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    Question 7 in HTML:


    <td class="answer">
    As many people as possible.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Jalen">

    <td class="answer">
    As many of my fellow Tok'ra as possible.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Persus">

    <td class="answer">
    I would make sure help is given to anyone who would be injured, weak, or host-less.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Taseem">

    <td class="answer">
    Any sensitive information that the Goa'uld should not get
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="JacobSelmak">

    <td class="answer">
    Whatever is most important to the Tok'ra.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Egeria">

    <td class="answer">
    Whatever is most important to the Tok'ra cause.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Thoran">

    <td class="answer">
    Whatever is most important to the Tok'ra
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Korra">

    <td class="answer">
    Samantha, if she is there. Otherwise, whatever is most important to the Tok'ra.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="MartoufLantash">

    <td class="answer">
    Whatever is most important to the Tok'ra.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="JolinarRosha">

    <td class="answer">
    I shall try to assist where I would be most beneficial.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Raleigh">

    <td class="answer">
    Any information vital to the Tok'ra cause.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Garshaw">

    <td class="answer">
    Information vital to the Tok'ra cause
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Delek">

    <td class="answer">
    Valuable research.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Renaul">

    <td class="answer">
    My research.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="SamanthaJolinar">

    <td class="answer">
    My research
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="AniseFreya">

    <td class="answer">
    My picture of Egeria and my biochemistry research
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Malek">

    <td class="answer">
    My attractive lo'tar
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Kanan">

    <td class="answer">
    Whatever the council tells me to.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Aldwin">

    <td class="answer">
    My undercover costumes
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Zarin">

    <td class="answer">
    My expensive Goa'uld robes.
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Khonsu">

    <td class="answer">
    <td class="answer">
    <input type="radio" name="7" value="Tanith">

    By the way, Ocker's answers is missing all the answer-collections. I seem to remember them being posted here on the thread at some time?
    Smilies made by Roeskva (

    "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


      thanks skadi! i'll work on getting what you have up on the site soon... maybe not tonight tho, found myself workin on other things. I thought about making some Kanan/Jack like I said but ended up talking to my sister and I like what she came up with better.


        Nice picture of Kanan. I like it.

        Here is HTML for question 8.

        <td class="answer">
        The Tauri, for one of their nice island vacations
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="JacobSelmak">

        <td class="answer">
        Wander along the beach of a beautiful ocean.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="JolinarRosha">

        <td class="answer">
        Visit the Tau'ri and spend time with Samantha.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="MartoufLantash">

        <td class="answer">
        Dreaming about that handsome human, O'Neill
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Garshaw">

        <td class="answer">
        We’d love to spend some quality time with friends and fellow Tok’ra.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Raleigh">

        <td class="answer">
        Pursuing interesting men
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="AniseFreya">

        <td class="answer">
        Alkesh joyriding.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Jalen">

        <td class="answer">
        Enjoy some one on one time with just my host and my symbiote learning more about galactic history.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Persus">

        <td class="answer">
        Rescuing attractive lo'tars
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Kanan">

        <td class="answer">
        Forcing my symbiote to talk to strangers
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Aldwin">

        <td class="answer">
        Attending informative scientific seminars.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Renaul">

        <td class="answer">
        Spend more time on my research.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="SamanthaJolinar">

        <td class="answer">
        Fighting the Goa'uld is my life - I can not just take a vacation from it.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Egeria">

        <td class="answer">
        Practicing my Goa'uld imitation for my next mission
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Korra">

        <td class="answer">
        Work on fixing the other problems in our galaxy.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Taseem">

        <td class="answer">
        I relax as an undercover Goa'uld
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Zarin">

        <td class="answer">
        I relax when I am undercover as a Goa'uld. That is enough.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Khonsu">

        <td class="answer">
        I don't want time off - the Tok'ra cause is my life!
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Thoran">

        <td class="answer">
        I do not take time off - my work is far too important
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Delek">

        <td class="answer">
        Killing Jaffa
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Malek">

