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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Ya know, there's a disappointing lack of noddiness in CN's rather extensive filmography.


      Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
      I didn't like the Fallout hair, but that's only because the guy I liked in HS, who pretended to like me back but only wanted my homework and test answers, wore his the exact same way. It was all the rage in the early 80's. ;-)
      Aww... *hugs*

      Originally posted by smurf View Post
      I have to say that my current fave phrase - which I came across on the interweb - is "needs to be hit by a clue by four".

      Back to the tat peek.
      Okay.. love that phrase!!!

      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      The one I'm thinking of? Definitely...

      Ah, T-shirt porn. Nearly enough to alleviate the annoyingness of this day. We're just been informed (as well as my phone dying) that our essay deadline for the 10,000 word one (not the dissertation, the other one) is two months earlier than she said. She's sent us all ext. letters to e-mail to the RHUL guy. Yipee

      I call and text quite a bit (friends in digs with no home phones, holding really quite private conversations with them in a family home, lots of text-happy friends as well ), but not scary-scary amounts. Orange seem solid enough, but are a bit more expensive on the price plan. Not sure about the coverage either. My current 'boy' has just switched to them and dislikes them already, but he's pickier than me
      What phrase?

      Oh, and my phone is slowly dying as well.. I just bought a brand new one off of ebay the other day!!!

      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post genuinely lovely, but won't guarantee me a better deadline. Please, please let us get an extension to August, please...
      Ooh yes, if it's extended to August, you'll have some brand new study pics to look at while writing

      Originally posted by smurf View Post
      Ya know, there's a disappointing lack of noddiness in CN's rather extensive filmography.
      You know, you're right... especially for the cheese aspect of the movies.. I'm surprised there isn't a bit more nekkidness!

      Made by Me!


        Originally posted by smurf View Post
        Ya know, there's a disappointing lack of noddiness in CN's rather extensive filmography.
        Maybe he's not so keen on it. Or maybe he's afraid of putting us all into meltdown. Who knows?

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
          What phrase?

          Oh, and my phone is slowly dying as well.. I just bought a brand new one off of ebay the other day!!!

          Last line of the second paragraph.
          I think.
          Ooh yes, if it's extended to August, you'll have some brand new study pics to look at while writing
          All of them containing the expression "What the heck?!"

          You know, you're right... especially for the cheese aspect of the movies.. I'm surprised there isn't a bit more nekkidness!
          Exactly! Only once out of a good half a dozen movies of dubious quality.
          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          Maybe he's not so keen on it. Or maybe he's afraid of putting us all into meltdown. Who knows?
          He's so thoughtful.


            Originally posted by smurf View Post

            Exactly! Only once out of a good half a dozen movies of dubious quality.
            Strange, isn't it? You'd think they'd want all the help they can get...

            He's so thoughtful.
            So kind of him...

            Courtesy of smurf, as always



                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                Strange, isn't it? You'd think they'd want all the help they can get...
                Yep. They get the ladies down to their undies, but why not double the audience?


                  So cute.


                    Originally posted by smurf View Post
                    Yep. They get the ladies down to their undies, but why not double the audience?
                    I always thought it was sometimes due to a strange part of some (usually) male writer's brain that says either: 'I don't care to see guys wearing very little, so it doesn't even occur to me to put it in', or 'women don't really care about that sort of thing, as they are wholly passive/it makes me feel insecure' or probably more often 'its a beyond b-movie sci-fi flick. My audience will be predominantly male, and those women watching are the types who won't be fussed.'

                    Recent sci-fi shows, definitely tapping into it. Later seasons of SG-1- totally. BSG and the towel scene springs to mind as well And love or hate Farscape, for a show that initially seems to be aimed at young men, it did a brilliant job of attracting women via Ben Browder, who seemed to have been half-naked considerably more times than CB on that show, and whose leather outfits were shown in a way that more sexual. Its like he has the James Bond role, but is actually closer in treatment to being the Bond girl at times Nice work, producers/writers, you achieved what (I think) you set out to do in terms of grabbing the female audiencethroughly

                    Maybe its just Skiffy TV movies or b-movies that still have this weird thing. We're an audience, we're here to be exploited, please show us the nekkid

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Originally posted by smurf View Post

                      Originally posted by smurf View Post
                      So cute.

                      How can he be so cute sometimes?

                      Courtesy of smurf, as always


                        Originally posted by smurf View Post
                        Last line of the second paragraph.
                        I think.

                        All of them containing the expression "What the heck?!"

