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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by GateWarrior
    [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Daniel, Daniel, Daniel... Ya know, I really like the way his character has developed. And not just in the physical sense.
    I liked him all wimpy (ok he does look good ) and he needs to keep wearing he's glasses

    Originally posted by GateWarrior
    He's retained all of his most endearing traits. His conviction, his passion, his empathy, his courage, his morals, his wit, his strength, his sense of wonder, his compassion... All that hasn't gone anywhere, they've just evolved. He's the voice of reason. The moral compass.
    Oh definately which is why I will miss him & Jack together Jack was all lets just do it! Go ahead, no thinking about concquences or culture or stuff. Of course that was also vv funny when they went head to head and Daniel almost always got his way (first).

    Originally posted by GateWarrior
    Of course, there's the fact that even though he's been through more than any man should have to go through, he's still optimistic, hopeful, and trusting in other people's goodness and compassion. He always tries to see the light in the dark. Believes in other's ability to care.
    That is why we love him. He could have given in time & time again TPTB have certainley put him though hell over the years *poor Danny* for this reason alone I think they should give him a girlfriend (well I know there is the little problem of his wife is she really dead? I think yes. Finally). he needs a good hard Um, hug .

    I wish I had a pic to end with, oh there is this one, my fave with Jack, I will really miss their repore on screen. This scene did make me laugh.

    Jack: You know Daniel if you must wrap yourself in a flag can't it be someone elses.
    Daniel:Well I thought you liked me in yellow frilly things.
    Jack: Lets never speak of this again.
    Daniel: Speak of what?


      Originally posted by Tucker Case
      ""The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." ~ Albert Einstein.
      Ah, I love that quote. So astute.

      At least I think it was Einstein. I scribble this sort of hoo-ha down in the margins of my journal all the time, but my handwriting isn't always the most legible under cramped conditions.
      I have similar problems with my handwriting and my border-scribbles.

      I fell sort of sideways into ancient history and those mysteries when I was researching the roots of theatre in sacred ritual (Theatre History 101, but it was all new to my thirsty little brain). The dramatic arts were born on the altar, in tradition and the sacred, and I've always taken a measure of delight in the way dramatic stories that delve into these themes are, in a way, tracing their own ancestry. It's kind of cool.
      Hmmm... I fell head first and screaming in delight into ancient history myself. In grade school, a friend of mine and I would make up D&D games for ancient Egypt. I read everything on anything about any history I could get my hands on. I was practically an expert on the Civil War (US) by the time I was in the 6th grade. I got A's in and adored all my history classes in high school. I even went to University to study Archaeology (2 yrs). Alas, RL kicked me in the butt, and I had to stop school for awhile. But in the near future, I plan to go back to my History/Archaeology roots. After I finish my MA degree that is. A girl needs money to go to school after all.

      I'm sure that's part of Daniel's appeal to me - he's that little touch of art I need to go with the science. But I also tend to think of him as my "voice" in the story, my starry-eyed representative - philosophically, ethically (I like to think) and, most of all, emotionally. He's my "heart" in the story, as well, the point where understanding or empathy gives way to complete sympathy, and that's really cool.
      I can't agree more. And so eloquently put.


      "Try everything once, except incest and folk dancing."

      I wrote that little pearl of wisdom down on the same page, for some reason. I'm betting it didn't come from Einstein.
      LMAO. I don't think so.

      ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
        I liked him all wimpy (ok he does look good ) and he needs to keep wearing he's glasses
        I'll take Daniel any way I can get him, but I prefer the newer, more buff Daniel. *sigh* *thunk* Ooops! *blush* Just got back from The Pond.

        Oh definately which is why I will miss him & Jack together.
        I will severly miss that as well. They played off each other so well! But... we always have the 'breaking in of the new colonel' to look forward to.

