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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
    I already have a story begun for the tat - well, the Galileo one, anyway - but I could never put AT's piercing into a story for Sam. While it may fit AT's personality, I can't see it as something Sam would do. Not to mention that it would be too dangerous to have it in combat - it'd be too likely to get ripped out.

    However, I do think she might have a small tat herself, somewhere it doesn't show. ;-)
    Oooh.. I would like to read it!! We don't get many good Jonas Fics.... Is he straight in it? That's another thing we seem to have trouble finding! (Though I do love me some slash sometimes! *hugs her little Jack and Ianto clones*)

    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
    Because back pr0n first thing on a Sunday is good for the soul. No, really.

    So I'm pretty sure that's my new favourite saying... I knew I skipped church this morning for a reason!

    Made by Me!


      Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
      Oooh.. I would like to read it!! We don't get many good Jonas Fics.... Is he straight in it? That's another thing we seem to have trouble finding! (Though I do love me some slash sometimes! *hugs her little Jack and Ianto clones*)

      So I'm pretty sure that's my new favourite saying... I knew I skipped church this morning for a reason!
      It does amuse me muchly that the majority of Jonas with anyone fic is slash. I wonder what that says about us as a collective And if Buc doesn't mind me speaking for her, than that fic, if it were to contain a romantic angle, would be het not slash. And probably not romance involving Jonas. Feel free to stamp on me, Buc, if you feel any of that is misrepresenting you.

      So far in the last two week we're had prum and now a back pr0n-related saying. Amongst others. We're doing quite well

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Hey, just wanted to say I was watching season 6 again recently and was reminded how much I liked Jonas. I especially liked how his frienship with Sam developed.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          Hey, just wanted to say I was watching season 6 again recently and was reminded how much I liked Jonas. I especially liked how his frienship with Sam developed.

          Always good to hear. And yes, Sam and Jonas is made of awesome. So many interesting moments- from awkward and a little painful to sarky, caring and endearing. Good stuff

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
            Oooh.. I would like to read it!! We don't get many good Jonas Fics.... Is he straight in it? That's another thing we seem to have trouble finding! (Though I do love me some slash sometimes! *hugs her little Jack and Ianto clones*)

            So I'm pretty sure that's my new favourite saying... I knew I skipped church this morning for a reason!
            I absolutely do not do slash under any circumstances, so, yes, Jonas is straight in my story. And while it's going to be mostly friendship among the entire team (yes, Daniel, too!), there could be a bit of implied ship for S/J, since that's my big "thing" where SG is concerned. (It creeps into stories I even intend to be non-shippy.) But it'll be very subtle, if there at all. It's a "story within a story" that includes a post-ep for Hathor from S1. Sorry, if I told you any more, you wouldn't be surprised when I finally finish the story.

            And yes, for those of you who like food porn, there's a healthy dose of that, too. Of course, it's not literally porn, but Jonas gets to eat. <g>

            I do love all the relationships Jonas built with the other members of the team. He was very much "little brother" to Sam, pupil to Teal'c, and almost protoge to Jack, although he'd never admit it. Unfortunately, there really wasn't enough opportunity to see Jonas and Daniel together to know how they'd be, but what we did was really fun. I liked Daniel more with Jonas (no, not in *that* way!) than I had for a few seaons, and a few seasons afterward as well.

            But it does bring to mind a question: if you were going to write a fic shipping Jonas with somebody, who would it be? I tend to like the idea of Lt Rush, just because she was available. I liked the chemistry with that archeologist girl from the planet with Cure, and it was cute with the Ancient girl from Frozen, but she's dead, so . . . she's out. (Sorry, I'm terrible with names!) So who do you think? Or would you invent somebody new for him? One thing I can't fathom is Cassie ship. That just feels wrong somehow.
            - Mary
            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
              Marbles. Clearly...
              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
              *ponders* indeed.. it must be marbles....
              Probably. Grew out of playing with my marbles years ago.
              Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
              But it does bring to mind a question: if you were going to write a fic shipping Jonas with somebody, who would it be? I tend to like the idea of Lt Rush, just because she was available. I liked the chemistry with that archeologist girl from the planet with Cure, and it was cute with the Ancient girl from Frozen, but she's dead, so . . . she's out. (Sorry, I'm terrible with names!) So who do you think? Or would you invent somebody new for him? One thing I can't fathom is Cassie ship. That just feels wrong somehow.
              Hi Buc! *waves*

              I married him off (off "screen") to someone new in one of mine, but that's because I've always liked the idea of an expanded universe.
              Although, for some reason, I really like the idea of shipping him with Vala. There something very chilled and centred about Jonas which would be good for her.
              And he's all for excitement and new experiences.
              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              Hey, just wanted to say I was watching season 6 again recently and was reminded how much I liked Jonas. I especially liked how his frienship with Sam developed.
              Hey, and welcome!

