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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Whatsername View Post
    so you should be
    My friend was although before the weekend she didnt even know his name!!!!!!!!
    I amlost ditched her for it hhahahaha
    : O how dare she

    cred to Csom


      Originally posted by Whatsername View Post
      He's a such naughty thing
      I would say what he said to me and my friend but note this is a PG 13 forum
      Aw, come on! Post it & put it in spoiler tags!

      Yes, he's a cheeky one, but so sweet!

      Feel the love.
      Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


        such a cheeky devil lol

        cred to Csom


          Why is gone ?? He was really great


            Corin did a series of videos at Supernova Melbourne where he interviewed con-goers, vendors etc. Some of its pretty funny. They are all up on his website at along with photos from a bunch of convention appearances.


              Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
              Aw, come on! Post it & put it in spoiler tags!

              Yes, he's a cheeky one, but so sweet!

              Feel the love.
              Well naughty thing under here
              He suggest a three way with me a my friend Bloody naughty, naughty boy he is, damn! I wish I was single
              Thank you BBdreamer


                Originally posted by Star-ving Supafan View Post
                Corin did a series of videos at Supernova Melbourne where he interviewed con-goers, vendors etc. Some of its pretty funny. They are all up on his website at along with photos from a bunch of convention appearances.
                Awesome! I'll check those out when I get home from work.
                I had a quick look at the site & noticed that my YouTube vid of him signing my photo has been posted up there.

                Originally posted by Whatsername View Post
                Well naughty thing under here
                He suggest a three way with me a my friend Bloody naughty, naughty boy he is, damn! I wish I was single

                Awesome! He's a naughty charming flirt, that one.
                But damn! I AM single! Oh well.

                Feel the love.
                Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                  So, I just thought I'd share my -our- squee at the possibility of mentioning Jonas in the upcoming season of SGU
                  apparently Langara figures somehow in the episode called "Seizure" and Victor Garber has been cast as Ambassador Ovirda of planet Langara
                  and my concern that he might have been killed off screen at some point. I hope he will be mentioned an we'll find out what has he been up to since "Fallout".

                  There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                  awesome sig by Josiane


                    Make sure you post here what they say, 'cause I don't watch that show. Please?
                    - Mary
                    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                      I will, no worries. The episode in question is slotted as 15th, so we'll probably have to wait till spring to know something for sure.
                      There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                      awesome sig by Josiane


                        Originally posted by Petra View Post
                        ...and my concern that he might have been killed off screen at some point.
                        *Plugs ears* Not listening, la la la, can't hear you!! They absolutely are NOT killing my Jonas. Not, not, not!

                        Originally posted by Callista
                        Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                        Originally posted by HPMom
                        She saw the candle light as many things.


                          Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
                          *Plugs ears* Not listening, la la la, can't hear you!! They absolutely are NOT killing my Jonas. Not, not, not!
                          *removes Ash's ear plugs*

                          Cut me some slack please. I wrote it 4 days ago and have since moved on to my happy place of eternal optimism and continuous chanting: "Jonas is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Joans is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Jonas...." You get my drift.

                          Also, what do you mean by "my Jonas"? Shouldn't it be "our Jonas"?!
                          There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                          awesome sig by Josiane


                            Jonas in SGU? Now that would be cool!


                              Originally posted by Petra View Post
                              ...and have since moved on to my happy place of eternal optimism and continuous chanting: "Jonas is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Joans is alive and well. Jonas is alive and well. Jonas...."
                              I approve of this eternal optimism!

                              Also, what do you mean by "my Jonas"? Shouldn't it be "our Jonas"?!
                              Oh all right, our Jonas then.

                              Originally posted by Callista
                              Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                              Originally posted by HPMom
                              She saw the candle light as many things.


                                A friend just emailed me and asked about Corin being on Supernatural. Can anybody tell me if his roll is to be recurring or a one-shot? Thanks!
                                - Mary
                                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.