        That is why we love him. He could have given in time & time again TPTB have certainley put him though hell over the years *poor Danny*
        *hehe* I think it was Foxy in the pond that said, (to paraphrase) "someone commented that Daniel is like the Damsel-in-Distress". Always getting in trouble, always in need of rescue, always getting whumped. Emotional and physical. His perseverance and fortitude through everything he's been through has always been very endearing to me. It also makes me want to gather him up in my arms, put his head in my lap, caress his hair, and tell him that everything will be alright.

        I think they should give him a girlfriend
        I have mixed feelings about Daniel having a girlfriend. I'm afraid that it would change the dynamics of the show too much. Like that whole Sam/Pete thing. Yech.

        ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


          Originally posted by Gatewarrior
          I have mixed feelings about Daniel having a girlfriend. I'm afraid that it would change the dynamics of the show too much. Like that whole Sam/Pete thing. Yech.
          (I hate quoting)

          Oh I liked Pete, I do know what you mean but I was thinking more along the lines of a girl who we rarely ever see on screen , we just know she is there for him. Just an idea, it will never happen once again TBTP would not allow it.

          Daniel as a "damsel in distress" I can handle that .
          Last edited by Willow'sCat; 21 June 2005, 09:10 PM.


            Originally posted by GateWarrior
            Uh, you know... they make Strawberry Cool Whip too.
            Strawberry Cool Whip?

            My gran used to add the juice that oozes out of sugared strawberries into the unwhipped whipping cream and go from there. I'm not sure if Strawberry Cool Whip could top what she came up with, but it'd probably do in a pinch.

            I'm thinkin' that Mitchell/Ben will be up to the challenge of getting Danny's undies in a bunch. [Uh, so to speak (not slashy, I swear!).
            And slashy would be a problem because...?

            Mitchell is the new guy, and I'm assuming that he'll be the one in charge, and not Carter. (Not a spoiler 'cuz I'm only speculating.) So he'll be having to tell Daniel (and the others) what to do. And since Mitchell has no history with Daniel, he's gonna have a hard time. Trust needs to be built. And Daniel is strong-willed if nothing else. Plus he knows how everything works, so Mitchell will probably have to be taking a lot of direction from Daniel (and the others). Which he may not appreciate.
            I'm kind of picturing Mitchell experiencing a little "O'Neill told me there'd be days like these"-type buyer's remorse once he's been out a few times with this team and come face-to-face with the kind of trouble they get into - Daniel, in particular, if he's in one of his, as you put it, ""I'm probably gonna get the snot beat out of me, but I'm gonna do it anyway" moods.

            Which are frequent.

            I like that Daniel and Mitchell will be starting out on somewhat more equal footing than Daniel and Jack. It should bring out a different kind of Plant Boy.

            He's retained all of his most endearing traits. His conviction, his passion, his empathy, his courage, his morals, his wit, his strength, his sense of wonder, his compassion... All that hasn't gone anywhere, they've just evolved. Evolved to encompass more of the universe.
            Nothing to add here, really. This is just a sweet, precise encapsulations that deserves to be preserved for posterity. I couldn't bring myself to delete it.

            And yes, he does have a dark side. Though we didn't see too much of that...I would like to see more of a struggle with his demons...Of course, there's the fact that even though he's been through more than any man should have to go through, he's still optimistic, hopeful, and trusting in other people's goodness and compassion. He always tries to see the light in the dark.
            Once there was this boy whose parents were killed in a horrible accident (in front of his eight-year-old eyes), and his grandfather abandoned him to the state. Inordinately intelligent, prodigiously gifted and too daring in thought for his own good, he grew up to be a laughingstock in the academic community, when his audacious theories were right, and his vindication is a “state secret” he can never use to reclaim his rightful status. He had a beautiful and adoring wife, who was kidnapped, carried the child of her kidnapper and then died (she entrusted the child to him, but he was overruled by the godmother). One day, he exposed himself to radiation so that untold millions might live, and they thanked him by falsely accusing him of causing the accident he sacrificed his life to save them from. That aforementioned “godmother” stepped in and gave him a shot at a rarefied sort of life after death, which you’d think was the mother of all fair breaks, only he ended up having to stand by while his adopted home and family were destroyed for the sake of some unconscionable rules, he was cruelly punished for trying to do what he believed was right, was sent down with a head full of cosmic wisdom that he can’t remember but nonetheless makes him a target for parasitic alien dream-raiders and kidnappers both human and Repliform and, for his troubles, has earned himself a personal nemesis who stalks him through different planes of existence, in various unpredictable physical forms
            and apparently even an eternal battle isn’t enough to slow the oily, rotten, glowy snakehead down