        <td class="answer">
        Try to kill off more treacherous Jaffa, Tau'ri and T-... er.. I mean under water basket weaving.
        <td class="answer">
        <input type="radio" name="8" value="Tanith">
        Smilies made by Roeskva (

        "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


          Question 9 in HTML


          <td class="answer">
          Someone loyal and a good friend.
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Jalen">

          <td class="answer">
          Someone to be a welcoming face to come home to.
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Taseem">

          <td class="answer">
          A passionate symbiote in a friendly host. They should be loyal for as long as I am alive.
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="JolinarRosha">

          <td class="answer">
          Blue eyes and blond hair. Intelligence. Smiling/friendly.
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="MartoufLantash">

          <td class="answer">
          Someone who loves me for me and doesn't want to manipulate me.
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Persus">

          <td class="answer">
          An attractive military type, but with a scientific mind - and an interest in archaeology
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="AniseFreya">

          <td class="answer">
          6'6", dark hair and bright eyes. Either the host or the symbiote must know how to play an instrument.
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Renaul">

          <td class="answer">
          That they are former Goa'uld lo'tars
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Kanan">

          <td class="answer">
          I’m not looking. I don’t have the time for a relationship.
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Raleigh">

          <td class="answer">
          Who says I'm looking for one?
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="JacobSelmak">

          <td class="answer">
          Loyalty to the Tok'ra cause.
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Egeria">

          <td class="answer">
          A man who is willing to be a host to any Tok'ra symbiote in need, and who understands and supports the Tok'ra cause
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Garshaw">

          <td class="answer">
          Strong survival instinct...
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="SamanthaJolinar">

          <td class="answer">
          Someone who shares my dedication to the Tok'ra cause
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Thoran">

          <td class="answer">
          Someone who likes strong, silent men
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Malek">

          <td class="answer">
          Someone who understands that the Tok'ra will always be the most important for me
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Korra">

          <td class="answer">
          A woman who can understand that the Tok'ra will always come first
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Aldwin">

          <td class="answer">
          An understanding woman who doesn't mind that I fulfill my...duties, while I am pretending to be a Goa'uld.
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Khonsu">

          <td class="answer">
          Someone who does not mind being my slave from time to time, when I need to practice for my missions
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Zarin">

          <td class="answer">
          She should understand that my work is important and that the Tok'ra symbiotes are more important than human hosts
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Delek">

          <td class="answer">
          Someone in a high up position with the command of millions.
          <td class="answer">
          <input type="radio" name="9" value="Tanith">
          Smilies made by Roeskva (

          "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


            Question 10 in HTML


            <td class="answer">
            I am accostumed to danger from my missions. I will investigate.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Zarin">

            <td class="answer">
            We will go and investigate.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="SamanthaJolinar">

            <td class="answer">
            Offer any knowledge I might have on what it could be.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Aldwin">

            <td class="answer">
            Attack it head-on or seduce it, depending on what it is.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="JolinarRosha">

            <td class="answer">
            Inform whatever is out there that I am not a Goa'uld.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Garshaw">

            <td class="answer">
            Investigate carefully. If I am captured I will swallow poison to avoid giving away information about the others.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Korra">

            <td class="answer">
            Quietly listen to determine what is going on.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Jalen">

            <td class="answer">
            Pull out the infrared goggles I swiped from Jack earlier and put them on. I can now see what is going on and better determine rationally what to do
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="AniseFreya">

            <td class="answer">
            Whisper “Ha’re Kree!”
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Raleigh">

            <td class="answer">
            Demand that if anyone is there, they must identify themselves.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Persus">

            <td class="answer">
            Start paying attention.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Taseem">

            <td class="answer">
            Sigh, assuming that one of the Tau'ri (probably O'Neill) has been careless.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="JacobSelmak">

            <td class="answer">
            Push Jack O'Neill forward and let him deal with it. He seems to be able to survive anything.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="MartoufLantash">

