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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by cajnjirl
    Has there been any word on Ben or Claudia attending this year?

    Banner by angelfire east


      Originally posted by Jades
      Has there been any word on Ben or Claudia attending this year?
      I know Ben isn't. Don't think Claudia is.
      They are supposed to show some of it on G4tv.



        AQOJaC: Keep going to 100.
        AQOCC: Maybe 50?
        AQOJaC: I'll be nice. You can stop at 75.
        AQOJCC: Thank you, sir.


          Originally posted by Admiral Q O

          No disrespect, General, but are you gonna be broadcasting our training session via your camera phone all day?

          AQOJaC: Only the parts I want to share with Sweet Thing.
          AQOCC: Okay...anything for Sugarbabe.

          Why thank you, General.
          Tell Admiral that Crichton's like chocolate and beer.
          He'll prolly enjoy talking with Sam, since he's a nerd, too.


            Originally posted by cajnjirl
            I know Ben isn't. Don't think Claudia is.
            They are supposed to show some of it on G4tv.
            Cajnjirl, How do you know that Ben isn't attending for sure?


              Originally posted by cajnjirl
              Why thank you, General.
              Tell Admiral that Crichton's like chocolate and beer.
              He'll prolly enjoy talking with Sam, since he's a nerd, too.

              AQOEDC: Have him talk with Paul's Sam...not mine.
              AQOECC: Why?
              AQOEDC: It says right here in our contract that she only speaks when I give her permission.
              AQOEDSam: I never agreed to that.
              AQOECC: Then it's not valid.
              AQOEDC: Whose side are you on?
              AQOECC: She's got her Replicarter outfit on...*shudder*
              AQOEDC: Wuss.


                Originally posted by cajnjirl
                I know Ben isn't. Don't think Claudia is.
                They are supposed to show some of it on G4tv.
                Thanks for that.

                Banner by angelfire east


                  lunch bump...

                  AQOEDC: So...they're coming out for air...
                  AQOECC: Looks like it.
                  AQO: You're doing great guys. Carry on.
                  AQOECC: Yes, ma'am. I'm gonna whump you again after lunch.
                  AQOEDC: Only if you catch me first.


                    Originally posted by cajnjirl
                    Hey, Ben wrote it! I only like it.
                    If you think its sick now, wait till you find out what it is.
                    go watch your starburst 4.1.

                    Gah! I know! Had one last night that was even alittle slash-tastic.
                    On a train through Africa, no less. (can you tell i'm deprived right now? lol )

                    Shhhhhhhhh...cajn, stop scaring the people.
                    You're killing me! LOL, If I had a slash dream I would slash my wrists!

                    So Ben wrote that ep? I just got my 4.1 but not finished with 3 yet so I'll remember that... thanks!


                      Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
                      Cajnjirl, How do you know that Ben isn't attending for sure?
                      Well, there's no way to know for sure, since Ben can show up if he wants
                      to, but Neelan said he wasn't listed.


                        Originally posted by purpletoo1
                        You're killing me! LOL, If I had a slash dream I would slash my wrists!

                        So Ben wrote that ep? I just got my 4.1 but not finished with 3 yet so I'll remember that... thanks!
                        LOL! It wasn't that slashtastic. Just kinda a little bit too friendly
                        horse-play. whatever. its hard to describe. esp since that wasn't all that
                        was going on. it was really cool, though. Mitchell was there, and Shep again, and some other men I don't know.

                        Hee! You're gonna LOVE/HATE season 4! lol


                          AQOECC: You're wasting your time. Sam will never sign that.
                          AQOEDC: I'm adding in incentives for good behavior.
                          AQOECC: She is so gonna beat the crap outta you.


                            Sunglasses porn . . .


                              AQOECC: So are you actually planning on asking Sam to sign that stupid thing?
                              AQOEDC: It's not stupid. It's a pledge of her loyalty to me.
                              AQOECC: And yours back to her?
                              AQOEDC: That's a stupid question.
                              AQOECC: I'm stayin' far away from your room tonight.


