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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Scarym1
    THANKS Maj_Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On GW, The Shroud is listed as the second ep after The Quest Pt 2. It is not numbered yet but I one would assume that it would be #13 but by what MS says ...." Which - by my way of thinking - would coincide with the end of the mid-season two-parter + 2 missed episodes and then The Shroud." The Shroud could be #14 and that one ep is missing from the list on GW. That RDA is supposed to be there for #14 and that the Shroud is looking more like it will be ep #14 practically confirms that Jack will be there for Daniel in his time of need!!!!

    So we can now speculate that how he becomes a Prior has something to do with this two parter? That his character goes missing for two eps and then he appears as A Prior. Hmmmmmmm?

    We only have anywhere from 6- 8 months to wait before we find out.
    Just clarifying -
    Michaell said that RDA would appear in "...episode 14, I think." The ..." Which - by my way of thinking - would coincide with the end of the mid-season two-parter + 2 missed episodes and then The Shroud." - is my comment, not his!

    Sadly it does look like this interview happened pretty early in season 10's filming if th episode hadn't even been written yet so things certainly could have changed - but based on this little tidbit I'm certainly hoping that we will get some sort of real arc out of ir and not just a one off episode with everything going back to normal when it's over. (The thought of that makes me cring!)


      Sorry about the misquote there Maj.

      I love being spoiled a bit here and there. But when it is for an such a big ep as this and it is still so far away, the speculation can almost drive ya nuts.

      I am quite confident that TPTB will do this storyline justice. I am going to stay positive and enjoy each ep as it comes.
      Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


        Originally posted by LoopyMowse
        I'm not sure I would class Daniel's feelings as critical of himself, I've always believed he has a strong nature of self doubt , but is this the same thing as self criticism?
        I think I just confused myself!
        Hope you guys don't mind me butting in here
        Most of this isn't spoilery and from reading through here, it appears most of you already read a certain big spoiler anyway, but just in case:

        I think Daniel has feelings of self-doubt not just in the sense of regretting things he's done (i.e. not being able save Sha're, introducing Earth to the Ori threat, etc.) but also a fear of what he is capable of doing. He's demonstrated that he has a little problem with power. In Need he seemed more interested in having power to change things on Shyla's planet than he did with Shyla, herself...that power made him forget his friends. In Maternal Instinct, he seemed very taken with the powers he thought he the point where he actually pointed Jack's gun at Jack when he was making it float around....again, the pursuit of that power seemed to make him forget that his friends were outside in possible danger. In Absolute Power he got a very frightening lesson taught to him by Shifu/Oma that has to still be on his conscience (at least I hope it is). In Meridian, his final reasoning to Jack about why he is leaving is because he thought he "could do more this way"....he had every intention of using the power of the ascended to gain his goals before he even ascended. He obviously had trouble with the fact that he wasn't allowed to use the ascended power in season 6. He does it during Abyss...I think he was floating around whispering in people's ears at the SGC during the time he left Jack alone. He certainly went too far in Full Circle and allowed his feelings of power and his hatred of Anubis to make him think sort of irrationally which resulted in Abydos getting destroyed (he went for the big power-play instead of the sure thing of not giving Anubis the eye).
        In Fallen, I think Sam hits the nail on the head when she says: "If you had one fault, it was that you wanted to help people so much that it tore you up inside when you couldn't make a difference." I think that is a fault and he knows it. He knew there were things about himself he didn't want to remember and I think the main thing he was trying to forget was that he actually has a dark streak running under the surface and he knows that there are circumstances in which he loses controll of that darkness. In Resurrection, part 2 he seems to be rather enjoying himself when he figures out how to get into Replicarter's mind and start controlling the replicators. In Threads it's obvious that he no longer sees what the ancients have as "enlightenment". He sees it as power. I think he would have ascended again if they would have let him use the power, but he knew they wouldn't and he knew he couldn't deal with being ascended but powerless. In Prototype, he's the first to recognize the evil lurking in (dang I forget the guy's name) Kind of makes me think of the cliche, It takes one to know one. OK, here's the spoiler part. After Pegasus Project, he seemed pretty sure that no one is going to help, maybe he's just going to have to do it himself. If Adria recognizes this, I think it's possible that she can use that against him and tempt him with power. While his rational mind would never go for that, I think that little dark streak would be tempted and perhaps with some brainwashing or other extenuating circumstances (like maybe he thinks he can outsmart her and get power and then use it against her) he could be persuaded to join her. After he gets the power, it wouldn't be at all out of character for Daniel to lose himself in it and perhaps start acting towards his own interests while all the while convincing himself that he is acting towards the good of Earth (just like he was doing in Absolute Power).
        Of course, in most of the instances above, it was Jack who brought him around. I suspect that's what will happen with this one. (At least I hope so!) I can't wait for this episode! And as most of you have said, I hope there will be repercussions in later episodes.)

