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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    So (rather delayed) thoughts on Blackout.

    Now I wanted to keep this review fairly short because, to be fair, I didn't give Blackout my full attention for the majority of it. Although, frankly, I didn't need to.
    After all, how many brain cells do you need to watch your standard woman in peril flick? Less than the lead character... and that really isn't many.

    I think I could call this review spoiler-free simply on the basis that everything, seriously everything, is signposted in the first five/ten minutes. The long and the short of it is; It's raining up a storm, there is badly written and acted segment of "OMG power blackout inevitable!" (during which, incidentally, all I could think was "you know, city power supply is designed in a grid system. Just shut down a few blocks for a couple of hours and you won't overload the entire grid. Numbnuts."), dysfunctional family minus dad runs errands, bumps into CN's nutter, is dysfunctional during blackout, bumps into CN's deranged psycho, becomes functional, beats CN's man with minor flaw in interpersonal skills.

    Blackout is an exercise in mid-afternoon, TV thriller box ticking. So very heavy with family angst placed in the following configuration. The lead is female so eldest child (of two obviously) is female. Father is ineffectual/inattentive/distracted by financial issues. Lead is a mature student so daughter has mother role to second, family sex balanced, child. The argument which gets the family into the hands of the bad guy is over the mother's lack of mothering skills. Mother acts weak and whiny until she finds her inner mother's instinct (and the father arrives to add moral support/slightly saves the day ).

    Of course, this sort of thing works fine if a) the lead character wasn't such an annoying idiot, and b) the lead character wasn't such an annoying idiot.
    The acting throughout isn't bad (apart from the aforementioned), but the writing of the lead character is pretty awful. Made more so by the fact that the writing for the daughter and the bad guy is considerably better - relatively for a TV movie*, obviously.
    Mind you the writing of the story isn't any great shakes to start with. I think they were trying to tie together some kind of statement of the loss of good manners and lack of strength as a family leads to the complete breakdown of society, unless some yada yada yada.... I don't know, if the father - who walked to the mall to save his family (before they needed it) slowly, and in a mildly brain damaged fashion - and the mother had some sort of epiphany I didn't see it.

    But, this is getting unnecessarily long. So CN's bit:
    I'm assuming that Blackout was not a very popular TV movie because if it was I'm not sure, after this, how anyone could think CN playing bad is a remotely surprising thing. This is a character who has a quiet (and then very noisy) insanity about him. It's an interesting role as a precursor to Speck, since it is fairly straight down the line bad guy.
    Not deeply written as a character, but with a solid motivation that CN, as always, sells well. At least he's in this a decent amount. Although mostly in the dark.

    Overall, Blackout is neither very good, or particularly awful. Standard TV movie fare, and watchable if you don't think too hard (and don't mind irritating leads). CN has a good role, and his character's motivation explanation - it's not worth being nice - is understandable, even if his fix is a little out there .
    But I'd suggest Summer of Fear if you want a CN family in peril movie, and Speck for your CN bat-crap insane bad guy.

    Other thoughts:
    Jane Seymour, Teeny Woman.
    What happened to the woman behind the till? She was standing right there...
    But why would you send pictures?
    Why is the father standing around watching the downfall of society when it means his family is possibly going to be in some danger?
    Yeah, like that plastic gate is really going to keep people out.
    Nice glasses.
    Horrible coat.
    And no, I don't remember the names of any of the characters.

    *why doesn't "movie" exist in Firefox's** dictionary? I know I make up a few words, but I'm sure I haven't just made that up.
    **ha ha, nor does Firefox.
    Last edited by smurf; 24 February 2008, 04:09 PM.


      Originally posted by smurf View Post
      So (rather delayed) thoughts on Blackout.

