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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Bloodlines is an episode where they could have done some on screen second thoughts or guilt that they didn't. Like when he and Sam were walking back, instead of talking about whether the symbiote needed to be fed, there could have been some touching on how he had shot up the tank. I don't recall if there was some nonverbal reaction (shaking hands or anything) but it didn't seem like it from my memory. It seemed to be written as shocking moment when it happened, than move on to the next thing.

    I think there was some of this in Serpent's Song. One of my favorite episodes for Dark Daniel. At least, it seemed to me that Daniel got so flustered when the host first made his appearance, because up to then, he hadn't considered that there was an actual human who was as much a victim as Sha're.
    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


      Originally posted by Dani347
      Bloodlines is an episode where they could have done some on screen second thoughts or guilt that they didn't. Like when he and Sam were walking back, instead of talking about whether the symbiote needed to be fed, there could have been some touching on how he had shot up the tank. I don't recall if there was some nonverbal reaction (shaking hands or anything) but it didn't seem like it from my memory. It seemed to be written as shocking moment when it happened, than move on to the next thing.

      I think there was some of this in Serpent's Song. One of my favorite episodes for Dark Daniel. At least, it seemed to me that Daniel got so flustered when the host first made his appearance, because up to then, he hadn't considered that there was an actual human who was as much a victim as Sha're.
      I don't remember any nonverbal reactions either. I just remember the look he gave Sam after he did it. I agree that it would have been good for them to touch on that while they were walking back. I think it needed to be addressed. I guess there needs to be a missing scene fic for that (though I wish we'd seen it onscreen).

      I noticed that as well. I remember when I first saw the ep, I wasn't quite expecting Daniel to be that Dark and it was a bit of a surprise. Though I couldn't say that I blamed him very much.


        Serpent's Song is why (Prototype and Flesh and Blood Spoilers)
        Daniel's attitude with Khalek and Adria didn't shock me. He was pragmatic, which is much less dark than actually desiring the death of someone else. I think Daniel wished there was another way with Khalek, but he wasn't going to pretend there was. But, he wanted to kill Apophis. I think he would have gotten satisfaction out of it.
        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


          Well I think he had a lot more against Apophis then Kahlek or Adria.... so that doesn't surprise me one bit.

          "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


            Okay...I made this myself, so please, no scorn, lol!

            Lt. Liam Mackenzie Harris

            I'm an aunt again! YEA!!!


            Carpe Cliffum-Seize the Cliff! (copyright me, lol)


              Me likes daniel!
              I HATE SY-FY


                Daniel showing a new awesome side!!!

                I have never seen Daniel so straight minded.

                Spoiler for "flesh and blood"
                When Daniel took action and stunned Adria I almost did a back flip I was so happy. Daniel is starting to grow up a few seasons ago he would have had to think about that for 25 minutes before he figured out what to do

                The new Daniel is awesome!! He is my new favorite character he even supersedes Mitchell IMO.

                Anyways I am just glad he has finally realized that the world/galaxy/universe isn't filled with a bunch of politically correct people.

                I have great expectations for Daniel this season.


                  Originally posted by dancer_4_daniel
                  Okay...I made this myself, so please, no scorn, lol!

                  That is a cute pic!


                    Originally posted by captain jake
                    Daniel showing a new awesome side!!!

                    I have never seen Daniel so straight minded.

                    Spoiler for "flesh and blood"
                    When Daniel took action and stunned Adria I almost did a back flip I was so happy. Daniel is starting to grow up a few seasons ago he would have had to think about that for 25 minutes before he figured out what to do

                    The new Daniel is awesome!! He is my new favorite character he even supersedes Mitchell IMO.

                    Anyways I am just glad he has finally realized that the world/galaxy/universe isn't filled with a bunch of politically correct people.

                    I have great expectations for Daniel this season.
                    Daniel has been my favorite character since the movie and season 1. I know he had to change throughout the years as a result of everything he's faced (and I suppose even more so this past season or two), but I still have a soft spot for the wide-eyed, innocent archaeologist. Although I am glad that he realizes that some of these enemies can't be reasoned/negotiated with.


                      Originally posted by JessM
                      Daniel has been my favorite character since the movie and season 1. I know he had to change throughout the years as a result of everything he's faced (and I suppose even more so this past season or two), but I still have a soft spot for the wide-eyed, innocent archaeologist. Although I am glad that he realizes that some of these enemies can't be reasoned/negotiated with.
                      Don't get me wrong I have always really liked Daniel (except in the movie). It's just he has never been my number 1 favorite it has always gone Jack, Teal'c, Daniel, then Carter. And last season it was Mitchell, Teal'c, Daniel, Carter, then Vala. however in season 10 it is going Daniel, Mitchell, Teal'c, Vala, then Carter. It's just always fun to have a new favorite.


