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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Ohhhh, the widdle ow-ie, come here baby, let me kiss it and make it better


      Originally posted by Kas
      Yep... No-ONE gets mad like our John...wouldn't mess with him especially with what he's packing!
      I find this face sexy!! Way too yummy!!


        Originally posted by Kas
        YUMMY... one of my fav. SG shots... I'm just going to snurch this Cam and run away with him now.

        Sorry it's been a quick fly-by but y'know - UK hours and work tomorrow

        Night Hussies! Not far off 13,000 posts for Ben - I'll see if y'all make it!
        (one of my favorite too!)No worries, we will be far past that when you get back!! Sleep well!


          Originally posted by purpletoo1

          Yep, I had to go to bb on line and snurch a few pics but I am very wrapped up here too and love you all,

          I finished my dvds, did you get your new one yet (it brings you up to S3)?
          I actually have the full set and Peacekeeper Wars... Just purchased the UK Full Season 4 boxset that has been released.

          I am however buying some of the US Starbursts that have some of the extra new commentaries, especially Ben & Claude. I'm just waiting for 2.3 to arrive any day now from (it's on its way and has them both doing 'The Locket') ...


            Hey Kas!
            I'm lovin those wet WWL caps from you and mesa.

            I know its the wrong day and all, but can you post the pic of John tasting his gun cartridge in WWL2?

            Hook a sista up, please? Its fine if its tomorrow, cause then it'll be the correct day.

            Night-night Kas!


              Originally posted by mesa
              Can you say slip and slide?


                Originally posted by Kas
                I actually have the full set and Peacekeeper Wars... Just purchased the UK Full Season 4 boxset that has been released.

                I am however buying some of the US Starbursts that have some of the extra new commentaries, especially Ben & Claude. I'm just waiting for 2.3 to arrive any day now from (it's on its way and has them both doing 'The Locket') ...
                Yes, I was inquiring about the Starburst one. I just need to be patient then. I may just buy the regular ones if the Starburst S3 and 4 are not ready yet cuz I don't want to wait that long!! lol


                  Originally posted by purpletoo1
                  I could never pass up an offer like that!! LOL, come back here! I have a special treat for you!

                  Mmmm. nice treat, I'm bummed I missed that last night but I grab my glass of wine and invite the boy down to have some fun Where are those keys to the cufffs??


                    Originally posted by cajnjirl
                    Hey Kas!
                    I'm lovin those wet WWL caps from you and mesa.

                    I know its the wrong day and all, but can you post the pic of John tasting his gun cartridge in WWL2?

                    Hook a sista up, please? Its fine if its tomorrow, cause then it'll be the correct day.

                    Night-night Kas!

                    Delicious, absofriganlutly!! *ded*


                      Originally posted by cajnjirl
                      Hey Kas!
                      I'm lovin those wet WWL caps from you and mesa.

                      I know its the wrong day and all, but can you post the pic of John tasting his gun cartridge in WWL2?

                      Hook a sista up, please? Its fine if its tomorrow, cause then it'll be the correct day.

                      Night-night Kas!

                      Thanks Cajn.... and can I just say THAT is a great shot! Cheers!

                      And it is the correct day for me already... so here's the cappy!

                      I know, I know, I'm still here! ... it's just so hard to drag myself away after a no-show with the forums.

                      Anyways... I really must go - Goodnight ALL!


                        Originally posted by gbbarb
                        Mmmm. nice treat, I'm bummed I missed that last night but I grab my glass of wine and invite the boy down to have some fun Where are those keys to the cufffs??
                        Hi birthday girl *waves* What did you do today?

                        No, you don't want to take the cuffs off!! LOL Glad you liked the treat!


                          Originally posted by Kas
                          Just quickly flying through to say Morning Hussies on this:

                          Have to catch up with the posts later... Looks like our resident TWINS have been having a private party
                          Thanks Kas, I've been having a private party all day and it is time to let my John/Ben/Cam clone out of the bedroom, the poor boy is having a hard time walking.

                          What?? I was just talking about how whumped he looked in your pictures.
                          LONG LOST TWIN SISTER OF PURPLE


                            Originally posted by purpletoo1
                            Yes, I was inquiring about the Starburst one. I just need to be patient then. I may just buy the regular ones if the Starburst S3 and 4 are not ready yet cuz I don't want to wait that long!! lol

                            Starburst S3 and 4 are not out yet. I'm waiting for them myself, since I don't yet own S3 and 4 boxset. Which are about $115 a set without all the new extras.


                              Originally posted by Kas
                              Thanks Cajn.... and can I just say THAT is a great shot! Cheers!

                              And it is the correct day for me already... so here's the cappy!

                              I know, I know, I'm still here! ... it's just so hard to drag myself away after a no-show with the forums.

                              Anyways... I really must go - Goodnight ALL!
                              Hehe, feel the same way!! This is a guh pic!


                                Thanks Mesa, I see you posted pictures from one of my favorite eps. What can I say, I love John and major angst, Scorpius and Grayza messing with his mind and body are my very favorite eps.
                                LONG LOST TWIN SISTER OF PURPLE

