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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
    To paraphrase the Black Knight- 'I've seen worse!'
    Most of which has come from Smurf, keeper of the evil caps. And no, that's NOT an invitation to post more. I have a strong constitution, but not everyone has (checks to see if SLB has run away again).
    I don't think I have that many evil caps. Mostly because they aren't that thunkable.

    Not my pixies doing that. I think...
    Really? Odd.
    I noticed my caps pages didn't display properly using Opera on the Wii so I downloaded Firefox to check that, and was somewhat surprised to find out it had a problem with a box within a box (on a table) concept. Maybe it's just an issue with the latest version then.
    Well, it's fixed now. Until, next time.... (bwahahahaaa)

    Sorry, it felt like an evil laugh was needed with that last sentence.


      Originally posted by smurf View Post

      Incidentally, anyone who uses Firefox will be pleased to note I fixed my caps so you can view 'em properly. I'm assuming Firefox was designed via magical pixie dust, and when used shows the truth as known only by the pixies, because neither of my webby packages declared anything wrong with them.
      Really? Odd.
      I noticed my caps pages didn't display properly using Opera on the Wii so I downloaded Firefox to check that, and was somewhat surprised to find out it had a problem with a box within a box (on a table) concept. Maybe it's just an issue with the latest version then.
      Well, it's fixed now. Until, next time.... (bwahahahaaa)

      Sorry, it felt like an evil laugh was needed with that last sentence.
      I hadn't noticed any problem with your caps pages in Firefox, but then I am only on version, which I think is a long way from the newest version. (but I don't want to update it until my email webmail interface will work in the newer version, which I know it doesn't at the moment...)

      P.S. Sorry if this message isn't very coherant - I'm not very awake yet, having woken up late and paniced before realising that it was Sat...


        Morning Jenn!
        Originally posted by Jenn Calaelen View Post
        I hadn't noticed any problem with your caps pages in Firefox, but then I am only on version, which I think is a long way from the newest version. (but I don't want to update it until my email webmail interface will work in the newer version, which I know it doesn't at the moment...)
        Curiouser, and curiouser. Would you mind having a quick check with your version to see if I've actually mucked it up? Linky
        The version I've got is, which is probably where it's all gone wrong. It's like not me installing IE7 until at least version 7.5 when they've iron out all the flaws.

        P.S. Sorry if this message isn't very coherant - I'm not very awake yet, having woken up late and paniced before realising that it was Sat...
        It's nice when that happens. Much better than thinking it's Sunday, and realising it's Monday...


          Originally posted by smurf View Post
          Curiouser, and curiouser. Would you mind having a quick check with your version to see if I've actually mucked it up? Linky
          The version I've got is, which is probably where it's all gone wrong. It's like not me installing IE7 until at least version 7.5 when they've iron out all the flaws.
          It looks fine to me.
          It looks like all the tables are fine. Apparently one of the things with FF2 is that it is much more stringent about standards and so perhaps the problem is that what you had before looked fine but was tecnically wrong in some way, or it could just be that FF2 is still broken in places.
          I mostly prefer to stick with one version for as long as possible because then I learn what the problems are and how to work around them. Most things work in this version of FF...

          It's nice when that happens. Much better than thinking it's Sunday, and realising it's Monday...
          Yes, it would just have been nicer if I had not woken up through it so much, because then I could have gone back to sleep and caught up on some of the sleep I have been missing.

          Last edited by Jenn Calaelen; 20 January 2007, 02:15 AM.


            Thanks for checking.
            On the upside, at least it gave me an opportunity to finally add the "I'm a Lazy Moo Menu System" (TM)



              Weekend thunk time:

              I bought another eighties pop album- and made before I was born. I've got to stop doing that

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                I bought another eighties pop album- and made before I was born. I've got to stop doing that
                Bucks Fizz's Greatest Hits!

                Capping the first 10 minutes of Prophecy, some thoughts...
                1) Jonas can be such a kid when it looks like he won't be allowed to go out to play.
                2) Either next to nothing freaks Jonas out, or he's very, very emotionally contained. I'm leaning towards the later when taking into account Unnatural Selection - that moment when he just wakes up and immediately after when he's gets himself together and is almost completely calm.
                3) Jonas is one heck of an artist.
                4) You can forget how tall CN is.


                  Originally posted by smurf View Post
                  Bucks Fizz's Greatest Hits!

                  Capping the first 10 minutes of Prophecy, some thoughts...
                  1) Jonas can be such a kid when it looks like he won't be allowed to go out to play.
                  2) Either next to nothing freaks Jonas out, or he's very, very emotionally contained. I'm leaning towards the later when taking into account Unnatural Selection - that moment when he just wakes up and immediately after when he's gets himself together and is almost completely calm.
                  3) Jonas is one heck of an artist.
                  4) You can forget how tall CN is.
                  I bought more ABC- who although utter pop, wrote smart lyrics, had a great lead singer and whose first three albums all sound totally different (at least this is what I tell myself...)

