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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Enjoying the Cure pics alot. You win.... some green.
    Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


      lunch bump...


        Originally posted by Admiral Q O Kitten ever gonna get here today?

        Afternoon everyone! I am finally able to log on. The internet where I work has been intermediate at best. Apparently, there was a tower down somewhere. Anyways, it has been on and off all morning, so this is the first time it has been up long enough for me to get here. If I disappear...don't be surprised.

        So how is everyone today? What is this about a wet boxer contest? Did I miss it?

        Last edited by Anyagate1; 20 July 2006, 10:51 AM.


          Hello, Anya. I am good. Tanith and Baal got really drunk though, and blamed it on the bookshelf.

          A wet boxer contest? Good idea. *pours water on clones*
          Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


            Originally posted by Anyagate1
            Afternoon everyone! I am finally able to log on. The internet where I work has been intermediate at best. Apparently, there was a tower down somewhere. Anyways, it has been on and off all morning, so this is the first time it has been up long enough for me to get here. If I disappear...don't be surprised.

            So how is everyone today? What is this about a wet boxer contest? Did I miss it?

            Hi Anya. Sorry you missed the contest. Today we are playing with spraying noodles.
            Edit: It looks like Morgania is going to do the contest at her house today.


              Originally posted by SLBaum
              Hi Anya. Sorry you missed the contest. Today we are playing with spraying noodles.
              Edit: It looks like Morgania is going to do the contest at her house today.
              Whats a spraying noodle? Is that like silly string? Yeah, wet boxer contest at my house. It's so hard to pick a winner though. We might need another judge.
              Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                Originally posted by Buc252
                Do you know what a "noodle" is? (It's a cylindrical piece of colored styrofoam people use in the pool to float with.) Well, I have three very special ones that also shoot water 30 feet! (They were a huge hit with my nephews and nieces on the 4th.) We could let them wear the same outfits and play with those. I know Jonas is new, but I'm sure he can compete with Jack. And if not . . . well . . . then he'll just get wet! <vbEEg>
                See above quote from Buc for description of spraying noodle.


                  Spraying noodle...a long piece of styrofoam with a hole down the center used for both spraying water and as a floatation device.


                    Hey, Kitten! How's the tooth today?


                      Originally posted by Morgania
                      Whats a spraying noodle? Is that like silly string? Yeah, wet boxer contest at my house. It's so hard to pick a winner though. We might need another judge.
                      Woohoo! On my way. Can I bring my clones too??


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O

                        Spraying noodle...a long piece of styrofoam with a hole down the center used for both spraying water and as a floatation device.
                        Thanks for the info. Those sound fun. If I was a bit younger, and could swim... I might get one.
                        Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                          Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                          Hey, Kitten! How's the tooth today?

                          Still feeling pretty good...considering I have only a temporary cap on it. But well enough I can get back to smooching.

                          AnyaJoc: Well, come here then.


                            Originally posted by Anyagate1
                            Woohoo! On my way. Can I bring my clones too??

                            Sure you can. Just tell them dont bring anymore liquor, and do not touch the coffee.
                            Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                              Originally posted by Morgania
                              Sure you can. Just tell them dont bring anymore liquor, and do not touch the coffee.

                              Fine with me. You probably still have plenty of rum anyways.


                                Originally posted by Anyagate1
                                Fine with me. You probably still have plenty of rum anyways.

                                Yeah, they keep buying more rum. We have like 24 bottles, 2 kegs, and a case of vodka (which belongs to Baal). And thankfully (for everyones sanity) McKay and Daniel have a full supply of coffee. There's also an invisable pool.
                                Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.

