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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by LaCroix View Post

    In case I'm not here tomorrow, good luck for the first few weeks. And I hope you may get to watch some of your fav shows.
    Thanks Talk to you soon!


      Because I felt like it. (Meeting Corin last week is a good reason, right?)

      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
        Actually, Chris is only 6'1". I was surprised when I first realized that Rick is taller than he is! I guess he just has a more imposing presence.
        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          My internet has been down for a few days, it's been sporadic, so I've been able to get to maybe one page and post one thing but not read anything.. I think it's better now...

          Originally posted by SLBaum View Post
          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          but I still wouldn't say 'no' to that
          Nor would I, but that pic may have possibly made me say 'eww' a little bit... in a tiny quiet voice.... I just don't dig the whole i-can-see-your-collarbone-look....

          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

          *Makes mental note to buy Jonas clone a pink apron...and to start drinking coffee*
          Forget about coffee, he can serve me up some beef!!!!

          ...And Apparently I need to firmly plant myself in the gutter after that post....

          Made by Me!


            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
            *Sneaks in on-theme pics*

            Apologies for size. I'm working on it
            i think I'm going to have to use that one somehow... oh, and NEVER appologize for CN-size... lmao *splashes back into gutter*

            Originally posted by smurf View Post

            ooOOooH, dark smexy lean!!

            HAHAHA That's a shallow pic if I've ever seen one!

            Made by Me!


              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
              Quick note!

              Hidden Secrets did record. My friend will burn it to DVD this weekend and send it to me Monday if all goes well.

              Originally posted by Morgania View Post
              Because I felt like it. (Meeting Corin last week is a good reason, right?)

              Any reason is a good reason. And lucky you

              Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
              Actually, Chris is only 6'1". I was surprised when I first realized that Rick is taller than he is! I guess he just has a more imposing presence.
              I could have sworn he was over 6ft 2". Maybe I've got him confused with another insanely tall person from the show. 'Imposing' in that he looms over everyone else except the rest of the team? Yep They were so lucky to find the right actors for the job who are also not that much shorter than RDA. Even AT is only a couple of inches shorter, and MS and CN are both six foot, I believe. Makes the director's job a lot easier.

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                I could have sworn he was over 6ft 2". Maybe I've got him confused with another insanely tall person from the show. 'Imposing' in that he looms over everyone else except the rest of the team? Yep They were so lucky to find the right actors for the job who are also not that much shorter than RDA. Even AT is only a couple of inches shorter, and MS and CN are both six foot, I believe. Makes the director's job a lot easier.
                mmmm, you know what they say about tall men!!!.... no, me either, it just sounded like something someone should say...


                Made by Me!



                  Made by Me!


                    morning thunkers
                    Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                      Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that I arrived at uni safely and (eventually) got connected to the internet. Everything's fine but I have to go for dinner now, so talk to you all later! *hugs*


                        Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                        Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that I arrived at uni safely and (eventually) got connected to the internet. Everything's fine but I have to go for dinner now, so talk to you all later! *hugs*
                        That's great Enjoy your dinner and I'll be expecting you on later for a bit, missy

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                          HAHAHA That's a shallow pic if I've ever seen one!

                          Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                          Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that I arrived at uni safely and (eventually) got connected to the internet. Everything's fine but I have to go for dinner now, so talk to you all later! *hugs*
                          Cool. ((firefly))


                            Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                            Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that I arrived at uni safely and (eventually) got connected to the internet. Everything's fine but I have to go for dinner now, so talk to you all later! *hugs*

                            Wonderful and very


                              Hey there Jonas thunkers!

                              Just stopping by to say hello. Nice stash of pics as usual.



                                Hello IHS and various others

                                In honour of Firefly moving away from home into studentdom, some celebratory pics:


                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