            And that doesn’t even take into consideration the day-to-day abductions, beatings, shootings, ribbonings, addictions, body-swappings and other such forms of possession (not always limited to one squatter at a time), near-fatal bombings and cave-ins, instances of induced insanity, rounds of torture, starvation and dehydration, incidental violent deaths, girlfriends who either become evil alien overlords or turn out to be destroyers of worlds, step-kids who seriously mess with his head, useless internal organs that explode and try to kill him from the inside out and a sexual assault people like to pretend never happened (except the ‘SFX’ people, who named it one of sci fi’s 50 Sexiest Moments ever) – because, really, in the life of Daniel Jackson, this is the “small stuff.”.

            I’m beginning to think Daniel appeals to my carefully concealed sadistic side.

            Or maybe I’m just with Douglas Coupland on this one: “Our achievements make us interesting, but our darkness makes us loveable.”

            Daniel’s a Hero, and this, I guess, is his toll of suffering. God, but that boy tries. He hopes, he believes, he stands up and he tries and tries and tries. I think the scale has thrown him sometimes; his hopes are so great, his ideals so immense, he didn’t always recognise the magnitude of his smallest successes. When you reach for the stars and get halfway there, it may feel like failure, but it’s so much farther than most people ever get.

            He seems to understand that better now (finally, bless him). And it never did keep him down for very long when he didn’t. He does the best he can (and, given his talents, that’s usually quite something), gets sucker-punched by life for his efforts and still keeps doing the best he can, working the odd minor miracle and catching the occasional break along the way and, while his eye is fixed and focused on what he can do for the universe – thoughts for himself being few and fleeting – it’s up to me, then, to hope the universe will do right by such unfaltering, self-effacing faith, spirit and indomitable stick-to and afford him just the tiniest bit more, in the end, than simply the night that all good mornings come to.


            Bringing this down to earth now...

            *hehe* I think it was Foxy in the pond that said, (to paraphrase) "someone commented that Daniel is like the Damsel-in-Distress"
            Didn’t Michael deliver a quote to that effect once: “Jack’s a warrior, Teal’c’s a warrior, Sam’s a warrior – someone has to be the damsel in distress.” Or something like that.

            Last edited by Tucker Case; 22 June 2005, 04:49 PM.


              Originally posted by Tucker Case
              Strawberry Cool Whip?

              My gran used to add the juice that oozes out of sugared strawberries into the unwhipped whipping cream and go from there. I'm not sure if Strawberry Cool Whip could top what she came up with, but it'd probably do in a pinch.
              Don't you just LOVE Grandmothers?! They've got some of the best stuff!

              And slashy would be a problem because...?
              1. Not my thing.
              2. I'm always on the look-out for the PG Paddle.

              I'm kind of picturing Mitchell experiencing a little "O'Neill told me there'd be days like these"-type buyer's remorse once he's been out a few times with this team and come face-to-face with the kind of trouble they get into - Daniel, in particular, if he's in one of his, as you put it, ""I'm probably gonna get the snot beat out of me, but I'm gonna do it anyway" moods.

              Which are frequent.
              *hehe* I think so too.

              Nothing to add here, really. This is just a sweet, precise encapsulations that deserves to be preserved for posterity. I couldn't bring myself to delete it.
              Thank you. That's very sweet of you. And observant.

