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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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      AQOSC: Why do I get the feeling that there's an Elizabeth clone out there watching us?

      Elizabeth?'re just being paranoid.


        all I have to say is *GUH* a thousand times over.

        Well good news, I have the w/e off so I will spend a while uploadin all ma pics to my PB account so I can 'finally' post pics again, 'not just comments', and am gonna try and get some caps made too, yippee, or should that be yipe, keep a yer fingers crossed.

        banner by E.K.R
        If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie here with me and just forget the world, forget what we're told, before we get too old, show me a garden that's burstin into life, all that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see. I don't know where, confused about how as well, just know that these things will never change for us at all....
        "Snow Patrol - chasing cars"


          I was just checking him out on IMDB and I found out he was born in 1962, I thought he was so much younger than that!



            Originally posted by shester
            Mesa you are a posting angel. Thanks hon.
            Are you guys watching Stargate? Ben did a little promo thing during the 8pm show. So pretty and that sexy voice. Swoon worthy.

            Yes, I caught this by accident. He mentioned that he did not think there would be any shipper activity for Mitchell this year.

            Live well, Love much, Laugh often


              *drools over all the piccys* mmmmmmm those are nice to wake up to.


                Originally posted by rcarroll
                Yes, I caught this by accident. He mentioned that he did not think there would be any shipper activity for Mitchell this year.

                Yep. And last year he said he didn't think there were any leather pants in
                his future.

                suprises! surprises!
                they come all shapes and sizes!


                  Originally posted by 0xNatashax0
                  I was just checking him out on IMDB and I found out he was born in 1962, I thought he was so much younger than that!

                  That's because he's really a god.



                    Originally posted by cajnjirl
                    That's because he's really a god.
                    That explains why he doesn't age



                      Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                      AQOSC: Why do I get the feeling that there's an Elizabeth clone out there watching us?

                      Elizabeth?'re just being paranoid.


                        Wonderful run of pictures everyone. Mesa you select killer pictures, thanks!! His expressions and those baby blue eyes........thud.

                        How about wet leather for today....

                        Live well, Love much, Laugh often


                          Originally posted by cajnjirl

                          Alright, maybe not so paranoid.


                            Originally posted by cat
                            all I have to say is *GUH* a thousand times over.

                            Well good news, I have the w/e off so I will spend a while uploadin all ma pics to my PB account so I can 'finally' post pics again, 'not just comments', and am gonna try and get some caps made too, yippee, or should that be yipe, keep a yer fingers crossed.

                            Yea, dude. I'm always for new caps.
                            It'll be good to see ya more, cat.


                              Originally posted by Admiral Q O

                              She totally wants you, Cam. Go for it!


                                Originally posted by cajnjirl
                                She totally wants you, Cam. Go for it!

                                A Weir clone wants me?

                                How do I put this delicately?

                                I don't do diplomats. How's that?

                                AQOSC: Honest? *shrugs* We'd best keep an eye out for incoming.

