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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Future hubs has bronchitis & influenza and now I am not feeling so hot. Ah, well. I might just stay home tomorrow. I haven't called in sick for about 2 years. So the slave driver doesn't have any reason to complain if I do.


      I am outta here. Going home to a nice cup of hot cocoa and some cuddling with the future hubs and kitties. See you all later. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not. Night!!


        Hi-de-ho peeps. Quiet today.

        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
        Ah, but if you're a nutty creative who has difficulty expressing their original ideas in front of people who have no interest in you, then taking on a subject that leaves room for you to move into other areas should you fail is quite good. I also happen to love Classics more than I'm supposed to. As for the booze, you obviously haven't met many Classicists- we like to emulate our subject and indulge in drunken debauchery (am still debating on whether or not to attend Thursday's pub crawl round Fitzrovia):

        resurgamlaura's blog -the entry entitled 'Drunk, Debauched and Dangerous'- twas a fun night
        Pah, piddly.
        Plenty of people have difficulty expressing their ideas even when it's meant to be their job. Trust me, I've met more than a few. A good tip is it's always best to remember that it's easiest to explain an idea by stripping it down and imagining that you are explaining it to a child. At least until the listener proves otherwise. And sometimes that never happens.
        Glad you love Classics. I couldn't do anything too academic, since I have the concentration span of a

        Last edited by smurf; 30 January 2007, 01:51 PM.


          Goodnight Anya. Get well soon!


            Rest up, Anya. And what does Smurf have the attention span of?

            Fishies, perhaps?

            Have received late Christmas pressie and now have Rufus Sewell being all pretty in 'Taming of the Shrew' to watch whenever I like (cackles manically).


            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              No, I have the memory of a fish, but the concentration span of No, I have the memory of a fish, but the concentration span of No, I have the memory of a fish, but the concentration span of

              And I get bored easily.

              No, I have the memory of a fish, but the concentration span of

              Ooh pretty.


                I'm back! Giggles at prev post

                That's quite short, but understandable. Same reason that I stick to the same pics...I get distracted...

                Pretty... (due to wet 'don't you want to hug him' puppy-dogness)


                More pretty...

                I have Sewell as Petruchio in another window. Am feeling slightly treacherous.

                Courtesy of smurf, as always



                  Congrats on 200 posts!

                  What's with the shouting?


                    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                    I have Sewell as Petruchio in another window. Am feeling slightly treacherous.
                    Jonas won't mind. He's a sharing, caring, kind of guy.

                    No Nirrti, not with you. Go away.

                    I have a friend who had a massive thing for Rufus Sewell. She made us go and see Dark City when it came out, leaving us the only people who didn't think "Wow!" to The Matrix when it was released.
                    But then Dark City is a most excellent film. **air guitar**


                      Thank you. Am now all super-soldiery. Apparently.

                      I have no intention of seeing 'White Wolves' but he is pretty damn cute in it. I also like his admission that it isn't his finest work to a fan ("You actually watched it all the way through?!")

                      Courtesy of smurf, as always


                        The scary thing is that I think everyone I've talked to about it agrees with me that he is actually really, really attractive in the New Romantic shirt and make-up...and the skirt. He also has lovely long eyelashes but not in a feminine-featured face at all- nice combination.
                        OK, that was a little off-topic.

                        Just because.

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          I have a vague desire to see White Wolves for the Pokamon factor.
                          CN's response is so cool.

                          <- this cool smilie is too sarcastic don't you think?


                            Pokemon? Meh?

                            Yep, just a tad sarcastic.

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              "Gotta catch 'em all."


                                Ah. As I recall, the plot (as it is) involves endangered wolves...some environmentalist guy and a bunch of kids...injury and then trying to find it now makes a bit more sense. As it is. Can you tell that I'm sleepy/distracted by Rufus/Corin?

                                I've just realised that my word response to this pic if seeing a therapist might be grounds for worry.

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