              Once there was this boy whose parents were killed in a horrible accident (in front of his eight-year-old eyes), ... – because, really, in the life of Daniel Jackson, this is the “small stuff.”.
              I really hated cutting that down, but it was gonna make my post too long.
              In any case, that was the perfect summary to the miseries of Daniel's life. I think you got just about everything. Good job!

              And after all of that, he still has faith in people's basic goodness. I can think of a lot of people in this world who could use that lesson.

              I’m beginning to think Daniel appeals to my carefully concealed sadistic side.
              You too?!

              Or maybe I’m just with Douglas Coupland on this one: “Our achievements make us interesting, but our darkness makes us loveable.”
              You find some of the best quotes.

              Daniel’s a Hero, and this, I guess, is his toll of suffering. God, but that boy tries. He hopes, he believes, he stands up and he tries and tries and tries. I think the scale has thrown him sometimes; his hopes are so great, his ideals so immense, he didn’t always recognise the magnitude of his smallest successes. When you reach for the stars and get halfway there, it may feel like failure, but it’s so much farther than most people ever get.
              Yes. He wants to save the universe, and gets upset when he can't. But very little can go a long way. Like ripples in a pond. Change one life, and the effects will ripple outward.

              He seems to understand that better now (finally, bless him). And it never did keep him down for very long when he didn’t. He does the best he can (and, given his talents, that’s usually quite something), gets sucker-punched by life for his efforts and still keeps doing the best he can, working the odd minor miracle and catching the occasional break along the way and, while his eye is fixed and focused on what he can do for the universe – thoughts for himself being few and fleeting – it’s up to me, then, to hope the universe will do right by such unfaltering, self-effacing faith, spirit and indomitable stick-to and afford him just the tiniest bit more, in the end, than simply the night that all good mornings come to.
              Not everything is pain though. Remember that he has friends that will put their own lives on the line for him. People who would risk anything to save him from himself and the evil of the universe. With the people he's surrounded himself with, he'll be able to get through anything. They are the foundation that he stands on. But of course the reason that they'd do that and are that is because of strong and gentle soul that Daniel is. So Daniel has been rewarded by Fate in at least one way.

              Didn’t Michael deliver a quote to that effect once: “Jack’s a warrior, Teal’c’s a warrior, Sam’s a warrior – someone has to be the damsel in distress.” Or something like that.
              Yeah, I think that's where Foxy got the quote. I guess I just didn't paraphrase properly. *shrug* I love it though. It gave me ideas for a fanfic that I hope to write someday.
              PS. I'm really enjoying talking to you like this Tucker. Thanks.

              ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                Don't you just LOVE Grandmothers?! They've got some of the best stuff!
                If only their recipe cards weren’t encrypted in unbreakable Granny Code! How am I ever supposed to duplicate the world’s most perfect butter tart when, God rest her, she leaves me such useful measurements as “some,” “a few,” “a lump” or, my personal favourite, “a good lump,” and such helpful instructions as “cook until done?”

                Alan Rickman was in Canada recently, filming a movie in Wawa, Ontario (home of the giant goose), and in an interview with Maclean’s magazine he enthused about his discovery of, “This incredible thing called a ‘butter tart’ that’s so good I don’t even want to know what’s in it!” Well, he’s in no danger of finding out by reading through my Gran’s recipe cards.

                Maybe I should let Daniel take a crack at them. If he can find the Lost City by reading Jack’s fevered answers to a crossword puzzle, maybe he can figure out how much corn syrup I’m supposed to put in these things.

                In any case, that was the perfect summary to the miseries of Daniel's life. I think you got just about everything.
                I tried. I'm sure I missed a staff weapon blast or two, the deaths of a couple of mentors and at least one good friend, that whole being out of phase thing, being forced to eat salo...

                And after all of that, he still has faith in people's basic goodness. I can think of a lot of people in this world who could use that lesson.
                Daniel’s good that way. Whenever I’m having one of those days, I can always tell myself, “At least when your beloved’s eyes glow it’s because you forgot to turn the flash off.” It puts things right in their proper perspective.