      I think I could call this review spoiler-free simply on the basis that everything, seriously everything, is signposted in the first five/ten minutes. The long and the short of it is; It's raining up a storm, there is badly written and acted segment of "OMG power blackout inevitable! (during which, incidentally, all I could think was "you know, city power supply is designed in a grid system. Just shut down a few blocks for a couple of hours and you won't overload the entire grid. Numbnuts."), dysfunctional family minus dad runs errands, bumps into CN's nutter, is dysfunctional during blackout, bumps into CN's deranged psycho, becomes functional, beats CN's man with minor flaw in interpersonal skills.
      I think that's a fair summary *nods* Oh, and I think I've just found my new favourite insult...
      ...Of course, this sort of thing works fine if a) the lead character wasn't such an annoying idiot, and b) the lead character wasn't such an annoying idiot.
      The acting throughout isn't bad (apart from the aforementioned), but the writing of the lead character is pretty awful. Made more so by the fact that the writing for the daughter and the bad guy is considerably better - relatively for a TV movie*, obviously.
      Mind you the writing of the story isn't any great shakes to start with. I think they were trying to tie together some kind of statement of the loss of good manners and lack of strength as a family leads to the complete breakdown of society, unless some yada yada yada.... I don't know, if the father - who walked to the mall to save his family (before they needed it) slowly, and in a mildly brain damaged fashion - and the mother had some sort of epiphany I didn't see it.
      TV movies in general should just give up on any semblance of decent plotting, moral statements, etc unless the person actually has some talent, knows it and is just making ends meet and just focus on the important things. I think CN playing a nutter really quite well is the important thing. Once they have established this fundamental rule, they can move onto the full-blown good stuff- like incorporating our CN 'equations' into the plot. This would be better for all concerned, I think.

      ...I'm assuming that Blackout was not a very popular TV movie because if it was I'm not sure, after this, how anyone could think CN playing bad is a remotely surprising thing. This is a character who has a quiet (and then very noisy) insanity about him. It's an interesting role as a precursor to Speck, since it is fairly straight down the line bad guy.
      Not deeply written as a character, but with a solid motivation that CN, as always, sells well.
      Hurrah for our boy...

      ...Standard TV movie fare, and watchable if you don't think too hard (and don't mind irritating leads). But I'd suggest Summer of Fear if you want a CN family in peril movie, and Speck for your CN bat-crap insane bad guy.
      ...and his bat-crap insane role-playing ways

      And are your random thoughts as random as my musings for The Stand and Steven? Because those were rambling and strange at best

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        I know it's been a little while since I last really posted anything here. But real life and the real world hasn't been too kind to me lately. You see, my Dad passed away on the 4th of this month. Then 12 days later, my Mom joined him. Sorry about the OT, but I thought I'd let you all know.


          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          I think that's a fair summary *nods* Oh, and I think I've just found my new favourite insult...
          "OMG power blackout inevitable!"?
          Hurrah for our boy...

          ...and his bat-crap insane role-playing ways
          Yes, hurrah!
          But still, I think it might be time for something completely different...
          And are your random thoughts as random as my musings for The Stand and Steven? Because those were rambling and strange at best
          I don't remember. Could you point me in the right direction?


            Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
            I know it's been a little while since I last really posted anything here. But real life and the real world hasn't been too kind to me lately. You see, my Dad passed away on the 4th of this month. Then 12 days later, my Mom joined him. Sorry about the OT, but I thought I'd let you all know.
            I really sorry to hear about your loss, LaCroix.


              Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
              I know it's been a little while since I last really posted anything here. But real life and the real world hasn't been too kind to me lately...
              I PMed you when I heard about your father, and the sentiments expressed then still stand. I'm terribly sorry and my thoughts are with you.

              *Hugs Fran* I know its a paltry thing to do, but its all I can do from here.

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Hi, I am new to this thread, but not too new to Gateworld.

                I am hoping this is one of the best places to post this info, so here goes...

                I have started a campaign called:

                "Let's Get Jonas 2 Atlantis"

                We need to get our favorite guy over to Atlantis. With all of the changes that have taken place over the last year, it would be comforting and exciting to see our old pal Jonas Quinn back in action! He was supposed to be there in the first place!!!

                Anyone who can, please write TPTB to get them thinking about him again!!

                Here are some options:

                Write [email protected] and ask Robert Cooper and Brad Wright to let them know that fans want to see Corin Nemec as a regular or recurring cast member.

                Or we can send snail mail to:

                Mr. Brad Wright, Executive Producer
                Mr. Robert Cooper, Executive Producer
                STARGATE ATLANTIS
                c/o THE BRIDGE STUDIOS
                2400 BOUNDARY ROAD
                BURNABY, BC
                V5M 3Z3
                Fax: 1-604-292-8550

                And / Or:

                More addresses and contact names are in Spoiler for size purposes!


