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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Anyagate1
    Thanks for the Congrats!
    Oh wait...that wasn't Jonas...unfortunately
    EEK! about...Nightwalkers...(Great Jonas episode. Loved his wardrobe)

    Next post R or S
    The gloves are *so* sexy . . . Don't ask me why I find them that way. LOL

    Sorry, but I just can't [IMG] that one. <g>
    - Mary
    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


      Near as I can tell the choice for the game is R or S. I'll take "S". And I love all the thunking pics that have been posted.

      Smiling shows off his great dimples.

      G or S can be the next choice for letter.


        Originally posted by LuvsJonasQuinn
        Near as I can tell the choice for the game is R or S. I'll take "S". And I love all the thunking pics that have been posted.

        Smiling shows off his great dimples.

        G or S can be the next choice for letter.
        G for Genius

        S next.


          Just posting a little ficlet, hope no-one minds. It's a bit homeless at the moment because it doesn't really fit with my Universe as it stands, even though it's canon.

          This doesn't appear to have bothered many viewers, but it bothered me.

          Watching Beachhead I couldn't believe the only mention of naquadria was in relation to a nuclear warhead. After all that was said in Meridian, suddenly it's a-okay to turn it into a bomb?
          I know that Jonas may be person non grata now and what he stood for is moot, but, to quote Jack, What? Doesn't it bother any of the long term characters? Come on Daniel, speak up. YOU must have an opinion.

          I watched Beachhead and when the naquadria enhanced warhead was mentioned my first reaction was; what would Jonas say?

          So, this has been in my head for a while now, and now it's out I hope I can concentrate on other things.

          Jonas dumped his bag on the table. It wasn't... He trusted them. He trusted her.
          A bottle of wine is pulled from the bag, and a glass picked from the kitchen shelf.
          "You made a bomb?!"
          "We didn't make a bomb. We... upgraded our technology."

          He swirled the liquid around the glass before taking a long drink. Pulling a face against the bitter taste.
          "It's a bomb."

          He had taken the naquadria to prevent this. That was the point. To find another way. He had given up everything to do the right thing.
          And now it seemed to have been the wrong thing.
          He looked around the room. Doing the right thing. Nice concept. Not what he wanted, what was right.
          He wanted to stay on Kelowna, he wanted to protect his people, he wanted to stay at the SGC, he wanted his own life.
          He wants his own life.
          All he needs is to pack a bag. Don’t ask, just walk through. His authority - he smirked - his fame would see him through without question.
          But where to? Two years is a long time. She could be married, with children.
          Draining the last of the second glass of wine he makes his decision. Don’t ask, don’t get. They can look after themselves.
          Time to be selfish.


            Very Nice Smurf

            Admiral I see where the Santa Jack went


              Originally posted by smurf
              Just posting a little ficlet, hope no-one minds. It's a bit homeless at the moment because it doesn't really fit with my Universe as it stands, even though it's canon.

              This doesn't appear to have bothered many viewers, but it bothered me.

              Watching Beachhead I couldn't believe the only mention of naquadria was in relation to a nuclear warhead. After all that was said in Meridian, suddenly it's a-okay to turn it into a bomb?
              I know that Jonas may be person non grata now and what he stood for is moot, but, to quote Jack, What? Doesn't it bother any of the long term characters? Come on Daniel, speak up. YOU must have an opinion.

              I watched Beachhead and when the naquadria enhanced warhead was mentioned my first reaction was; what would Jonas say?

              So, this has been in my head for a while now, and now it's out I hope I can concentrate on other things.
              I can see what you mean, but I think that it is a bit of a grey area. I think that it would depend on a many number of things.
              Janna Galaxy, Queen of The Gods
              The Strongest Will Survive!
              I'll Be The One To Save Us All!


                Whats happend to the Jonas thunking?????


                  Originally posted by S.G.C
                  Whats happend to the Jonas thunking?????

                  Gateworld not working is what happened. I just stopped by to post a thunkable pic and say hello before I get kicked out again. Hopefully thunking will get back to normal tomorrow.
                  Last edited by Anyagate1; 19 December 2005, 02:16 PM.


                    Originally posted by jannagalaxy
                    I can see what you mean, but I think that it is a bit of a grey area. I think that it would depend on a many number of things.
                    I personally view such things as necessary evils (trying to hold tight to the view that I hope it will never be used again), but in the world of Stargate things have a tendency, of late, to run very black and white - especially without characters like Jack or Jonas around, who may choose to do a wrong for the greater good - it just feels off to me.
                    After spending the entire of Meridian debating the moral point of having a bomb that powerful, no one (bar Mitchell... barely) seems the slightest bit ethically challenged by making their own, more powerful, version.
                    I know SG-1 doesn't do deep that much anymore, but it's such a strong link to a previous episode it feels that the characters have sold off a tiny bit of their soul.

                    I'm assuming the naquadria enhanced warhead was a recent development (can't be too difficult to get a bigger explosion by attaching a highly powerful and unstable element ), and that sort of suggests they developed it in a time of relative peace. During a time where they don't believe there is much of a threat anymore - since SG-1 are all moving on. It's just a little morally off in relation to the characters.

                    Sorry, you can tell I've been thinking about this a bit. Should probably take it to the Beachhead thread.


                      I managed to write a whole post without being thrown off the forum.

                      Maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel.


                        Originally posted by smurf

                        I managed to write a whole post without being thrown off the forum.

                        Maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel.

                        well done!
                        Janna Galaxy, Queen of The Gods
                        The Strongest Will Survive!
                        I'll Be The One To Save Us All!


                          Good morning, everyone!

                          AQO:'s time to get up.
                          AQOJoC: Again?
                          AQO: Out of bed...your thunkers are waiting.
                          AQOJoC: Oh...right...morning...


                            Originally posted by smurf
                            S is for smart and sly…coming up with the plan to trap the fugitives in Forsaken…

                            Next post is T or Y…your choice.



                              Next post G

                              Hello everyone!!
                              Last edited by Anyagate1; 20 December 2005, 11:42 AM.


                                G is for gotta have him...

                                Maybe a bit silly, but it gives the next post an M, so

