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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post

    About the "FarScape" Convention 2004 on YouTube, I like how Claudia says she would get in her make-up chair in the morning, all would be mellow and then Ben would walk in wearing his Leathers and the room would Cheer-up and Claudia had a big smile on her face! LOL!!
    Ya, that was pretty cute, and I don't blame her a bit!

    Originally posted by zuz View Post
    hi cameron thunkers

    I made a few cameron smilies for you to enjoy.


    If you like you'll find more on my smilies thread here.
    Great as usual Zuz!

    Made by Me!



        Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
        oh good, the more prayers the better! heee

        I knooooow! grrr lol

        I forgot to say how much I hated (spoilers for Bounty)
        Amy, his high school crush! LOL
        Really? I kinda liked her... LOVED that he fell outta his chair when she came over ... and noticed instantly that she has blond hair and blue eyes like another Lt. Col. we know. I think Purple just doesn't like seeing Cam kiss anyone other than Purple!!!

        Originally posted by AnnaBee View Post
        And cheers for that purple!
        I am looking forwards to seeing Bounty. Y'know, when they release s10 on DVD (cos god knows they aren't going to air in on TV first!)
        Nice wp, Anna... and have you heard when they'll release the DVDs on region 2 or 4? I know lots of Aussies who have region-free players and usually get the region 2 DVDs, 'cause it seems like the Brits get everything first

        Originally posted by cat View Post
        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
        HEY! Cat finally graced us with her presence!!! *waves*
        *waves* back... oh I've been around... mainly as one of those 'guests', been lurkin instead of signin
        Oh! One of those, huh? I'll have you know that when I posted the dinner bump, I was the ONLY one in here! Don't think I've ever seen that before!


          SEX GOD Saturday!!!


            I'm currently going through Purple's caps of Bounty, so I should be able to post some of those later today... maybe tomorrow. I'll avoid posting the ones that Purple's already posted though.


              Nearly an HOUR without a post? On SEX GOD Day??!!


                Um... helLOOOOoooo... where is everyone?
                Didn't I mention that I'd be editing Purple's pix? I can't be in here ALL day (much as I'd like to )

                Oh, you can... you just don't want to


                  *follows tumbleweed into Furnace*


                    Beware of FUZZIES!!


                      Hiya Neelan

                      for size





                          I've been running around doing laundry, dishes, feeding horses.

                          Now I have to get ready for a party

                          runs off again


                            Originally posted by Toomi View Post

                            I am SO stealin' this one for a LJ icon!
                            Hey, Toomi *waves* Hi and bye, Iffy!
                            Posted the fuzzies just for you, SW (& me, of course )

                            NEKKID JOHN!!!


                              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

                              I am SO stealin' this one for a LJ icon!
                              Hey, Toomi *waves* Hi and bye, Iffy!
                              Posted the fuzzies just for you, SW (& me, of course )

                              Now why do I have this desiring urge to go to bed.....

                              But it's off to work for me now.



                                Greetings Furnace!

                                I saw Bounty! What a great Cam episode!


                                He was absolutely adorable! I loved it when he met his high school crush! I LOL when he stumbled over the chairs when he saw her. I thought it was so cute! I also loved the chemistry between Vala and Cam. It was definitely (as least I think it was) a slight homage to Farscape, but the roles were reversed. (Hope that makes sense. ) Though....I think I could've sworn that a hint of John Crichton slipped out Cam/Ben every now and then. I dunno may be that was just me.

                                Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!

