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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hi Morgania!


      Hello, Anya. I was watching POTC clips. And looking up pirate novels.
      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


        Originally posted by Morgania
        Hello, Anya. I was watching POTC clips. And looking up pirate novels.

        Oooh, fun! I let a friend of mine borrow my POTC movie. I need to get and watch it again before I go to POTC 2. Work has been pretty much insane today so I have not been around much. Sorry. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. See ya then.


          Originally posted by Admiral Q O
          I envision Teal'c explaining the Fourth of July to Jonas. No Sam/Jack as I would rather stick my finger in a light socket. And no slash as per your request. Give me til next week sometime and I'll post the url here.
          Sounds like fun! I actually like Teal'c trying to be the "native" to Jonas' "newcomer," because quite often he's slightly off the mark, but Jonas doesn't have any way to know it. Will Jack and Sam come in at some point, even just as friends? (Goodness! Look at me, begging for spoilers for fanfiction! LOL)
          Last edited by Buc252; 06 July 2006, 07:08 PM.
          - Mary
          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O
            Hooray! Hope POTC is as good as I'm hoping for.

            But we didn't see Superman yet.

            I know...I know...
            I'll take you, Jack!! While Admiral takes Jonas to see the pirates. I'll even get popcorn and nachos with jalapenos, I promise. <g>

            (I don't really even want to *see* Superman, but for an opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with Jack, heck, I'll muddle through it! <vbEg> )
            - Mary
            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


              Originally posted by Morgania
              For POTC, most likely sometime tomorrow or the weekend. My Lorne and Davis clones are coming too, of course. *hands AQOJac a piece of cake* Enjoy!


              Thanks, it was delicious.


                Originally posted by Buc252
                Sounds like fun! I actually like Teal'c trying to be the "native" to Jonas' "newcomer," because quite often he's slightly off the mark, but Jonas doesn't have any way to know it. Will Jack and Sam come in at some point, even just as friends? (Goodness! Look at me, begging for spoilers for fanfiction! LOL)
                Yes, they will, but not necessarily at the same time. I'm relatively certain that Walter and Hammond and Janet will be involved somehow as well.

                Okay, everyone, the forum is slow and the boss will be in sometime this morning, so let me do this now...

                Good morning, afternoon, and evening. Have a great weekend! Planning to see Pirates, but Hubs works tomorrow and I'm going to the museum to see Monet in Normandy with my Snuggly Wuggly.

                So, now...for as long as it lasts...I'm going to have a Wet and Wild Friday.






                          one more for now...


                            sneaking in for a quickie...


                              Hey there everyone! I thought it was getting kind of dry in here but Jonas and Jack have started to quench my thirst.