        OK, that being said, I hope I didn't come off as someone who doesn't like Daniel. I love Daniel!! It's his complexity that makes him so cool to me. He's not just a one-dimensional good-guy. He's a guy who really wants to do good, who wants to make a difference, and has a whole truckful of issues.


          Originally posted by Callista
          Hope you guys don't mind me butting in here
          Most of this isn't spoilery and from reading through here, it appears most of you already read a certain big spoiler anyway, but just in case:

          I think Daniel has feelings of self-doubt not just in the sense of regretting things he's done (i.e. not being able save Sha're, introducing Earth to the Ori threat, etc.) but also a fear of what he is capable of doing. He's demonstrated that he has a little problem with power. In Need he seemed more interested in having power to change things on Shyla's planet than he did with Shyla, herself...that power made him forget his friends. In Maternal Instinct, he seemed very taken with the powers he thought he the point where he actually pointed Jack's gun at Jack when he was making it float around....again, the pursuit of that power seemed to make him forget that his friends were outside in possible danger. In Absolute Power he got a very frightening lesson taught to him by Shifu/Oma that has to still be on his conscience (at least I hope it is). In Meridian, his final reasoning to Jack about why he is leaving is because he thought he "could do more this way"....he had every intention of using the power of the ascended to gain his goals before he even ascended. He obviously had trouble with the fact that he wasn't allowed to use the ascended power in season 6. He does it during Abyss...I think he was floating around whispering in people's ears at the SGC during the time he left Jack alone. He certainly went too far in Full Circle and allowed his feelings of power and his hatred of Anubis to make him think sort of irrationally which resulted in Abydos getting destroyed (he went for the big power-play instead of the sure thing of not giving Anubis the eye).
          In Fallen, I think Sam hits the nail on the head when she says: "If you had one fault, it was that you wanted to help people so much that it tore you up inside when you couldn't make a difference." I think that is a fault and he knows it. He knew there were things about himself he didn't want to remember and I think the main thing he was trying to forget was that he actually has a dark streak running under the surface and he knows that there are circumstances in which he loses controll of that darkness. In Resurrection, part 2 he seems to be rather enjoying himself when he figures out how to get into Replicarter's mind and start controlling the replicators. In Threads it's obvious that he no longer sees what the ancients have as "enlightenment". He sees it as power. I think he would have ascended again if they would have let him use the power, but he knew they wouldn't and he knew he couldn't deal with being ascended but powerless. In Prototype, he's the first to recognize the evil lurking in (dang I forget the guy's name) Kind of makes me think of the cliche, It takes one to know one. OK, here's the spoiler part. After Pegasus Project, he seemed pretty sure that no one is going to help, maybe he's just going to have to do it himself. If Adria recognizes this, I think it's possible that she can use that against him and tempt him with power. While his rational mind would never go for that, I think that little dark streak would be tempted and perhaps with some brainwashing or other extenuating circumstances (like maybe he thinks he can outsmart her and get power and then use it against her) he could be persuaded to join her. After he gets the power, it wouldn't be at all out of character for Daniel to lose himself in it and perhaps start acting towards his own interests while all the while convincing himself that he is acting towards the good of Earth (just like he was doing in Absolute Power).
          Of course, in most of the instances above, it was Jack who brought him around. I suspect that's what will happen with this one. (At least I hope so!) I can't wait for this episode! And as most of you have said, I hope there will be repercussions in later episodes.)

          OK, that being said, I hope I didn't come off as someone who doesn't like Daniel. I love Daniel!! It's his complexity that makes him so cool to me. He's not just a one-dimensional good-guy. He's a guy who really wants to do good, who wants to make a difference, and has a whole truckful of issues.

          Thanks for butting in. I agree with what you had to say.

