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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Just popped in to say good morning before work.


      He just looks so good in everything he wears.
      Even better in little at all.


        Does it surprise anyone that my first pic for today is UNIPORN?


          YEA, Purple's capping new stuff!!!
          I'm gearin' up for the con this weekend... pretty much.

          Little more uniporn, some leather, maybe even some bum, then I gotta get ready for... work.


            OOooooooooooo, I'm gonna mix media...
            Leather AND Uniform/Farscape AND Stargate!!!


              The OTHER leather jacket:


                I agree with you lissafoss. Less is more right?


                  Little more leather, then I'm outta here....


                    dont get me wrong, leather, uniforms, guns porn, its all good. And i cant thank you all enough for the caps. They get me through some long days at work!


                      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                      OMG. .now THAT certainly woke me up!

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                        Tried to get in here almost an HOUR ago, and the stupid forum wouldn't load!

                        More T-SHIRT PORN!!!

                        And Kas, yeah, I'll work on that banner tomorrow... maybe Wednesday and PM you with the results.
                        Loved all the T-Shirt Porn yesterday Neelan & Mesa... I thought I preferred the black but I'm getting a real fondness for the Grey... especially the Cam Grey as I think his bod is even more toned and I'm loving the slightly slimmer Ben

                        Rippling Cam Grey Shirt Porn! (Well, it's standard issue, so that classifies as uniform...right? )

                        Thanks for working on another banner for me... look forward to seeing it! *hugs*


                          Originally posted by mesa

                          Now, who wouldn't want to wake next to that?


                            Originally posted by gbbarb
                            OH DEAR GOD!!!!!!!

                            I go away for a weekend and I come back and you ladies have posted about 9 billion frelling intensely hot pcitures and now I will need to take a two hour cold shower and drink 40 gallons of water to replace the drool.

                            How is a person suppose to be coherent after all of that??? GUH!!!!!!!

                            I missed CKO's birthday - HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY HON!!!

                            I gotta go to bed now as my mind is blown and it takes take a day to recover. GOOD GOD, BEN IS HOT!! (sorry that is the only thought that keeps coming to the front of my mind for some reason)
                            Welcome Back Barb.... I know how you feel. I'm having to take a back seat fighting for our one and only working slow compy or sneaking on from work and everytime find pages of totally droolworthy pics. Coherent... what does that mean? Just not in my vocabulary!


                              Originally posted by purpletoo1
                              Ditto from me too Mesa and Neelan. I've gotten my Ben fix and I feel normal now! heeee

                              not posting cuz I'm capping lovelies for you later
                              Yay... Purple's Capping!! Mmmmmm, look forward to all the 13s!

                              Don't know whether to be afraid?! She does have an eye for spotting all my ASSets!


                                Good morning, everyone!

                                You want me lead them in doing what? Oh...okay...

                                Bend the knees...

                                Be sure you get your balance...

                                Tighten the buttocks while you stretch the back.

