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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Hmmm...there's a thought...or take a second job as a Hanes underwear model...

    But seriously, how fair is it that Sam and Teal'c
    and even JACK
    get to have relationships and poor Danny doesn't?


      Despite being something of a Daniel/Janet shipper (yes, I can ship, too), I really think Daniel found the love of his life with Sha're and probably isn't looking for anyone else. And, is still quite content and happy.

      Besides, Daniel might have a life outside the SGC that we don't know about. MS mentioned Daniel's secret ninja activities, right?
      I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

      Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

      Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

      Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

      Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


        Originally posted by Dani347
        Despite being something of a Daniel/Janet shipper (yes, I can ship, too), I really think Daniel found the love of his life with Sha're and probably isn't looking for anyone else. And, is still quite content and happy.
        I think Shau'ri was the love of his life, too. He grew up alone (as far as we know) so he's probably used to it. Maybe he's content with things as they are.

        Although watching Daniel kiss is.... mighty fine

        Dana Jeanne
        Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

        Michael Shanks Online

        Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


          Originally posted by Dana_Jeanne
          I think Shau'ri was the love of his life, too. He grew up alone (as far as we know) so he's probably used to it. Maybe he's content with things as they are.

          Although watching Daniel kiss is.... mighty fine

          Dana Jeanne
          Ah, but isn't it also true that people who have loved deeply like that are more likely to fall in love again? I know I've heard that somewhere.

          And I'm ALL for TPTB showing Danny in a ninja outfit.


            Originally posted by DJFavorite
            I've been doing some thinking (with no luck yet) as to what direction should Daniel's growth go in? How do you think his character should grow with the changes of the team? Now I know some of you have seen the newest episodes (still on the edge of my seat for January.), but in general, what are your thoughts?
            Well, I'm not happy with the way he's seem to have gone all military on us, but for that I blame the writers and their apparent lack of imagination. I miss the mythology and archeaology, etc.

            A certain amount of change is necessary, I understand that; Daniel works with the military and he must learn to survive militarily. However that doesn't mean we have to lose the archeaologist and linguist. With Jack being a general now, there hasn't even been that "peace/war" interaction we used to have with them

            With the changes in store for S9, I'd like to see Daniel, Teal'c and Carter go back to exploring other planets and making new allies. I'd like the episodes to get OUT of the spaceships and back on the planets. There's so much out there to discover!

            Or even better: do some exploring on our own planet. Seth and Hathor, Osiris and Isis, all were found here on earth. What's to say other Goa'ulds aren't still here, buried in egypt somewhere? That would be right up Daniel's alley.

            Dana Jeanne
            Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

            Michael Shanks Online

            Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


              I think that Daniel's character has developed a lot. I don't think we need to see that anymore. What I'd like to see is more exploration of his character as it now is. We haven't seen a lot of that. So far this season I've had the feeling they're giving him Jack's lines (what Jack would have said if he had been around). That was particularly true in last night's episode the name of which has completely slipped my mind! Was it Endgame or was that the SGA ep?!

              However, that was a good episode for Daniel in a lot of ways. I liked the banter between him and Jack. We got a few arm porn teasing moments. And it is alsways great when he goes a bit ninja (I'm not keen on the military aspect most of the time, but he does look so good when he does that). S8 spoilers
              when the guy from the trust pointed his zat at Daniel and Sam, and then said 'sorry Daniel' it took me a second to grasp what he meant. *gasp*. That was a bit of an edge of the seat moment when I realised he was going to kill him. I love it when they sneak stuff like that up on you - it is treating the watcher as a grown up (no-one stopped to explain later on about the two zats thing yadda yadda).


                Originally posted by Dana_Jeanne
                Well, I'm not happy with the way he's seem to have gone all military on us, but for that I blame the writers and their apparent lack of imagination. I miss the mythology and archeaology, etc.

                A certain amount of change is necessary, I understand that; Daniel works with the military and he must learn to survive militarily. However that doesn't mean we have to lose the archeaologist and linguist. With Jack being a general now, there hasn't even been that "peace/war" interaction we used to have with them

                With the changes in store for S9, I'd like to see Daniel, Teal'c and Carter go back to exploring other planets and making new allies. I'd like the episodes to get OUT of the spaceships and back on the planets. There's so much out there to discover!

                Or even better: do some exploring on our own planet. Seth and Hathor, Osiris and Isis, all were found here on earth. What's to say other Goa'ulds aren't still here, buried in egypt somewhere? That would be right up Daniel's alley.

                Dana Jeanne
                Oooh, exploring planets, there's a novelty. [/sarcasm]
                We've seen, what, a whole three new planets this season? Icon, and two in Endgame. That T went to on his own. I don't MIND the earth-based stuff, I don't get as rabid as others do, but still, isn't what that what the show's about? The now rarely-used Stargate? [/rant]

                We need to get back to the roots of the show, and that's exploring and letting DJ use his talents and education.


                  I think they're just running out of ideas, which is why the show's renewal is in such danger every year.
                  Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                  Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                    Ummm Hi guys. I don't mean to interrupt the flow of your discussion but I am new to this forum and just thought I would share my thoughts on our Beloved Daniel. I have been a huge fan for about a year and 1/2 so yeah I'm new in that too.

                    Okay I am trying to remember the questions asked in the beginning about Daniel so here goes:

                    The first episode of Stargate SG1 I ever watched was Secrets. (Now thats an eppy to come in on LOL) Mind you I had seen the movie and liked it. But I have to admit I didn't care so much for the show at first. It was just something my Father watched regularly and so when I visited him I had to watch too................ WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Sci fi began airing season 7 last year and I saw evolution part 2 and I was like OMG who is that man LOL (of course it was Daniel) Thus began my journey of catching up and my obsession became clear. I have seen every single episode 3 times. Some more than others (wink wink) and it gets better with every viewing.

                    Okay so my favorite Daniel episode? I am going to say Secrets. My heart truly broke for him as he so selflessly loved Sha're. Then again there are sooo many wonderful Daniel moments that I can't name them all.

                    What can I say? That character drew me into Cheyenne Mountain. Need I say anything else?

                    So now back to topic: This season has been lacking the usual banter that I enjoy. I miss it terribly. However, I am looking forward to seeing THREADS and Prometheus Unbound (GRRRRRRRRRR) and others. As far as the Ancients and Daniel, I agree there needs to be more dealt with here than they have in the past. The rushed that story and I was left incomplete.

                    I do have hope that season 9 will be good in content and have some even better adventures. Lets just wait and see.

                    PHEW NOW I AM DONE!!!!!!!!! My next posts won't be as long I promise hehehhe



                      Welcome Nirtia! Don't forget to stop by the Daniel/MS Thunk Thread where Evolution is one of our favorite topics.


                        OH thanks Jilly I will..........


                          Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
                          I think they're just running out of ideas, which is why the show's renewal is in such danger every year.
                          I have tons of ideas they can use!!! I'd be happy to share....
                          Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

                          Michael Shanks Online

                          Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


                            Ah, welcome to the world of Daniel Delights, Nirtia! The more the merrier

                            Dana Jeanne
                            Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

                            Michael Shanks Online

                            Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


                              OH thank you much. Methinks there shall be some great fun here


                                Hello everyone, I am the enforcer from another site. Here to snatch Nirtia back. I'm just kidding. She drug me here kicking and screaming. What will our beloved leader do when he finds out?

                                Never mind. I appreciate Daniel too. I um tend to write fan fiction especially the scenes going back to the gate. Of Course Daniel is in front of everyone if you know what I mean