          I think Sam's line from FALLEN is so true. It will be that desire and his capacity to wallow in self pity and despair (FIAD and MERIDIAN being two examples) that drives him over the edge. Even in SECRETS, he was caught up in self pity until Tealc made him see reason. At the end of Pegasus Project, he was doing a bit of wallowing in despair that they won't be getting any help from the ANCIENTS. I don't think he ever brings himself out of that darkside but it is always the influence of someone else that brings him around.

          So For him to become a Prior, I think a couple of things will happen:
          He would have to be cut off from everyone; maybe something major happens that makes him have a bout of despair and then Some minor brainwashing will take place that will emphasizes all his dark issues. After all that he will then "see" that only solution to save the universe is for him to voluntarily become a Prior. I definitely think Adria will have a hand in it.

          I also think it will be Jack who brings Daniel back to his senses. They just have a connection that is unique from his relationship to Sam and Tealc. I would love for TPTB to comment on that.

          I hope that over the next few eps we will see some moments where that desire to help and his despair over not being able to will begin to take it toll. We have to have some clues to lead up to it. It just can't happen out of the blue. Or maybe we will have some flashbacks within the ep to explain how it came to be.

          I hope that made sense. I have put off getting some supper in order to write this. Now I really much go I am so hungry I can barely type.
          Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


            This post is just a personal observation.

            While I agree he sometimes had the tendency to brood and Sam's description of him was -perfect-, I don't think he did any of the things listed for the sake of power itself. In all instances, except for Need -which I'll get to in a moment-, he did it for the benefit of others.

            In Maternal Instinct: from my POV, he pointed the gun at Jack to make him take a mental step back and LISTEN to what he had to say. We all know Jack had trouble listening to the scientists at times, especially when they try to explain things at (yes, at) him. Also, Daniel was trying to demonstrate the powers could gain. Those powers could be used to -protect- the child from their greatest enemy at the time: Apophis. I don't see him using those powers as a personal gain or advance himself.

            In Absolute Power: It was a teaching dream. He gained the memories of the Harcesis child which contained the memories of ALL goa'ulds before him. It wasn't just Daniel himself being evil, but all the goa'ulds past affecting his judgement. It wasn't his conscious mind doing those things, it was his subconscious with the underlying evil all goa'ulds possessed he was fighting. We could see the typical goa'uld behavior by his arrogance with his demand for certain personal 'needs' and his unreasonable hatred for Teal'c. And, all this started because he wanted to protect humanity from the alien threat, not for power itself. In fact, he NEVER asked for those memories for himself, he wanted the child to remember. It was the subconscious evil of the goa'ulds that ultimately turned him to world domination.

            In Meridian: I think that he chose ascension because he -truly- believed he could make a significant difference in the fight against the goa'ulds. Would Oma ascend him if he was doing it to gain power for himself? I think that's all needed to be said.

            In Abyss: One of my -absolute- favorite of all time! He did not actually break any rules, but walked that fine line that define the rules of ascension. All of SG-1 thought they came up with the solution themselves. He was helping JACK. How could Daniel stand by when his best friend was dying inch by inch? He was trying to save Jack's -soul-. He gained nothing by nudging SG-1 in the right direction. Again, he did what he did to save others.

            In Full Circle: I think Daniel was justified in hating Anubis as he stood for everything he fought against when he was human. He didn't lose his rationality that resulted in the destruction of the planet though. He gave the eye to Anubis so that SG-1 could escape with THE TABLET that told of The Lost City, which could stop Anubis once and for all (from conquering the galaxy, so it's for the good of others, not himself). When Anubis didn't held up his end of the bargain, Daniel stepped in as Anubis was about to destroy the entire planet. Besides, he made a bargain with Anubis, which I think pointed out his naivety and his uncomprehensible trust in people, even his deadliest enemy, than an attempt to gain power. We saw that naive trust he displayed again and again in the past and in
            . Later, we learned that he descended by his own choice when he found out Oma's part in Anubis' ascension.

            In Fallen: I chalk up his lost of memory as a side affect of the memory wipe. He might have a dark streak, but I have never once seen him do anything for his own personal gain, his bid for power for himself. That's just from my POV though. One of many, I'm sure!

            In Reckoning: I saw him as snarky and being a pain to her in his own cocky way. Like Jack, even. He was just antagonizing his adversary, trying to throw her off balance. He knew he was going to die anyway, so it wouldn't benefit him in any way when he gained control. I saw him as being pleased that he was able to give his friend a little extra time.