              The Sam and Jonas friendship is great. I love how she seems to enjoy allowing that cheeky side of her nature a bit more freedom around him.


                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                It does amuse me muchly that the majority of Jonas with anyone fic is slash. I wonder what that says about us as a collective And if Buc doesn't mind me speaking for her, than that fic, if it were to contain a romantic angle, would be het not slash. And probably not romance involving Jonas. Feel free to stamp on me, Buc, if you feel any of that is misrepresenting you.

                So far in the last two week we're had prum and now a back pr0n-related saying. Amongst others. We're doing quite well
                We have done quite well for ourselves in the last week!!!
                Here's to keeping it up!

                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                Hey, just wanted to say I was watching season 6 again recently and was reminded how much I liked Jonas. I especially liked how his frienship with Sam developed.
                Hi and welcome to our insane little world!!

                You know... I thought came to me while greening our new friend.. we don't have a name for our home here like other Thunk Threads do...
                Cam = The Furnace and we're Ben's babes
                Daniel = has a name but I've never been in there to know what it is...
                Even us J/S shippers have the Shipper family house...

                Now we need a name!!

                My suggestions include:
                Corky's Commons
                Murd'rin Row
                Thor's Thespians...oops, wrong thread...

                Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                I absolutely do not do slash under any circumstances, so, yes, Jonas is straight in my story. And while it's going to be mostly friendship among the entire team (yes, Daniel, too!), there could be a bit of implied ship for S/J, since that's my big "thing" where SG is concerned. (It creeps into stories I even intend to be non-shippy.) But it'll be very subtle, if there at all. It's a "story within a story" that includes a post-ep for Hathor from S1. Sorry, if I told you any more, you wouldn't be surprised when I finally finish the story.

                And yes, for those of you who like food porn, there's a healthy dose of that, too. Of course, it's not literally porn, but Jonas gets to eat. <g>

                I do love all the relationships Jonas built with the other members of the team. He was very much "little brother" to Sam, pupil to Teal'c, and almost protoge to Jack, although he'd never admit it. Unfortunately, there really wasn't enough opportunity to see Jonas and Daniel together to know how they'd be, but what we did was really fun. I liked Daniel more with Jonas (no, not in *that* way!) than I had for a few seaons, and a few seasons afterward as well.

                But it does bring to mind a question: if you were going to write a fic shipping Jonas with somebody, who would it be? I tend to like the idea of Lt Rush, just because she was available. I liked the chemistry with that archeologist girl from the planet with Cure, and it was cute with the Ancient girl from Frozen, but she's dead, so . . . she's out. (Sorry, I'm terrible with names!) So who do you think? Or would you invent somebody new for him? One thing I can't fathom is Cassie ship. That just feels wrong somehow.
                Oooh!! I can't wait to read the story!! I always love new fics! And don't worry about the S/J stuff creeping in.. it always should, no matter what type of story it is...

                And as for Shipping Jonas.. I like:
                Jonas/Sam - FriendSHIP
                Jonas/Jack - don't ZAT me.. I like a little slash every so often!
                Jonas/Girl from Cure

                Made by Me!


                  Originally posted by smurf View Post
                  Probably. Grew out of playing with my marbles years ago.

                  Hi Buc! *waves*

                  I married him off (off "screen") to someone new in one of mine, but that's because I've always liked the idea of an expanded universe.
                  Although, for some reason, I really like the idea of shipping him with Vala. There something very chilled and centred about Jonas which would be good for her.
                  And he's all for excitement and new experiences.

                  Hey, and welcome!

                  The Sam and Jonas friendship is great. I love how she seems to enjoy allowing that cheeky side of her nature a bit more freedom around him.

                  Oooh, I like the idea of him with Vala... He's so innocent, their scenes would have been hilarious!!

                  Made by Me!


                    Originally posted by smurf View Post

                    ...I married him off (off "screen") to someone new in one of mine, but that's because I've always liked the idea of an expanded universe.
                    Although, for some reason, I really like the idea of shipping him with Vala. There something very chilled and centred about Jonas which would be good for her.
                    And he's all for excitement and new experiences.

