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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
    OMG.. he commented on the ruffle??!!! Oh wow... that's exciting... he's so dreamy.....
    That's what the fussing with his hair was all about. Looking at the screen behind him, taking a picture of himself so he could see how it looked and wetting it.....its all just for us baby!!!!!! You're the best Ben!


      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
      Again, no. We set that up well before David said anything to me. And I don't think he even knew that one of our newbies was from Canadia. Oh, and you misspelled Farscape in your new sig. (I was wonldering how long it would take you to make one. )

      *cups hands around mouth* Jay? *whistles loudly* JAY?!
      I was in too much of a hurry yikes!

      I truely thought you told me that David was in on the set up ...I really do loose my mind when Ben's around OK, so let me get this straight, you talked to Ben before breakfast or after he started making the rounds? And the money was from his pocket or you guys gave it to Ben to give to Toomi? I am determinded to get this straight.


        Originally posted by CKO View Post
        this ones gonna call it a nite.... i have a pounding headache
        night honey, take some asprin


          Originally posted by Toomi View Post
          Neelan, here's the quoted post I think you asked for:

          I've finally finished putting my Con experience on my LJ.... Links in spoilers...


          Day one was not the first day of the con, but it was my first day in LA.

          Day two was the first day of the con and covers some of Lani and Jonathan's pannels

          Day Three

          Day Four/AKA Ben Day

          Day 5, 6 and 7 posted too

          Wha? There's neck in there *goes back to drowning in blue*

          I can't hug you guys enough for that... the toonie made a special apperance at work today, appreciated by some, ignored by

          Purple, thanx for posting teh pic of me getting stuff signed. I snurched. I have one of someone (perhaps 2 people) but don't know if they want them posted here.... Got one name right, Shippy, but the other, I can't remember who they are.)
          You're welcome. I don't identify people unless they say its ok so that is why I didn't point you out. I will give everyone full size pics when I'm done with them. But time is limited and my mouse arm acts up if I'm on the puter too long so I can't say when they will be done


            Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
            Yep. Totally agree!

            You got your priorities straight for once! LMAO!
            I always have my priorities straight. They just don't always agree with everyone else's.


              UGH i'm running so boss has had me working overtime to catch up all week....and I cant get anything done like cleaning up my own pics..or finishing the new siggy I was inspired to make from my badge...I haven't even scanned my photo op yet and I gotta sprint
              Ya'll have a good day !


                Hi babes! My internet is ridiculous... I've bairly been able to stay online more than 5 mins at a time. So needless to say, I'm not caught up at all... I do however have a few statements to make!!

                #1. I've been watching the Look at the Princess Trilogy, and I think I've discovered my favourite conversation between Aeryn and Crichton EVER!!
                John: Why did you do your hair?
                Aeryn: To see if you'd notice.
                John: STANDING. AT. ATTENTION!
                I love it...

                #2. I too do not like the look of the new Photobucket... having said that though, I only saw it for 1min, and the only pic of our boy I could get off of it before my internet kicked out was this one, so here is my gift for the day LOL:

                Really though, you can never go wrong with a pic of boys kissing... even if it is MS

                #3. I'm pretty sure i'm going to hell this weekend (oh well, it's not like Sokar's using it anymore )... Fiancee and I have to attend a Marriage Prep. course.... it's 13hrs Saturday and 8hrs Sunday.. so when I get back, there better be a WHOLE lotta pretties for me to oogle!!!! I'm going to need it!!!

                Have a good weekend Furnace!! I'll pop in and out periodically.... Wish me luck!!

                Made by Me!


                  Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                  I truely thought you told me that David was in on the set up ...I really do loose my mind when Ben's around OK, so let me get this straight, you talked to Ben before breakfast or after he started making the rounds? And the money was from his pocket or you guys gave it to Ben to give to Toomi? I am determinded to get this straight.
                  It was Ben's money, he said when he pulled out his jacket that morning he discovered it, so he put it in his jeans pocket then gave it to Toomi. And I spoke to Ben AT the table about the newbies. Me, Shippy, Toomi and closetfan all knew that we wanted Ben between them which is why we had an empty chair there the entire time. David came up to me when Ben was at the table just before us (and Gigi was also at an adjacent table) and said "I'm gonna put Ben next to the newbies at your table" and I told him we were ready for that. Everything happened at our table.

                  Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                  Hi babes! My internet is ridiculous... I've bairly been able to stay online more than 5 mins at a time. So needless to say, I'm not caught up at all... I do however have a few statements to make!!

                  #1. I've been watching the Look at the Princess Trilogy, and I think I've discovered my favourite conversation between Aeryn and Crichton EVER!!
                  John: Why did you do your hair?
                  Aeryn: To see if you'd notice.
                  John: STANDING. AT. ATTENTION!
                  I love it...

                  #2. I too do not like the look of the new Photobucket... having said that though, I only saw it for 1min, and the only pic of our boy I could get off of it before my internet kicked out was this one, so here is my gift for the day LOL:

                  Really though, you can never go wrong with a pic of boys kissing... even if it is MS

                  #3. I'm pretty sure i'm going to hell this weekend (oh well, it's not like Sokar's using it anymore )... Fiancee and I have to attend a Marriage Prep. course.... it's 13hrs Saturday and 8hrs Sunday.. so when I get back, there better be a WHOLE lotta pretties for me to oogle!!!! I'm going to need it!!!

                  Have a good weekend Furnace!! I'll pop in and out periodically.... Wish me luck!!
                  It's a lovely pic and perfect for today. And I'll do my very BEST to make sure there's plenty of Sunny-fodder when you get back.




                        A couple of Leviathan's gifties....


                          one hour ago in Addy's room...

                          Alpha: *rolls Addy over, kisses*
                          Addy: It's not time yet.
                          Alpha: Nope...just enough time left for a proper good morning.
                          Addy: *smiles*

                          *censored activities*

                          @ 03:59 one last kiss
                          @ 04:00 Alpha beamed home



                              Nice gifts!


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                                one hour ago in Addy's room...

                                Alpha: *rolls Addy over, kisses*
                                Addy: It's not time yet.
                                Alpha: Nope...just enough time left for a proper good morning.
                                Addy: *smiles*

                                *censored activities*

                                @ 03:59 one last kiss
                                @ 04:00 Alpha beamed home
                                *giggles with Jay* Don't you just love these interactive feeds? Run downstairs to make sure he landed softly, will ya? *kisses, pats bum, watches walk away, sighs*

