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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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      What's the theme today and is there any way I could get a list so I can save it with the others
      My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
      poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl





          *grabs mesa before she can disappear again* HI! *hugs*

          Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
          What's the theme today and is there any way I could get a list so I can save it with the others
          Sure, Erika....

          Monday = Manic... anything goes (for pix that don't fit into any other theme)

          Tuesday = Uniform, Leather and Butt day (pretty self-explanitory)
          Wednesday = Whumped, Wet and Dirty
          Thursday = Body porn
          Friday = Freak, Fun and Flashback (for pretty much anything that's not SG or FS)
          Saturday = Sexy and Romantic (what I refer to as Sex God Day)

          Sunday = Smouldering Eyes


            Thanks hastiekido for posting these lovely pic's eariler. I think they deserve a re-run, don't ya think? I just love seeing this man in bed. Seeing him handcuffed just brings so many naughty images to mind....


              Originally posted by mesa View Post


              Damn he's hot!


                Got a REALLY detailed report of Ben's time on stage for everyone. I'll divide it up into parts, so it's not a drudgery to read it.

                Ben came out thanking us for coming to the con. He also made mention
                of Steve Palmer who passed away this year. Ben referred to his
                performance in the bunny suit last year. He told us he got to go to
                the arctic to film the SG-1 movies. He described filming on an ice
                floe with the US Navy. He gave a lecture to a middle school about
                it. He said if you threw a cup of coffee into the air it would
                explode into ice crystals because it was -35o F. He said it was so
                cold toilet paper doesn't work so they use baby wipes. He said they
                went to the bathroom in boxes. One with a pole for those with aim
                issues, and one without for freeform expression. LOL He said the
                wind was going toward camp so that made going to the bathroom not so
                good. His description of peeing at night was hysterical. He said
                every sound seemed like it was a polar bear. He said that sitting
                down on the seat of the outhouse was not a pleasant experience and
                you had better not be wet. Amanda Tapping was his survival buddy if
                he had hypothermia, but Martin was his survival buddy if he put any
                wet flesh against metal and it froze. He wanted Martin to use his
                urine to free him if got stuck to metal. LOL Ben told us he had an
                amazing experience because he was on a scifi show and he got to ride
                in a submarine. He is very proud of the men he met who serve our



                  He said that he got to stay home for the past summer and fall. He is working on a project with Andrew Prowse. Ben asked us if we knew the Colts/Patriots score. He likes both teams. He said
                  Peyton Manning has a career in TV and Tom Brady has a career in modeling. Ben started his talk by taking water and messing up his hair (yes, self-ruffling!), then he kept asking about his hair and trying to see it. He took some photos of himself with his hair messed up. Ben then told us how he was mandatorily evacuated when the fire occurred and he lost power and could see the flames on the ride out. He originally told his wife to take the kids, but after 20 years of marriage, when his wife told him he was going too, he did what he was told. LOL His home wasn't damaged, thankfully. He said make your valuables small because anything else is a pain in the ass when you have to flee. He told us he's been doing a lot of writing so he hasn't been doing much surfing. He told the newbies to hurry and get up there (to the microphones on either side of the stage) for questions because the veterans get there quick. He said people onTerra Firma scare him (jokingly). He asked what kind of people come
                  up with the term "nose porn"? LOL

                  He described how he got to fly in an F-16 with the Thunderbirds, and said it was incredible. They teach you how to eject and how to handle the g forces. They pulled 9 gs and went supersonic and did all kinds of maneuvers.

                  Ben started talking about writing with Andrew Prowse. He told us that they work well together. They sold "Going Homer" about a boy whose father gets home from Iraq and their trek home to Ithaca, NY.

                  He called Fran on his cell so we could say hello and she told him to give us a hug, but because she wasn't there she couldn't enforce that. He told her he hugged everyone in the room, but he only went into the audience and hugged a few people.

                  Someone threw bunny ears onto the stage and he started singing "Little Bunny Foo Foo". He told us the strangest thing he was asked to do was the scene where Crichton drank milk. He started harassing a guy who had left to go to the bathroom and told the guy that when he was gone he missed getting a hug, but then went down and hugged the guy anyway. He told us Fran is a powerful, powerful woman. Ben told us certain eps of Farscape will not be seen in his home because he wants to stay married and he likes his wife. He was asked jow many love scenes he had but he didn't know how many, but he did say that he over-prepared for them. He talked about the tongue thing in Look at the Princess and said that Kemper got 18 models for the scene and Fran showed up on the set. LOL He said she was sitting there and took all of the joy out of the room.



                    Kahntamp/Jeff told Ben we tried to get the bunny suit when it was auctioned off by Creation last year but we couldn't top the $10,000 that the winner bid. Ben told us of going to Wyoming last November. They stopped at the welcome center and Adam from Creation was there with his family. He said no one goes to Wyoming in November so who would have thought they would have run into each other. Ben said he asked Adam where his bunny suit was and Adam said it was Henson's property to do with as they wished. Ben said he missed having it at Halloween.

