, they knew each other from the academy, the pentagon, the gulf isn't really as big a deal as the implication. and watch-the boys from vancouver are gonna bat their eyes and they say-what? we never said that cameron and sam were an item. bah!
                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  Originally posted by lonely_star
                  WELCOME fair_nymph !!!

                  you want crazyness??? well guess you opened the good door!! here you can find very special jello, drinks, pinguins, gold medals, a lot of crazy and funny readings, speculations...a lot of speculations!!, a lot of and and WE HATE TPTB or if only there were women writing the stargate scripts!! and sometimes, we even translate Ancient

                  I love my family !!! ((((((((((all of you)))))))))))

                  Whoaa !!!!!
                  Sure I opened the right door !
                  And I know about the gold medals, I made them !
                  Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                    Originally posted by Lys
                    Whoaa !!!!!
                    Sure I opened the right door !
                    And I know about the gold medals, I made them !

                    I know that's why I wrote that cause we THANK YOU a lot for that !! that's very nice of you ! you rock !! and you're kinda a step-sister for the family members well for that you have to write JACK&SAM together forever!! would you dare ???


                      Originally posted by lonely_star
                      I know that's why I wrote that cause we THANK YOU a lot for that !! that's very nice of you ! you rock !! and you're kinda a step-sister for the family members well for that you have to write JACK&SAM together forever!! would you dare ???
                      I dare, but I do it as I want it :

                      JACK&SAM together forever as friends !!!!
                      Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                        Originally posted by Oma-1
                        You are so RIGHT!

                        I finally screwed up enough courage to watch Chimera with the commentary - and the commentator (can't remember who ) actually says
                        that Rick sniffs her as she's getting into the elevator, and its a great touch!
                        I can't remember the exact words - but it did my shippy heart good and gave me armour for the scenes.

                        Uh....hope I haven't spoiled the debate for anyone Although to start another one .....

                        Was Sam wearing perfume or a different scent than normal that made Jack sniff? Or does he just do that every time they're alone in the elevator?

                        Does anyone think Jack realised immediately he saw Sam that something was different - even before she started humming? Or was he too distracted by savouring the wonderful fragrance of her, and didin't realise something was different until she started humming?

                        I heard a story once that Sam was going to hum something different, but couldn't get the tune down quickly enough, so she hummed the theme instead. Can anyone confirm or am I going senile? Was it a director's series or something?
                        I empathize with you completely. I CANNOT watch any rerun scenes with especially in Chimera. I saw the *cough* sputter* choke* date scene once and only once. I was appalled and angry that and Sam were together intimately *cough*gag*groan. At least in Season 8 Threads
                        we saw little more of Jack and Kerry than waking up in bed and a chaste kiss. Believe me it was all I could do to watch that.
                        Enough said, this is a downer moment!

                        And for a quick recovery, I am hopeful of the possiblities of Season 9.

                        Oh, and Jack most certainly did sniff Sam!!! Gotta love that guy!!!


                          Originally posted by Lys
                          I dare, but I do it as I want it :

                          JACK&SAM together forever as friends !!!!

                          I almost made it !!! ...someday....we'll get you!


                            Originally posted by lonely_star
                            I almost made it !!! ...someday....we'll get you!
                            Nice try ! But you'll get me only in your dreams !!
                            By the way, for those who don't know, I'm not an anti-shipper. It just happens that I enjoy more the adventure and the discovery on Stargate than the ship. I can do without the ship.
                            Correction : I can't do without the ships : Prometheus, motherships, cargoships, death gliders....
                            Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                              Originally posted by lonely_star
                              WELCOME fair_nymph !!!

                              you want crazyness??? well I guess you opened the right door!! here you can find very special jello, drinks, pinguins, gold medals, a lot of crazy and funny readings, speculations...a lot of speculations!!, a lot of and and "WE HATE JM !" or "if only there were women writing the stargate scripts"!! and sometimes, we even translate Ancient

                              .........I love my family !!! ((((((((((all of you)))))))))))
                              Well, there was a time where everyone was saying "WE LOVE JM !" when he posted in this thread here

                              Remember that he was the one who made us create Shipper Town
                              Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                                Originally posted by florence
                                Well, there was a time where everyone was saying "WE LOVE JM !" when he posted in this thread here

                                Remember that he was the one who made us create Shipper Town
                                well actually if I don't remember it's because I wasn't there but thanks!! that's a very good correction ! and BTW I like him, that's so great to come and answer our questions...even if sometimes it's kinda...not very clear!!!