            <td class="answer">
            My responsibility to the Tok'ra means that I can't risk investigating. Someone else will have to do it. What am I doing on a dangerous mission anyway?
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Egeria">

            <td class="answer">
            Protect myself and any valuable information I may have.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Renaul">

            <td class="answer">
            I will assign one of my minions to check it out.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Khonsu">

            <td class="answer">
            Investigate. If it turns out to be dangerous I will flee and let the Tau'ri handle it.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Kanan">

            <td class="answer">
            Depends. Is it a threat to the Tok'ra? Can it be eliminated without risk to the Tok'ra?
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Thoran">

            <td class="answer">
            It is dark, so I can't see what is happening. It is safer to hide somewhere and hope it goes away.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Malek">

            <td class="answer">
            Allow the Tau'ri to investigate. Their foolhardy behaviour has already cost the Tok'ra far too dearly, and I will not be their next casualty.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Delek">

            <td class="answer">
            Shoot first, ask questions later.
            <td class="answer">
            <input type="radio" name="10" value="Tanith">

            Smilies made by Roeskva (

            "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


              Whoa! Lots of posts, Skadi. You've really been busy

              I guess I will handle question 11, then (sorting and HTML'ing)

              Skadi, could you repost the pics that are in doubt? I mean for those chars that hasn't had one picked yet?

              sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

              Favorite love-dodecagon:


                OK, question 11 sorted:

                Egeria: I will help her any way I can.
                Martouf/Lantash: Tok'ra are well educated. We will suggest something that helps solve the problem.
                Malek: If it has to do with biochemistry, we are your men!
                Anise/Freya: If it has to do with biochemistry or archeaology, then I can most likely help
                Korra: I will tell her all I know - which isn't very much.
                Aldwin: I will tell her all I know - which isn't very much.
                Jalen: Tell her what I know, which may not be very much.
                Dr. Raleigh: Explain what I know about the technology and reassure her that she'll probably easily figure it out.
                Jolinar of Malkshur/Rosha: Give her any information we might have and hope she figures it out on her own.
                Samantha/Jolinar: I AM Samantha Carter - but aside from that, I will think of something to solve the problem.
                Jacob/Selmak: Samantha Carter needs my help? Things have really gone sour!
                Thoran: Science is not really my area, but I will attempt to answer.
                Kanan: Huh? Science?
                Per'sus: Direct her to those of my Tok'ra who would better be able to assist her.
                Ren'aul: Give her a long drawn out explanation.
                Zarin: I am an undercover agent, not a scientist
                Ocker: I am not a scientist.
                Ta'seem: "I'm a doctor, not a technical assistant!"
                Lord Khonsu of Amon Shek: Do I look like a scientist to you?
                Garshaw: Tau'ri technology is too primitive for you to be able to understand the solution.
                Delek: Tau'ri technology is too primitive for you to be able to understand the solution, even if I knew it (which I don't, but I'm not going to tell you that).
                Tanith: Make something up.

                The top 12-13 or so are all really equally friendly. The only difference is that some of them have scientific knowledge and some don't.

                sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

                Favorite love-dodecagon:


                  Here are the HTML-version of question 11. I really do love the answers for Delek, Kanan, and Ta'seem Kanan may have been a better match for Jack than what we thought!

                  <td class="answer">
                  I will help her any way I can.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Egeria">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Tok'ra are well educated. We will suggest something that helps solve the problem.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="MartoufLantash">

                  <td class="answer">
                  If it has to do with biochemistry, we are your men!
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Malek">

                  <td class="answer">
                  If it has to do with biochemistry or archeaology, then I can most likely help
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="AniseFreya">

                  <td class="answer">
                  I will tell her all I know - which isn't very much.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Korra">

                  <td class="answer">
                  I will tell her all I know - which isn't very much.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Aldwin">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Tell her what I know, which may not be very much.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Jalen">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Explain what I know about the technology and reassure her that she'll probably easily figure it out.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Raleigh">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Give her any information we might have and hope she figures it out on her own.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="JolinarRosha">