                You find some of the best quotes.
                I even know where that one came from. It’s from Shampoo Planet. The book, on the whole, I found a bit slow, compared to some of Coupland’s other work, but I dog-eared the page that line appears on.

                Not everything is pain though. Remember that he has friends that will put their own lives on the line for him… But of course the reason that they'd do that and are that is because of strong and gentle soul that Daniel is.
                That family would be one of those minor miracles/occasional breaks he’s garnered for himself…if only it hadn’t taken him quite so long to figure it out.

                It’s another one of those areas where I identify with Daniel, though. There might not have been another plane of existence involved, but I know what it is to have to leave home to find home, to figure out the place you left is the place you belong. Been there, done that, have the mileage on my car to prove it.

                Or I did until a couple of weeks ago, when I finally bought a new car. *sniffs* *misses clunker*

                For all that he’s been hurt, though, Daniel isn't one of the walking wounded, he doesn’t expect or anticipate or look for the worst. And I know, to some, it looks like he just doesn’t learn, because he doesn’t walk around with an umbrella all the time, just in case it rains. Yeah, well, umbrellas are great that way…if you never want to get any sun.

                Yeah, I think that's where Foxy got the quote. I guess I just didn't paraphrase properly. *shrug* I love it though.
                Michael’s been coming up with some great ones, lately. His “child of the universe”/”little orphan boy in the big universe” take on Daniel makes me smile all over.

                PS. I'm really enjoying talking to you like this Tucker.



                  Originally posted by Tucker Case
                  If only their recipe cards weren’t encrypted in unbreakable Granny Code! How am I ever supposed to duplicate the world’s most perfect butter tart when, God rest her, she leaves me such useful measurements as “some,” “a few,” “a lump” or, my personal favourite, “a good lump,” and such helpful instructions as “cook until done?”
                  Maybe I should let Daniel take a crack at them. If he can find the Lost City by reading Jack’s fevered answers to a crossword puzzle, maybe he can figure out how much corn syrup I’m supposed to put in these things.
                  At least you have receipe cards. All I get from my Gram is... some of this, some of that, I never use the same ingredients twice... And all I want is her receipe for chili. Mmmm... Gram's chili... makin' me hungry. Anyway. My mom loves to use the whole "pinch of this, dab of that, bit of this"-business. Arhg. It's bad enough that I can't cook worth a darn, but then they have to go putting stuff in code! *laughs* Yeah, and then the whole "cook til done"-business. Hello?! Temperature, please! At least give me an ETA on the darn casserole. Sheesh. I just go eat some Spagetti-o's and call it a day. Maybe I can get Daniel to negotiate a translation session with my Maternals.

                  I tried. I'm sure I missed a staff weapon blast or two, the deaths of a couple of mentors and at least one good friend, that whole being out of phase thing, being forced to eat salo...
                  That's okay. When it comes to Daniel, there's just so much to keep track of. Though I'm sure there's a site on the web somewhere that has a list. I think I might've seen something like that once, but I can't remember where. *shrugs*

                  Daniel’s good that way. Whenever I’m having one of those days, I can always tell myself, “At least when your beloved’s eyes glow it’s because you forgot to turn the flash off.” It puts things right in their proper perspective.
                  LOL - Not gonna have to worry about them killing you in your sleep on a camping trip.

                  I love that " RL Stargate Moment". It's a good one.

                  It’s another one of those areas where I identify with Daniel, though. There might not have been another plane of existence involved, but I know what it is to have to leave home to find home, to figure out the place you left is the place you belong. Been there, done that, have the mileage on my car to prove it.
                  Mm, so do I. A couple of times. (Didn't learn my lesson the first time.) Though not so much a place, as a person. My mom is my best friend, and I'd be lost without her. (Which I discovered by painful experience.) Home is where the heart is, and mine is with her. The thing is though, she feels the same way I do. I have other siblings, but none of them share the same connection with our mother the way I do. My mom's even admitted as much to me. And she has a similar relationship with her mother. We're all just Momma's Girls. It's a shame Daniel couldn't have the same thing with his parents. With them dying when he was so young, his grandfather abandoning him, him being raised in foster homes... I wonder if he ever had one special person in his life while he was growing up. I can't remember if it was ever mentioned in the show. *bah* Maybe I'm just trying to get too deep. Geez! Look what you did to me.
                  Oh wait. I did it to myself.
                  I'll stop now.

