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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Well......I saw the S-7 opening episodes yesterday. Very sad......I hated to see him leave. I did see my torture device in use though!



      Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
      Wow, somebody needs to get that boy to eat! He looks like he's gonna blow away, he's so skinny!

      He does look very happy, though, so that's nice. I wish we could see his hair - not crazy about the hat.
      Skinny but pretty buff under that tight t-shirt. I thunk, therefore I look.
      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      If I didn't appreciate it so much, I would shake my fist at him for looking so damn good. Damn you and your slender toned-ness and nice T-shirts! Damn you!

      ...and yet *another* hat. The boy certainly likes 'em.
      I want to know where he gets his t-shirts from, they're always cool. I wants 'em.
      Not too hot about the hats though.
      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      The wireless cards in my house aren't working because the relay box is rejecting their codes. Dad tries to sort it out. Now even hardwiring doesn't work. No internet. Am currently in department common room.
      Oh, b***er.
      On plus side, I won my bid on a copy of I Know my First Name is Steven
      On Killer Bud:

      *Very* stupid, but method in the madness. Lovin' the Gooch (I want an ex-Patriot who likes to blow stuff up to be my friend!), when Buzz went nuts with the food and also the 'compromising photos' line. Oh dear. Always fun to see him act the goof and swear loads and make use of his slightly gawky frame. Although at the same time he also looks so very, very cute, which detracts a little from the loser-ness. Overall, good fun.
      I love the slow realisation bit when Buzz is talking about his fantasies. Watching that grin slide off his face is so funny.
      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post

      Well......I saw the S-7 opening episodes yesterday. Very sad......I hated to see him leave. I did see my torture device in use though!

      Have you seen the first disk of S6 yet? Seems like Netflix has a very interesting policy on TV shows. Good thing you aren't trying to rent 24.


        Hi smurf!

        I have S-6 disc 1 coming next (I think). They skipped over it since it wasn't available or something, so they sent me the next thing on my queue. Good for me though......more new Jonas. getting to meet Jonas has been quite interesting...hop, skip, and jump through season 6. ROFL!

        WOW.......nice jeans at his movie premiere! Nice tight shirt too. *swoon*



          Corin in jeans. Mmm...


            Are they cigarettes in that pic? Noobish question but does Corin smoke?


              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              Hi smurf!

              I have S-6 disc 1 coming next (I think). They skipped over it since it wasn't available or something, so they sent me the next thing on my queue. Good for me though......more new Jonas. getting to meet Jonas has been quite interesting...hop, skip, and jump through season 6. ROFL!

              WOW.......nice jeans at his movie premiere! Nice tight shirt too. *swoon*

              Have you seen Meridian?
              Originally posted by Maz Kazama View Post
              Are they cigarettes in that pic? Noobish question but does Corin smoke?
              Yes, and I believe so.


                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                Yes, and I believe so.
                Wow. That makes it even more impressive that he managed to hold his breath for that long under water in Descent (I think it was that ep).


                  It kinda depends how much a person smokes, and how much exercise they do.
                  Still, I suppose if he didn't he'd be even more scarily fit.


                    Evening everyone!


                      Hey Jenn.

                      My weird neck thunk thing. (feel free to move along, there's nothing to see here )


                        Afternoon guys! How're the Jonas thunkers doing?

                        Marvelous pictures!
                        Yay for Canadian Geeks!
                        PM me if you wanna chat!



                          Corin has a nice....neck and throat. The hollow of his throat is enticing too.



                            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                            Hi smurf!

                            I have S-6 disc 1 coming next (I think). They skipped over it since it wasn't available or something, so they sent me the next thing on my queue. Good for me though......more new Jonas. getting to meet Jonas has been quite interesting...hop, skip, and jump through season 6. ROFL!

                            WOW.......nice jeans at his movie premiere! Nice tight shirt too. *swoon*

                            Oh, what a treat you're in for! I think disk 1 is one of my favorites, if not *the* favorite. You get Jonas' introduction, and while some don't agree, I think Decent and Frozen are two of his very best episodes.

                            I feel so bad to hear that Corin smokes, though. It's very sad.
                            - Mary
                            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.



                              Vote for Jonas for the hottest Stargate man!! lol
                              Yay for Canadian Geeks!
                              PM me if you wanna chat!




                                I'm very much looking forward to disc 1 of season 6 now! SQUEEES and does happy dance around computer (hopes no one is looking through windows)

                                Half of the movie stills didn't come up when I linked......most of them were the dreaded red X. POO! Luckily, the pictures of the cast and others did come up.


