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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    The few pics we have of them behind the scenes are so cute, and the con stripping pics are wonderful. Lucky Amanda

    You do realise that this is the second time in as many days that orgasm and the physical and mental situation behind it has occurred in conversation I've been having in this forum? Yikes. Previously it was the whole 'seventy virgins' thing on Shadow's thread, and one guy commented that actually the idea of having a harem in heaven might not technically work- because if you're a spirit and therefore have no impetus to have children, would your 'body' still respond in the same way, as the reasoning behind orgasm is to encourage reproduction...although the way we've evolved physically and also socially means that its all a bit complicated now...
    Yep, I take the earlier comment about this having been a sensible weekend back...

    Courtesy of smurf, as always


      All I have to say is that orgasms are extremly healthy. I mean here on earth. They improve the function of your immune system and help you live longer.So there you go.

      I think Jonas agrees
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        All I have to say is that orgasms are extremly healthy. I mean here on earth. They improve the function of your immune system and help you live longer.So there you go.

        I think Jonas agrees
        Oh, with the imagery now...

        If its scientifically proven, I'll make sure to tell all my friends that

        I might run away for a bit (possibly literally, by the Thames ) but will return as I have been on his website and snurched some amusing stuff from the early days. Good ol' Parker Lewis

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Ugh, what a week. Not been able to post for ages! How is everyone? Congrats on 720 res!


            I'm cool.
            *Pets Firefly* Just remember, no matter what happens, they can't take the sky from you-damn me and my persistent TV quoting!

            Thank you, dear. Incidentally, what *is* it with you and the number 20? Is is an important date? Part of some Satanic ritual you like to practice in your shed? The number of garden gnomes you own? Is there something we should know?

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Me and the number 20? *is confused*
              I don't think I have a thing for the number 20...*is worried*


                Usually posting milestones tend to be hundreds, thousands or even fifty- but you seem to like something-hundred and twenty (eg 620, 720). If you don't realise that you're doing it, then I'd have to say scrap my above theories and settle for it being part of some secret plan for world domination. Somehow.
                Anyway...I should stop scaring my fellow thunkers and either do my essay or do some thunking...

                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  I usually post congrats when someone reaches a '10' milestone. It's just coincidence that it always happens to be 20 on here! In the Joe Flanigan thread it's not always 20...
                  World domination? *rubs hands together in scheming manner*
                  *plots to capture more clones*


                    I was kinda hoping for either a conspiracy or some kind of strange practice-or both-so I must admit, I'm disappointed in you
                    See, that clone army sounds *way* better than Anubis'. Might not be so strong, but will be able to awe the enemy with their loveliness instead of being all squicky...

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      One look at all of my gorgeous clones and the enemy will drop dead instantly. That is my strength


                        Nationwide thunkage. Generations afterwards will speak of it in hushed, awed tones...

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          I'm not an enemy but I'll drop dead too!
                          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                            See, the mere though of it is working already!


                              Thunk-worthy...our boy.

                              "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                              Colonel Jack O'Neill


                                Oh my God!!!


                                *gets up*

                                *faints again*

                                Somebody call the medics, please!!

                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