                  Or I did until a couple of weeks ago, when I finally bought a new car. *sniffs* *misses clunker*
                  Want mine?!

                  For all that he’s been hurt, though, Daniel isn't one of the walking wounded, he doesn’t expect or anticipate or look for the worst. And I know, to some, it looks like he just doesn’t learn, because he doesn’t walk around with an umbrella all the time, just in case it rains. Yeah, well, umbrellas are great that way…if you never want to get any sun.
                  I know. It seems like he never expects the worst. Maybe, in part, it's due to the fact that that was always Jack's department. Or maybe that's just the way Daniel is. Either way, Daniel risks his heart (sometimes literally) every time he walks out the door. Daniel believes that the greatest risks reveal the greatest rewards. I, on the other hand, feel that I should always "hope for the best, but expect the worst". I guess I'm more like Jack in that respect. Maybe I need to learn to be a little more like Daniel.

                  Michael’s been coming up with some great ones, lately. His “child of the universe”/”little orphan boy in the big universe” take on Daniel makes me smile all over.
                  I'll have to remember that. Makes me feel all maternal and stuff.

                  ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                    Originally posted by GateWarrior
                    That's okay. When it comes to Daniel, there's just so much to keep track of. Though I'm sure there's a site on the web somewhere that has a list. I think I might've seen something like that once, but I can't remember where. *shrugs*
                    Arduinna is the one you need.


                      Originally posted by blingaway
                      Arduinna is the one you need.

                      So if I were to ask you how many times Daniel has died, what would the answer be? Do you include presumed deaths or what? Because for some reaon I've always wondered what the number is.

                      Hmmm, how many times do you think he'll "die" in S9?

                      By the way Tucker, my dog's name is Tucker.
                      Last edited by gatehorse; 23 June 2005, 12:18 AM.

                      lj here if you're interested.


                        Originally posted by blingaway
                        Arduinna is the one you need.
                        thank you thank you thank you thank you
                        That's exactly what I needed.
                        I knew you were good for something.
                        *skips happily away to look at link*

                        ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                          Originally posted by gatehorse

                          So if I were to ask you how many times Daniel has died, what would the answer be? Do you include presumed deaths or what? Because for some reaon I've always wondered what the number is.

                          Hmmm, how many times do you think he'll "die" in S9?
                          The Movie **
                          The Nox **
                          Fire & Water ++
                          Serpent's Lair ++
                          Need **
                          WoO *
                          Full Circle +

                          ** Probably did die, then was revived by a sarc / by the Nox
                          ++ Wasn't dead, but everyone thought he was
                          * Might have died at the end of every loop, we just don't know
                          + Not a proper Death as it turned out, but it was the termination of the existence he had at the time, and if we hadn't known that MS was back for s7 we might have been fooled...

                          Did I miss any?



                            Okay, tell me if this is a silly idea or if it'll be fun:

                            How about the "Daniel in s9 Sweepstakes"?

                            We know he's liable to go a bit mental, to get killed, to get tied up and walloped a bit and all the usual, so for a lark we could all pick the totals we think each type of activity will reach; eg Deaths: 2. Occurrences of loopiness: 1. Handcuffs/rope: 3. Punches/slaps while tied up: 4.

                            Winner gets a rep point from everybody else. Would it work? Should there be other categories?



                              Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                              Okay, tell me if this is a silly idea or if it'll be fun:

                              How about the "Daniel in s9 Sweepstakes"?

                              Winner gets a rep point from everybody else. Would it work? Should there be other categories?