                        would Daniel have this attitude towards evil characters that have to be stopped if he hadn't experienced ascension?
                        I like to think he remembered some knowledge from when repliCarter accessed it in his mind (I like how he used it to stop all replicators everywhere) after the ancients in the diner descended him into Jack's office, maybe he felt better this time about it because the season had been Daniel feeling fustration from not recalling anything from his first time ascended
                        To fight against the type of enemies they are encountering now Daniel had to be in this frame of mind. He can still talk to characters trying to ally them with SGC against enemies but he also knows somw situations talking can't help
                        I think there could be a scene of interaction between Daniel and Adria (if there hasn't been one already in "F&B"?) I will be very interested to see what dialogue these two characters have Both arguing for different sides I liked that about the scenes between Daniel and the prior in "TPTB" the court room scenes were great! I'd like to see that sort of debate again with Daniel and Adria

                        “it makes an interesting hula hoop” Mr Shanks’ opinion of the gate January 2004


                          Am I the only one who doesn't see this as a huge change in character? Maybe somewhat more pragmatic, but -F&B spoilers
                          I don't see any difference in his attitude towards Adria than he had with any Goa'uld from the start.
                          I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                          Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                          Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                          Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                          Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                            Originally posted by JessM
                            I don't know what to think about Daniel's morality here. The whole reasoning behind the events concerning him is just a little ambiguous to me.
                            I think that might be the point. And, honestly, it might not be a bad thing. Sure we all know Daniel is impulsive, but he is a good guy, who tries always to do the right thing, even when it is hard or goes against the team (think "The Other Side"). This questioning of Daniel's morality keeps the fans, the writers, MS from getting complacent. If we always know what Daniel is going to do, how he is going to act, there's not much suspense there. The issues, the angst, the whatever, makes it more interesting to watch and more realistic.

                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            In an interview with MS for the recent issue of the SG magazine, he said that Daniel felt
                            responsible for the Ori's invasion. I mean, the Ori were basically made aware of the Milkyway through Daniel. If they weren't fiddling with the Ancient communication device, they wouldn't be in this mess. And it was from HIM that the Ori gleamed the info on us. From what I recall of the interview anyway, I just scanned through it at the store. Anyway, my point is: Daniel feels responsible for the Ori's presence.. and it might be affecting him on how much he is willing to sacrifice (to himself? Others?) to stop the invasion. More than the innocent slaughters, his guilt might be the main driving force behind finding a way to stop them. His new mission in life?

                            I agree, it's natural he feels responsible. But haven't there been other times where he's been responsible and no one batted an eye? I'm thinking of the time in "Affinity" where he gave the Ancient codes to the bad guys. Sure it was to save Teal'c and Krista. But he essentially gave the Trust what they needed to slaughter thousands of Jaffa later. He needed to have some backlash and some problems dealing with that, IMO.
                            As Loopy Mowse, said "... sometimes I would like to see a bit more ON screen of repercussions." I absolutely agree!

                            Originally posted by Scarym1
                            What an intriquing notion? To see Daniel come to a point where he has to decide where his line is and whether to cross it or not. Maybe he won't even realize that he has crossed the line until it is all said and done. One of the things I love about Daniel is his ability to never give up, to always get back up and try again. The team is there to help him but it does seems that he does this mostly by himself (his strength of character/will).

                            I think it would be exciting/angsty to watch him be in a situation where he believes he may have to compromise everything he believes in order to save everyone. To have Daniel really fall and not being able to just by his own strength of will to recover but to truly need the help of his friends. To see him have a real moral crisis and that he has to, in relationship to this battle with the Ori, re-evaluate his whole life and what he believes in. That would be an awesome story arc for Daniel. That is what I would like to see.

                            I would love to see something like this! One colossal screw up he has no way to fix on his own. He needs the help of SG1/the SGC to fix it. Then he will need the help of his friends to help him deal with the aftermath. Maybe Jack can come back for that?? *sigh, we can only hope*
                            We've seen many times where Daniel has gone up against the military, standing up for what he belives is right. Back in S1, where he helped the Tollans escape from Maybourne, the Eurondan situation, the Enkarens and Lotan, Reese, etc. I would like to see the time where he does cross that line, where he does compromise his beliefs. Usually he was right, but sometimes there was no right/wrong. There were just two different ways to approach a situation. It will give him an idea of how hard the decisions can be for the military guys, and how his pacifist/communicating/everybody-is-good-until-proven-bad point of view is not the only one.

                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            Did we ever get to see where Daniel questioned his actions and the team was needed to back him up?
                            Not that I remember, not this way anyway.

                            Originally posted by LoopyMowse
                            I know the storyline for s10 is very interesting but I wouldn't mind a stand alone ep too, I liked seeing Daniel excavate and explore as much as I enjoyed watching him encounter people in tricky cicumstances and have to escape them somehow!
                            Yup, that is something that would be great to see. I love the idea of diggin' in the dirt to find about lost civilizations that aren't related to the Ancients or the Ori. Back to being what Daniel is first and foremost, an archeologist.

                            Originally posted by Dani347
                            Someone on another board mentioned something interesting. Daniel has had the opportunity to see evil up close.
                            Whoever said that was bang on. Of course, Daniel follows his morals, his idea of good and evil, of right and wrong, to see him through tough situations he is faced with. But personally seeing evil and knowing nothing he did or said would change that evil, well, that's gonna affect him.

