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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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            gotta get my butt to work, Ya'll have a good day


              As you can see greyJC is also trying to stay cool.


                Hiya BABES! I've missed you all. Congrats to the milestones and birthdays I missed ladies. I missed mine too, LOL Vaction was nice, comic-con was great, Disneyland was fun and my birthday was cool! I know Neelan told you that Hubs is home and he's loving it! Thank you to all who prayed for his safe return. I don't think I can catch up on three weeks so if there are any new developments in your lives or Ben's please let me know. I might try to catch up but I'm still busy with hubs hanging around for a while. He loves the landscaping and the new bike, yea!!! He was sad that we lost our kitty to a car though. Thank you for all your well wishes this past 16 months! (((pounce and hugs)))

                Originally posted by Jades View Post
                Is that a photo of one of the Ben thunkers wearing a "Cameron Mitchell Scaped Me" shirt in Joe M's blog?
                *Raises hand* YUP! That was me. I made sure I met him cuz the guy is a crack up! He is also a very nice man Look for one of my pics of him on his blog in the next day or so...we traded con pics
                Originally posted by Tayla Rain View Post

                OOOOOOH yeah that would be the one and only Purple !!

                Great comic-con pics, I'm all a tizzy at this early hour (lil dehydrated from drooling too lol)

                *hugs* I'm sure that means I'm special right? LMAO!!
                The con pics make me dizzy too and I was there, speachless as usual, lol. Neelan saved me a seat behind her so I was in spitting distance

                Originally posted by Rose View Post

                Thanks everyone who posted such for the comic con photos so far. This one is just breath-takingly gorgeous.
                You should have seen him in the flesh...more than your breath would have been taken away
                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

                PB may be preventing me from getting to any other page, but I got 40 Ben pix from CC to choose from! Now, if they'd just show up here after I post 'em.
                Your pics turned out awsome! Thank you for sharing them! We had fun didn't we? That is one wild place!
                Originally posted by LAScaper View Post
                FINALLY, I've uploaded the vids and pics up from the SG-1 panel. Three clips from some of Ben's best moments on the panel with LOTS of Pkgrl's pics!

                I still haven't figured out how to attach pictures to my post so here's the link to The Portal. Enjoy

                Loved your interview and posts Kim. I'll send you the pic I took of all of us soon.
                Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
                Just caught up! Whew!

                Now let me see if I can do this multi quote thing right . . .

                I love Bradley Cooper!!!

                'oawheg'qasdlkas[qkll!!!!!!! (intentional repost)

                I don't watch Eureka, but this guy just might get me to watch!!!

                Neelan! Your pics are great! I am steady snurching away! Stupid GW won't let me green ya!
                Hey girly! You did good on the multi-quote!
                I adore Bradly Cooper too!
                Tongue tied is exactly what happened to me when he ruffled up that hair *dies*
                Ed Quin is far more handsome in person and a great personality! Eureka is a fun show, you should watch it!

                Originally posted by mesa View Post
                quick drive-by.Ben at the autograph table after Friday's panel...


                oooo, nice pics Mesa! It was good to see you again! Sorry we didn't get much time together.


                  Originally posted by greytop View Post
                  Aw, thanks love *blows kisses* I'm so beat right now so I'm off to dream land but I will be back tomorrow. Good night


                    Originally posted by Rose View Post

                    I love the fact that in the recent radio interview, Ben admitted to keeping Cam's dog tags. Maybe at the Farscape con someone should ask him exactly what they say.
                    If I don't lose my mind again I'll ask him
                    Originally posted by Rose View Post
                    Off topic for the day, but I so love this one:


                    Normally, I wouldn't bother you, purple, but it's nice to see you lurking. Hope things are well. You're missed.
                    Aw how sweet! Thank you honey, I've missed you too. Hopefully I can be here in my regular thunk spot now. Hope you saved it for me. hee Pictures tomorrow......Night babes.


                      Evening Furnace

                      Thought I'd say a quick hello before I go and play catch up again...




                        Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                        Good night Furnace, I'm going to go in with Sunny now, she needs some cuddling!
                        What a sweet and considerate clone you are, Adonis.

                        Originally posted by LAScaper View Post
                        And to let y'all know there are now 30 new Cam Mitchell icons from season 10 added to The Portal AND a brand new Farscape Fan Art section with lots and LOTS of new fan art.

                        Back to lurking and sighing now.
                        Yea! New goodies at the Portal! Hope I remember to check 'em out after I get home You delurk at GREAT times, LAS

                        Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                        Aw how sweet! Thank you honey, I've missed you too. Hopefully I can be here in my regular thunk spot now. Hope you saved it for me. hee Pictures tomorrow......Night babes.
                        You have good timing, too, Purple... but isn't your hubs wondering where in hezmana you were at 330 am? Hope you get your regular thunkin' hours back.


                          Hey, to you too, Doc.



                              Thanks, Cam... you can go clean up now.


