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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JessM View Post
    I have to agree with you guys.

    That was a real discussion of whether they believed Daniel or not. I mean, the Jack with Daniel scenes were great too, but I guess they weren't quite as effective as that one.

    We had Teal'c say he believed Daniel, though I don't remember hearing Cam say much, and it *sounded* like Sam believed him, but she didn't come out and say anything to Daniel. I mean, she did defend him quite a bit, but it left me wondering whether or not Daniel himself thought she believed him.
    Originally posted by Pitry View Post
    mmmm... yup.
    I think that's what made the Vala and Daniel scene perhaops the strongest, for me at least, in the episode. It wasn't a question of ship - I'm not a shipper - but because that was the one scene there was a real discussion of whether they believe Daniel or not.
    Again. I understand why they didn't go that way - especially in the scope of 42 minutes. It kind of begs to have a residue for Daniel, his coming to them and them not trusting in him, even if it's that 2%. I dunno if Woolsey makes another appearance in the show or not, but after the scene between these two I woudl have liked to see another. Had they gone for more, in 42-plot-packed minutes, it's bound to screw up the team dynamics and they prolly didn't want that.
    But you can't help but wonder..
    Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
    I like the sound of that. I loved what we got, but that sounds like it had the potential to be really good.
    I would have liked the Team to have more, and more serious doubts. Me, I wasn't entirely sure of Daniel at times, especially when he met Adria. And yes, I know that the Team weren't rushing to follow his requests and I know they used the device and restraints... it's just that they seemed 98% convinced of his veracity and their precautions were very much 'just in case'.

    I'd have liked a longer arc to give the option of them *not* believing Daniel. It was heartwarming that they all trust him so deeply and implicitly that they will believe in him even after he spends a few weeks in the posession of a powerful enemy with brainwashing tendencies and then appears as an agent of said enemy, but it might have been exciting to see them disbelieve him. I'm not sure what it would have taken for them to actually disbelieve him rather than just not fully trust him, but in three episodes I'm sure it could have been managed.

    If they'd been 50:50 as to whether it was really him in there, and had worried around the briefing room table - is it him? is he posessed? is the old Daniel there underneath? is the old Daniel retrievable? OMG how terrible it would be if we've lost our Daniel for ever! what can we do for him? poor Daniel! what made him submit to evil? - we could have had a meatier arc with more substance to it.

    I feel quite bad whenever I criticise the really good eps. If any PTBs are lurking (in this thread? I doubt it, but still...) please don't think I'm bashing your Shroud; it's a great episode, but like all the really great episodes it inspires flights of fancy in the viewers; and we wonder how things could have gone if more than 42 minutes was available, or if certain nuances were different.

    I'm going to agree with all of you

    Shroud spoilers


    I loved the episode but I wished it had been longer so they could have properly explored the issue of whether Daniel could be trusted or not. There was so much to explore - Daniel's potential seduction to the dark side by Adria playing to his own feelings of frustration about the Ancients or whether Merlin had taken over Daniel and had his own agenda not necessarily in synch with the team's and what Daniel himself would have done...there are so many ways they could have played it...but they just didn't have enough time so the question of whether they could trust him ended up as nothing more than a tease...

    I agree with Madelaine that it quickly became apparent that the majority of the team DID trust him but were doing the 'just in case he isn't...' measures just in case...I actually think this was OK...I think the original three being quick to move past his appearance and trust Daniel when his plan makes sense to some degree is probably right...their opinion is clouded now to a large degree by their emotions and history together.

    I did expect the newer members - Landry, Mitchell and Vala to some degree to be more sceptical and try to be the voice of caution and Mitchell looks very sceptical in the initial interrogation scenes as does Vala. I really enjoyed the Daniel/Vala scene because it was a real examination of whether they should trust him even if he was Daniel...he was asking them to risk the galaxy just on his say so...and even if it was him that was still a big ask...that whole new versus old dynamic could have been played up more though...

    The Jack/Daniel scenes were played more for the banter than any meaningful discussion of trust. The initial scene between them is probably the best for this when Daniel brings up Ba'al and Jack reminds him that just because he knows stuff about them and their relationship doesn't mean he's actually Daniel. Teal'c/Daniel is really more a standard interrogation scene with Teal'c pressing Daniel on the weak points of his story and finding reasonable responses in presumably doing the whole Jaffa I-can-see-to-the-truth-of-your-soul thing which is why I think Jack sends him in - although this isn't played up in the scene as much as I thought it would be. Sam, although leading the initial interrogations, only really questions his intent at the end when he is pretending to Adria he did it for her...although there really isn't another opportunity for her to demonstrate her disbelief/mistrust.

    I also think the issue of whether to trust him or not is quickly overshadowed by the issue of whether to kill him or not presented by Woolsey in the middle of the episode which while likely to happen means the team is automatically put in the corner of trusting Daniel because they don't like Woolsey or his suggestion to kill Daniel.