                            Originally posted by Dani347
                            Now, I still can't imagine he'll ever willingly become a prior. And, by willingly, he has to be in sound mind. If he's brainwashed he could chose without really being capable of choosing. Afterwards, he'll feel guilt (or he should feel guilt, if they do it right) but will that be the same as him feeling guilt for an action that happened when he was in his right mind? I think he would feel guilty if he became a host to a Goa'uld, but any actions taken in that time couldn't be his fault. If he's coerced into being a prior, if he had no choice, than that couldn't be his fault either. Would the pay off of seeing him guilty and angsty be the same?

                            I also have a hard time seeing his willingness to become a prior. It is so not Daniel. Keep in mind I only know spoilers I read here, not any from the main GW page or any other source, so I don't have much information.... Someone said to me when I brought this up (paraphrasing) that he is becoming a prior to destroy them from the inside, to get people to realize how bad the Ori and the priors are, to try to fix things. Well, maybe the Daniel of S1 would have thought he could fix the problem this way, but not the Daniel who has seen so much in the universe, especially the evil that is out there. He is no longer that naive.

                            Originally posted by Dani347
                            I think there was some of this in Serpent's Song. One of my favorite episodes for Dark Daniel.
                            But, he wanted to kill Apophis. I think he would have gotten satisfaction out of it.
                            I liked how it showed that Daniel did have a dark side, that any of us are capable of saying or doing things under certain circumstances. The one thing I always wondered was if he really could have gone through with it. Apophis didn't think so, said he was too weak. I'm not sure if he would have killed him, or if his morality would have stilled his hand. If he did, he sure would have a lot of guilt for killing the host. If he couldn't do it in S2, could he do it now? He pretty much did with Khalek, but then again, Khalek didn't really have a host.
                            I think the desire to kill Apophis would have scared him because he would want to think he was better than that or something. He wouldn't have been able to accept that it was a natural feeling.

                            Originally posted by JessM
                            Daniel has been my favorite character since the movie and season 1. I know he had to change throughout the years as a result of everything he's faced (and I suppose even more so this past season or two), but I still have a soft spot for the wide-eyed, innocent archaeologist. Although I am glad that he realizes that some of these enemies can't be reasoned/negotiated with.
                            Yeah, Daniel has always been my favorite as well. It is kinda sad to see Daniel change, the naive, wide eyed innocence disappearing from the crap the universe has handed him and SG1. It is good he realizes that there are those out there he can't reason with, but hopefully he never loses the idea that there are still many civilizations and people out there that can be. I hope he never becomes the "shoot first, ask questions later" guy with new people and cultures.

                            Ok, Sorry I got a little Quote and Spoiler happy. Everybody has made some great points, and I wanted to throw my thoughts into the mix!
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                              Originally posted by Mickey23
                              I think that might be the point. And, honestly, it might not be a bad thing. Sure we all know Daniel is impulsive, but he is a good guy, who tries always to do the right thing, even when it is hard or goes against the team (think "The Other Side"). This questioning of Daniel's morality keeps the fans, the writers, MS from getting complacent. If we always know what Daniel is going to do, how he is going to act, there's not much suspense there. The issues, the angst, the whatever, makes it more interesting to watch and more realistic.
                              Oh, no ... I agree with you definitely. I was just expressing my initial frustration I guess

                              I also have a hard time seeing his willingness to become a prior. It is so not Daniel. Keep in mind I only know spoilers I read here, not any from the main GW page or any other source, so I don't have much information.... Someone said to me when I brought this up (paraphrasing) that he is becoming a prior to destroy them from the inside, to get people to realize how bad the Ori and the priors are, to try to fix things. Well, maybe the Daniel of S1 would have thought he could fix the problem this way, but not the Daniel who has seen so much in the universe, especially the evil that is out there. He is no longer that naive.
                              I feel the same way about that. I know that the info was pretty vague so all we can do is speculate until we actually see the episode, but it does worry me a bit.

                              Yeah, Daniel has always been my favorite as well. It is kinda sad to see Daniel change, the naive, wide eyed innocence disappearing from the crap the universe has handed him and SG1. It is good he realizes that there are those out there he can't reason with, but hopefully he never loses the idea that there are still many civilizations and people out there that can be. I hope he never becomes the "shoot first, ask questions later" guy with new people and cultures.
                              I couldn't agree more. I know he has changed so much, but I really hope that he doesn't become so much like Jack in that respect.


                                Originally posted by LoopyMowse
                                would Daniel have this attitude towards evil characters that have to be stopped if he hadn't experienced ascension?

                                I think Daniel has had this attitude since the Goa'uld. He sees the majority of people as being able to be reasoned with -Icon and Ethon and one of the first season 9 episodes (I have Avalon1&2/Origin kind of blended) spoilers
                                he continued to try to do it with Jared's planet -what's its name?- even when evidence said that it wasn't going to work. He even tried to talk to the Prior -or Doci or whoever to ask if maybe they were mistaken about what the Ori wanted
                                , but he also feels, since he's started Gate traveling that there are those rare beings who are just pure evil.
                                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate

