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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Morning, NL, Toomi.
    Grey will be back in less than a half hour but she said I could greet you.


      Originally posted by Toomi View Post
      Neelan, I'm not going to be able to sleep after that!!!! lol
      After what?
      And why aren't you asleep already? You were up much later than me last night. You should still be zonked out!


        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
        Today, I'm posting EVERYTHING in my PB album that I don't usually post, which means, I'm going though folders one at a time and just picking out the stuff we don't normally see on the other days.

        NEWBIES! If you see anything you like/want/need, feel free to snurch!

        Okay... apple question....

        Does it not look like he's sportin' a complete woody in this one, or what?
        Umm, do you really want me to answer that one....

        Oh, evening Neelan....



          Originally posted by greytop View Post

          Morning, NL
          Grey will be back in less than a half hour but she said I could greet you.
          Hey there, handsome.


            Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
            Umm, do you really want me to answer that one....

            Oh, evening Neelan....

            I'll just assume that means "yes"
            Evening? Isn't it nearly midnight there? How are you still awake?



                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                After what?
                And why aren't you asleep already? You were up much later than me last night. You should still be zonked out!

                Oh, if only I could sleep... Think I'm tired, but not tired to sleeping point... plus, kinda had something bad happen last night.
                My cat's been sick and the vet hoped we could treat it with antibiotics... Didn't know if it was working but I found blood in the litter box last night and she seems more skitterish than usual. Left a message at the Vet's for them to call me as soon as someone gets in so I can get the kitty seen to. Last time they told me it might be cancer but they weren't going to look for it specificly unless the pills didn't work... I'm dreading taking her in.

                For size:

                grrr, why the frell wouldn't PB resize the first one but did the second...?


                  Well, I gotta make this my last one for now. I'll be back from work around 2 my time (about 9 1/2 hours ) to finish my "random" run. Later, Babes!


                    Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                    Neelan, I'm not going to be able to sleep after that!!!! lol

                    And seeing as you're going completely random....

                    Think this falls under the 'i want that job' category...

                    I actually worked as a makeup artist, but I never had something that good looking in my makeup chair. I so want the job of being his makeup artist.

                    Nice pic's Neelan, are they from 'Counterstrike'?





                        Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                        Nice pic's Neelan, are they from 'Counterstrike'?
                        NLCam: Yup! Oh, and don't tell Neelan I'm here... I'm supposed to be bringing up the truck. But I saw what she was doing, and I have a couple minutes, so let's continue a bit before I run to grab the truck.


                          Originally posted by Tayla Rain View Post

                          completely OT
                          I'm going to Fairmont MN to visit one of my ex-husbands in 'bout two you know what that means...
                          spoilered for NON-pg statment

                          HAHHAHA Congrats!!!

                          Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                          Dingy: All this talk of nice weather.... You can almost smell the snow in the air here... 2 more weeks and anything's possible...But it's Sunday and Toomi will not be pleased if I neglected my duty...

                          ACK!! Don't start talkin' about snow!!!! I'm dreading that time of the year!!!

                          Originally posted by AnnaBee View Post
                          By the way, you guys all checked out the new Farscape section? There's another BB thread and everything.
                          Ya, it's a great section!!! I have trouble keepin up on this thread though, so I doubt I'll join in on the Ben thread in there lol

                          Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                          Any babes still up? Need a little help for a fic:

                          Fastback Mustang! My favourite car ever!!!!!

                          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post

                          Hey, Hey.. No complaining about the Weather

                          Today up here in Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA!! We got up to a Blamy 14 Celsius that is um only 57.2 Fahrenheit.

                          We have leaves turning color already

                          ONTLL: Yes John it will.. But don't worry, by then we will have the heat going, the warm blankets and lots more Snuggling!!
                          ONTLLCC: Ah! Okay, sounds good!! When??
                          ONTLL: Right now, I don't want it yet!!
                          ONTLLCC: Uh huh... *looks confused*

                          Oh and if you need screen caps go here
                          Ya, our horses are starting to get their winter hair.....

                          Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                          Today, I'm posting EVERYTHING in my PB album that I don't usually post, which means, I'm going though folders one at a time and just picking out the stuff we don't normally see on the other days.

                          NEWBIES! If you see anything you like/want/need, feel free to snurch!


                          Okay... apple question....

                          Does it not look like he's sportin' a complete woody in this one, or what?
                          Yuppers, it sure does!!!!

                          Made by Me!




                              Made by Me!



                                Made by Me!