    I have to admit my only moment of doubt was when Daniel had Woolsey hostage but as he beams Jack up any doubt I had went away...and I didn't have any during the whole Adria scene at the end.

    It's a shame - it's still a great episode - it just needed more time for the story to be told.
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      Originally posted by Callista View Post
      <snipped> In fact, it seems to me that Jack has let Daniel down several times, but never the other way around.....unless you count dying as letting someone down. It reminded me of "Past and Present" when he asks Jack "Who do you trust more than anyone else....don't worry I won't be offended if you don't say me. Could it be Teal'c?" To which Jack says "Yeah, OK." Has Daniel ever given Jack any reason not to trust him?
      I tend to think its less to do with trust and more to do with the dynamic between Jack and Daniel. Both men come at situations in very different ways with very different viewpoints and that can lead to conflict between them. Jack and Teal'c on the other hand come from very similar places in viewing a problem and how to solve it. Entity's probably the best example of that; Sam and Daniel want to talk to it; Jack and Teal'c want to blow it up.

      In the end, Jack and Daniel trust each other, and both have come through for each other when it really mattered, but both have equally occasionally seemed to let the other down in their belief over whether the other's approach to a situation is the right one.

      I also think Daniel's comment to Jack in The Shroud is not so much to do with whether Jack does trust Daniel or not, but Daniel's own insecurity and guilt about the times when he himself has perceived he did not justify Jack's trust in him.
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
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        I think someone in the official episode thread expressed really well in one line what I tried to say with about twelve:
        that she had hoped that the team would need to engage more in a 'battle for Daniel's soul'



          Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
          I think someone in the official episode thread expressed really well in one line what I tried to say with about twelve:
          that she had hoped that the team would need to engage more in a 'battle for Daniel's soul'
          And to quote our favourite Jaffa, indeed. (well, except for die hard Bra'tac fan, I assume )
          They tend to have their two parters divided into a character-based and then action-based part. A shame that didn't happen here, because I was hoping the Shroud would be a character-based episode...ah, well, can't have 'em all.
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            I can't wait for Bounty. On a side note I finished season 7 so now I have watched all of SG-1 that can be seen ATM. I am no longer a newbie I have seen it all and my brain in a little fried now lol. I really hope there is some truth to the rumor that Daniel might be in the third series even though MS shot it down. I love my baby I don't want to lose him. I know they have plans for movies but that would be once a year after the first 2 I need Daniel more than that.
            Last edited by poundpuppy29; 05 February 2007, 08:49 AM.
            My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
            poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
              I'm going to agree with all of you

              Shroud spoilers


              The Jack/Daniel scenes were played more for the banter than any meaningful discussion of trust. The initial scene between them is probably the best for this when Daniel brings up Ba'al and Jack reminds him that just because he knows stuff about them and their relationship doesn't mean he's actually Daniel. Teal'c/Daniel is really more a standard interrogation scene with Teal'c pressing Daniel on the weak points of his story and finding reasonable responses in presumably doing the whole Jaffa I-can-see-to-the-truth-of-your-soul thing which is why I think Jack sends him in - although this isn't played up in the scene as much as I thought it would be. Sam, although leading the initial interrogations, only really questions his intent at the end when he is pretending to Adria he did it for her...although there really isn't another opportunity for her to demonstrate her disbelief/mistrust.

              I also think the issue of whether to trust him or not is quickly overshadowed by the issue of whether to kill him or not presented by Woolsey in the middle of the episode which while likely to happen means the team is automatically put in the corner of trusting Daniel because they don't like Woolsey or his suggestion to kill Daniel.

              I have to admit my only moment of doubt was when Daniel had Woolsey hostage but as he beams Jack up any doubt I had went away...and I didn't have any during the whole Adria scene at the end.

              It's a shame - it's still a great episode - it just needed more time for the story to be told.
              I have a bad headache right now so I'm probably not thinking clearly - but I had a question about the stuff in bold anyway... please bear with me

              When you say Sam questions Daniel's intent in the end and when he is pretending to Adria he did it for her. By "her" are you talking about Sam or Adria? Sorry, not usually this clueless, just not thinking as clearly as usual now, lol

              I agree though, it seemed that the issue of whether or not to kill him as presented by Woolsey overshadowed the trust issue. It's a shame they didn't make this a two-parter, or in the least, 90 min. long like they did with Threads.


                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                I can't wait for Bounty. On a side note I finished season 7 so now I have watched all of SG-1 that can be seen ATM. I am no longer a newbie I have seen it all and my brain in a little fried now lol. I really hope there is some truth to the rumor that Daniel might be in the third series even though MS shot it down. I love my baby I don't want to lose him. I know they have plans for movies but that would be once a year after the first 2 I need Daniel more than that.
                I like your sig banner, poundpuppy Those baby blues are magic aren't they?

                LOL, congrats on finishing the series! Sadly I read a quote from MS' publicist on his fan site that it is a rumor and is totally unfounded. *sigh* Oh well! We'll see what the movies have in store for us.


