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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Liv
    Really? I did not know this. Very interesting info, because I've always considered this to be such a big part of Daniel. I was convinced that it was something MS had incorporated into the character.

    So then, is this something that RDA noticed on his own when he was playing the switch of their characters in Holiday? I figured they would have talked pretty extensively about their traits and such; seeing as how RDA did the self-hugging thing in that particular scene where they switched back.
    It was a bit of a let-down when he told us since that self hug is such a HUGE thing in fanfic! As for Holiday, I'm betting that RDA noticed it, same as we did and stuck it in there.

    Of course, there's always the possibility that young master Shanks was simply teasing us, but he did look honestly puzzled at the question.

    Dana Jeanne
    Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

    Michael Shanks Online

    Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


      I appreciate Daniel for the way his bottom lip pouts out ever so slightly when he's not about to get his way on something.



        Originally posted by whisper99
        I appreciate Daniel for the way his bottom lip pouts out ever so slightly when he's not about to get his way on something.

        Oh, he can be a sulky little brat alright.

        A very high maintainance geek. But there are compensations.


          I appreciate Daniel for that sweet little boy smile he has and that we've gotten to see more of more of on s7 & s8.


            Originally posted by whisper99
            I appreciate Daniel for the way his bottom lip pouts out ever so slightly when he's not about to get his way on something.

            LOL-- that actually happens quite often doesn't it? And it's usually pointed in Jack's direction!

            Dana Jeanne
            Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

            Michael Shanks Online

            Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


              I appreciate Daniel for the lovely way he uses hands when trying emphasize a point.


                Originally posted by Dana_Jeanne
                LOL-- that actually happens quite often doesn't it? And it's usually pointed in Jack's direction!

                Dana Jeanne
                Heehee Why knock something when you know it works?

                Ok, here's a new one:

                I appreciate Daniel for the way his eyebrows shoot way up over the rims of his glasses when he gets consternated over something.

                (It's ok if you have to re-read the word - not constipated...consternated.) LOL!


                  I appreciate Daniel for the way he looks in the tight black t-shirts and the way he crosses his arms over his chest. (See season 7 promo photo for a visual)


                    I appreciate Daniel for those thick, long eyelashes he has and knows how to use with deadly precision.

                    *bat-bat-batting eyelashes* "But Jack...."


                      I apprecaite Daniel for those long, slender fingers that oh-so-gently rub over the writing on the walls....dust off an artifact... hee hee

                      Dana Jeanne
                      Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

                      Michael Shanks Online

                      Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles



                        I appreciate Daniel for the way his nose crinkles in the sweetest way whenever he blesses us with that little boy smile of his.

                        -Doing my part to move Danny back to the first page.


                          **melts into a puddle**

                          oh that's lovely.

                          I appreciate Daniel for the way he raises and then creases his eyebrows whenever Jack tries to get a handle on whatever it is that he's talking about.


                            Oh, those eyebrows.
                            I appreciate his brilliant mind and the way he has of thinking outside the box.
                            Dana jeanne
                            Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

                            Michael Shanks Online

                            Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


                              Ah go for the intellect - make the rest of look shallow

                              I do agree though. And I love the way that he's always willing to look at the broader picture even when it might not be comfortable to do so.


                                I appreciate Daniel for not ever settling on taking the easy way out of a tough situation.