                  It took me a bit of rewatching to get that CN sort of plays him deliberately...ambigious. Like he's hiding exactly what he thinks-constantly studying the situation, evaluating and also trying his damned hardest to seem useful and not to get in anyone's way. And of course by season seven, he's thought, 'oh f**k this, O'Neill can't help being awkward with me, I can't please everyone, and branching out and just being me is the best option'-hence all the great Jonas/Daniel interaction.
                  There are bits in Parker Lewis and also The Stand (esp. when he's with the rather petite Laura San Giacomo!) when you suddenly think, whoa-he's six foot. Especially when with the giants of SG-1- even Amanda about 5ft 10" I think, RDA is actually only a couple of inches below CJ.
                  Better artist than Daniel (thinks back to board diagram in movie, and also the puppets in '200' )

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    The ambiguity is part of what I like about Jonas. Like Jack, he's not so (obviously) straight down the line. Meridian showed us he's not above doing something wrong for, what he believes to be, the greater good.
                    I love how much of CN's acting is done mostly through his eyes - both the ambiguity, and the times he wants you to see exactly what the character is thinking. I remember Martin Wood saying in the commentary for one of the season 7 episodes that Corin acts with his hands, and I thought that wasn't right because the information about the character is all in the eyes. You can see him, like you said, constantly studying. Thinking, reacting all the time, and actually rethinking that not being freaked out thing; maybe it's because he's too busy constantly assessing what is happening to take time to really freak out.

                    Gotta love Full Circle, and season 7 Jonas. Definitely that thought process of "I'm strange, and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks."
                    I like the little hints of that attitude thoughout the season.

                    I thought Siler was meant to be tall, but he's taller than Siler!


                      I remember Martin Wood saying in the commentary for one of the season 7 episodes that Corin acts with his hands, and I thought that wasn't right because the information about the character is all in the eyes. You can see him, like you said, constantly studying. Thinking, reacting all the time, and actually rethinking that not being freaked out thing; maybe it's because he's too busy constantly assessing what is happening to take time to really freak out.
                      I thought it was a slightly odd thing to say at the time- but really it is Jonas who is acting with his hands, if that makes any sense. And in comparison to MS, who is very much 'about the face' (which is sometimes good, as its a contrast to the other actors, and sometimes not so great, as its a tad too much) he might seem that way.
                      But the hand thing is more about the character- you just have to look at when CN does comedy of any kind- whether it's the pretend-innocence and 'these people are nutjobs' looks he gave in SG-1, to the more slapstick stuff I saw him do in 'Dumbo Drop' (and also 'Killer Bud', it seems!)- to realise that he can do great things with his facial expressions. He plays a lot of characters who are ambigious, have an agenda or are hiding something, and that requires less open facial acting for obvious reasons.


                      Courtesy of smurf, as always


                        Yes, I think it's less acting with his hands than being a character who speaks with his hands. It's something loads of people do... I have a feeling I do it quite a lot. Watching Full Circle I see Daniel does it as well.
                        I agree, though, that MS is very much about his facial expressions. I think he has a more theatrical acting style - bigger (too big maybe) mannerisms to sell the point to the people sitting in the gods. Not always, but quite often. I have to say that I think MS would be a much better screen actor if he hadn't stuck with Stargate for so long. The feeling I get is that he has a set of "Daniel expressions" ready for every occasion, and, personally, it feels false. It will be interesting to see how he branches out post-Stargate.

                        Having now capped Prophecy & Full Circle a terrible, terrible hardship I think that there are times in Prophecy where CN internalises Jonas' thought process slightly too much. The way CN acts Jonas throughout his stint (and how he usually acts) is to give the character an element of openess for the audience to see, but not to be seen by the characters around him - the good screen acting ability of enough but not too much. There were times I didn't "get" the deeper thought process that I knew was there.
                        It was different to Shadowplay where you could see/feel everything Jonas was. I guess I'm back to what I always say; Prophecy is a fantastic episode for Jonas, and Shadowplay is a fantastic one for Corin.

                        Further thoughts on Prophecy:
                        1) Jonas to Sam: "Teal'c said you never encountered an alien with precognative abilities."
                        Me (thinks): "Well, you have now."
                        2) Love the Sam/Jonas dynamic. Cute how they hold hands when he gets wheeled to the operating theatre. Especially after Sight Unseen.
                        3) CN has beautiful eyes.
                        4) Neck fetish sated.
                        5) I miss Dr. Fraiser. And she isn't that short.

                        Full Circle:
                        1) When Daniel first looks at the wall he reaches to push up his glasses even though he isn't wearing any. He's forgotten, how cute.
                        2) Jonas gives us a lovely demonstration on how to deal with the social faux pais of using the stuff of a dead guy who is standing next to you. I now know exactly what to say should it happen to me.
                        3) Jonas saying "sweet" never gets old.
                        4) Nor does "Is it really necessary to further antagonise him?" (And it's fun to watch Jonas building up to that question. Very "Oh god, Colonel O'Neill is at it again".)
                        5) Jack O'Neill rocks.
                        6) Ascending everybody does not.
                        7) Having on the full vest/webbing with the BDUs should be made compulsory, because baggy jackets are just not on. In fact, preference should be made for them to be off.

                        Last edited by smurf; 21 January 2007, 05:43 PM. Reason: general rubbishness


                          Anyone who is curious about Mansquito, looks like SciFi is going to play it this Thursday at 11:00pm. Best to check your local listings for the correct time.

                          Good morning, everyone!



                              Good Morning Admiral! Did you have a good weekend?