            In Threads: I saw him as being frustrated with the Ancients non-inteference policy. Could you be more specific on why you thought he saw it as power? I agree with the part about him not wishing to ascend because he would, for all purposes, be powerless. But not in your sense of the word.. I believe he wanted to help his friends but he knew he wouldn't be able to if he ascended. He could not stand by and let his friends DIE. That is just Daniel being Daniel. If he chose to ascend again, that would actually show his selfishness, his willingless to leave his friends behind to reach a higher level of being.

            In Prototype:
            He recognized that clone as a reincarnate of Anubis, who was pure evil. He just saw through the charade before the others and knew the danger he represented. After all, he came face to face with Anubis himself on several occasion. He knew Anubis was the one who destroyed Abydos, so there would be little reason why his clone wouldn't destroy Earth if given a chance.

            In Pegasus Project: This part I can agree with. He saw that they were totally alone in the fight against the Ori. There would be no help from the ONE people who could possibly stop them. So I can see him as despairing. I wouldn't be surprised if Adria use his weakness for wanting to help others SO MUCH that he would pretty much sacrifice everything of himself to do it. I, too, can not wait to see how it comes about!

            Just my point of view on the whole why Daniel did what he did. Not for personal gain, but for others. Always. That's why I love him.

            Haha, after all that, I forgot to post about Need.

            In Need: Basically, he wasn't himself. It was the sarcophagus which turned him evil. The same device that made the goa'ulds as evil as they were (as stated by Carter gleamed from Jolinar's memories).

            Okay, I'm done!


              OK, I had a glass of wine with dinner and it went straight to my head (hey, I have at least one thing in common with Daniel!) but I'll try to make sense here.

              I didn't mean to say that Daniel knowingly lusts after power. I just think he has a little problem after he gets it...even when he gets it through no initiative of his own. And, I think he has a little annoying voice in his head that reminds him of that so that sometimes he actively avoids getting power (I can't think of any examples, it's just a feeling I get).
              I, too, believe that when he does things while he has power that he believes his actions are for the good of Earth or mankind or whatever you want to call it. I just think, being the genius that he is, that he assumes his way is the right way and loses his ability to think clearly about other options. When he is regular old Daniel, he is great at listening to other sides and opinions. When he is placed in a position of power, he seems to focus totally on his own task at hand and lose sight of all the little pictures. For instance, couldn't he have not given Anubis the eye and then come back later on his own and read the tablet? Even if Anubis had destroyed the tablet, surely he could have bided his time and learned about Atlantis through some other means. And, frankly, he should have known Anubis wasn't trustworthy. Daniel may be naive from time to time, but he knows better than to trust a goa'uld. I think he did know he couldn't trust Anubis and had every intention of going up and "kicking his a#*" as Jack so eloquently put it. Maybe he actively wanted to. If that's true, he should have known Oma or someone else would stop him. He already knew at that point that Oma was watching him. If he were thinking rationally, I think he would have realized Jack was right and they couldn't give Anubis the eye. It may have resulted in SG-1's death, but that's the point. Daniel had already interfered to the point where he was playing god, using the powers he gained through ascension, and he knew darn well he wasn't supposed to be doing it. He did it anyway. He loves his friends and sometimes that makes him lose sight of the big picture. Are the lives of those 4 worth the whole planet and, ultimately a lot more than that? Don't forget they wouldn't have been there at all if not for him. Why couldn't he have just helped Ska'ara find the eye and then destroy it? (I know, now I'm getting into a point where it wouldn't be SG-1 if it was just ascended Daniel and the Abydonians digging around.)
              I just watched Maternal Instinct last night, and that's what got me thinking about all of this. I never got the impression before, but I now think that's where his little "dark streak" starts to show through. He is so desperate to fulfill his promise to Sha're, and to prove that he is capable of taking care of Shifu that he doesn't realize that he had no power at all until the very end. When he thinks he has power, he acts a little (I want to say "drunk" here, but I don't know if that's quite right) out of whack. It's very subtle, but he strikes me as a bit off until he comes to his senses at the last moment.
              In Threads what I mean by "power" is that he seems to no longer see any benefit in ascending except as a means by which he can destroy Anubis and save his friends. That's fine, there isn't anything evil in that. I kind of wonder if the only reason the "others" allowed him to be at the diner at all was because they wanted him to talk Oma into taking responsibility for her own actions. My point is that at this point he doesn't have power and so he is still acting like the Daniel we know. He is still rational enough to know that he won't be allowed to use the power if they let him ascend so he talks Oma into doing it instead of him.
              I kind of wonder if when the sarcophagus stole part of his soul if that wasn't a permanent condition. Just because he got over the addiction, doesn't mean he went back to the way he was before. I think it scares Daniel a bit that he has this dark part of himself that under certain circumstances he can't control.
              So, as I said before, I think a way for Adria to corrupt him would be to give him power and manipulate him when he starts to lose control of himself.