                    Hey, and welcome!

                    The Sam and Jonas friendship is great. I love how she seems to enjoy allowing that cheeky side of her nature a bit more freedom around him.
                    I've always thought that the two of them would be 'interesting' at least since I read a fanfic in which Vala was stranded on a planet and ended up finding help from a guy on the run from his Ori-invaded home planet, who happened to have personal experience of what the patch on her arm stood for... I can't remember what its called, but its a very nice look into Jonas post-S7 and also post-Langarian invasion (something we never saw, sadly) and the beats and chemistry between the two of them were nicely done. Think I found it on LJ. Like that helps...

                    Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post

                    You know... I thought came to me while greening our new friend.. we don't have a name for our home here like other Thunk Threads do...
                    Cam = The Furnace and we're Ben's babes
                    Daniel = has a name but I've never been in there to know what it is...
                    Even us J/S shippers have the Shipper family house...

                    Now we need a name!!

                    My suggestions include:
                    Corky's Commons
                    Murd'rin Row
                    Thor's Thespians...oops, wrong thread...

                    And as for Shipping Jonas.. I like:
                    Jonas/Sam - FriendSHIP
                    Jonas/Jack - don't ZAT me.. I like a little slash every so often!
                    Jonas/Girl from Cure
                    The last one in that little list is the most important, no? Personally I want to nosey in on Frostfox's Jonas/Her/Daniel Sandwich idea, but I think I'd get kicked out (*waves if lurking* ).

                    Because this actually become two paragraphs about my Jonas pairing preferences...
                    Jonas/Sam friendship fics are always interesting- whether cute or showing the early awkwardness she felt towards him. Ayiana was also interesting, but nothing I can really get behind after one episode. Besides, I'm not a shipper at all, really- I find the chemistry interesting if well done on the show, but I don't get behind pairings or have OTPs or anything. I liked the archaeologist girl from 'Cure' (I thought they played that well- pleasantly flirty, not getting in the way of the story), and the Lt. Rush moment was fun and could have gone places, but I'm not fussed really. And of course the Kiyana thing for screwing with his poor little mind *pats*

                    If I'm reading fanfic with pairings, I will like that use that particular dynamic to reveal something about the characters. Which is why I found the Jonas/Vala one interesting, and also the odd Daniel/Jonas or Jonas/Cameron also don't hit me!- because of the character stuff and because they're usually written quite well, not because I 'do' het or slash. Some of the OC stuff I've read has also been very good. Some of it has also been very bad though. I could just be weird. And babbling

                    And I vote for Murd'rin Row. Because its horribly accurate, and will hopefully freak all the other thunk threads out when referred to

                    Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                    I absolutely do not do slash under any circumstances, so, yes, Jonas is straight in my story. And while it's going to be mostly friendship among the entire team (yes, Daniel, too!), there could be a bit of implied ship for S/J, since that's my big "thing" where SG is concerned. (It creeps into stories I even intend to be non-shippy.) But it'll be very subtle, if there at all. It's a "story within a story" that includes a post-ep for Hathor from S1. Sorry, if I told you any more, you wouldn't be surprised when I finally finish the story.

                    And yes, for those of you who like food porn, there's a healthy dose of that, too. Of course, it's not literally porn, but Jonas gets to eat. <g>

                    I do love all the relationships Jonas built with the other members of the team. He was very much "little brother" to Sam, pupil to Teal'c, and almost protoge to Jack, although he'd never admit it. Unfortunately, there really wasn't enough opportunity to see Jonas and Daniel together to know how they'd be, but what we did was really fun. I liked Daniel more with Jonas (no, not in *that* way!) than I had for a few seaons, and a few seasons afterward as well.
                    Sweet. Food porn Seriously though, it sounds interesting and don't forget to give us all the heads up when you finish

                    The relationships were just getting to be so interesting, and I liked that there was care but also a bit of awkwardness there as well, because it was natural. Daniel and Jonas are also sooo interesting, and that is one dynamic that I really wished we'd seen again. There wasn't a scene between those two that didn't show something about their characters, their similarities and differences- it could be uncomfortable (not surprising) but also genuinely friendly, and there was a real understanding there. Losing that was a shame, same for those great little Sam/Jonas moments (she is SO his big sister) and Jonas/Teal'c bits.

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Thanks for the kind welcomes!

