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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    I was watching Deus Ex Machina
    i love that moment where he slaps the SG1 badges on them. His face was so determind and so hopeful and yet such a tiny bit worried, as if he was scared they would just take the badges off again. He looked so adorable, I can see why they accepted teh badges. If he looked at me like that, I'd be happy to do anything he asked me to
    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


      It seems to me that Cameron is bit more insecure than Crichton was, like he's not quite sure of his place, and is a bit worried the rest of SG1 is going to tell him to bugger off and demand Jack back. I love that about him though, it's just irresistable...mind you, it was always Crichton's vulnerability, especially about Aeryn, that I loved most (that, and the way he looked in leather)
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Hmmmm, so we have "Sexy Saturday" and "Smoldering Eyes Sunday"... could you guys give me the full list, so I can be prepared for the week? Thanks!

        So, smoldering eyes...

        Here's the one from TV Guide (cropped to emphasize those eyes):

        And this one, 'cause I think they look especially smoldering *THUD*


          Hmmm, how about "smoldering eye"?


          Oh! I think I can manage a couple more before I lose all consciousness.

          Thanks to Tech TV for this one:

          And to Ben Browder Online for this one:

          *smoldersmolder... melt*

          /PkGrl due to utter meltage


            Jeez, I can't believe that I just helped contribute to Ben's thread moving down the page! Sooooo sorry!

            To help make up for it, here's another smoldery eye pic, that also has angst and tears (what an AWESOME scene!):



              Why does that man have to be sooooo sexy?

              Allow me to answer that one as well...cuz that man knows how to attract his thunkers, knows how to dress (mmmm Leather and black) and he definately knows all the moves and styles

              And that's why he is soooo sexy

              Anyone disagree or agree? I am sure that you all agree



                Originally posted by michelleb
                I was watching Deus Ex Machina
                i love that moment where he slaps the SG1 badges on them. His face was so determind and so hopeful and yet such a tiny bit worried, as if he was scared they would just take the badges off again. He looked so adorable, I can see why they accepted teh badges. If he looked at me like that, I'd be happy to do anything he asked me to
                I just thought that scene was great Michelle... no words necessary. And ditto to what you said there.

                Neelan - that was a fantastic run of those peepers. Thanks.

                To help make up for it, here's another smoldery eye pic, that also has angst and tears (what an AWESOME scene!):
                Awesome indeed. I really liked Claudia teasing Ben over this in the DVD commentary, but appreciating Ben's acting choice to have Crichton cry at this point as he reflected on all that had happened, all that he missed about being a Human male... Really fantastic acting there!

                Potions Mistress: Most definitely agree!


                  mmmmmmmmmm i so agree... that man can wear anything and still look frakkin' sexy...



                    Originally posted by Kas
                    Nice going Hussies!

                    Purpletoo1 wrote: Well, sure, why not, yea! I could, um.......handle that!

                    *VBG* I'd get that forum paddle out for you my girl, except my train of though was exactly the same LOL!

                    Welcome back NEELAN... glad the trip was OK... I'd love to go to Vancouver, really looks a beautiful city from the pics I've seen and the surrounding area - wonderful. What a pity you didn't bump into the Man, but then again you only have until November! Don't forget to tell him to come over to the UK for us... we'll give a warm welcome!
                    Greytop: Love the piccies... especially the one you've modified with the glasses... YUM - you know I can't resist Ben in Shades! *thunk*

                    It's Smouldering Eyes Sunday 2

                    Here's some Mid-90s Ben:

                    OK, I deserve it! .........Love these smouldering eyes!!


                      Originally posted by michelleb
                      I was watching Deus Ex Machina
                      i love that moment where he slaps the SG1 badges on them. His face was so determind and so hopeful and yet such a tiny bit worried, as if he was scared they would just take the badges off again. He looked so adorable, I can see why they accepted teh badges. If he looked at me like that, I'd be happy to do anything he asked me to
                      Yes, me too Michelle, I just love that about him and the way he looks in leather too!


                        Originally posted by ChillinTheMost

                        80 years old! WooHoo!!!

                        oh, and, hey, definitely worth delaying your viewing of Stargate for. Mitchell would approve.
                        Well it sertainly was an eventful day. And a lot of cakes! A LOT of cakes!!!! OK, so my grandmother is known for always having cake and making you eat at least a piece a day (and when I say she makes you eat it, I mean it, LOL). But for 70 something people, we had 10! And that was after a nice and big dinner. Safe to say there was a lot left and I am glad I left early today, or else I would be ceating cake til it came out of my ears

                        Originally posted by kazbaby
                        Just a little icon this time.

                        Holy!! I love it!!! My JD is not liking my newfound love for DC, LOL. Now if only cameron would start calling Daniel Daniel, instead of Jackson

                        Now, in about *checks* 12 hours time I will be able to see the new episode. Darn the internet and it's slowness (and of course, downloading is evil *nods* but how else am I to stay updated on my favourite show!! And waiting for the DVDs is out of the question. I don't have that kind of patience, LOL)


                          Originally posted by Potions_Mistress

                          Why does that man have to be sooooo sexy?

                          Allow me to answer that one as well...cuz that man knows how to attract his thunkers, knows how to dress (mmmm Leather and black) and he definately knows all the moves and styles

                          And that's why he is soooo sexy

                          Anyone disagree or agree? I am sure that you all agree



                            *humming* These are a few of my favorite things, er......eyes!


                              *still humming* I simpley remember my favorite things, er....eyes, and then I don't feel sooooooooo bad!


                                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                                Hmmmm, so we have "Sexy Saturday" and "Smoldering Eyes Sunday"... could you guys give me the full list, so I can be prepared for the week? Thanks!

                                So, smoldering eyes...

                                Here's the one from TV Guide (cropped to emphasize those eyes):

                                And this one, 'cause I think they look especially smoldering *THUD*

                                Nice, nice, nice! *Very Big Sigh* if only!

