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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Yep, I guess Teal'c was Shaft in Affinity. I liked that one, but Icon was till my favorite so far.

    Daniel was wearing tight t-shirts in Icon, Affinity and Covenant. I believe they're getting tighter, too. So it's all good.

    How come Daniel isn't allowed to wear the sleeveless shirts like Teal'c does? If I was in charge of SG-1's wardrobe, Daniel would only be allowed to wear sleeveless t's. Off-world he would only wear the bandanna (preferably coordinating with his uniform) and glasses or sunglasses.

    Is that too much to ask?

    Lisa Michelle


      Originally posted by LMichelle
      How come Daniel isn't allowed to wear the sleeveless shirts like Teal'c does? If I was in charge of SG-1's wardrobe, Daniel would only be allowed to wear sleeveless t's. Off-world he would only wear the bandanna (preferably coordinating with his uniform) and glasses or sunglasses. Is that too much to ask? Lisa Michelle
      *I* don't think it's too much to ask at all! In fact, I think Daniel is being discriminated against! If Teal'c can wear sleeveless t's then Daniel should have that same right!

      And Daniel in a sleeveless T and a bandana.... Whowow!
      Dana Jeanne
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        Since I'm not a fan of muscles, I don't have any problem with him in t-shirts with sleeves, since they don't emphasize the muscles as much as sleeveless.

        Lockdown, Icon, and Avatar were good episodes for Daniel (although only Icon was a Daniel episode.) Nice interaction with the rest of the cast in the episodes. Even Icon, where he spent most of the time away, had a wonderful J/D scene before he went back to the planet. "Daniel! Squirrelly!" Loved the 'who shot me' scene in Lockdown. And, while the Jack and Daniel friendship will always be my first interest, I loved the way Avatar highlighted his friendship with Teal'c. I also liked his interaction with the guest stars. Colonel Vaselov (our first glimpse of the season 8 model: Daniel Jackson: Man of Hope), Leda. And, no, I didn't see anything romantic between them)
        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


          Dani, ditto on what you said.

          I'm actually not a big fan of muscles myself, so it's a little surprising to me that I still find MS so very attractive. I guess it just has to do with him being so intertwined with the Daniel character. Although, it must be said that I "thunk" mainly for Daniel and not Michael Shanks.

          MS is a very gorgeous man, but I wouldn't get so caught up in his 'looks' if he hadn't played this amazing character for the last 7 years. It's just the whole package for me, really. All of those cute little hand gestures he does when he gets excited about something and tries to explain it to everyone else and those absolutely stunning blue eyes that I primarily think of as something that belongs to the character of Daniel and not MS (can't help it ).

          And I just love his glasses! They're such a big part of Daniel, to me. Not all men can pull off wearing glasses as well as Daniel/MS can. He looks just as gorgeous with them as he does without them, but sometimes when he doesn't have them on I can't help thinking he looks a little 'naked' without them (and no, not like that).
          Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


            OK guys we have a thunk thread for MS/Daniel. This thread is meant to be for discussing the character of Daniel in all his perfect-thunkworthy-greatness...uh, I got distracted. What was I saying? Oh yeah *slap* we all need to get back on topic!


              Originally posted by GateGipsy
              OK guys we have a thunk thread for MS/Daniel. This thread is meant to be for discussing the character of Daniel in all his perfect-thunkworthy-greatness...uh, I got distracted. What was I saying? Oh yeah *slap* we all need to get back on topic!
              Heh, sorry I thought about posting in the 'Thunk' thread instead (but I wasn't sure if that was more about pictures and such), but then I thought I went on to appreciate Daniel pretty well in my post.

              *off to see what I can find to post in the thunk thread*
              Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


                Originally posted by Dana_Jeanne
                You should see those eyes in person; every coherent thought will fly right out of your head!
                *sigh* And the lips. *g* And the arms...
                Keeper of Major Davis' Office Supplies

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                  It was posted in the Thunk thread about the meaning of Daniel having glasses when a psychiatrist in Changeling, but not wearing them later on at the end in the infirmery - and he didn't wear them in Abyss when he appeared to Jack.

                  It has been postulated that there must be a deeper meaning to the instance of him wearing the glasses. What do you all think?

                  I think that in the beginning, Tealc didn't realise he was dreaming. As he became more aware of this later on, then he started to really 'see' Daniel. If that makes sense!