                Mr. Charles Cohen
                Executive Vice President
                MGM Television Entertainment
                10250 Constellation Boulevard
                Los Angeles, CA 90067
                [email protected]

                Sci Fi Channel — the network

                Viewer Comments line: 1-212-664-3571

                Chris Sanagustin is now in charge of overseeing Atlantis

                Ms. Chris Sanagustin
                VP Original Programming
                NBC Universal/Sci Fi Channel
                100 Universal City Plaza
                Bld 1400, 14th floor
                Universal City, CA 91608

                Fax: 1-212-664-3890

                Ms. Sanagustin reports to Mark Stern:

                Mr. Mark Stern
                Executive VP Original Programming
                NBC Universal | Sci Fi Channel
                100 Universal City Plaza
                Bld. 1400, 14th Floor
                Universal City, CA 91608
                [email protected]
                [email protected]

                Dave Howe
                30 Rockefeller Plaza 21st Plaza
                New York, NY
                [email protected]
                [email protected]

                Spread the word!!! A new thread has been started under Fandom. Please do all that you can to help!



                  Originally posted by kamala42 View Post
                  Hi, I am new to this thread, but not too new to Gateworld.

                  I am hoping this is one of the best places to post this info, so here goes...

                  I have started a campaign called:

                  "Let's Get Jonas 2 Atlantis"

                  We need to get our favorite guy over to Atlantis. With all of the changes that have taken place over the last year, it would be comforting and exciting to see our old pal Jonas Quinn back in action! He was supposed to be there in the first place!!!

                  I'm with ya girl!!


                    morning thunkers
                    Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                      I just got this vision of the papers on the desk containing our pictures...

                      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                      In my mind the sock fairy is green (dunno why...all my socks are black pretty much), has big scary teeth and is pulling a face full of manical, grinning glee as he steals my stuff and hordes it in a big pile in the loft adjourning my room. I also suspect that he comes out at night *hides under covers*
                      *Hands Res some sock-fairy spray*

                      Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                      I know it's been a little while since I last really posted anything here. But real life and the real world hasn't been too kind to me lately. You see, my Dad passed away on the 4th of this month. Then 12 days later, my Mom joined him. Sorry about the OT, but I thought I'd let you all know.
                      Oh hun that's terrible!! My thought's and prayers are going out to you and yours!

                      Originally posted by kamala42 View Post
                      Hi, I am new to this thread, but not too new to Gateworld.

                      I am hoping this is one of the best places to post this info, so here goes...

                      I have started a campaign called:

                      "Let's Get Jonas 2 Atlantis"

                      We need to get our favorite guy over to Atlantis. With all of the changes that have taken place over the last year, it would be comforting and exciting to see our old pal Jonas Quinn back in action! He was supposed to be there in the first place!!!

                      Anyone who can, please write TPTB to get them thinking about him again!!

                      Here are some options:

                      Write [email protected] and ask Robert Cooper and Brad Wright to let them know that fans want to see Corin Nemec as a regular or recurring cast member.

                      Or we can send snail mail to:

                      Mr. Brad Wright, Executive Producer
                      Mr. Robert Cooper, Executive Producer
                      STARGATE ATLANTIS
                      c/o THE BRIDGE STUDIOS
                      2400 BOUNDARY ROAD
                      BURNABY, BC
                      V5M 3Z3
                      Fax: 1-604-292-8550

                      And / Or:

                      More addresses and contact names are in Spoiler for size purposes!


                      Mr. Charles Cohen
                      Executive Vice President
                      MGM Television Entertainment
                      10250 Constellation Boulevard
                      Los Angeles, CA 90067
                      [email protected]

                      Sci Fi Channel — the network

                      Viewer Comments line: 1-212-664-3571

                      Chris Sanagustin is now in charge of overseeing Atlantis

                      Ms. Chris Sanagustin
                      VP Original Programming
                      NBC Universal/Sci Fi Channel
                      100 Universal City Plaza
                      Bld 1400, 14th floor
                      Universal City, CA 91608

                      Fax: 1-212-664-3890

                      Ms. Sanagustin reports to Mark Stern:

                      Mr. Mark Stern
                      Executive VP Original Programming
                      NBC Universal | Sci Fi Channel
                      100 Universal City Plaza
                      Bld. 1400, 14th Floor
                      Universal City, CA 91608
                      [email protected]
                      [email protected]

                      Dave Howe
                      30 Rockefeller Plaza 21st Plaza
                      New York, NY
                      [email protected]
                      [email protected]

                      Spread the word!!! A new thread has been started under Fandom. Please do all that you can to help!

