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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Congratulations, Anuna!!!! Keep us posted!!!!!

    Resurgamlaura, you know I'll take pictures and since I love everyone on this thread, just maybe a special surprise when I return from the con. My labor day weekend is so gonna rock!!!!! BTW, I went to my interview and they're checking my references before giving me a job offer. It looks promising so keep your fingers crossed. They don't even have a problem with my going to Atlanta since I told them upfront! Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

    This is me sitting on the Stargate Blanket I made. Stargate #1.

    Please spread the love. Help a fellow GWer. Click this thread link!


      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      Okay if you insist he sent me a message on the mobile phone that said: "You know I love you so very much, you gonna be my wife! Deal?"

      I called him and told him he better be serious.
      Awww!! That's one to remember for sure!!

      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      For Sun'shyne:


      Thank you dear for all the 'Nightwalkers' pics!!!

      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      ...And drinking from a beer bottle, only obviously in another role
      Oooh, that's perfect for what I need it for!!
      Unfortunately I've asked around and gained all the beer pics I need for the banner I want to make and now I don't have time to make it!! I'm home from the cottage for one night and was going to play on photoshop all night, but am finding ti hard to stay awake and I've not made even one thing!!

      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      Firefly: I've taken the liberty of adding you to my MSN contact list, btw
      Oooh, we're adding people on msn??? I'm online every night for about two hours untill the fall, than my msn is on 24/7.

      Oooh, this may be my new Fav. Jonas pic...

      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

      Sorry, but the 'Mrs. Robinson' style shot still continues to amuse me
      *is happy she remembered to shave her legs before awakening Jonas that morning*

      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

      Another bad day at work...
      ...or a good day depending on how much you like or dislike being tied up

      Made by Me!


        morning thunkers
        Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


          Morning/afternoon all

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            hey resurg hows it going
            Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


              Good, good. Have realised that even the one cider is not a good idea for lunchtime. Good thing I retain my natural verbosity even when a smidge tiddled

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                lol thats good. i have school starting back in a week plus a chess tourney so im about to be very busy
                Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                  Randoms, methinks.

                  Because it's a favourite, and shows off the fact that CN actually has rather nice facial bone structure:


                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    And this is for the stupid amount of cuteness contained within


                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      My fandom's kind of acrobatic

                      Oh, how I wish I'd been at that con...

                      Courtesy of smurf, as always


                        OMG who wouldn't want ???? Just look at the view!!! *snurching*

                        Ain't he pretty?
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          OMG who wouldn't want ???? Just look at the view!!! *snurching*

                          Ain't he pretty?
                          Blessings upon Corin for his wardrobe choices on the day of that Gatecon. May all thunkers rejoice at the glorious display of stomach and navel porn

                          I do like that particular series of black and white promos. I think he looks very pretty indeed Well, 'handsome' is probably the best description for him in those, perhaps

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            Forgive me for my verbal clumsyness. English is not my first language.

                            Handsome, stunning, gorgeous, lovely, hey beautiful even - in ym mind all of those words fit well with him.
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              Forgive me for my verbal clumsyness. English is not my first language.

                              Handsome, stunning, gorgeous, lovely, hey beautiful even - in ym mind all of those words fit well with him.
                              Oh gods, that wasn't a critique of your English. Just that although he is general pretty, in those he's just so masculine (not that's he not masculine all the time- except for a few notable roles ) that I'm thinking more 'handsome'. If that makes sense

                              Definitely a dictionary's worth of adjectives to describe him

                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                Hey dear, don't worry - I only look to improve my vocabulary.

                                Now, how do we call this?

                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