                    Then he messed up his hair again and asked us which way he parted it looked better. The general consensus was parted on the right. A Scaper from Germany who was a newbie asked Ben if he believes in God. There is one at every convention who has to ask something that you just don't ask. Ben said Fran is a Quaker and one of his kids goes to a Christian school, but that is as much as he was going to discuss about his beliefs and religion. He said that is
                    very private and too many people get mired in dogma. His spiritual matters are private. Period.

                    He joked that he had 6 questions asked and he had not given a complete answer yet. He feels he should become a politician. He told us he doesn't know what he would write, if he were to write another story for Farscape because he hasn't thought about it. He told us he has been auditioning again and he is seeing famous people at the auditions and he is in awe. He told us David Kemper and Rockne O'Bannion fought to have him chosen as Crichton. He told us that his next job will be the one that is available to him. He kept going on about how his answers were non-answers. He finally put the bunny ears on and said he just wants us to love him again. He said Canadians think Kansas is in the south since he is Southern. He said it's all south to Canadians once you get past Minnesota. He told us he would use his southern accent
                    purposely on Farscape and SG-1. He told us no one in his family races anymore. He said that Nascar has gotten so big it's hard for rednecks to identify with it. He told us he gets boring when he actually does answer a questioon. He also told us he does not go out anywhere with Chris and Michael becuase they're young and he's old.

                    He asked us why someone would answer an SG-1 question at a Farscape convention. He told us he's going back to Canada for the premiere of the SG-1 movie. He told us his first week working on SG-1 he and Chris were in a room and the scene where the ceiling was coming down on them, Chris unbuttoned his pants and mooned the camera. Ben had just met Chris. Day 3 of work. LOL

                    Ben told the lady from Creation that she couldn't just give him one more minute. He kept on the stage. Ben told us how Rockne doesn't tell him anything because he doesn't want Ben to steal it. He still didn't want to get off the stage and they showed a message on the screen saying: Francesca
                    called and she wants you to get offstage now, but he still didn't.

                    He then asked Anth, who came from backstage, if other actors influenced Ben's writing and Anth said he never read Ben's eps because he was too drunk. Anth went backstage again and came out on the other side of the stage where the next question was to be asked. Then Ben and Anth started messing with Pilot's console (it was there to be auctioned off). They demonstrated an explosion to show it worked on set. Ben doesn't necessarily think scifi is the best dramatically. He said that he now gets why we go online as fans because he's a huge fan of Friday Night Lights and he was pissed off
                    that they started all over with tehe storyline. He said he should go to a Friday Night Lights convention.

                    Adam came out and said they had a surprise, Ben's costar was going to join him and they brought out the blown up copy of Claudia Black's TV Guide cover. Ben said she looks pretty hot and it's great to see her anytime.


                      *runs back in, wiping tears of laughter* OMG! I gotta share some of these! It's a tradition among the "old timers" at the FS cons to write down quotes that strike us as funny, then read them all out of context later on... WAY funnier! And some of these are just too funny not to share, so here you go (the Patti mentioned in a few is ME ) And the name after the quote is the person who said it.

                      I want it and I don't care. Linda

                      You get past the tree line and you don't know what you get. Linda

                      Patti hasn't used her tongue in 14 years. Linda

                      I'm going to hobag hell. Linda

                      Mmmmmm alcohol. Leo and Amy/Amy

                      I love you to death but I'm going to kick your butt all over the place. Nora

                      I know it's the nice thing to do, but you know nice is overrated. Loki

                      Nothing gets us going like an accordion. Raven

                      This is like summer camp with booze. Julie (SO true!!! )

                      We want to hit PkGrl with tranquilizers. Raven

                      Oh, Patti's going to jail. Amy/Amy

                      It said GRIP right across the Boobs of Doom. Amy/Amy (Also about me and my new shirt from WB )

                      That they thought you were asleep at 2AM is scary. Amy/Amy

                      Are you really going to throw down in defense of Barry Manilow? Kilna

                      At least I did it in the bed and not the bar!! Linda

                      I can't feel my lips. Amy

                      I'm feeling a bit asymmetrical at the moment. Aughra

                      Okay men, let's see the size of your shoes. Linda

                      Oh look the exhibitionist is here. If I have to go down I'm taking whoever I take with me. Linda

                      I am a cheap, cheap, cheap Scaper! Marie

                      The Loki pokey. It's fun for me anyway. Loki

                      Get your asses together and snuggle. Ben Browder

                      I do as I'm told. I just go where they tell me to. Ben Browder

                      I was doing the manly thing with my hose. Ben Browder

                      There are always places to insert a sex toy. Rockne

                      If your name is Chuck, get off. Amy


                        Okay... I'm still up and I'm bored... and I have tomorrow off so I'm beginning my con pix now. They're all done. *whew* (Still haven't started editing the FF con pix )





                                Hey, Toomi... I see you lurking.