                  <td class="answer">
                  I AM Samantha Carter - but aside from that, I will think of something to solve the problem.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="SamanthaJolinar">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Samantha Carter needs my help? Things have really gone sour!
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="JacobSelmak">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Science is not really my area, but I will attempt to answer.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Thoran">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Huh? Science?
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Kanan">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Direct her to those of my Tok'ra who would better be able to assist her.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Persus">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Give her a long drawn out explanation.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Renaul">

                  <td class="answer">
                  I am an undercover agent, not a scientist
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Zarin">

                  <td class="answer">
                  I am not a scientist.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Ocker">

                  <td class="answer">
                  "I'm a doctor, not a technical assistant!"
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Taseem">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Do I look like a scientist to you?
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Khonsu">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Tau'ri technology is too primitive for you to be able to understand the solution.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Garshaw">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Tau'ri technology is too primitive for you to be able to understand the solution, even if I knew it (which I don't, but I'm not going to tell you that).
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Delek">

                  <td class="answer">
                  Make something up.
                  <td class="answer">
                  <input type="radio" name="11" value="Tanith">
                  sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

                  Favorite love-dodecagon:


                    Nice work, everyone! I will take questions 12-16.
                    button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


                      Question 12, sorted. Many are really equally nice or not except for bottom 2-3, and top 8.

                      Aldwin: I like to follow orders.
                      Jalen: Following is fine by me.
                      Ta'seem: I do what needs to be done.
                      Dr. Raleigh: Both. Whichever best keeps my cover.
                      Martouf/Lantash: We are most accostumed to following orders, but we can give orders if necessary.
                      Jacob/Selmak: I can command, but it's not a huge deal if I have to follow.
                      Korra: I can both follow orders and give orders. It depends on the situation.
                      Ren'aul: Follow, unless it has to do with my research, then make them.
                      Samantha/Jolinar: Depends on the situation. We can both give orders and follow them.
                      Zarin: Make orders. I am used to being in command and needs to practice always.
                      Jolinar of Malkshur/Rosha: Give orders.
                      Egeria: Give orders.
                      Anise/Freya: Give orders
                      Kanan: Make orders.
                      Thoran: Make orders.
                      Garshaw: Make orders.
                      Lord Khonsu of Amon Shek: Give orders.
                      Per'sus: Make them
                      Ocker: Give orders.
                      Malek: Make orders, obviously.
                      Delek: Give orders, of course.
                      Tanith: Agree to follow orders and then go and do something completely different.

                      I will HTML'ize it later today.
                      button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


                        Question 12, HTML version


                        <td class="answer">
                        I like to follow orders.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Aldwin">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Following is fine by me.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Jalen">

                        <td class="answer">
                        I do what needs to be done.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Taseem">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Both. Whichever best keeps my cover.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Raleigh">

                        <td class="answer">
                        We are most accostumed to following orders, but we can give orders if necessary.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="MartoufLantash">

                        <td class="answer">
                        I can command, but it's not a huge deal if I have to follow.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="JacobSelmak">

                        <td class="answer">
                        I can both follow orders and give orders. It depends on the situation.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Korra">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Follow, unless it has to do with my research, then make them.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Renaul">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Depends on the situation. We can both give orders and follow them.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="SamanthaJolinar">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Make orders. I am used to being in command and needs to practice always.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Zarin">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Give orders.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="JolinarRosha">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Give orders.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Egeria">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Give orders
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="AniseFreya">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Make orders.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Kanan">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Make orders.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Thoran">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Make orders.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Garshaw">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Give orders.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Khonsu">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Make them
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Persus">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Give orders.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Ocker">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Make orders, obviously.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Malek">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Give orders, of course.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Delek">

                        <td class="answer">
                        Agree to follow orders and then go and do something completely different.
                        <td class="answer">
                        <input type="radio" name="12" value="Tanith">
                        button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


                          Question 13.

