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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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      gotta crawl off to work, but hopefully I won't be working split today (just tomorrow and double saturday )
      Ya'll have a good day


        Originally posted by Toomi View Post

        as many times as i've seen this pic you'd think i'd have quit
        trying to see up his pants leg by now.


          Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
          Brigade Quartermasters, for the camo, not the leather. They actually have a contract with the AAFES online site.
          Thanks for the info!! But we already got our uniforms from the Army Surplus Store!!


          Made by Me!


            Happy Porn Day, everyone.


              W00t! Porn day!

              Last edited by Blower'sGate; 18 October 2007, 03:19 AM.


                Originally posted by Franklyn Blaze View Post
                Have you guys set any record with this thread? It's Huge!
                Hi and welcome!!!


                Made by Me!


                  Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                  Alpha: Sorry, Addy, but she woulda stayed up all night extolling the virtues of that beer. I had to take her to bed.

                  Hey! My turn. *pulls Alpha away from the computer, takes his place*

                  Yeah, they're mostly regular t-shirts... they usually have a couple baby-doll Ts as well, but they almost always have a different design. If I can call you from the con, I'll let you know what they have.
                  Oooh, I'll be PM'ing you closer to the date!! *hugs*


                  Made by Me!


                    Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                    I decided to delurk just to tell you guys my unconditional love for Cam/Ben *thunk*
                    Hi and welcome to the Furnace!!!


                    Made by Me!


                      BEN (picture) NEWS!!!

                      The Portal has some new piccies from the 2003 convention up. These are by Bob, the man whos camera and flash give us super-blue-eyed-Ben pix. There are pix of several other guests from that year, too, even Cluadia and her guitar, when Ben was still on stage with her (what a good friend) so here's the direct link: Bob's 2003 pix Some of use have seen some of these pix before, but there are some new ones, too.


                        Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                        Oooh, I'll be PM'ing you closer to the date!! *hugs*
                        The only problem with that is I won't be online after October 25th. I'm leaving on the 26th for another con and I don't have a laptop I can take with me. I'm just hoping to borrow someone else's between 'em so I can print out my photo ops.


                          Originally posted by Toomi View Post

                          SweetPea: Well, hello ladies!!!! *blows kisses*
                          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                          Hello SweatPea

                          Oh yeah.. Hey Toomi!!

                          by the way, this is the picture I was talking about the other day!! Ooops not here!!

                          This is the pic I had Ben sign last year. It's one of my all-time FAVES!!! *swoon*


                            Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                            as many times as i've seen this pic you'd think i'd have quit
                            trying to see up his pants leg by now.
                            Me, too. What's the matter with us?

                            I can think of a few things....


                              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                              BEN (picture) NEWS!!!

                              The Portal has some new piccies from the 2003 convention up. These are by Bob, the man whos camera and flash give us super-blue-eyed-Ben pix. There are pix of several other guests from that year, too, even Cluadia and her guitar, when Ben was still on stage with her (what a good friend) so here's the direct link: Bob's 2003 pix Some of use have seen some of these pix before, but there are some new ones, too.

                              squeeeeee! Paul and Ginny!
                              Ginny was my first girl crush when i was a little girl (from Road Warrior)
                              and Buffalo was in love with her too when he was little.
                              we freaked out when we realized who she was. lololol


                                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                                Me, too. What's the matter with us?

                                i can think of some, too, yea.

                                Neelan, you gotta post your photo op with Nathan so I can