                      I'm with ya, though I doubt it would do much good unfortunately!


                      Made by Me!


                        Wow, what a few days!! Glad to be back in here!

                        *pets NYPD Blue hair*

                        Made by Me!


                          I assume you're in a NYPD Blue mood today, then?

                          Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                          I just got this vision of the papers on the desk containing our pictures...
                          Who? Us?

                          *Hands Res some sock-fairy spray*
                          I might have to lay a trap and lie in wait. Although I'm scared... *hides*

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            Howdy all.

                            Originally posted by kamala42 View Post
                            Hi, I am new to this thread, but not too new to Gateworld.

                            I am hoping this is one of the best places to post this info, so here goes...

                            I have started a campaign called:

                            "Let's Get Jonas 2 Atlantis"

                            We need to get our favorite guy over to Atlantis. With all of the changes that have taken place over the last year, it would be comforting and exciting to see our old pal Jonas Quinn back in action! He was supposed to be there in the first place!!!

                            Anyone who can, please write TPTB to get them thinking about him again!!

                            Here are some options:

                            Write [email protected] and ask Robert Cooper and Brad Wright to let them know that fans want to see Corin Nemec as a regular or recurring cast member.

                            Or we can send snail mail to:

                            Mr. Brad Wright, Executive Producer
                            Mr. Robert Cooper, Executive Producer
                            STARGATE ATLANTIS
                            c/o THE BRIDGE STUDIOS
                            2400 BOUNDARY ROAD
                            BURNABY, BC
                            V5M 3Z3
                            Fax: 1-604-292-8550

                            And / Or:

                            More addresses and contact names are in Spoiler for size purposes!


                            Mr. Charles Cohen
                            Executive Vice President
                            MGM Television Entertainment
                            10250 Constellation Boulevard
                            Los Angeles, CA 90067
                            [email protected]

                            Sci Fi Channel — the network

                            Viewer Comments line: 1-212-664-3571

                            Chris Sanagustin is now in charge of overseeing Atlantis

                            Ms. Chris Sanagustin
                            VP Original Programming
                            NBC Universal/Sci Fi Channel
                            100 Universal City Plaza
                            Bld 1400, 14th floor
                            Universal City, CA 91608

                            Fax: 1-212-664-3890

                            Ms. Sanagustin reports to Mark Stern:

                            Mr. Mark Stern
                            Executive VP Original Programming
                            NBC Universal | Sci Fi Channel
                            100 Universal City Plaza
                            Bld. 1400, 14th Floor
                            Universal City, CA 91608
                            [email protected]
                            [email protected]

                            Dave Howe
                            30 Rockefeller Plaza 21st Plaza
                            New York, NY
                            [email protected]
                            [email protected]

                            Spread the word!!! A new thread has been started under Fandom. Please do all that you can to help!

                            Welcome to the thread!
                            I have to admit as much as I love Jonas, I'm not sure I want to see him as a regular on SGA simply because I don't think he needs any more hate dropped on his poor head. A guest spot would be cool, if only to deal with that episode , but I don't see it happening.

                            Still, it'd give the wardrobe department another chance to work their magic.

                            You might want to check your email addresses tho. [email protected]?
                            Last edited by smurf; 26 February 2008, 06:23 AM.


                              Wardrobe selection from the last time he guested.

                              Lovely job.


                                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                                Wardrobe selection from the last time he guested.

                                Lovely job.
                                *Deliberate repost*

                                *Sighs contently*

                                See that, wardrobe folks from other shows/films that have dressed the poor lad in abominable things and might possibly do so in the future? Its called well-fitted. And colours and forms that suit him. It results in something which is even more pleasing to the eye than usual. Put down that ill-fitted jacket of evil doom in a hideous colour, and take note from this.

                                *Less mocking/complimentary in full sentences, and more fangirlish incoherent...*



                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