                          Dr. Raleigh: I was undercover as their adversary before, of course I forgive him or her now.
                          Jalen: Smile and just take it.
                          Anise/Freya: The host would try to straighten out any problems that exists - hopefully we can get along
                          Egeria: I will ignore it and try to change his/her opinion of the Tok'ra.
                          Ren'aul: Ignore it.
                          Korra: Ignore the insult
                          Aldwin: Ignore the insult
                          Garshaw: Ignore the insult
                          Zarin: Ignore the insult.
                          Kanan: Ignore the insult.
                          Per'sus: In my position, I'm used to taking insults, but off the clock I can dish them out as well as I can take them in!
                          Ta'seem: Grit my teeth; quietly, of course.
                          Jacob/Selmak: If I have some reason to keep on good terms, I'll tolerate them, but I won't hesitate to give them some of my biting wit.
                          Malek: Treat them with hostility, but eventually make peace with them
                          Martouf/Lantash: The host would ignore it, but the symbiote would only tolerate something like that for a short while.
                          Ocker: Treat them with hostility, but eventually ignore them.
                          Thoran: Treat them with hostility.
                          Jolinar of Malkshur/Rosha: We would grab them by the throat and bring them to their knees. Then, if they apologizes nicely we _may_ let them live.
                          Samantha/Jolinar: We would grab them by the throat and bring them to their knees. Then, if they apologizes nicely we _may_ let them live - if we're in a good mood.
                          Delek: Tell the ignorant fool that symbiotes are not snakes and that I don't care what primitive Tau'ri think anyway
                          Lord Khonsu of Amon Shek: I will not tolerate such insolence.
                          Tanith: Kill them. And then frame the guy in the cave next to me.

                          By the it not really 'Dr. Raully' instead of 'Dr. Raleigh'?
                          button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


                            Question 13, HTML:


                            <td class="answer">
                            I was undercover as their adversary before, of course I forgive them now.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Raleigh">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Smile and just take it.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Jalen">

                            <td class="answer">
                            The host would try to straighten out any problems that exists - hopefully we can get along
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="AniseFreya">

                            <td class="answer">
                            I will ignore it and try to change his/her opinion of the Tok'ra.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Egeria">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Ignore it.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Renaul">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Ignore the insult
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Korra">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Ignore the insult
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Aldwin">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Ignore the insult
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Garshaw">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Ignore the insult.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Zarin">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Ignore the insult.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Kanan">

                            <td class="answer">
                            In my position, I'm used to taking insults, but off the clock I can dish them out as well as I can take them in!
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Persus">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Grit my teeth; quietly, of course.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Taseem">

                            <td class="answer">
                            If I have some reason to keep on good terms, I'll tolerate them, but I won't hesitate to give them some of my biting wit.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="JacobSelmak">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Treat them with hostility, but eventually make peace with them
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Malek">

                            <td class="answer">
                            The host would ignore it, but the symbiote would only tolerate something like that for a short while.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="MartoufLantash">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Treat them with hostility, but eventually ignore them.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Ocker">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Treat them with hostility.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Thoran">

                            <td class="answer">
                            We would grab them by the throat and bring them to their knees. Then, if they apologizes nicely we _may_ let them live.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="JolinarRosha">

                            <td class="answer">
                            We would grab them by the throat and bring them to their knees. Then, if they apologizes nicely we _may_ let them live - if we're in a good mood.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="SamanthaJolinar">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Tell the ignorant fool that symbiotes are not snakes and that I don't care what primitive Tau'ri think anyway
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Delek">

                            <td class="answer">
                            I will not tolerate such insolence.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Khonsu">

                            <td class="answer">
                            Kill them. And then frame the guy in the cave next to me.
                            <td class="answer">
                            <input type="radio" name="13" value="Tanith">
                            button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


                              Question 14.

