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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
    My sense is that ... and I'll answer Caty here too ... if they completely drop the topic, it would be untrue to the huge S/J story arc, beginning with Divide and Conquer (which they fully acknowledged in the beginning of Threads).

    Additionally, it would be untrue to the character development and the things I posted before about Grace and Threads. Sam came to conclusions in Grace, played them out, realized some of them were wrong and corrected them in Threads. To not continue something in Season 9 or heaven forbid pair her with some other guy would be completely out of character for Sam.

    That being said, of course I'm a little scared that TPTB will do something stupid and drop everything...just move on with the new guys and let us all down. But I personally believe that it would be a suicidal move because of how un-Samlike it would be for her to not even think or mention Jack. I mean, if they wanted to abandon the Sam/Jack issue entirely, they could have either avoided it like the plague or they could have made Sam really love and marry Pete...and Jack could have stayed with Kerry. But that didn't happen...they both came to their senses.

    So, IMHO, if their intention was to completely ignore J/S shipping, then Threads would have been the time to set in stone that they didn't love each other and were really moving on. But since that didn't happen and Sam and Jack are starting to openly acknowledge their feelings beyond just "okay there's something there beyond what I'm supposed to feel," then there had better be something referencing this major development in Season 9. Otherwise, Threads would make no sense.

    (((Uber))) I don't think they will completely ignore the Sam and Jack ship in season 9 but they may do an opening season a la lost city 2 followed by new order 1 ..Do you see what I mean??!!! ..with no mention of it ...and the ship will be there later when Sam
    ] comes back with a mention of Jack ...Hopefully, she won't say "Don't know , haven't seen him " or turns up at SGC and says to Teal'c and Daniel "Where is Jack?"" like she has not seen him for like 1 month Then yeah I expect TPTB not to drop the ship but only there occasionally like every 5 episode. I'm worried that we will get a lot of episodes with no mention of Sam and Jack ship at all .
    Stargate TPTB is very good at ignoring the ship when they feel like it and they can do it for a few episodes in a row



      Originally posted by ses110
      Caty it would not surprise me at all if Jack never mentions Sam during the Season premiere.We all know how great TPTB are at following up the Ship from one Season to the next.IMO it makes no sense that
      Sam would need to be away from Jack to start Season 9.I know Sam just lost Jacob and broke up with Pete but I cannot see Sam wanting to be away from Jack.Sam had better be working on something vital to Earth's survival if she is not with Jack to start the Season.Sam and Jack have been waiting for 8 Years and at this point I doubt they would want to wait 8 Seconds to be together.After finally going Fishing together Sam and Jack should have at least gone on 1 Date or agreed to Date.TPTB are bringing back all of Sam's Man Friend and if Sam is still not with Jack the Sam character will look horrible IMO.It will look like Sam is ready to commit to Jack.

      Yes SES it makes no sense at all and as I just said ..they really need some women writers for the show now even more than before ...or they will probably fail in transmitting a good ship ..That is ..if they want to transmitt a really good ship !!!!!

      DO you hear TPTB?



        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Regarding spoilers coming from TPTB Stargate ..they are never about Sam and Jack ship ...All they want to do is throw a pic of Sam
        and Pete with a ring or Jack in his bedroom with another woman ....If we get something from Sam and Jack's them walking together in the sand without a smile on their face ..that you actually wonder if they even like each other or they thrown some kind of AU photos that nobody understands (The jail cell pic from Moebius)..and they will carry on doing that ...I bet we gonna get a pic of Sam with orlin , a pic of Sam with Baa'l and another one with Barrett in some spoilers to come for season 9 regarding the Sam and Jack characters ...She 'll have a nice smile on her face in those pics ...and we'll get a Pic of Jack either in his office in Washington with a sad look on his face either alone or talking to another woman ..All the 15 other photos will be from vala , cameron , Daniel ..we'll be even lucky to get one of Teal'c !!!
        ...I can just sense it ..this is the way Stargate TPTB operates