                    Originally posted by GateGipsy
                    It was posted in the Thunk thread about the meaning of Daniel having glasses when a psychiatrist in Changeling, but not wearing them later on at the end in the infirmery - and he didn't wear them in Abyss when he appeared to Jack.

                    It has been postulated that there must be a deeper meaning to the instance of him wearing the glasses. What do you all think?

                    I think that in the beginning, Tealc didn't realise he was dreaming. As he became more aware of this later on, then he started to really 'see' Daniel. If that makes sense!
                    oh, that was me over at the thunk thread who said that.....i was saying that as a higher power, daniel could appear however he wanted, hence no glasses and cute sweater , however, in changling, he was in teal'c's dream, so he appeared as teal'c saw him..with glasses..except at the end, when he was no longer in the dream, but appearing to teal'c s the ascended being

                    jk rowling (yes, i'm on topic, stick with me) said the glasses were the sign of harry potter's vulnerability. maybe it's the same with daniel. while human, and flawed, and vulnerable, he wears glasses. while ascended, and theoretically flawless and invulnerable, he doesn't need them. and when he returns, janet makes a 'thing' of handing him back his glasses..handing him back his humanity and vulnerability. i was watching upgrades, and when daniels arm band starts to work, he no longer wears his glasses...cos he is no longer vulnerable. and in the light, as soon as he wakes up, he asks for his glasses...he's human, and awake and he needs them.

                    or maybe..the glasses are a barrier. a self-defence. the eyes are the windows to the soul, and with his glasses on, no-one can see into daniel's soul (i thought of this last night when i was watching rite of passage, the bit in the corridor when daniel holds janet's hand, and i was wishing his glasses were off so i could see into his eyes). as an ascended being, daniel had no secrets to with-hold, so had no need for barriers to hide his soul, so no glasses

                    or maybe i'm just hypothezing too much. how strong are daniel's glasses anyway? how much does he really need them?

                    and i always thought it was funny that even as an ascended being who knew the secrets of the universe, daniel still got annoyed with jack, like in that lift scene
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      see, this is what happens..i wrote an essay and everyone went running for the hills..i really shouldn't think so much about these things..or if i do, not talk about them so much
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by michelleb
                        however, in changling, he was in teal'c's dream, so he appeared as teal'c saw him..with glasses..except at the end, when he was no longer in the dream, but appearing to teal'c s the ascended being
                        That could be it.

                        and in the light, as soon as he wakes up, he asks for his glasses...he's human, and awake and he needs them.
                        He does? I'll have to watch the tape again.

                        how strong are daniel's glasses anyway? how much does he really need them?
                        That's one thing they've never spelled out. Thing is, MS doesn't act like someone who needs glasses when he isn't wearing them. Except for very pointed cases, like Janet giving him his glasses back, or him saying he doesn't need them in Need. Unless his prescription is very mild.
                        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                          Originally posted by Dani347
                          That's one thing they've never spelled out. Thing is, MS doesn't act like someone who needs glasses when he isn't wearing them. Except for very pointed cases, like Janet giving him his glasses back, or him saying he doesn't need them in Need. Unless his prescription is very mild.
                          The only problem with that is in the 1st season the team go thru the gate dressed as preists, and Daniell has to take his glasses off. As they leave the gate he walks into a large rock!
                          So they were obviously very needed then. Has there, perhaps, been a long lasting improvement caused by his frequent use of the sarc?


                            I don't remember that episode. Maybe in the first season they paid more attention to the glasses, now they're just taken for granted.
                            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                              Originally posted by Dani347
                              I don't remember that episode. Maybe in the first season they paid more attention to the glasses, now they're just taken for granted.
                              I think the episode SeeBee is talking about is Bloodlines. It was on earlier today.
                              No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                                He usually has his glasses on, but then when he loses them or they break, no one seems to mention anything. In Icon, he had an injury to his face, but he didn't have the glasses on at all. They probably were destroyed in the explosion, but it didn't seem to bother him.

                                I haven't figured out the logic behind their use or non-use. In Upgrades, we understand why he didn't need them, but other eps it seems to be a toss up. We see him putting in contacts in Summit, so it would stand to reason that he needs some type of corrective lenses.

                                IMO, when he goes off-world, he should wear contacts due to the possibilities of what could happen.

                                It's anyone's guess.

                                Lisa Michelle