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        morning thunkers
                        Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Thanks for the kind welcomes!
                          That's because we're all lovely. And mad. But shussshh on that part

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            Been under the weather these past few days but very happy to see new posts to read!

                            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                            It does amuse me muchly that the majority of Jonas with anyone fic is slash. I wonder what that says about us as a collective
                            Erm... oddballs?

                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            Hey, just wanted to say I was watching season 6 again recently and was reminded how much I liked Jonas. I especially liked how his frienship with Sam developed.
                            Welcome to our little corner of the forum, EH-T. Hope you're liking your stay here. As you can see, there's a lot of pr0ns going around. You name it, we got it. All harmless fun from harmless(???) wackos who got nothing better to do in their spare time but to examine JQ/CN's varying degrees of undress. Hope nobody shoots me.

                            Have fun!

                            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

                            Always good to hear. And yes, Sam and Jonas is made of awesome. So many interesting moments- from awkward and a little painful to sarky, caring and endearing. Good stuff
                            *nods in agreement*

                            Not to mention that Jonas was the only person Sam really played as a Big Sister to in the entire show. She wasn't like that with Daniel.

                            Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                            I do love all the relationships Jonas built with the other members of the team. He was very much "little brother" to Sam, pupil to Teal'c, and almost protoge to Jack, although he'd never admit it. Unfortunately, there really wasn't enough opportunity to see Jonas and Daniel together to know how they'd be, but what we did was really fun. I liked Daniel more with Jonas (no, not in *that* way!) than I had for a few seaons, and a few seasons afterward as well.
                            It's really disappointing that TPTB never really explored it in the show. And just when Jonas was really starting to become a part of the team.*sniff*

                            But it does bring to mind a question: if you were going to write a fic shipping Jonas with somebody, who would it be? I tend to like the idea of Lt Rush, just because she was available. I liked the chemistry with that archeologist girl from the planet with Cure, and it was cute with the Ancient girl from Frozen, but she's dead, so . . . she's out. (Sorry, I'm terrible with names!) So who do you think? Or would you invent somebody new for him? One thing I can't fathom is Cassie ship. That just feels wrong somehow.
                            Not much of a shippy. Maybe because, dunno, it just doesn't fit Jonas' character?*shrugs* Although, in one of the virtual shows, Stargate Destiny, Jonas has a girl there but so far can't say anything about her character, only that she has a very strong personality.

                            Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post

                            Now we need a name!!

                            My suggestions include:
                            Corky's Commons
                            Murd'rin Row
                            Thor's Thespians...oops, wrong thread...
                            Murd'rin Row

                            But... it might scare off potential thread visitors in the future. Mwahahaha!

                            Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                            Oooh, I like the idea of him with Vala... He's so innocent, their scenes would have been hilarious!!
                            More like Jonas being struck by lightning every time Vala does something. Or maybe blush profusely from ear to ear. Or a body blush just as RES would like it.

                            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                            I've always thought that the two of them would be 'interesting' at least since I read a fanfic in which Vala was stranded on a planet and ended up finding help from a guy on the run from his Ori-invaded home planet, who happened to have personal experience of what the patch on her arm stood for... I can't remember what its called, but its a very nice look into Jonas post-S7 and also post-Langarian invasion (something we never saw, sadly) and the beats and chemistry between the two of them were nicely done. Think I found it on LJ. Like that helps...
                            Wah! I wanna read that! I wanna read that!

                            The relationships were just getting to be so interesting, and I liked that there was care but also a bit of awkwardness there as well, because it was natural. Daniel and Jonas are also sooo interesting, and that is one dynamic that I really wished we'd seen again. There wasn't a scene between those two that didn't show something about their characters, their similarities and differences- it could be uncomfortable (not surprising) but also genuinely friendly, and there was a real understanding there. Losing that was a shame, same for those great little Sam/Jonas moments (she is SO his big sister) and Jonas/Teal'c bits.
                            Very true.


                              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

                              The last one in that little list is the most important, no?

                              And I vote for Murd'rin Row. Because its horribly accurate, and will hopefully freak all the other thunk threads out when referred to

                              Yes, it is the most important by far

                              And Yay for Murd'rin Row!!!

                              I didn't snip the rest b/c it wasn't important, it was.. I've just been writing out address' on envelopes for the last hour.. so my brain is only functioning for the more minor and funny stuff

                              Made by Me!


                                Murd'rin Row?

                                I only know CN from Jonas, maybe someone can explain this to me?

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