                        Exactly! Only once out of a good half a dozen movies of dubious quality.

                        He's so thoughtful.
                        The 'Blackout' part? I liked that too!

                        I wouldn't call that thoughtful on his part.... he should want more fans...

                        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                        I always thought it was sometimes due to a strange part of some (usually) male writer's brain that says either: 'I don't care to see guys wearing very little, so it doesn't even occur to me to put it in', or 'women don't really care about that sort of thing, as they are wholly passive/it makes me feel insecure' or probably more often 'its a beyond b-movie sci-fi flick. My audience will be predominantly male, and those women watching are the types who won't be fussed.'

                        Recent sci-fi shows, definitely tapping into it. Later seasons of SG-1- totally. BSG and the towel scene springs to mind as well And love or hate Farscape, for a show that initially seems to be aimed at young men, it did a brilliant job of attracting women via Ben Browder, who seemed to have been half-naked considerably more times than CB on that show, and whose leather outfits were shown in a way that more sexual. Its like he has the James Bond role, but is actually closer in treatment to being the Bond girl at times Nice work, producers/writers, you achieved what (I think) you set out to do in terms of grabbing the female audiencethroughly

                        Maybe its just Skiffy TV movies or b-movies that still have this weird thing. We're an audience, we're here to be exploited, please show us the nekkid
                        Oh ya... Farscape had it perfect... it's a sci-fi show for women but made by men. It's outragious and sexy.. you can't get much better than that! Actually you can.... in the form of this Ben Browder Quote (he's talking in two voices... the two sides are seperated by '...':

                        Lotsa leather on farscape.....oh so it's kinda kinky?... well no, but ya, kinda depends, and there's puppets involved..... oh whoa, what about the puppets? what kind? like muppet puppets?...well no

                        I love that quote.. and it's very true....

                        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                        How can he be so cute sometimes?
                        Funny, I had quoted those exact two pictures and was going to write something very similar! So Ditto!

                        Made by Me!


                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          I always thought it was sometimes due to a strange part of some (usually) male writer's brain that says either: 'I don't care to see guys wearing very little, so it doesn't even occur to me to put it in', or 'women don't really care about that sort of thing, as they are wholly passive/it makes me feel insecure' or probably more often 'its a beyond b-movie sci-fi flick. My audience will be predominantly male, and those women watching are the types who won't be fussed.'

                          Recent sci-fi shows, definitely tapping into it. Later seasons of SG-1- totally. BSG and the towel scene springs to mind as well And love or hate Farscape, for a show that initially seems to be aimed at young men, it did a brilliant job of attracting women via Ben Browder, who seemed to have been half-naked considerably more times than CB on that show, and whose leather outfits were shown in a way that more sexual. Its like he has the James Bond role, but is actually closer in treatment to being the Bond girl at times Nice work, producers/writers, you achieved what (I think) you set out to do in terms of grabbing the female audiencethroughly

                          Maybe its just Skiffy TV movies or b-movies that still have this weird thing. We're an audience, we're here to be exploited, please show us the nekkid
                          It shows how young (minded) sci fi still is as a TV genre. Primarily aimed at guys therefore, madam, off with your clothes.
                          Even though they are often tagged together, sci fi needs to take a leaf out of fantasy's book. Equal opportunity nekkidness.
                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          How can he be so cute sometimes?
                          Funny, I had quoted those exact two pictures and was going to write something very similar! So Ditto!
                          He is an actor.


                            Back to the cute, Jonas style.

                            Always love how he popped in and out of frame in this scene.

                            Dimply cuteness.

                            "Don't eat me!"


                              Originally posted by smurf View Post
                              It shows how young (minded) sci fi still is as a TV genre. Primarily aimed at guys therefore, madam, off with your clothes.
                              Even though they are often tagged together, sci fi needs to take a leaf out of fantasy's book. Equal opportunity nekkidness.

                              He is an actor.

                              Yes, but he does it so well it still needs to be marvelled at sometimes

                              Fantasy is more equal opps, certainly. Still a few sexy warrior types, but I won't begrudge them a little fun, not when we get decent characters in both genders, who are usually equally brainy/good with sharp objects, and also you get authors who don't think that gay characters will result in multitudes of angry e-mails- or who just don't care. And equal opps for wearing dresses as well. Why shouldn't Robert De Niro get to wear a tutu in Stardust? Girls do...

                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                *shudders at RDN in a tutu*

                                Ooooh.. it's shallow thunking time!!!! We haven't seen some good elbows in a while!!


                                Made by Me!