                              Jacob/Selmak: I've lived a good life in service to the Tok'ra, and don't see any reason to break our highest law.
                              Korra: I would never take an unvilling host - I would rather give my life
                              Martouf/Lantash: I would never force a human to become a host. It goes against all that we believe in.
                              Aldwin: My symbiote would never do that - he is much to timid - as am I...
                              Ta'seem: Lay down and die. Our principles are our greatest treasure.
                              Per'sus: Don't take the host, that would destroy who we are.
                              Jalen: Don't take the host.
                              Garshaw: Goa'uld take hosts. Tok'ra do not. Ours wish to be so.
                              Egeria: Taking an unwilling host goes against all that we believe in - still, my responsibilities to the Tok'ra cause is great, and there might be circumstances where I would have to temporarily take a host that way.
                              Zarin: Perhaps, if it was important.
                              Dr. Raleigh: I will take the host, but they deserve to have the situation explained to them and I will encourage him or her to be strong.
                              Anise/Freya: If the cause was sufficient, then I would do it...for the Tok'ra, of course. I would of course leave again if the host wanted it, as soon as a new one could be found.
                              Ren'aul: Take the host, suppress them so they don't get the valuable information, relay the info and then immediately leave.
                              Lord Khonsu of Amon Shek: If my information is very important, then I would take the host.
                              Jolinar of Malkshur/Rosha: I would take the host and leave him/her later if he/she didn't want to continue being my host.
                              Samantha/Jolinar: I would take the host and leave him/her later if he/she didn't want to continue being my host.
                              Malek: If the cause was sufficient, then I would do it...for the Tok'ra, of course.
                              Thoran: I would do it for the Tok'ra cause.
                              Ocker: Take the host if it was important to the Tok'ra cause that I survive.
                              Kanan: Take the potential host.
                              Delek: Take the host, of course. The Tok'ra cause is important enough for such small sacrifices
                              Tanith: Take the host whether they like it or not.
                              button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


                                Question 14, HTML.


                                <td class="answer">
                                I've lived a good life in service to the Tok'ra, and don't see any reason to break our highest law.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="JacobSelmak">

                                <td class="answer">
                                I would never take an unvilling host - I would rather give my life
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Korra">

                                <td class="answer">
                                I would never force a human to become a host. It goes against all that we believe in.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="MartoufLantash">

                                <td class="answer">
                                My symbiote would never do that - he is much too timid - as am I...
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Aldwin">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Lay down and die. Our principles are our greatest treasure.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Taseem">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Don't take the host, that would destroy who we are.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Persus">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Don't take the host.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Jalen">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Goa'uld take hosts. Tok'ra do not. Ours wish to be so.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Garshaw">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Taking an unwilling host goes against all that we believe in - still, my responsibilities to the Tok'ra cause is great, and there might be circumstances where I would have to temporarily take a host that way.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Egeria">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Perhaps, if it was important.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Zarin">

                                <td class="answer">
                                I will take the host, but they deserve to have the situation explained to them and I will encourage him or her to be strong.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Raleigh">

                                <td class="answer">
                                If the cause was sufficient, then I would do it...for the Tok'ra, of course. I would of course leave again if the host wanted it, as soon as a new one could be found.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="AniseFreya">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Take the host, suppress them so they don't get the valuable information, relay the info and then immediately leave.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Renaul">

                                <td class="answer">
                                If my information is very important, then I would take the host.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Khonsu">

                                <td class="answer">
                                I would take the host and leave him/her later if he/she didn't want to continue being my host.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="JolinarRosha">

                                <td class="answer">
                                I would take the host and leave him/her later if he/she didn't want to continue being my host.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="SamanthaJolinar">

                                <td class="answer">
                                If the cause was sufficient, then I would do it...for the Tok'ra, of course.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Malek">

                                <td class="answer">
                                I would do it for the Tok'ra cause.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Thoran">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Take the host if it was important to the Tok'ra cause that I survive.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Ocker">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Take the potential host.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Kanan">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Take the host, of course. The Tok'ra cause is important enough for such small sacrifices
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Delek">

                                <td class="answer">
                                Take the host whether they like it or not.
                                <td class="answer">
                                <input type="radio" name="14" value="Tanith">
                                button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!