        Conclusion : You can have a team show and still have great ship

        You are so right. I have stopped looking at their season 9 spoilers. Whats the point, if you are looking for J/S ship it won't be there.
        How many pics did we get in season 8 of Jack and Sam together? The only thing good about the Pete/Sam and Jack/Kerry pic was that we knew it was comming. I would have been totally surprised and caught off guard like I was with Chimera.
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Originally posted by ses110
          Great point nickatell.Why bring in BB unless you feel AT MS and CJ cannot carry the show.I also feel there was no reason not to put
          Sam and Jack together at the end of Season 8.Threads should have gotten Sam and Jack together and the episode was about losing Jacob Sam breaking up with Pete and Daniel instead of Sam and Jack.I wish I could have hope for Season 9 but the way things stand now it does not look good for Sam and Jack Ship.I'am not going to tune in each week to see if Sam talks about Jack or if Sam is talking on the Phone with Jack.IMO this Show lost about 70% of its appeal withour RDA.Like Mary said Jack is the Glue.I said this a while ago and I'll say it again.Jack is the straw that stirs the Drink.
          I just wonder how many Season 9
          Daniel/Vala wrestling matches we will have to suffer thru before Sam gets back.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by Rogue
            You are so right. I have stopped looking at their season 9 spoilers. Whats the point, if you are looking for J/S ship it won't be there.
            How many pics did we get in season 8 of Jack and Sam together? The only thing good about the Pete/Sam and Jack/Kerry pic was that we knew it was comming. I would have been totally surprised and caught off guard like I was with Chimera.
            i've said it before, i'll say it again-the boys from vancouver cannot write their way out of a paperbag-and some of their actors can't act their way out either. I still believe
            that s/j are going to end up being a fig newton of our imagination in season 9 and i greatly resent that they are taking the shippers for granted. i really enjoyed Ben and Claudia in Farscape- and if done right-they can add a lot to the show-but seriously-pulling a sword out of a stone and being dressed in skimpy black leather???what message are they sending?
            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


              Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
              you make a very good point-but i think that the fault lies with the writers and the boys in vancouver not with the inability of AT, CJ or MS to carry the show-i do think that they didn't make effective use of RDA-especially since he was pretty much in every episode in season 8. I also believe that his Jack was a bitter, angry and lonely man. I don't know how much of that was true to the way he wished to protray Jack or the way it ended up-and i think that we where short-sheeted as far as their relationship goes. It sitll don't know what caused Sam to approach Jack-because we had no indication she was unhappy with Pete-I was unhappy with Pete and happy enough to see it end-but i would have liked a more definitive resolution-and my big fear for season 9 is
              they will totally ignore it and act like it never happened
              Yep, I would still like to know what
              made Sam go talk to Jack. On a personal level, he treated her like crap. If I were Sam, I would get the feeling he didn't care anymore. I didn't see any indication that either one was unhappy with the significant other. Jack looked plenty happy with Kerry. What made Kerry decide to dump Jack? Yeah he was nervous when Sam showed up, but that could have been for a number of reasons. With these guys, they write so vague, you have to make asumptions.
              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                Originally posted by Rogue
                Yep, I would still like to know what
                made Sam go talk to Jack. On a personal level, he treated her like crap. If I were Sam, I would get the feeling he didn't care anymore. I didn't see any indication that either one was unhappy with the significant other. Jack looked plenty happy with Kerry. What made Kerry decide to dump Jack? Yeah he was nervous when Sam showed up, but that could have been for a number of reasons. With these guys, they write so vague, you have to make asumptions.
                i believe it is because
                they refuse to take any responsibility for what ever "assumptions" are made. y'all know what happens when you assume don't you? you make an a$$ of you and me. they left it open for interpretation because it will make it easier for them to cut and run-that way they don't make anyone mad-becuz we all get to see it in whatever light we like. all i have to say is Barf!
                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                  i've said it before, i'll say it again-the boys from vancouver cannot write their way out of a paperbag-and some of their actors can't act their way out either. I still believe
                  that s/j are going to end up being a fig newton of our imagination in season 9 and i greatly resent that they are taking the shippers for granted. i really enjoyed Ben and Claudia in Farscape- and if done right-they can add a lot to the show-but seriously-pulling a sword out of a stone and being dressed in skimpy black leather???what message are they sending?
                  Well doesn't that make him Season 9
                  King Cameron. I guess Teal'c, Daniel and Sam will be his trusty knights of the round table.
                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    Originally posted by Rogue
                    Well doesn't that make him Season 9
                    King Cameron. I guess Teal'c, Daniel and Sam will be his trusty knights of the round table.
                    trusty something?? or is it rusty something? beats me! my best guess is to show that Cameron is a direct descendant (spell) of the ancients as is Jack and Shep-and i wonder if they are heading off into more scifi/fantasy than they did the last 8 years. oh this is gonna be some season can i say Barf!
                    Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                      Originally posted by Rogue
                      I just wonder how many Season 9
                      Daniel/Vala wrestling matches we will have to suffer thru before Sam gets back.

                      A lot ...I'm afraid it's written very clearly on my Magma doodle Board ..well at least I can still erase it

                      So not fair
                      And if Jack does not mention Sam at all in a romantic way in the season 9 premiere ..I'm done with the show .....cuz that means they don't care one bit about shippers and their dedication ....I think they gonna lose a lot of customers for DVD's but hey we may all get together hand in hand into another sci-fi forum and talk about another great sci-fi ship ..why not ?!!!



                        Originally posted by Rogue
                        Well doesn't that make him Season 9
                        King Cameron. I guess Teal'c, Daniel and Sam will be his trusty knights of the round table.

                        Looks like it YUk poor Teal'c ...I hope Jack will invite him fishing again I feel for poor Teal'c but I hope they will write him an episode when he gets to meet



                          Originally posted by sueKay

                 school again *groan*

                          After reading the last few pages, I have to agree about Sam...I don't think she's cut out to be the lead...if she was still season 1 - 6 Sam...then yeah...but not after season eight.

                          What I think we should do?

                          Do what the Voyager fans (Eye of Botox included I think) did!

                          Why don't we make a VIRTUAL season...completely ignore season nine and make our own 22 'episode' saga.

                          We could handle ship the way we want it
                          We could have the villains and characters we like
                          We could have Jack in the stories as much as possible
                          We have enough talented and dedicated writers to pull it off and make it believeable.

                          Who's with me? We can make our OWN season nine for people who are no longer interested in the actual season nine. I'm not saying snub the show, I'll definitely still be watching, but we can create our OWN canon.

                          Yeah You start Suekay I'm not good at writing fics ..and I wish I could have time to read them ..but I haven't

                          Still good idea for a virtual season 9



                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            Yeah You start Suekay I'm not good at writing fics ..and I wish I could have time to read them ..but I haven't

                            Still good idea for a virtual season 9

                            huh-a virtual season 9-sounds intriguing.
                            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                              I do agree with you Rogue,
                              I really don't think enough energy was put in to the reasons Kerry decides to leave Jack, and Sam leaving Pete. I realize that Jack's heart probably was not fully in this relationship with Kerry but she could have just as easily have pushed it off on his job thinking his mind was somewhere else. That one meeting in Jack's backyard, even staring at their eyes and body language didn't give me the feeling Jack had feelings for Sam coming from Kerrys perspective. I think a lot was left unseen. Although Jack must have been in the relationship enough where Kerry slipped and said love rather than live with when she dumped him in his office. As for Sam leaving Pete I believe the reason there too was a little vague. Pete never changed he took control of the relationship from the beginning and never faulted; to his credit he had no reason to because he was getting everything he wanted so why shake the boat. Although I didn't like the way Pete was thrown at us and his stalking in the beginning, I do think he truly loved Sam in his own way. Coming from Pete's point of view I don't think I really would have understood why Sam was calling off the marriage, although we didn't hear what her reason was. We never saw Pete, Sam and Jack together for him to understand that situation, heck we never even saw Pete and Sam argue.


                                Originally posted by nickatell
                                I do agree with you Rogue,
                                I really don't think enough energy was put in to the reasons Kerry decides to leave Jack, and Sam leaving Pete. I realize that Jack's heart probably was not fully in this relationship with Kerry but she could have just as easily have pushed it off on his job thinking his mind was somewhere else. That one meeting in Jack's backyard, even staring at their eyes and body language didn't give me the feeling Jack had feelings for Sam coming from Kerrys perspective. I think a lot was left unseen. Although Jack must have been in the relationship enough where Kerry slipped and said love rather than live with when she dumped him in his office. As for Sam leaving Pete I believe the reason there too was a little vague. Pete never changed he took control of the relationship from the beginning and never faulted; to his credit he had no reason to because he was getting everything he wanted so why shake the boat. Although I didn't like the way Pete was thrown at us and his stalking in the beginning, I do think he truly loved Sam in his own way. Coming from Pete's point of view I don't think I really would have understood why Sam was calling off the marriage, although we didn't hear what her reason was. We never saw Pete, Sam and Jack together for him to understand that situation, heck we never even saw Pete and Sam argue.
                                that is exactly what my major beef was with Threads
                                there was absolutely nothing-nothing to show that anything had changed-and what? Kerry saw Jack and Sam interact once??? she is quite perceptive i'll tell ya-if all of the CIA was that astute...anyway-my guess a lot of it is on the cuttin room floor -never in this lifetime to be seen.
                                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda

