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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Toomi View Post
    [COLOR="Blue"]Mornin/afternoon/evening depending on where you are... It's 2:30am here and I'm caught up!!!

    Kitty news:
    Vet's trying one more thing. Got some pills to try and help her insides as she's either having major issues digesting or excreeting her food. Vet says that if there's no notable improvement by friday, bring her in and the blood work begins. The pills are usually for dogs but can be used in cats and it's a last resort before some more invasive and intensive searching for her sickness begins... *crosses fingers that this works* I just feel horrible as I don't know if I can afford this for much longer....
    Sorry bout you kitty honey.


      *stares at 2bams bum* LOL


        Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
        spoilers for OT
        i just got aonther job!!!

        and dont worry cammie
        im sure yall get takers somewhere if im not good enough


          Originally posted by Goober12 View Post
          Howdy all you Benaholics!!

          I finally got a couple new episodes worth of Goober Caps posted (Flesh and Blood, and Morpheus), and I built a new page that will make it easier to wallow in the wonderfulness that is Ben.

          If you go to this page at Crash Debris, you can download entire episodes worth of screen captures all at once in .zip file format.

          Have fun!! The Pegasus Project and Insiders should be up later this week. The next Region 2 DVD is due to ship in the 2nd week of September.
          Thank you very much! You are too sweet!

          OT ...My lilac tree, taken with my new camera...

          Last edited by purpletoo1; 31 August 2007, 12:24 AM.


            Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
            *stares at 2bams bum* LOL

            Really!!! Aw frell. That's gotta come out of the Cam folder then...


              Originally posted by Toomi View Post
              Really!!! Aw frell. That's gotta come out of the Cam folder then...
              Yep, he did the stunt for that one! But you can pass it off as a Cam bum (cuz we aren't supposed to know the stunt guy but we do LOL), just not a Ben bum


                Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
                Hey, my birthday was this past Sunday, did anyone post any fuzzy Ben pics for me??

                *cheap shot at getting fuzzies*
                Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
                And last but not least, my favorite version . . .

                Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                Now who wanted fuzzies?????

                That's what I get for finding an entire folder of stuff I never knew I had!!! No idea where I got it from...
                cool on finding your folder, heee

                I love the goatee pic too Shippy, love of my life!

                I'm leaving the pics up for Wolfie's prezzy HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOMAN!


                  Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
                  That is a gorgeous cap 2LLs! I haven't seen it before. Thanks for posting it Shippychicky, heee


                    Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                    I wonder if he was thinking if he could spit over the railing and hit someone?
                    *rotf* That is too funny, good one!


                      Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                      Thanks Neelan.

                      Gotta run, work is waiting . No more time to figure out why my frelling avatar won't work.... *grumble grumble* Keeps telling me the file is too large but I've got it resized to the smallest possible.
                      Just send me the original or a good copy of any size and I will be happy to take care of it for you.

                      NEELAN, I didn't get a PM about this ???


                        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

                        Congrats to:

                        The Furnace- 116,000 posts

                        Toomi- 2,000 posts

                        Shippy-6,700 posts

                        Ditto! Way to go Babes!


                          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                          Just finished screen capping "Collateral Damage" I got 1,500 caps.. clicky finger went nuts

                          Got these Specials

                          Anyhow, its late..

                          Have to work Double shift tomorrow.. time for Bed

                          Goodnight Furnace!!
                          Those are very special! I love it when the scenes flow together like that.


                            Originally posted by hastiekido View Post
                            Really nice caps Hastie! Thank you for sharing


                              for size


