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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Myrth
    I've just been pondering (as I do)... being a gamer and a Stargate fan I'm pretty excited about the release of Stargate Alliance in August.

    But I'm also hoping that somewhere in the staff of the development house.. there is a shipper faction. According to the interviews I read from them, they have around 60 staff, all SG fans... you'd think out of that number, the law of averages would mean there's at least a few shippers right.

    So... I'm hoping for some shippy cut-scenes in this game, or bonus missions which have ship flavouring.. or you know... something fun

    Keeping in mind the actors have to film the motion for the characters, I think that would be a whole bunch of fun.. and fairly unprecedented in gaming.

    So my shippy heart says.. gimme shippy stuff in the game!

    My marketing experience tells me e-mailing this suggestion to the developers may not be a completey insane idea. I mean if they were to leak details of a shippy cut scene, or unlockable bonus shippy levels in the game.. I have a feeling there's be a certain amount of guaranteed sales... am I right?

    {crosses fingers for SHIP IN 3D!!!)

    Ok.. random ramble finished.. for today
    LOL, ship in the game would be great!!!! After finding out that our actors were doing the voices i have been really happy!! and I can't wait for the game to come out, the screenshots for it look amazing!! I hope do get a little bonus level or something with a hint of ship, maybe something along the lines of Entity or Beneath the Surface... Anything and I would be jumping with joy!!!

    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


      Originally posted by LadyJeep
      When I was at the Vancouver con, they had a panel that included N. John Smith, Andy Mikita and Martin Wood. It was said during their time on stage, that RDA wanted Jack left in the picture so he (Jack & RDA) could come back. They alluded to coming back for season 10 but didn't come right out and say it. They went on to say how many of them have gone away and come back, actors, writers, producers.

      It gave me a lot to hope for in the future, I just know Jack won't be able to stay away too long from Sam, he so loves her!!!!
      if i might -i would like to add my 12 cents worth here. The Boys from Vancouver have certainly led us to believe that Jack and Sam love each other and the actors have played it that way-but they certainly haven't shown that they love us. And i can tell you I have had about all the angst I can handle-thank you very much. If after all that they are going to drag it out the way ST-TNG did with Troi and Riker-I am going to be in the 'that don't impress me much' camp. I don't mind so much RDA popping hither, thither and yon-but if he does-I would like to know that Sam is as much a part of his life, as he is in hers. Bring back the old admirers is not doing much for me at all.
      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


        Sorry guys but i've got to say this...
        I'm so glad I came back!!!

        I've just been reading through all the little discussions going on and I realised how much I missed it and how much being here acually makes me feel calm and happy

        ((((((((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
        (((((((((((((((((((((((SueKay)))))))))))))))))))))) <-Thank you for convincing me to pop back in here

        Sam x

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          *serious loyal advisor face* I am going under cover for a week to gather intelligence on my Lord's enemies. This shall be an extemely dangerous mission and I will not be in contact until the mission is completed.

          Actually, we're going on holiday for a week and although it doesn't sound as glamourous, I'm sure it will be just as dangerous

          I know you will miss me , but try and have fun anyway! I hope there's 20 pages to catch up on when I get back


            Originally posted by Oma-1
            *serious loyal advisor face* I am going under cover for a week to gather intelligence on my Lord's enemies. This shall be an extemely dangerous mission and I will not be in contact until the mission is completed.

            Actually, we're going on holiday for a week and although it doesn't sound as glamourous, I'm sure it will be just as dangerous

            I know you will miss me , but try and have fun anyway! I hope there's 20 pages to catch up on when I get back
            lol, hope you have a lovely holiday Oma!

            and it will be difficult but we'll do our best to have fun without you

            See you in a week!

            Sam x

            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


              Just had a minute to check in - and realised my assignment has changed

              I'm not going on an undercover assignment for My Lord anymore - I'm recruiting my own loyal jaffa army to challenge her!

              Kneel before your GOD MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!