                              Not a silly idea! A brilliant one!! Will there be an entry deadline?

                              In the 'Other Categories' catagory, I suggest "Forcible Abductions". It's not like he hasn't been snatched before...


                                Originally posted by GateWarrior
                                At least you have receipe cards.
                                Framed, in a little barn wood shadowbox, hanging on the wall in the kitchen. I may never get a five-napkin butter tart out of it, but it makes for a nice memento.

                                Yeah, and then the whole "cook til done"-business. Hello?! Temperature, please! At least give me an ETA on the darn casserole. Sheesh.
                                I’ve found my grandfather is more help than he might have thought. Pop doesn’t pretend to know any of her secrets but, after almost fifty years in and around her kitchen, he can spot when I’m doing something wrong from across the room and set me right. Between the two of us, we nailed her peach pie. (He still learned the hard way, though, that you butter the outside of the turkey after you put the stuffing in. )

                                Maybe I can get Daniel to negotiate a translation session with my Maternals.
                                Probably not the language that comes easiest to him, having lost his mother so young and, it seems, having had no living grandmothers to speak of. I suppose that’s why so many fic writers portray him as this coffee-dependent junk food hoarder who needs to be reminded to eat.

                                I love that " RL Stargate Moment". It's a good one.
                                My photographic Goa’uld are usually of the feline persuasion – which might go some way towards explaining their complete dominion over the household.

                                My mom is my best friend, and I'd be lost without her. (Which I discovered by painful experience.) Home is where the heart is, and mine is with her.
                                That sounds like my sister and me. Mum is more my travel buddy – that woman is both the queen of the campfire and an old pro at Dublin pub crawls. I never leave home without her.

                                … I wonder if he ever had one special person in his life while he was growing up. I can't remember if it was ever mentioned in the show. *bah* Maybe I'm just trying to get too deep. Geez! Look what you did to me.

                                Oh wait. I did it to myself.
                                It’s Daniel’s fault.

                                I’ve never gotten the impression Daniel did have anyone special while he was growing up. Dr. Jordan, Sarah and Steven seem to be as far back as his old attachments go, but I tend to stuff them in an academic niche (with a touch of romance where Sarah's concerned). I’m too partial to the idea that Sha’re, Kasuf and Skaara gave Daniel his first real taste of family after his parents were killed, and that Jack, Sam and Teal’c were what kept him from cutting himsefl off from the idea for another twenty-odd years after he lost them.

                                Funny, how this next big family shake-up he’s heading into comes, once again, after the eight year mark. Poor lamb's going to start thinking there's a time-limit on these things.

                                Want mine?!
                                Thanks, but it has to be my clunker, the one with the 203,198 km I put on it, the one the deer leapt clean over while I was cruising along Highway 17, somewhere between White River and Thunder Bay, the one with the scratches in the paint from where the bear tried to break into the trunk in Banff, the one the hamster got loose in, the one that's left hubcaps in four provinces...

                                I know. It seems like he never expects the worst. Maybe, in part, it's due to the fact that that was always Jack's department.
                                They had a nice balancing act going there, didn’t they? Daniel did his thing as the team’s moral centre and best face forward, and Jack had enough pragmatism and innate risk assessment for both of them.

                                Either way, Daniel risks his heart (sometimes literally) every time he walks out the door.
                                His neck, too. Boy, I hope Cameron’s up to this.

                                Speaking of…

                                …aren’t they just the cutest things?

                                I guess I'm more like Jack in that respect. Maybe I need to learn to be a little more like Daniel.
                                That depends. Have you got a walking, talking, wise-cracking, butt-watching, self-propelling, independently-powered sense of self-preservation to follow you around and call you Spacemonkey?

                                Oh, hang on, you said a little more. Okay. That's good, that's good. If a little touch of nature makes the whole world kin, and a little touch of myth makes the whole world sacred, then a little touch of Daniel makes the whole world a wonder.

                                not too hyperbolic today, not me, never