                  Originally posted by JessM View Post

                  When you say Sam questions Daniel's intent in the end and when he is pretending to Adria he did it for her. By "her" are you talking about Sam or Adria? Sorry, not usually this clueless, just not thinking as clearly as usual now, lol

                  Daniel starts acting like he did everything for Adria and Sam says "Daniel, what are you doing?" and looks a little worried that he is evil after all.


                    Thanks Jess I didn't make it though I just found it and snagged it.
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                    Last edited by poundpuppy29; 05 February 2007, 07:33 PM.
                    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                      Originally posted by Callista View Post

                      Daniel starts acting like he did everything for Adria and Sam says "Daniel, what are you doing?" and looks a little worried that he is evil after all.
                      Thanks for the explanation Callista Wasn't feeling well last night and not thinking too clearly lol


                        Hey Jess, hope you're feeling well today...

                        Just popped into say that I was rewatching some S1 eps and was reminded of how much I love Sam/Daniel scenes ...

                        kay x


                          Hi Kales, thanks, I'm not doing too bad. My moods have been up and down as I'm dealing with PMS/PMT now but thanks for asking

                          Aww... yeah some of the S1 eps were what drove me to that side, as it were. I absolutely loved Singularity.


                            Originally posted by JessM View Post
                            Hi Kales, thanks, I'm not doing too bad. My moods have been up and down as I'm dealing with PMS/PMT now but thanks for asking

                            Aww... yeah some of the S1 eps were what drove me to that side, as it were. I absolutely loved Singularity.

                            Ugh, I feel your pain. I can't feel the exact pain, but if it helps I'm posting this at 0237 GMT because my stomach is doing crampy/flip flop things from an infection I'm getting over and hunger pains, because I can keep burnt toast down and that's it.... *hugs*

                            Oh MS did such a good job in Singularity - he and AT have such natural chemistry. And that is such a good ep - I loved in the elevator bit at the end, it's (spoilers for singularity)

                            Daniel who's watching the numbers and notices that Sam is heading back down to Cassie, the look on his face when he realises and tells Jack is perfect. Tiny little moment but it was good enough line delivery that I remember it now, so that says something...

                            And when Sam says - "I have to do this," Daniel - "You don't have to do it alone" ... I was a Sam/Daniel 'shipper early on hehe.

                            kay x


                              Originally posted by Kales View Post
                              Ugh, I feel your pain. I can't feel the exact pain, but if it helps I'm posting this at 0237 GMT because my stomach is doing crampy/flip flop things from an infection I'm getting over and hunger pains, because I can keep burnt toast down and that's it.... *hugs*
                              Awww... *hugs* to you too. Those things are the worst. I hope you start feeling better soon! I haven't been getting much sleep myself - sleeplessness is one of my PMS/PMT symptoms. Can drive me insane when I get it. Thinking of taking off from work early so I can go home and take a nap or something.

                              Oh MS did such a good job in Singularity - he and AT have such natural chemistry. And that is such a good ep - I loved in the elevator bit at the end, it's (spoilers for singularity)

                              Daniel who's watching the numbers and notices that Sam is heading back down to Cassie, the look on his face when he realises and tells Jack is perfect. Tiny little moment but it was good enough line delivery that I remember it now, so that says something...

                              And when Sam says - "I have to do this," Daniel - "You don't have to do it alone" ... I was a Sam/Daniel 'shipper early on hehe.

                              kay x
                              I agree! I also like how
                              he sort of punches Teal'c at the end of that scene. It's as if he's so relieved that she and Cassie are all right.

                              And I loved the final scene in the park where they were swinging Cassie between them. I thought they looked like a cute family or something

                              "You don't have to do it alone" - yep that was the line that did it for me.


                                Originally posted by JessM View Post
                                Awww... *hugs* to you too. Those things are the worst. I hope you start feeling better soon! I haven't been getting much sleep myself - sleeplessness is one of my PMS/PMT symptoms. Can drive me insane when I get it. Thinking of taking off from work early so I can go home and take a nap or something.

                                I agree! I also like how
                                he sort of punches Teal'c at the end of that scene. It's as if he's so relieved that she and Cassie are all right.

                                And I loved the final scene in the park where they were swinging Cassie between them. I thought they looked like a cute family or something

                                "You don't have to do it alone" - yep that was the line that did it for me.

                                Hehe I'm rewatching loads of earlies because I got a friend into Stargate a few days ago and he's starting at the beginning so obv. I have to rewatch too. He's doing marathons instead of sleep- he's on season 2 already


                                Loved the rejection scene soooo much - Daniel was totally oblivious haha, and she had to get so unsubtle and he just looked amused. Nice little character beat - also nice that when a vaguely pretty girl propositions him, he isn't all flustered and stammery like he was in the beginning - nice little indication of him getting more assured and confident over the years.

                                I.e. He knows how pretty he is now

                                Hehe, thanks Jess. Ugh I spent this morning throwing up. I've never had this delicate a stomach in my life and don't think there's much sleep again tonight...

                                kay x