              Thanks Shipper Family for all the wonderful jello ((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))

              BTW Bev .... Would now be a good time to hand in my notice? Do you require me to work the full notice period, or shall I just clear the desk now?


                Originally posted by Oma-1
                Just had a minute to check in - and realised my assignment has changed

                I'm not going on an undercover assignment for My Lord anymore - I'm recruiting my own loyal jaffa army to challenge her!

                Kneel before your GOD MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!

                Thanks Shipper Family for all the wonderful jello ((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))

                BTW Bev .... Would now be a good time to hand in my notice? Do you require me to work the full notice period, or shall I just clear the desk now?
                Congrats on your promotion Oma!

                It's a funny thing...I was a loyal advisor, but I had no one to advise...and now I'm a System Lord, and have no one to boss around.

                And speaking of promotions...

                THREADS and SEASON 9 Spoilers....

                I'm thoroughly confused about Jack's status next season.

                Kerry pitched the idea for him to retire to him so he could be with Sam. I have read that it's been suggested that everyone at Home World Security will be civilian (although I can personally find no confirmation from TPTB on this board or anywhere else).

                Does anyone know the scoop?

                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                  Sorry guys but i've got to say this...
                  I'm so glad I came back!!!

                  I've just been reading through all the little discussions going on and I realised how much I missed it and how much being here acually makes me feel calm and happy

                  ((((((((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
                  (((((((((((((((((((((((SueKay)))))))))))))))))))))) <-Thank you for convincing me to pop back in here

                  Sam x
                  See I always said you can't leave here forever!! Just like the lurkers eventually de-lurke the ex-patriats always return. It is the way of the shipper family.


                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                    Congrats on your promotion Oma!

                    It's a funny thing...I was a loyal advisor, but I had no one to advise...and now I'm a System Lord, and have no one to boss around.

                    And speaking of promotions...

                    THREADS and SEASON 9 Spoilers....

                    I'm thoroughly confused about Jack's status next season.

                    Kerry pitched the idea for him to retire to him so he could be with Sam. I have read that it's been suggested that everyone at Home World Security will be civilian (although I can personally find no confirmation from TPTB on this board or anywhere else).

                    Does anyone know the scoop?
                    Hi everybody how are you guys? I missed you all. Sorry that I was gone for a while but I needed some space. I came sometimes at the Stargate Intel forum. My grandfather died and he was buried this friday .

                    Yeah Kerry did mention it. I think it is a way of TPTB to make a transistion from removing Jack out of the serie. I think that he is going to retire and run as a civilian. I am almost sure of it. Oma congratulations on becoming a systemlord. You are now one of us.

                    I noticed that GateWorld has removed more than 150 post of me why?? I had more than 1800 I thought I would become a first prime than. But now it has removed posts again !! this is the 3rd time this happens and they don't inform me.
                    Lord Zedd


                      It sounds like TPTB are going to bring back all of
                      Sam's Man Friends until the last episode and then Sam and Jack will get together.I'am afraid once Vala is off the Show TPTB will use the Sam character to spice things up.The last thing the Sam character needs right now is to bring back the Man Friends after the way TPTB have written the Sam Character the last 2 Years.I love how TPTB talk about a new direction.Nice new direction for the Sam character.If TPTB are smart they will have the Sam character show no interest in these Man Friends.IMO any Shippers who watch Season 9 will not put up with Sam and the guest Star of the week.It was tough enough to watch once there’s no need to see it again.IMO TPTB need to bring back the Smart Tough Sam character and not the Sam character who flirts with every guest Star of the week.It would also be great to have Sam stop trying to Play nice with everyone especially SG-1 enemies like Baal.


                        Originally posted by melpomene
                        See I always said you can't leave here forever!! Just like the lurkers eventually de-lurke the ex-patriats always return. It is the way of the shipper family.
                        Yep its impossible to stay away, I always think about dropping in but I never really get the chance...but now i'm goingt o try my best to keep visiting, I need to be calm for my exams and being here is the best relaxation for me

                        ooooh I just noticed I got my third glowy square!! Thanks for the jello everyone

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          Originally posted by ses110
                          It sounds like TPTB are going to bring back all of
                          Sam's Man Friends until the last episode and then Sam and Jack will get together.I'am afraid once Vala is off the Show TPTB will use the Sam character to spice things up.The last thing the Sam character needs right now is to bring back the Man Friends after the way TPTB have written the Sam Character the last 2 Years.I love how TPTB talk about a new direction.Nice new direction for the Sam character.If TPTB are smart they will have the Sam character show no interest in these Man Friends.IMO any Shippers who watch Season 9 will not put up with Sam and the guest Star of the week.It was tough enough to watch once there’s no need to see it again.IMO TPTB need to bring back the Smart Tough Sam character and not the Sam character who flirts with every guest Star of the week.It would also be great to have Sam stop trying to Play nice with everyone especially SG-1 enemies like Baal.
                          I agree with you Ses, I hope they don't do that to the charcater I like how she is now....but I really don't see why they would do that after what they gave us in Threads and Mobieus(a bit). Sam and Jack have to be together in season 9! That was what Mobieus was trying to tell us in true vague PTB style....
                          The determining part of Season 9 for me is goign to be the explanation of where Sam and Jack are in the first few eps and the whole Sam/Jack situation...i'm just hoping TPTB can come up with something good, not just a silly little thing that makes no sense.

                          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                            Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                            Thing is, if shippers will watch, regardless of whether or not TPTB screw us, then they have no incentive *not* to screw us. Especially as certain other fan groups will scream, shout, rant, threaten not to watch (among other things they threaten) and the like to get what they want.


                            Well said Darkquee

                            if Shippers keep watching the show ..why would TPTB modify the direction ??!!

                            If Shippers keep on buying the DVD's ( I'm not by the way buying season 7, 8, and 9 for me I stopped at season 6 and I'm happy with that ) then why why TPTB employ new women writers to make the show more appealing on a human level?!!!

                            On the other end ..and this is very good .... I'm spending my money on buying DVD's for other shows like Alias and Dark angel .



                              Hello, Shipper Family!

                              Andy867 has just posted a wonderful new Sam/Jack video to the music videos thread. If you don't check in there regularly, the url is:


                              It's post 1053. I've already sent him a thank you rep, but I wanted to let all of you know it's there.

                              I'm off to Knoxville for a four-day professional development seminar. I'll be checking in as time allows. The hotel has wireless access, and it'll be the first time I've played with that, so it should be fun.

                              Have a lovely week, and remember: Stargate Monday continues in shippy Season 4 tomorrow! My VCR is set, in case the hotel doesn't have SciFi!!!!!


                                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                                if i might -i would like to add my 12 cents worth here. The Boys from Vancouver have certainly led us to believe that Jack and Sam love each other and the actors have played it that way-but they certainly haven't shown that they love us. And i can tell you I have had about all the angst I can handle-thank you very much. If after all that they are going to drag it out the way ST-TNG did with Troi and Riker-I am going to be in the 'that don't impress me much' camp. I don't mind so much RDA popping hither, thither and yon-but if he does-I would like to know that Sam is as much a part of his life, as he is in hers. Bring back the old admirers is not doing much for me at all.

                                If they drag it on off screen ..I'm gone too cuz it's pretty lame and unreal .I love scifi and romance mixed together only when it is consistant ...if it is not too true to human nature ..then it does not interest me because nobody in their right mind and their devoted love for each other would wait any longer than 8 years considering than we know from end of season 8 that Jack was considering Retirement or work as a civilian ( Thank you Kerry) to be with Sam .

                                So I expect Jack to be with Sam in the pilote and I expect to hear it .If there is no mention of it whatsoever ..then It's good bye for me for the show and I Have other shows to go into ...plenty of them as a matter of fact ..that I'm getting hooked on too

                                Sam and Jack forever in the season 9 premiere and I want to hear it