              Sorry, I know that's kind of rambling. My kids and my husband kept talking to me while I was trying to get my thoughts in order.
              Oh, and nyxlily, I live in Portland too. Howdy, neighbor!


                Okay, I'm going to reference posts but unless I'm dealing specifically with episodes that need spoilers (for simplicities sake probably any from season 8 on, unless someone can point me to which is the last episode to have passed into syndication) I'm not going to put things in spoilers.

                Now, first, I don't think Daniel has a problem with wanting power for the sake of power. I think he wants to have the ability to help, and if he does happen to have the power but is prevented from using it to do good, that bothers him. If he was offered Ascension and was told he could do anything he wanted with it -except help his friends, I don't think he would take it. I agree with nyxlily that Abyss wasn't about not being able to use his power. It was about not being able to help. I don't remember Maternal Instinct that well, so I won't try to argue that one. And, Absolute Power was a dream of what the Goa'uld knowledge will do to a person. It wasn't Daniel. I think by the time Daniel had gone completely darkside, he had ceased to be Daniel. I also don't think he did think he was acting in Earth's interests in that case. (Not forgetting it was all a dream of how the knowedge screws with people) I don't think Daniel needs to worry that a desire for power in itself is going to lead him down the wrong path.

                I agree with Scarym1 that he does have a tendency to wallow, and Secrets is a good example.

                I'd say that rather than having a desire for power that he's afraid of being a fault, I think maybe (and this might sound weird) Daniel has a kind of narcissism about him. To quote House (great show, great actor) "You can’t believe everything is your fault unless you also believe you’re all powerful." Daniel feels that he should be able to do everything. He thinks he should be able to talk the enemies down, to save everyone. That's good to an extent. But, I could picture if Jack had heard Daniel saying he was failure, telling him to stop with the pity party and asking him just who did he think he was? As if Daniel Jackson wasn't supposed to fail, and as if his sucesses weren't enough because Daniel Jackson was supposed to do better. Again, a character trait that can be both good and bad. The fact that he wants to help all the time to the best of his ability is wonderful. The fact that he beats himself up over his failures and wallows is bad.

                I didn't see Daniel in Reckoning 2 as dark. I saw him as intense. (Don't think that needs spoilers since I'm not saying what reason he would be dark or intense)

                Later season 10 spoilers
                I don't think Adria could just say, "I'll give you power and he'd bite. He might if someone said, "I'll give you the means in which to save the galaxy" he might -and again, it would take some brainwashing for him to actually believe it. I think he'd be much more likely to do something foolish and risky out of this belief that it's his responsibility to do more than he can -narcissism again- than out of a longing for power.
                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                  Originally posted by Dani347
                  Later season 10 spoilers
                  I don't think Adria could just say, "I'll give you power and he'd bite. He might if someone said, "I'll give you the means in which to save the galaxy" he might -and again, it would take some brainwashing for him to actually believe it. I think he'd be much more likely to do something foolish and risky out of this belief that it's his responsibility to do more than he can -narcissism again- than out of a longing for power.
                  I agree. However,
                  I think if she uses some brainwashing in combination with giving him some power, he might lose himself in it.

                  Again, I don't think Daniel lusts for power or actively pursues it. I just think he gets into trouble once power is given to him.

                  Oh, and by the way, I'm glad you guys seem to be the type to discuss things rationally. I love discussing and I sometimes find myself playing devil's advocate. I hope you don't mind. Also, I don't get offended easily and I think I have a pretty open mind. You may find yourselves changing my opinion....I'll admit it if you do.


                    Originally posted by Callista
                    I just think, being the genius that he is, that he assumes his way is the right way and loses his ability to think clearly about other options.
                    Daniel does have some, for lack of a better word, cockiness about him. He'd almost have to to be able to stand up to people that he's encountered.

