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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Last edited by Toomi; 27 August 2007, 06:25 PM. Reason: Ack!!! big piccie!!!!


      For ONeill2LL's for my previous comment.... lol.



        Originally posted by closetfan View Post
        Congrats Woman!!! Now get thee to Burbank.
        HAHAHA!! unfortunately most of my money this year will be going towards the wedding next summer! (I'm still pulling for a Honeymoon to GateCon though!!)

        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        Congrats Sun'shyne!!!
        Originally posted by Toomi View Post
        CONGRATS!!!!! Let us know how it goes!!!
        Thanks Girls!!!

        Originally posted by Toomi View Post
        Kitty takes a trip to the vets tomorrow and I'm worried. She's done nothing but sleep all day. No eating, no drinking and no trips to the litter box. She didn't greet me at the door when I got home either.

        Awww!!! *Hugs* from both Adonis and I!! We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for you and kitty!

        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
        Oh yeah, I hit multi-quote, then forgot to hit "reply"

        CONGRATULATIONS, SUNNY!!! You are SOOOO gonna fall in love there. I worked at a preschool for four-and-a-half years... they just make you feel SO loved and appreciated. Make sure you take a good multi-vitimin EVERY DAY though... or you'll pick up every germ they carry.

        Thanks!! I have been working in classrooms and with younger kids, but this will be my first full-time position!!

        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

        NL (Patti)
        Purple (Erin)
        ShippyChick (Denise)
        SylvreWolfe (Sherrill)
        Chi27 (Kaaren)
        LAScaper (Kim)
        Toomi (Kate)
        H Louise?
        Tayla Rain (Kim)
        RCarroll (Renee)
        shester (sybil)

        and I just know I'm missing someone, but my list is out of date
        See above, although if I win the lottery, I'll be there!!!

        Okay, night night Furnace!!

        Made by Me!


          Toomi! Did see that Kage and SP beamed home a few minutes ago?
          I think they were gettin' weirded out by NLD and NLCam's earlier behavior

          G'night, everyone!


            Two things before I am off to bed then back to work at a station with limited internet tomorrow . . .

            1) Toomi, that picture is too beautiful to hide behind spoilers . . .


            2) Who is this "Patti" that keeps posting pics?

            Good night Babes!


              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
              Good news Babes!!! I found out today that I got the job I applied for!!! It's full-time (which means less thunking time but more money for future cons!!) at a semi-local child-care centre! I'll be working in the toddler room, I'm SOOOO excited, I start on Tuesday!!
              Congrats on the new job

              Spent the night watching Season 2 of Farscape *sighs*


                Hi everyone, I've started a threat to post my Wallpapers that's I've made over the past few years. Anyone can post their Wallpapers there and I hope you all come and take a look and maybe even post a Wallpaper.

                Dr.J's Wallpaper Gallery

                I've started with two of my Stargate Episode Wallpapers, but I will be posting more.



                  Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                  Good news Babes!!! I found out today that I got the job I applied for!!! It's full-time (which means less thunking time but more money for future cons!!) at a semi-local child-care centre! I'll be working in the toddler room, I'm SOOOO excited, I start on Tuesday!!

                  When I first glance at these pics, I thought Sam had a tattoo. Then I remember the episode and then I remembered that she had a dress on at the begin of it.

                  No I'm not drunk cause I don't drink.




                        crap i'm running late, ya'll have a good day


                          Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
                          2) Who is this "Patti" that keeps posting pics?

                          Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                          Dr.J's Wallpaper Gallery

                          I've started with two of my Stargate Episode Wallpapers, but I will be posting more.

                          *subscribes to Thread of Pretties*

                          Originally posted by greytop View Post
                          When I first glance at these pics, I thought Sam had a tattoo. Then I remember the episode and then I remembered that she had a dress on at the begin of it.
                          Okay, so instead of the dress... you thought she was NEKKID?!



                            Need yummy uniporn. Go back to FULL work hours today.
                            Thank the gods there's a three-day weekend coming up!


                              Hi babes! I stayed up to watch the eclips and now I'm going to pass out. Thanks for the great pictures all, I'm melting!
                              Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                              Thanks Sunday, glad you liked it.

                              Thanks Purple, if you have any requests I can have a go at doing another for you.
                              Oh my! I wouldn't know where to begin...half nekkid Ben is always a winner though! LOL

                              Originally posted by Tayla Rain View Post

                              completely OT
                              I'm going to Fairmont MN to visit one of my ex-husbands in 'bout two you know what that means...
                              spoilered for NON-pg statment

                              I'm FINALLY gonna get some!!
                              *falls over laughing* good luck
                              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                              Tell me about it. Well... him being at a NASCAR race maybe, but not me!!

                              Excuse me, I temperarily lost my mind.... but I guess I was thinking of Ben mostly, LOL

                              Originally posted by greytop View Post
                              Ingores beard and stares at chest and arms. *sighs*then *faints*
                              *follows suit,... sigh*
                              Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
                              I just read that Michael said that there will definately be a Men of Sci-fi Calendar 2008. And that Ben will be in it! WooHoo!!!!
                              I'll buy it! woo hoo! (can't wait for the con and to see you again)