                    And, frankly, he should have known Anubis wasn't trustworthy. Daniel may be naive from time to time, but he knows better than to trust a goa'uld. I think he did know he couldn't trust Anubis and had every intention of going up and "kicking his a#*" as Jack so eloquently put it. Maybe he actively wanted to. If that's true, he should have known Oma or someone else would stop him. He already knew at that point that Oma was watching him. If he were thinking rationally, I think he would have realized Jack was right and they couldn't give Anubis the eye. It may have resulted in SG-1's death, but that's the point. Daniel had already interfered to the point where he was playing god, using the powers he gained through ascension, and he knew darn well he wasn't supposed to be doing it. He did it anyway. He loves his friends and sometimes that makes him lose sight of the big picture. Are the lives of those 4 worth the whole planet and, ultimately a lot more than that? Don't forget they wouldn't have been there at all if not for him. Why couldn't he have just helped Ska'ara find the eye and then destroy it? (I know, now I'm getting into a point where it wouldn't be SG-1 if it was just ascended Daniel and the Abydonians digging around.)

                    I do think Daniel was foolish for trying to strike a deal with Anubis and for not considering that the others weren't going to let him have free rein. I don't think that it was wrong of him to break the rules, though. I think it was do you follow the rules or go with your conscience moment. Just like any time he bent the rules. It's splitting hairs for his motives in Abyss to right, because he didn't break the rules, he just circumvented them, and his motives in Full Circle to be wrong because the rules actually got broken. I don't think he was not supposed to do it because it broke the rules. I don't particularly think the Ancients hard fast stand on no interference is correct. I think he was not supposed to do it because it really wasn't smart.

                    I kind of wonder if when the sarcophagus stole part of his soul if that wasn't a permanent condition. Just because he got over the addiction, doesn't mean he went back to the way he was before. I think it scares Daniel a bit that he has this dark part of himself that under certain circumstances he can't control.
                    I think we all have a bit of darkness in ourselves. I don't think he has any special amount that was a present from the sarcaphogus. Jack spent a lot of time in one as well, and I don't recall any evidence of him becoming a darker character.
                    So, as I said before, I think a way for Adria to corrupt him would be to give him power and manipulate him when he starts to lose control of himself.
                    I think she'd have to offer more than just power. In Threads, it wasn't that he didn't think that being ascended was no good without having power. It was that having power is no good unless you can use it when you need it. Being enlightened and just having it sit there inside you like a lump is a waste, I think he would say. Daniel had a pretty big chunk of power of Reckoning 2, being able to get into Replicarter's head to stop the replicators for that split second, and I don't think that amount ever went to his head. Not in any way that would be dangerous to him or his soul.
                    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                      Originally posted by Callista
                      Oh, and by the way, I'm glad you guys seem to be the type to discuss things rationally. I love discussing and I sometimes find myself playing devil's advocate. I hope you don't mind. Also, I don't get offended easily and I think I have a pretty open mind. You may find yourselves changing my opinion....I'll admit it if you do.

                      Careful what you wish for. I can stay on a topic for days. And, when I get really into it, my posts could almost be book length. And, not Dr. Seuss. I'm talking War and Peace length.
                      I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                      Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                      Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                      Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                      Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                        That's why I love this thread! The discussions are fun and are actually with cited examples, not just baseless "because I said so's" . I've had my opinion(s) changed before on this forum. Recently about Daniel's reaction about shooting Adria. I came to accept it and saw the behavior as logical to Daniel.

                        Anyway, I agree that he does seem very single-minded when he focus on something. I don't know if power really could adversely affect his way of thinking or the way he acts, I see him use extreme actions when it is the only ones open to him. I also see him as very passionate, but never irrational. With the exception of Full Circle when he tried to destroy Anubis knowing he was not allowed to. But then, could we fault him for wanting to save Sha're's planet? It was his home away from home. His father-in-law and Skaara were down there. I think we might have to disagree on the issue of power corrupts. Or affects him. Not Daniel! I know, I'm totally blinded by love. haha


                          Originally posted by nyxlily
                          Anyway, I agree that he does seem very single-minded when he focus on something.
                          Single mindedness. That's a closer word than cockiness. Not that Daniel lacks in self esteem by a long shot, just his belief that his way is right falls more under the single minded category.
                          I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                          Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                          Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                          Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                          Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                            Yay, new spoilers: "Bad Guys" (working title, I hope?)

                            More Daniel goodness! I can't wait to see how he'll try to negotiate as the 'bad' guy here.. with threat of killing the hostages and whatnot. I wonder if they'll play heavily into the potential comedy here or try for the more subdued and angst part. The angst part being that he just returned from -being- the bad guy (The Shroud). Admittedly, we still know nothing of the circumstances for his change, but according to spoilers, Teal'c had to remind him to play the part when he slipped back to the nice guy persona. The first thought that came to mind was that Daniel was having trouble because it was playing too close to what he was and the potential for him to step over the line again. I would love for this to be part of the healing process as Teal'c and Daniel discuss what happened and the role he was trying to play in "Bad Guys". I love Teal'c and Daniel conversations. We've only seen a handfull of them throughout the years.. but they are always (well, usually) deep and meaningful ones -ie: end of Orpheus.

                            Not to mention: Daniel ends up getting this world’s equivalent of a tazar jolt.
                            Whee, light Daniel whump.

                            Anyway, I'm bored and this took up a few minutes of my time. I mean, I was even browsing through Atlantis threads.. gosh I need to find something else to do!


                              Originally posted by nyxlily
                              Yay, new spoilers: "Bad Guys" (working title, I hope?)

                              More Daniel goodness! I can't wait to see how he'll try to negotiate as the 'bad' guy here.. with threat of killing the hostages and whatnot. I wonder if they'll play heavily into the potential comedy here or try for the more subdued and angst part. The angst part being that he just returned from -being- the bad guy (The Shroud). Admittedly, we still know nothing of the circumstances for his change, but according to spoilers, Teal'c had to remind him to play the part when he slipped back to the nice guy persona. The first thought that came to mind was that Daniel was having trouble because it was playing too close to what he was and the potential for him to step over the line again. I would love for this to be part of the healing process as Teal'c and Daniel discuss what happened and the role he was trying to play in "Bad Guys". I love Teal'c and Daniel conversations. We've only seen a handfull of them throughout the years.. but they are always (well, usually) deep and meaningful ones -ie: end of Orpheus.

                              Not to mention: Daniel ends up getting this world’s equivalent of a tazar jolt.
                              Whee, light Daniel whump.

                              Anyway, I'm bored and this took up a few minutes of my time. I mean, I was even browsing through Atlantis threads.. gosh I need to find something else to do!

                              Ah, intriguing. When I read the spoilers, I had three thoughts. First, Yes! Daniel isn't a prior for the rest of the season. Second, Yes! He's not joined at the hip with Vala. And, third, Yes! He gets whumped. But, now you've introduced the idea that maybe he won't be able to consistantly sustain the bad guy persona because of his experiences. It would be so cool if they dealt with that. Had some long reaching effects. And, yes, Teal'c is the one for meaningful conversations like that.

                              But, now, I have to tell myself that it won't happen. It'll just be Daniel's good guy personality sneaking through. There won't be any reference to The Shroud and no angst. It'll be played as a joke. This is so I won't get my hopes up. At best, I can be pleasantly surprised. At worst, I'm trying to be prepared so it won't be disappointing.
                              I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                              Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                              Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                              Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                              Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                                Originally posted by Dani347
                                Single mindedness. That's a closer word than cockiness. Not that Daniel lacks in self esteem by a long shot, just his belief that his way is right falls more under the single minded category.
                                But he is cocky. Perhaps in later years he's learned a bit more to supress that, but earlier years? Definitely cocky.
                                It might be a wording problem - but Daniel is open minded, even when he believes he's right. I'm thinking, ofr example, about Learning Curve - he disagreed with the use these people did witht heir children, as much as Jack did - but he was able to see the bigger picture and to see hwat a devastation to their society stopping that might be. Even when he had the power - true, in Full Circle he's playing god - but in Abyss he asks Jack what right he has to do it.

                                But you are right in that he's single-minded... Oh, I dunno.

                                Er Bad Guys/ Shroud spoilers (where did my anti-spoiler vow go to?!)
                                I hope it's angsty. I'm going to be extermely pissed off if they turn him into a Prior and within an episode or two he's back to normal like nothing happened. I'm accpeting that a lot of the spoilers are partial and non-represntative, and I'm willing to believe they're not doing that for nothing - hell, I'm even willing to believe Atlantis' The Game might not be as bad as it sounds - but... I mean, come on!
                                Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                                Yes, I am!
                                Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                                Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                                Peter Pan R.I.P

